I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 971 The Natural Flaws of Superhero Organizations

“That is to say, the reason why you defeated the yellow-skinned Mongo before was because the energy of the green light did not have yellow defects.

This time I had diarrhea because the guardian secretly caught my old friend Parallax Monster.

Still doing the same thing, sealing it in the central energy battery, causing your green light energy to fail on Mongo? "Harry said slowly.

Hal nodded slightly.

"You are the greatest Green Lantern in history, why haven't you overcome the yellow lantern flaw? No, the two greatest Lanterns in the past have overcome the yellow lantern flaw. You were still a new recruit at the time, so you also overcame it." Harley asked doubtfully. .

"I'm not sure." Hal shook his head blankly, "After the Crisis on Infinite Earths, I controlled the central energy battery for a period of time.

The battery was damaged at that time, and I relied on my own will and the help of the ion shark to reconnect it with the emotional energy in the origin wall.

Afterwards, the Guardians returned, reestablished the Oa Green Lantern Corps, and also took away the central energy battery.

They seemed to do something to it, I felt the energy frequency shift slightly.

But I didn’t care about it at the time, because the change in the central battery did not affect my use of green light energy at all.

Unexpectedly, after sealing the Parallax monster, the yellow defect appeared on me again. Before I could fully adapt to it, Mongo came. "

"You said you noticed the yellow defect reappearing a few days ago?" Harley asked.

Hal nodded silently.

"So, you know that you have a yellow flaw, but you still carelessly ask the Zhenglian heroes to abide by the rule of 'one person, one city', and go to deal with 'Mango' Mengge yourself?"

"I didn't ask everyone not to help me, I -"

Harry immediately said: "You know the rule of one person, one city. If you don't ask them for help, it is equivalent to warning them, 'Don't mind their own business.'

It's all your fault, you're arrogant, you're arrogant.

It was your error in judgment that led to the ultimate destruction of Beach City.

More than seven million people in the city, including your lumberjacks and friends, died because of you. "

"Ah~~~" Hal Jordan pulled his hair with a painful expression and cried sadly.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar bubbled crazily, and the experience increased directly at a rate of +2%.

Harry tried hard not to grin.

Well, although this environment is really not suitable for joy, she feels that she has done her best for the victims in Beach City.

Even when facing the souls of those people, she still has a clear conscience.

With a clear conscience, clear thoughts, and a clean heart, she can laugh when she should be happy.

Dachao looked at her reproachfully and whispered: "Hal is already blaming himself, but you still say this, it's too much.

And he didn't warn the hero to mind his own business.

From the arrival of War Fortress to Earth to the destruction of Beach City, the interval was no more than five minutes.

Hal was not on Earth at the time and was urgently tracked from outer space. He had no time to calmly call his friends and form a crisis response team. "

Harley heard this and immediately turned the gun.

"Oh, he was too late, but you just stayed there and waited for five minutes. No, it was more than five minutes. You didn't make your debut until I destroyed the war fortress. You must also bear the main responsibility for the destruction of Coastal City!"

Da Chao was speechless, while Wonder Woman and other heroes looked even more ashamed.

"Gudong, Gudong." The jar was bubbling vigorously, almost reaching level eight.

"What are you doing here?"

At this time, Captain Atom pushed the door open and looked around the scene. Although the atmosphere was strange, he still said: "Mr. President wants to see you. Dozens of news media are also surrounding the Hall of Justice.

Now everyone wants to figure out what happened to Beach City and what happened. "

"Beach City was destroyed, didn't you see? We are interrogating the prisoners to find out the real culprit." Cyborg said in a dull voice.

"We are only sure that Coast City has disappeared. Some people speculate that it suffered the same fate as Metropolis. Others say that the city was destroyed and people died. It is precisely because of the uncertainty that you need to explain it clearly to everyone." Captain Atom said.

"Tell the White House that the Justice League will hold a press conference later," Harley said.

"What now?"

"Now we are discussing who should be responsible for this incident. In addition, how to prevent similar crises in the future."

Harley glanced at the heroes who were bowing their heads in silence, frowned and said, "Adam, you also seriously neglected your duty this time."

"What did I do wrong?" Captain Atom was stunned.

"You didn't do anything. Isn't it wrong? The aliens have a huge war fortress with a diameter of one hundred kilometers. Let alone the military radar, you can see it falling with the naked eye, right?"

Captain Atom said seriously: "Just because I saw the war fortress and knew that aliens were invading the earth, I stayed outside the gate of the White House to ensure that the 'brain' of the United States would not be easily destroyed by the enemy."

"Where is Uncle Sam?" Harley asked.

"Still protecting Mr. President in the White House."

"Where are the agents of the Bureau of Shadows?" Harley asked again.

"Also at the White House."

Harley said calmly: "The heroes of Peace Messenger, Night Dragon, and Blue Beetle of the American World Governance Society are all in the White House?

There are only so many heroic organizations on the entire planet, and three of the top ten are gathered at the White House. "

Captain Atom explains: “We are not pedantic, nor are we afraid of going into battle.

But as you said, there are so many Earth Hero organizations now that they can even be ranked in the top ten.

Among the many heroic organizations, the Justice League and the Justice Society are the most powerful. The most powerful heroes are responsible for the most important task-solving the crisis.

The second-rate hero organization is responsible for the secondary mission of guarding the White House of the United States.

This is considered a reasonable allocation of resources.

If Zhenglian needs us, just say hello and we will arrive immediately, such as on the Day of Destruction. "

Harley sighed: "The death of more than seven million people in Beach City is so unjust. The Justice League is trying to do one person, one city. You consider yourself second-rate and refuse to go into battle until the first-rate hero organization falls.

