I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 976 Resurrection of Coast City

California, Seaside City was once one of the most prosperous cities on the West Coast.

The city disappeared, leaving only a large crater, roughly estimated to be close to a hundred kilometers in diameter.

Previously, because the interstellar missiles launched by the war fortress triggered high-temperature and strong magnetic effects, nearby satellites and observation equipment seemed to have been hit by super EMP bombs and all misfired.

Today, a week later, the chaotic and strong electromagnetic field that permeated the sky above Beach City has disappeared.

Any satellite in outer orbit of the earth can clearly capture the huge crater below as long as it comes over this area.

It was like taking a large spoonful of pudding out of the bowl and pouring red tomato sauce on it - the energy beam that had evaporated the city had roasted the ground red, like blood spilled from the earth.

At this time, the strong magnetic radiation disappears, but the scorching high temperature still remains.

Especially at the bottom of the pit, which is more than 20 kilometers deep, it seems that the earth's crust has been shattered, and gurgling white and pungent gas is always coming out.

"More than 7.5 million people in Coast City fell into hell through the holes below. The sulfur-smelling white gas coming out comes from the depths of hell." This was said by a certain up owner.

Hal Jordan seemed unable to feel the heat of the earth.

In fact, his heart felt as if he was sealed in an ice cave at the moment. He was kneeling on the ground, his shoulders slumped, his head drooped, and his limbs were numb and without feeling.

"Whoosh!" Yebi stepped on the auspicious clouds and brought Harry to the ground at high speed from the horizon.

"Hal." She jumped off the dog's back and walked towards him.

Yebi looked around and returned to hell with a sigh.

Hal didn't look up at her, but choked up after she came to him: "I regret it so much. I should have gone directly to the watchtower, where there was a large team of the Justice League.

There is also Cyborg's sonic boom channel, which can call for help from hundreds of superheroes on the surface at any time.

In just half a minute, I can gather a group of people, open the portal, and even arrive at Beach City before the war fortress lands.

With the help of two Flashes, all the citizens in the city were evacuated in just a few minutes.

It’s okay not to transfer the citizens. Dozens of S-class superheroes on Earth can pull the war fortress back into outer space together.

A war that breaks out outside the earth, no matter how terrible it is, will not affect Beach City. "

What he was talking about was exactly what Harley thought anyone in their right mind would make.

It is also a basic tactic that she believes every superhero understands.

Because it was too basic, too normal, and too ordinary, she didn't even specifically remind the Justice League to do this.

But no one in the Justice League did what she took for granted.

Because heroes have hidden rules, one person, one city, no conflict with each other; they must avoid competing for the glory of protecting the city; each hero should be free and proud, and have the right to solve the troubles of his own city according to his own wishes.

"You can't resurrect after death, and you can't turn back time. It's useless to regret now. You have to cheer up and do the things in front of you well." Harley said lightly.

"I regret it, woo woo woo"

It was a very ordinary consolation, but it made Hal cover his face and cry loudly.

"Gudong Gudong." The second cheeky defense specialty, the experience skyrocketed again.

Harley was stunned. This was not the purpose of her coming to him today!

She wanted to ask the parties personally what they thought of the trial of Meng Ge.

She felt that she, the Justice League, the U.S. Congress, alien friends, and legal elites had no power to decide how to try Mongo.

Because they are not parties.

He is not qualified to stand on a moral high ground and "forgive" Meng Ge (not to kill him), nor is he qualified to let Meng Ge die tragically in the name of revenge.

Only the people of Beach City have the right to decide how to treat those who kill them.

Of course, there were quite a lot of people who died in Beach City. Even if Harry had the intention to bring the undead together for a meeting and discussion, more than seven million people would be an exaggeration.

Therefore, she came to find Hal Jordan, the representative of Beach City. Maybe he could select another group of Beach City undead to represent him.

As long as the Beach City representative made a verdict, no matter what it was, Harley would willingly accept it.

She gets others to accept it, too.

——Since Meng Ge won’t be able to judge in a short time, it’s better to gain experience first and wait until Hal calms down before discussing the matter of the Seaside City representative.

After Harley comforted herself like this, she began to upgrade with peace of mind.

——This guy is truly the greatest Green Lantern in history. The total experience of his will and psychic defense expertise is too rich.

On the day that Seaside City was destroyed, Hal and the giants of Zhenglian helped her raise her defense from the peak of level 6 to the peak of level 7, and Hal's own "experience points" were not exhausted.

The jar was bubbling like crazy again today.

By the way, Ion Shark once said that Hal Jordan has the most powerful will energy in the multiverse. He alone is worth the sum of all life in the universe (the combined emotional energy of all life in the universe leveraging willpower is not as good as Hal Jordan). I can control more emotional energy alone).

"I heard that your girlfriend Carol is not dead?"

Hal Jordan comes from a family of pilots, and his father and he are both elite fighter pilots.

After retiring from the military, they also switched careers as test pilots for Ferris Airlines.

Carol Ferris is the daughter of the company boss and Hal's childhood sweetheart.

Ferris Air's status in Beach City is almost equivalent to Wayne's in Gotham and Quinn's in Star City.

Now that the airline was wiped out by the Mongo disaster, Carol Ferris happened to be on a business trip and narrowly escaped.

"Carol is my ex-girlfriend, my current girlfriend is Jennifer, she is dead"

He cried harder.

Experience jars bubble faster.

Harley was a little embarrassed. She really didn't want to continue irritating him.

Speaking of Carol, the main thing is to let him know that he is not everything and can start over.

