I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 969 Whose Responsibility

After staring at the comments for a while, Perry said seriously: "It seems that "Young Master's Entry" cannot be postponed completely. You should write a special issue about the Galaxy Admiral immediately.

Many people still don't know that she went to work in Silver City these days, or have they forgotten?

While you are at the scene, briefly introduce her situation in Silver City and show a photo of her diligently training the angel soldiers. "

Louise complained: "She did participate in the training of the Silver City Guard Corps, but she was not diligent and only trained for half a day.

She sat on a high-backed chair, with angel warriors serving tea beside her, and verbally instructing a bull angel commander to help her train.

I even suspect that she doesn't know much about military formations herself. "

Perry glanced at her sideways and said in a loud voice: "You are still the daughter of a general. Did your father personally teach the big soldiers how to train their physical fitness and skills?

Admiral Galaxy is Shaojun, the god of war in heaven, so it’s only normal to command the angel commanders to help him do things!

Moreover, why do you say she doesn’t understand?

If she didn't understand, would the angels respect her so much that even the commander would be obedient and respectful to her? "

After saying that, he pointed at the video file and said, "Also, get the video of Admiral Galaxy storming the war fortress alone and fighting a hundred thousand soldiers.

We need to find out who is responsible for this incident, and we must not allow true heroes to bear blame that does not belong to them.

In fact, Miss Quinn has exceeded her mission as a 'Galaxy Admiral'.

After receiving the news, she rushed there as soon as possible.

After arriving, he did not do anything like tearing apart Man and Green Lantern, but immediately used his flesh and blood to smash through the solid steel fortress.

In this crisis, she had zero responsibility, but took 99% of the credit.

Alas, Galactic Admiral is so difficult.

That group of superheroes were glamorous and beautiful in their daily lives, but they failed to achieve their goals. They often made mistakes when big things happened, and even she couldn't help them. "

"Perry, I have no objection to you saying that the Galactic Admiral deserves the most credit, but you are belittling other heroes in this way. You must know that Tearman is responsible for delaying the 'cosmic tyrant' Mongo, so that Harley Quinn has the opportunity to stand out from ordinary aliens." A medium-sized dish."

Louise doesn't have a problem with other heroes showing off their crotch, but it doesn't work if they want to "slander" and tear Man apart.

"Stop talking nonsense. Admiral Galaxy risked his life to capture Mongo. There is a video to prove it. By the way, you shot the video. Louise, what's wrong with you? How can you tell lies with your eyes open?" Li glared.

"But when she stormed the fortress, Meng Ge did not appear. Maybe Tear Man was blocking him at that time. Maybe Tear Man was not trying hard, but was plotted against her." Louise analyzed carefully.

"Perhaps? I only believe what I see!" Perry pointed at her nose and said loudly: "If you want to make excuses for Rie Man, you should first publish Miss Quinn's special issue.

Then go to the Hall of Justice, Gotham Quinn Manor, and the ruins of Beach City to figure out the ins and outs and final results of this incident. "

"Hmph, I'll figure it out."

It's not just Louise and Perry who want to figure out what happened in Beach City.

Harley and the heroes of the Justice League have the same idea.

Just as Louise was working hard to promote the Galaxy Admiral, they had already arrived at Zhenglian headquarters with the mechanical skeletons of Mongo and Mechanical Superman.

The prison cell for super prisoners.

"Mengge, why did you come to Earth?" Dachao stared at him and said coldly.

"Hmph!" Meng Ge narrowed his eyes, his face full of cold pride and disdain.

"Let me do it." Martian Manhunter volunteered. "I can enter his brain and search his memories."

"Martian, you underestimate the Emperor of the Universe. It's true that your mental power is stronger than mine, but I have met countless people like you, and you have already developed the skills to protect your brain." Meng Ge sneered.

"Are you awesome? I want to try it." Harley stepped forward and hit him on the head with a stick.

"Boom - ow~~"

He only twisted his face and screamed, but did not shout "confess".

Harley continued again and again.

It wasn't until the cosmic tyrant's forehead was dripping with blood that he shouted something like "I regret it" in alien language.

"God's stick is so weird that even alien tyrants who don't believe in God can't resist it." Neptune whispered.

Harley continued to hammer for more than ten minutes, with a thin layer of sweat forming on her forehead. Then she took back the stick and pointed it at the cosmic tyrant who kept "confessing", with tears streaming down his face and misty eyes.

"Jon, now you try."

Martian Manhunter nodded and easily projected his mental power into Meng Ge's sea of ​​consciousness.

Then his expression changed slightly and he said, "Would you like to take a look together?"


The next moment, Harley and the surrounding heroes were pulled into an empty and dim "hall of the soul". They formed a circle, with a huge window above their heads, which seemed to be connected to another world, where what happened in the past was being repeated.

They saw Mongo's greed for Rip Man before Crisis on Infinite Earths - wanting to capture him as a gladiator, and his fear of the Galactic Admiral.

After the Crisis on Infinite Earths ended, Mongo's greed became even more intense. Not only did he set his target as "the last Kryptonian", he also set his sights on other heroes of the Zhenglian League.

But he also became more and more afraid of Harley.

In the past few years, although he has been close to the solar system from time to time and circled the nearby star field a few times, he has no real plans to invade the earth.