So, Zheng Lian is watching the show, and you are watching the show. There are obviously powerful guardian forces, but they all enter the show-watching mode for inexplicable reasons. "

"We didn't watch the show, we just--" Captain Atom looked confused and didn't know how to explain it.

Compared with Zhenglian, the Millennium World Governance Association can barely manage even the second-rate hero organizations. The strongest ones are just him and Blue Beetle.

Why should a second-rate hero organization compete with a first-rate hero organization for the glory of saving the world?

There is a rule among superheroes that "A-level heroes defend a city", and heroic organizations also have unspoken rules - first-rate organizations save the world, second-rate organizations save the White House of the United States, and third-rate organizations become court hawks and serve the US government.

Once, in the eyes of heroes and ordinary people, these unspoken rules made sense.

At least it's in line with American values.

but now.

Now they have a big problem and have no idea what went wrong.

For example, for the Millennium World Governance Association, will it run straight to the scene of the accident regardless of the future crisis on the earth?

What if alien invaders send a small group of soldiers to take down the Pentagon, which is protected only by ordinary people, at a very low cost, causing social order in the United States to lose control?

What if they rush to the scene and find that Zhenglian is taking action, and that the Zhenglian giant has made a detailed plan, and they and others are completely unable to intervene?

"Hey, why haven't we encountered this problem before?" Captain Atom sighed.

His words touched the hearts of many heroes.

"Yes, we are not novices, and the earth has experienced many large-scale crises. Why hasn't there been any problem before?"

“How are the Doomsday invasion and the Mongo invasion different from previous crises such as the Krypton invasion and Brainiac?

For example, Crisis on Infinite Earths was obviously more dangerous, but at that time the earth seemed to be in danger and almost stable.

Now it seems to be very stable, but accidents happen every time, resulting in heavy casualties. "

"Guys, I have an idea." Aquaman looked at Harley with a strange expression. "At that time, the leader was not the Justice League. In these two crises, the leader was not Harley."

Wonder Woman was stunned for a moment before she understood what he meant, and said unhappily: "Arthur, what nonsense are you talking about."

"I'm telling the truth." Arthur frowned and sighed: "We are all superheroes with strong personalities.

We are not politicians, we are not good at maneuvering, we have no distinction between high and low status, we are unruly and proud and confident.

Normally, we would not order another hero as a hero, nor would we take orders from a certain hero as a subordinate - if we do that, sooner or later we will form a centralization of superhero power.

Being involved in the power game is something that all heroes pursuing freedom try to avoid.

On weekdays, relying on tacit understanding and unspoken rules, we can live our own lives and be happy.

But when encountering big events and requiring the cooperation of heroes, we often fall into an extremely inefficient state due to the lack of wise leaders.

We can question Harley in all aspects, but no one can deny that she is a smart and capable leader.

The key is that we are all convinced by what she said.

Even if we are not convinced, she will also use clever methods to make us follow her steps, forcing us to be convinced.

When she was a leader, everyone worked hard together and in the right direction. Naturally, she was very efficient in doing things, and every bit of her strength was very effective. "

Harley's face was expressionless, only her chin was slightly raised at an angle of ten degrees, and her look at the bearded man showed a hint of approval: He is worthy of being the man of Neptune, and his words are so nice!

The other heroes first felt that Arthur's words were harsh: You are a giant of the Zhenglian Alliance and the majestic King of the Sea, how can you praise Harley's stinky feet in public?

After thinking about it carefully, they had to admit that the leader of the previous smooth sailings was Harley.

Although Harley also participated in Doomsday and Mongo, she was not the leader.

In addition, Neptune hits the point: with a leader, a power structure will be created among heroes, but they do not want a certain hero to be superior to others in terms of identity and status.

In other words, it is difficult to find a "heroic leader" among heroes who can command the heroes and dare not disobey them.

If he does appear, he will not be a hero, but a tyrant.

Other heroes will feel disgusted with the "alliance leader": instead of listening to the alliance leader, they might as well join the government and win public support.

However, when Harley Quinn was the "boss", they didn't seem to feel uncomfortable being ruled and oppressed by the "alliance leader"?

How did she do it?

Oh, and by the way, she shows great restraint with power.

Countless people once worried that the "Fifth Ring General" would misuse the power of "commanding the entire military force and commanding the heroes of the earth."

But every time the crisis was resolved, she took the initiative to remove her from the position of 'Admiral of Five Rings', retaining only the honorary title.

Because there is no desire for power, they will not think that she is playing with power and is a tyrant.

Is it necessary to let Harley Quinn be their big boss in order to prevent the Beach City incident from breaking out again?

The heroes have mixed emotions and find it a bit hard to accept: Although she is not obsessed with power, what she does in daily life cannot be considered a superhero!

She doesn't even admit she's a superhero now - on puppy video superhero forums, Harley isn't on the list of superheroes.

When everyone was silent, Bateman stood up and said solemnly: "Arthur's words make sense, we lack a clear leader.

When something happens, we are used to discussing and making a decision that satisfies everyone.

This is usually no problem.

But in critical moments when a few minutes' delay can result in a large number of casualties, it's easy to do something bad.

So, we have to make changes. "

He looked around at the heroes with different expressions and said slowly: "Someone among us must stand up and take on heavier responsibilities."

——Oh, it’s not inviting Harley Quinn to be the leader, but choosing a boss from the team.

The heroes secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but they were still entangled in their hearts, who should they choose to be the boss?

Their eyes glanced back and forth among the giants.

Neptune caught a glimpse of many people looking askance at him, and quickly waved his hands and said: "I can't be a leader, I can't even fly."

"It's not you, it's Tearman!" Bateman looked at Dachao and said with stern eyes.

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