I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 970 News about old friend Parallax Monster

Faced with Harley's questioning, Cyborg first defended: "Cyborg Superman manipulated the watchtower monitoring system."

"Not only do I disagree with this reason, but I am even more disappointed in you."

Harley said solemnly: "Don't care whether Robot Superman went crazy on his own or if there was someone behind him, he is at most an S-class super criminal.

A mere S-class super criminal paralyzed a watchtower that cost nearly $300 billion and used the Red Room Laboratory's top alien technology.

It only shows that your work is very unqualified, and the watchtower has hardly played its intended role. "

"Mechanical Superman is very special, and his technological level is not necessarily lower than ours." Atom Man said.

"If he is really that strong, why don't you all lay off your jobs and let him replace Zhenglian and Watchtower alone to fulfill his wish and become the first guardian of the earth." Harley sneered unceremoniously.

Bateman frowned and said: "The Justice League is not omnipotent, and the Robot Superman is not omnipotent.

It is not surprising that there are many heroes and criminals on the technological side of the earth. Each of them has a unique skill that is difficult for others to crack.

If the mechanical superman is allowed to defend and we attack, we can catch him off guard. "

"If all your teammates think the same as you, then Zhenglian can really be disbanded.

Why are you joining forces as a team? Isn’t it just about learning from each other’s strengths and compensating for weaknesses to create a ‘bucket’ with no shortcomings?

If the enemy uses strange moves and you are unable to withstand them, then the destruction of Beach City is not just the beginning. Countless similar disasters will occur in the future.

The 'firewall' formed by the heroes of the Zhenglian Alliance cannot stop mere mechanical supermen, nor can it block S-class super criminals with unique tricks, as well as criminals and villains who are stronger than S-class.

If you can't stop it every time, say to yourselves, what is the meaning of Zhenglian's existence? "

At the end of the sentence, Harley unconsciously raised her voice and her tone became harsher.

Wherever she glanced, many heroes lowered their heads unnaturally.

Wonder Woman said dullly: "We are also very sad that Beach City was destroyed, but you can't vent all your emotions on us."

"Don't let me tell you if I did something wrong, and you won't be willing to listen if I tell you something." Harry's mood, which had calmed down a little, was broken by her words again.

“Even if I don’t say it now, won’t Congress, which gives you billions or tens of billions of dollars in budget every year, say it?

Facing the tragedy in Beach City, are the American people just stupid, without intuition and unable to ask questions? "

"We tried our best to build the watchtower and carefully arranged the personnel on duty. I feel that we have done the best. Or can you tell us how we can improve?" said Neptune King Arthur.

"What do you mean, if I can't come up with an improvement plan, I won't let you continue to live prosperously and in a trance?

If the same thing happens next time, will you continue to ‘do your best’ but let the city be destroyed and more than seven million citizens die tragically? "

Neptune sighed: "That's not what I meant. I want to say that we are also working hard. This time it was an accident."

"This time it was an accident. What about the last Doomsday? You didn't notice it when the Doomsday landed on the earth. You even held a meeting afterwards to discuss and summarize experiences.

They patted their chests and assured me and the American people that next time there is an alien invasion, they will detect it in advance and go all out to solve it in outer space.

The results of it?

Last time you went up to kill one by one, and were easily destroyed by Doomsday. I said that there was a problem with your crisis response measures. You held meetings to discuss, formulate new tactics, and trained in the energy simulation room every now and then.

How did it turn out this time?

One by one, Superman was killed, and Green Lantern came next.

If Green Lantern doesn't fall, you won't show up?

Are you knights, practicing chivalry?

You have obviously practiced countless times in the energy simulation room, but why do you suddenly become slow-reacting idiots when encountering real danger? "

"We are not idiots!"

The other heroes blamed themselves sadly, felt remorse in their hearts, and remained silent amidst Harley's scolding. However, under the increasingly severe scolding, Green Lantern's daughter Jade's face became redder and redder, and her chest became more and more stuffy. Finally couldn't help but explode.

She shouted to Harley: "There is an unspoken rule for superheroes, one person defends one city, and one city has one hero.

Beach City is the domain of Green Lantern Hal Jordan.

When he has the ability to solve the crisis, other heroes cannot intervene casually.

There is another rule for superheroes, the rules you make - B-class heroes are the symbols of a city, A-class heroes are city guardians, and S-class heroes span city limits.

In other words, in any city guarded by A-level heroes, other heroes are not allowed to interfere in the city's internal affairs without authorization. In the event of a major disaster, only S-level and S-level and above heroes can go to support.

Hal Jordan is the top 3S-level superhero.

He said that Mongo was an 'old friend' and that he had fought him many times and had won every time.

It was later revealed that Cyborg was also involved, and that Cyborg belonged to Metropolis and was Superman's friend or enemy?

Anyway, the mechanical superman was Superman's responsibility, so Superman rushed over.

They did not send any form of distress signal to us, nor did they show any obvious signs of decline. Of course, we stood by and waited for the result. As a result, the coastal city was destroyed, strong magnetic radiation erupted over the city, and all observation satellites and equipment failed.

We were busy for a while, and when we were preparing to go to support, you pushed the war fortress into outer space again.

Many heroes could not survive in the space environment, so they could only delay wearing space suits and space helmets, and even devised a temporary strategy.