Also because he stays in the 2814 universe sector all year round, it is inevitable that he will conflict with the sector's "space police".

In just two years, Hal Jordan prevented Mongo from invading other civilized planets at least ten times, and blocked the interstellar slave trade that War Fortress participated in at least fifty times.

Meng Ge hated him to the core.

This can be considered the direct cause of the destruction of Beach City.

To get revenge on Hal Jordan, Mongo plans to take his hometown away from him.

Like Brainiac taking away the Mets.

The cosmic tyrant plans to transform Beach City into another war fortress.

Turn the citizens of the city, including Hal Jordan's relatives and friends, into slaves.

But it was the Mechanical Superman who allowed him to turn his ideas into action.

After Superboy was resurrected and returned, turning other supermen into clowns, the mechanical superman left the earth angrily.

He wandered around in outer space and came across War Fortress and Mongo.

However, Harley and the others are observing Mongo's memory and can only guess the purpose of the Robot Superman from Mongo's perspective, unable to understand his true heart.

In Mongo's memory, it was Robot Superman who took the initiative to ask to help him punish the Justice League and take revenge on Hal Jordan.

The key is that Robot Superman told Mongo an extremely important piece of news: Admiral Galaxy is about to join Heaven and go to Silver City to be the "Young Lord", and he may not return to Earth for a long time.

These words are not made up by the mechanical superman.

Halle has expressed this in public.

She said that in the future she would shift her work focus to Silver City, work hard to serve heaven, and serve God devoutly.

In short, she needs to show that she values ​​her current job.

She doesn't take him seriously, so how can a Christian believer be in awe of "Young Master"?

Moreover, her announcement that she was going to work in heaven was also a way of showing off: I have gone to work in Silver City with the archangels that you believe in and kneel to, so why do you kneel to the angels but not to me?

As a result, the words she used to show off allowed Mongo and Robot Superman to see an opportunity.

"The Justice League's watchtower is just a piece of cake. I can help you disable its radar system, allowing the war fortress to enter the interior of the planet without any hindrance.

As long as the speed is fast enough to prevent Harley Quinn from reacting, there will be no danger in this trip. "

The scene where Robot Superman solemnly made a promise to Mongo was clearly seen by Harley and others.

"Did Mechanical Superman lie? Is he purely evil, or is he planning to rebel against the enemy, defeat Mongo, prevent disaster, and become a 'Superman' recognized by everyone, as he said?" Neptune asked doubtfully.

"Do you really believe his lies? He just lured the wolf into the house and was the murderer of more than seven million people in Beach City." Hal Jordan said excitedly.

Sea King Arthur shook his head and said: "I don't trust the mechanical superman, but out of basic rational thinking.

Hank Shaw was originally a human being. No matter what misfortunes he encountered, he was suddenly vicious enough to destroy a city for no reason. I felt something was abnormal.

Well, if only we could catch him and examine his brain. "

While they were communicating, Martian Manhunter continued to scan Mongo's memory.

Subsequent developments did not entirely follow Mechanical Superman's plan.

Although the watchtower became a decoration and the hero was slow to react, both Superman and Hal came out to stop the war fortress before it approached Beach City.

Since Mongo planned to capture the "last Kryptonian", he naturally prepared the means to deal with the Kryptonians: kryptonite.

After Dachao broke into the war fortress, he was led into a room full of kryptonite radiation by Mongo.

Zhenglian's first combat force was easily eliminated.

Meng Ge didn't lie about one thing. He really didn't want to destroy Beach City at first, he just wanted to take it away.

The War Fortress engine fires out traction energy that digs the entire city out of the ground and pulls it into the fortress.

Escape from Earth and return to the safety of outer space to transform the city.

This was Mongo's original plan.

He repeated this predatory behavior countless times, but this time something unexpected happened on Earth: Annihilus, Superman, and Hal Jordan fought with the Mechanical Superman and Mongo, causing the energy to go out of control, and the beam that pulled the city turned into a violent Energy cannon.

"Hank Shaw has to be found. There's a lot of suspicion surrounding him."

After finishing the memory scan of Mongo, Harley also felt the same sense of dissonance as Neptune.

"Mechanical Superman is acting a little weird."

Bateman frowned and said: "In this situation, there are two possibilities, either he has destroyed humanity and his thoughts have been distorted in the process of transforming his soul into a superhuman being.

Like the criminals in Arkham Asylum, they think and think beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

The second possibility is that he told half the truth. Although he introduced Meng Ge to the earth, he just wanted to blame the Annihilator. He would defeat Meng Ge as a hero, prevent the alien invasion, and become a recognized person. Superman'.

In the end, he got out of it.

If neither of the above two possibilities is the truth, then there is only one truth left. There is an invisible hand behind the mechanical Superman. "

"Lex Luthor!" Dachao and Diana said in unison.

"Let's go find him immediately!" The heroes were furious and filled with righteous indignation.

Harley glanced at the group of Zhenglian heroes and said expressionlessly: "No matter what the situation is with Robot Superman, or whether Luthor is hiding behind the scenes, the most important thing you should do is to seriously examine your own problems.

From early warning of alien invaders, to blocking them midway, to the final battle, your performance was a disaster.

You are obviously on Earth, and I am in Silver City, but I arrived first. How efficient is this? "

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