I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 968: Public resentment boils over

Harley shook her head helplessly and said: "If there were only one or two people, I might be able to think of a way.

If their bodies are still there and they died not long ago, there is still room for recovery.

But now there are more than 7.5 million dead, and the corpses and the reinforced concrete cities have all evaporated into gas in the energy explosion.

What's more, it's too late at this time. Those who went to heaven have already gone to heaven, and those who should go to hell have also entered the gate of hell. Some ordinary people returned to Limbo and couldn't even find their souls. "

The Flash's eyes flashed and he said: "If we go back to the past through the river of time, only half an hour ago, can we prevent this disaster?"

Harry instinctively wanted to scold him and tell him not to mess around and cause more terrible disasters.

Immediately afterwards, she remembered her new stance on the restart of the world: the restarted world is beneficial to her and can refresh the experience pool.

But immediately she thought of the consequences of restarting, and how many people present would lose their current lives.

It seems too cruel to destroy the lives of hundreds of millions of people for the sake of "100 million points" of experience points?

Harley's confusion was seen in Hal's eyes, and his gloomy eyes were full of expectation again, "We can try, Flash, please take me, there's no point in going back. I was there at the time, but I couldn't Stop the War Fortress's beam of destruction."

His voice was bitter, but when he looked at Harley, he became excited again.

"Take Harley back. Harley can repeat the battle just now, hurt both Mongo and the Justice League, and then the Justice League will capture him."

Before Harley could comment on his bad idea, Zatanna in the corner of the crowd said: "Harley cannot enter the river of time. She is wanted by 'time' now."


"The leader of the Endless Clan, the 'father' of many supreme beings, the incarnation of time in the multiverse, and the master and guardian of the River of Time." Zatanna said seriously.

Hal's expression changed, but he still looked at Harry expectantly and said, "It's only half an hour. The time master shouldn't have time to react, right?"

Harley hesitated and said: "The method of traveling through the timeline may not be successful.

If I go back to half an hour ago, when I was talking to the angels in heaven, and the angels who were talking to me, everything that was happening in Silver City would be rewritten.

Who will pay this price? Who can pay it?

Change the entire Silver City!

The more changes, the higher the cost.

I'm just afraid that the Flash will be reduced to ashes the moment he tries to travel through. "

Hal opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say "I can give it a try for seven million people."

If he fails, the Flash will die, and the cost of just trying is too high.

Two hours later, Metropolis, Daily Planet.

According to the original plan, after the recording program of 'Shaojun's First Experience' is over, Louise will go home to rest for a day and then report back to the social media.

But what happened today was appalling.

After the Archimedes airship took her to Metropolis, Louise immediately took a taxi and rushed to the Daily Planet Building.

The newspaper office is very "busy", and every editor is busy with the "Beach City Incident".

Some people are responsible for finding informants to get information, some reporters are holding tablets to watch the live broadcast and discussing loudly, and some editors are typing away to write a special issue about the deaths of seven million people.

Editor-in-chief Perry was originally as busy as a spinning top. He kept shouting orders to his reporters, which made his voice hoarse.

When he saw Louise, his eyes immediately lit up, he put aside his work, quickly came to her office, and shouted: "Louise, I heard that Admiral Galaxy also participated in the defense of Beach City.

If she is there, you who are with her should also be there, right? "

"Yes, I captured a lot of footage related to the war fortress."

Louise quickly opened her laptop and inserted the 'God's Domain' TF card into the card slot.

The videos I took before borrowing Harley’s phone are all included.

"However, I don't know exactly what happened in Coast City. First give me the video and information about the destruction of Coast City."

"There is no video." Perry put his head in front of the laptop screen and whistled when he saw the 800G video. "Louise, you can try to win the 'Galaxy Journalist Award' this year. That's the Milky Way." The Pulitzer Prize is awarded only once every five years.”

When she heard about the "Galaxy Journalist Award", Louise's eyes shone with excitement and determination.

Then she frowned again, "Why is there no video? Coast City has been destroyed for several hours."

Perry sighed: "The interstellar missiles launched by Battlestar are so powerful that the electromagnetic radiation they emit will destroy thirteen nearby satellites and all electronic equipment within a radius of 500 kilometers.

Oh, except for the Paradise Mountain mobile which is loaded with watchdog dogs.

But if he wanted to use his mobile phone to record the destruction of Coastal City, he himself would have to be within the scope of the destruction. How could he have a chance to upload the video?

Until now, we don't know what happened in Beach City, do you know that? "

"I only know the result, not the reason."

Louise said as she clicked on a video: Harley's hard-top interstellar missile was blown into 'burnt sweet potatoes'.

"It's so tragic!" Perry's scalp was numb.

Louise dragged the video into the video editing software and quickly dragged the progress bar to edit the material she wanted.

"My dear, Admiral Galaxy is so strong. If you stand there without moving, a large number of enemies will die. Is this the legendary 'Black Vortex of Thorns', a counter-injury magic?"