But by the time we arrive, you will have almost finished the battle. "

The green-skinned girl was very emotional, and Harry saw that her eyes were red and her voice had a slight tremor.

"Are you still aggrieved?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Jade frowned.

She is not Daddy Green Lantern's little henchman.

She and the second generation of heroes from the Justice Society formed a heroic organization called the "Infinite Heroes".

In the Infinite Heroes Association, Jade is one of the giants and has the same status as the Seven Giants of Zhenglian, so he is qualified to participate in this "Giant Trial Meeting".

"First of all, what you said is not true! The hero level is just a setting of the puppy video hero forum.

As the chairman of the Sky Eye Society, I have never promoted this kind of rule to you.

I don’t even have any bullshit system like ‘A-level heroes defend the city, one person defends the city, and foreign heroes don’t interfere’.

Secondly, I say you are bad because your organizational form and crisis response measures are bad.

And your rhetoric just proves how bad you are. "

An expression of disgust and disdain appeared on Harley's face, "It's really hard for you to be able to say it. Superheroes are just city guardians. Because of the 'Voluntary Police Act' that I created, you barely have a legal basis for your existence.

As a result, everyone regarded themselves as the kings of the city.

The city and its people have become your vassals and embellishments.

You have become the gods of the new era, and every city is your country of faith. Therefore, you must not invade each other and dominate one side? "

Most of the heroes were ridiculed by her until their faces were red, their backs were like thorns, and their throats were stuck.

The remaining small part is more of anger and dissatisfaction.

"Harry, what you said is too much." Da Chao, who had been silent all this time, spoke up.

He said seriously: "We have an unspoken rule of one person, one city because each hero has different ideas and each city has its own characteristics.

The intrusion of foreign heroes will not only cause conflicts between heroes, but may also cause good intentions and do bad things.

For example, with Bateman and I, he would beat up criminals, but I would regard his behavior as violence.

If we defend the same city together, there will inevitably be conflicts.

A-level heroes are city guardians, which means they have the ability to maintain law and order in the city on their own.

A level is actually very difficult to achieve. In addition to being strong enough, it also needs the recognition of local citizens.

It's not that some hero declares himself an A-level hero, he is.

It is not the Zhenglian giant who is responsible for the assessment, he is the one who says it is.

Everything is the choice of local citizens.

In other words, it is the people of the city who accept the protection of this hero, rather than the hero occupying a city.

This is similar to electing mayors and governors. There can't be two or more mayors in a city, right? "

What Da Chao said seemed to make sense, but Harley didn't want to argue about which of his words were right and which were wrong.

"Now the coastal city is destroyed, and more than seven million people have died! If you don't mess around with one person and one city, they won't die.

You were fully capable of preventing the disaster from happening, but for bullshit reasons, they died and the city was destroyed.

What's even more ridiculous is that this isn't the first time.

The same was true for the last Doomsday. As long as you unite and dozens or hundreds of heroes cooperate tacitly, the disaster that brought casualties and destruction to the earth will no longer be a disaster. "

"Gudong, Gudong." The second cheeky defense specialty, which had been silent for a long time, was touched at this moment, and the experience jar bubbled crazily.

Starting from 91% at level 6, 92%, 93% to 100%, the jar is overflowing, and the cheeky defense feat at level 7!

Level 7 1%, 2%, 3%

The expression on Harley's face was very exciting, changing from anger and ridicule, to shock, to suppressed joy. It changed too quickly, and her facial muscles were a little distorted.

——This kind of growth rate has never happened before!

Harry was shocked and quickly looked for the source of the surge in experience.

Dachao looked gloomy and pursed his lips, probably regretting that he was one of them.

Bateman remained silent, with his head lowered, standing in the shadows, exuding a gloomy aura.

Although he didn't say anything, he probably felt deep regret and self-blame.

Wonder Woman, Cyborg, The Flash, and even the green-skinned Jade, who has always been tough-talking, have remorse on their tense faces.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Hal Jordan, the greatest Green Lantern in history, whose will is equivalent to the sum of the wills of all life in the universe, covered his face and sat in the corner crying silently.

——This guy is probably the main source of shameless experience.

Instead of sympathizing with him, Harley rejoiced in finding her purpose.

"Especially you, Hal Jordan, you are so arrogant. Mongo is the tyrant of the universe, his strength is comparable to Superman without the flaws of kryptonite, and you actually look down on him.

As long as you can be 50-50 with him, it makes sense to look down on him, but what is the result?

You asked me to clean up the soldiers, and then I went to challenge Meng Ge alone. He beat me until my bones and muscles were broken, and I almost lost my life. "

"Gudong, gudong."

Hey, what's going on? The bubbling speed has increased, but not by much?

Harry was wondering, did he not get to the point?

"It's not Hal's fault either."

Dachao answered her questions thoughtfully.

Well, that should be a very considerate defense of Green Lantern.

"Harry, haven't you noticed? Meng Ge's skin is yellow."

"I know, he looks like a mango, so what?" Harley still didn't quite understand.

"Hal's green light energy is ineffective against Mongo, yellow defect." Dachao sighed.

Harley was stunned and asked in surprise: "Is Parallax imprisoned in the Green Lantern Corps' central energy battery again?"

Dachao looked at Hal, "Did it just happen recently, don't you know?"

Hal nodded first, then shook his head, and said with a cry: "I don't know that the Guardian has sealed the Parallax monster again, but I have discovered the yellow defect earlier."

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