"Look at it, death is not the end."

"Yes, death is not the end!" These words stirred Hal up. He woke up and stared at Harley with bright eyes. "Help me, I want to go to heaven to see Jennifer, my mother, and my nephew." niece."

"Wait a minute." Harley took out the big cross, communicated with the voice of heaven, and asked, "Where are Hal Jordan's family members?"

"His mother and eldest brother entered the lower heaven with the limited helicopter card of infinite heaven. Of the remaining 20, 18 fell into hell and two are in Limbo."

Then, it also told the identity and name of the person who went to hell.

Harley told the truth, "Hal, your mother and eldest brother are in heaven. Do you remember the paradise card? It happened to be used, but the situation of others is a bit worse."

"Going to hell? But my nephews and nieces are still children." Hal said excitedly.

"Alas, children who died in infancy are in the first level of hell. There is no punishment and there is not much pain. It only accommodates children who have not had time to be good or bad people." Harley sighed.

"Ah, Jack, Mina, I'm sorry for you, ah!"

Hal held his head and howled heartbreakingly.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar is overflowing, with the eighth-level cheeky (will and soul) defense expertise.

Level 6, perfect control of the physical body by mental power; Level 7, defense against the pollution of the soul by ancient gods and supreme beings; Level 8, the will is as hard as steel, enough to penetrate the wall of origin, but will not be stuck to the wall.

When any defensive expertise reaches an advanced level (level seven), it begins to undergo qualitative changes and becomes extremely abnormal.

What's more, the "shameless power" is an extremely high-level energy.

Harley was very itchy and wanted to go to the Origin Wall to try it out now.

The strength of connection defense expertise is equivalent to a shield, blocking the influence of the wall of origin on her; the shameless (will and soul) defense expertise is an indestructible will and an unfallen mind, like an indestructible spear, piercing the origin. The erosion of the wall.

She heard that there was an "Origin" within the Origin Wall, and she might be able to look for it.

The cheeky defense expertise reached level eight. While Harley was happy, the look in her eyes at howling Hal became extremely complicated.

Unlike other feats where you can find certain upgrade powers.

The second expertise requires "mind-breaking power" - crushing other people's wills and hearts and absorbing the escaped energy.

The concept is mysterious and the origin is illusory.

She chose to use it to activate her defensive specialty for two reasons: the "power of breaking the soul" is extremely advanced, with high energy level and authority; and it is highly universal and can be used to great effect in many situations.

Harley's price is counter-injury - the mind spell, which is an ordinary mental attack with very low power and is often blocked by mages.

Against powerful gods, mind spells are of little use.

The quantum critical attack from the Manhattan Power is almost unstoppable because of its high power.

The cheeky defense has high universality, great power, and a very bright future. However, she was hesitant at the time because it had a fatal flaw: the energy used to upgrade it was extremely rare.

At first, she and Bruce failed to raise it to level 1 even though they were embarrassed and broke their integrity, but Hal Jordan almost single-handedly raised the feat from level 7 to level 8!

Each level up at a high level is ten thousand times more difficult than ten levels up at a low level.

This shows that Ion Shark is right. Jordan Hal's certain qualities in will surpass her and Bruce hundreds of millions of times.

"Gudong, Gudong." Even after reaching level eight, the experience jar is still bubbling.

Hal Jordan hasn't exhausted his "shattered energy of will."

By taking away the "broken will energy", Hal will not lose his willpower, but will only break his old "face".

The new will not come unless the old goes away. When the old goes, the new comes easily. Therefore, many people who lost the power of shamelessness by her finally realized their enlightenment.

For example, the Holy Advent Crusaders monks of those days went from falling into hell to becoming the Holy Spirit in Heaven.

For example, the Wayne couple are still sleeping.

I don’t know what happened to Hal Jordan.

Thinking about it in his heart, Harry advised: "Look around, at least your mother and eldest brother are enjoying happiness in heaven."

"No, I want to rescue Mina, Jack, Hal, and Dorn from hell." Hal said excitedly.

One of his nephews is also named "Hal Jordan."

"You can't even go to hell." Harley sighed.

"I still have merit in heaven."

"Not enough, far from enough."

"I can summon them back." Hal looked at the green light ring on his right hand, his eyes flashing with an inexplicable color. "Emotional energy can do anything I want. It is the ultimate wishing machine!"

He raised his right hand, pointed the ring at the sky and shot out a beam of green light energy, "Buzz!"

The energy of the green light spread in mid-air, forming a hemispheric barrier that enveloped the entire coastal city crater.

"I want Beach City to return to its original state. I want all my relatives and friends to come back. No matter they are in heaven or hell, they will be resurrected as they were!"

Harley sighed: "You can't do it this way. No matter how strong the energy of the green light is - motherfuck!"

Hal Jordan's body suddenly became crystal clear, and endless green light energy flowed from his limbs and bones, forming a huge green sun.

Wherever the light of the "green sun" reaches, it immediately creates a vivid city scene: Buildings appear in front of Harry's eyes, green grass grows from the hot and scorched soil under his feet, and citizens one after another are made of energy, just like they were during his lifetime. When you talk and walk like that, the cars on the road beep.

Everything is exactly the same as the former seaside city.

What shocked Harley even more was that she detected the breath of souls in them.

They are "real people"!

The soul from hell has returned.

The soul of heaven has also returned.

Could it be that the soul that disappeared in Limbo has also returned?

Harley looked at Hal in disbelief. He was the source of all changes. Did he really use green light energy to resurrect Beach City? !

This is neither scientific nor magical.

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