Seeing the scene of Harley breaking into the spacecraft and sweeping away thousands of troops, Perry screamed excitedly again.

Louise hesitated for a moment and asked: "There are quite a lot of people who died here, more than a thousand people. Is it suitable to broadcast it to the public?"

Perry thought about it seriously and said: "Let it go, this is not a random killing of innocent people. Admiral Galaxy didn't even take action, he only passively defended and counterattacked. No matter how many aliens die, we can't blame Admiral Galaxy for being cruel and bloodthirsty."

Louise nodded and left this piece of material behind.

Then she dragged the progress bar forward a while and asked, "Where is this section?"

Perry stared at the screen, stunned.

After Archimedes dug up the main engine, tens of thousands of aliens sprayed out from the gap, and then they became densely packed corpses all over outer space.

"Why are there so many aliens?"

Louise explained: "The War Fortress was originally a space city. The space tyrant Mongo had hundreds of thousands of gladiator soldiers."

"The Galactic Admiral seems to have done this on purpose," Perry murmured.

Louise said with a complex expression: "She did not deny this. The war fortress is too huge and loaded with too many Star Wars weapons. If someone slips through the trap and masters the weapon buttons, and it hits the earth again, the tragedy of Beach City may happen again."

Perry said slowly: "She is right and she is not wrong. They are not ordinary alien civilians, but the invaders who caused the murder in Beach City.

They have evil minds, regard human life as nothing, and deserve this retribution. "

"That's true, but if so many people die, the impact may not be very good. Do you want to send it out?" Louise hesitated.

"You shot a lot of important material, which can be made into a series of special features. This video is left at the end. After all, we still don't know what happened in Beach City." Perry said.

Then he looked at hundreds of other G videos and asked curiously: "What is the situation in Silver City? Is Admiral Galaxy really the Young Master, or is he in name only?"

Louise opened a video and saw two thousand angels moving in unison, paying homage to Harley and calling her "Young Master".

"Oh, it's so spectacular, so majestic, a mortal has really become the leader of an angel."

Even though he had received the exact news before, Perry was still shocked to see that it really happened.

When he saw Louise's interview with Legion Angels and Silver City ordinary angels later, he became more and more excited, and his voice was trembling.

“I was previously worried that she was like Hal Jordan, the ‘Greatest Green Lantern in the World’ who superficially controls the Green Lantern Corps, but is actually still a puppet in the hands of the Guardians of the Universe.

Now it seems that the Galactic Admiral is not Hal Jordan after all, she is completely impressed by the angel in heaven.

Perhaps the church should erect a statue of her.

Even angels admire her and trust her. Should we ignore her divine greatness at this time just because she comes from the human world? "

Seeing that the editor-in-chief looked crazy and showing signs of being "obsessed", Louise quickly advised: "Perry, we are reporters, we must be objective and rational, and don't bring personal emotions into the news content.

Now it seems that Silver City is like an alien planet, and the angels are also aliens.

"You mean, God is also an alien?" Perry said blankly.

".It's not impossible to understand it this way."

After Louise finished speaking, she felt an inexplicable uneasiness in her heart.

She scratched the back of her head, not knowing why.

Well, if she could communicate with the Voice of Heaven and ask it about her sin value, she would be shocked.

With just these two sentences, her sins had jumped from 300,000 to 500,000!

If you want your sweet wife to avoid falling into hell, you have to work hard to tear her apart.

"It's a bit inappropriate to broadcast the entry report of Mr. Tiantang at this time." Perry thought about it: "It's exclusive news anyway, so press it later.

Now we mainly report on the incident in Beach City, what was the cause, and why aliens are eyeing the earth.

Why are the heroes so slow to react? No one can stop the huge war fortress from entering the interior of the earth.

What were those heroes soaring in the sky like gods doing when Coast City was destroyed.

Who should be responsible for this incident?"

The more Perry talked, the more excited he became, with anger and dissatisfaction with superheroes clearly showing on his face.

"There are more than seven million people. Since the birth of human civilization, there has never been such a huge disaster.

The superhero responsible for outer space defense must give everyone an explanation! "

Louise thought of her husband and couldn't help but look worried and asked, "Have the people already shown their dissatisfaction with superheroes?"

"You can go check it out on social media yourself," Perry said.

Louise opened the puppy video superhero forum, and the Beach City incident was very popular.

There are more posts expressing anger and incomprehension than those expressing sadness, pain, panic, and feeling overwhelmed combined.

One of the posts representatively expressed their anger: "We have experienced the invasion of Krypton, the invasion of Brainiac, the siege of the Earth by the Green Lantern Corps, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and multiple invasions of Apokolips. We have rich experience of being invaded. , why was the enemy inexplicably entering the planet this time?

What about the watchtower’s defense mechanism?

What about heroes who have the power to reach heaven and earth? What about the galactic admiral who can quell the rebellion in heaven? What do they do for food? "

Fortunately, no one specifically targeted Superman!

Louise breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't feel much about the Galaxy Admiral being targeted.

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