I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 88 Conflict Escalation

During the period when Harold was happily running the business, the relationship between the Kingdom of Corondo and several other human kingdoms deteriorated day by day.

Other countries have been holding on to the matter of the Kingdom of Corondo entrusting the sub-human nobles, forcing the Kingdom of Corondo to make concessions during negotiations, including but not limited to opening up land reclamation rights to other countries, giving up some production areas of Heroic Water herbs, etc.

These are the most important and core capitals of the Kingdom of Corondo. It will not take long for the Kingdom of Corondo to become a vassal of other countries if they are given away. This is not a negotiation, but a signal to declare war.

After the King of Prague heard this, he directly turned the table and began to fight. Cleon also transformed into a fight. The meeting scene was in a mess. The Archduke of Lance and the King of Prague, the two only legendary human beings, even tore down the house.

Obviously, the two fought side by side 17 years ago, and they were comrades in arms who jointly killed the powerful centaur leader.

Negotiations broke down completely, and the diplomatic relations between the newly born Kingdom of Corondo and the other three old human kingdoms fell into a state of hostility.

In fact, this conflict has nothing to do with the so-called enfeoffment of the sub-human nobles. Other countries are greedy for the large land of the Kingdom of Corondo and the several herbs that can mass-produce the water of heroes.

Before, they had been living in peace because they couldn't spare the trouble of the Kingdom of Corondo. The withdrawal of the orcs made all the countries relieved, and they were able to develop a wave smoothly.

After nearly 20 years of recuperation, the Chiat Kingdom finally healed the damage caused by the orcs, and the population ratio returned to normal. In addition to the increase in the number of young and middle-aged laborers, the ratio of male to female numbers also began to recover, so that it would not appear as before. In the case where a man must marry three or four women, the recovered territory has also been rebuilt.

The Kingdom of Lucanir is busy vying to annex the eastern provinces that were originally ruled by the Marquis of Prague. The nobles of the Kingdom of Korodo must abandon these original lands after establishing their country.

The Kingdom of Babylon began to aggressively attack the surrounding weaker races, which is why there are more subhuman slaves and refugees.

Now that the development of the three countries has reached a certain level, if Chiat wants to expand, it will have to invade the territory of the orcs. The Kingdom of Babylon does not have the guts to compete with such large countries as the Wingman Dynasty or Dragon Kingdom (Lizard Kingdom) When the war started, Lukanir was also embarrassed. Apart from the human kingdom, there was a forest of elves around the country. You can't invade the forest of elves!

However, the Kingdom of Corondo can expand and grow at will, and is still developing at a high speed. How can other countries bear it? Because of the threat of foreign races, the human kingdoms still maintain limited unity, and they dare not start large-scale wars directly. Invasion, especially the Kingdom of Corondo and the presence of legendary powerhouses.

What's more important is that the Kingdom of Corondo has a large amount of Heroic Water. If the opponent is in a hurry, they can use the Heroic Water to strengthen soldiers on a large scale. The probability of nobles being born in human civil wars is very low, but don't forget, the basic function of the Heroic Water is Greatly strengthen the combat power!

Any soldier who drinks the hero's water on the battlefield is a powerful dead soldier. He can do it for dozens of enemies with one life. If the war goes to that level, it will not be worth the loss for any country.

However, the kingdom of Corondo developed in this way, and several human kingdoms couldn't be more angry. The small kingdom of Corondo only had more than 30 nobles, half less than the weakest Babylonian kingdom, and the strongest Chiat kingdom was even more powerful. It is 4 times that, why do you mix the best?

The incident that the nobles of the Babylonian Kingdom demanded compensation was ignored became the fuse, and the enfeoffment of the Asian nobles became an excuse for pressure, and other countries launched small-scale military operations against the Kingdom of Corondo together.

Some sent a small number of troops to rob and burn villages, plunder and slaughter people, some sent spies to burn food and supplies, and cut off any trade with the Kingdom of Corondo in all directions.

Now the Kingdom of Corondo is really stuck, and it is a bit difficult to handle, especially the two points of cessation of trade and burning of food.

After the founding of the Kingdom of Corondo, it was busy expanding its territory, and a large number of troops had to be recruited. The number of soldiers and civilians seriously did not match, and the construction of the territory was far from perfect. Every year, a large amount of materials were imported from other kingdoms.

Now all the nobles couldn't sit still, and urgently held a national meeting to discuss a solution.

I don't understand. Why did you provoke the elves? Besides, the big nobles in Babylon demanded compensation? Now all the countries are hostile to us!

All countries have stopped their trade. We can't buy food. We can only rely on our own output to supply the people. What will the army eat? Maybe there will be a war soon. We can't disband the army!

Eight villages in my territory have been looted. They not only robbed supplies, but also killed people and destroyed farmland! Many people in my territory are already starving!

The nobles have complained that the agricultural level of the Corondo Kingdom is much worse than other countries. Food is very dependent on imports. The main reason is that there are too few farmers and the domestic products are too rich. Why can’t we make money by collecting herbs, hunting and mining?

Of course, it doesn't mean that the nobles ignored land reclamation. After all, food cultivation is the foundation of human beings. However, due to the rapid population growth rate in Corondo and the high proportion of soldiers, the food production capacity is far behind.

Cultivating land to grow food requires a lot of labor. However, the Kingdom of Corondo has to conscript soldiers and build towns. There is not much surplus labor, and most of these surplus labor are not farming.

The income obtained from mining is more than 10 times that of the grain produced by own farming. Gathering medicinal materials and hunting are also more profitable behaviors. The nobles prefer to let the citizens engage in these high-yield jobs instead of farming.

In other countries, due to the balance of territorial area and population, there is no such situation that the labor force can be fully allocated only by natural resources.

But the Kingdom of Corondo has a small population and a large land! Therefore, agricultural development has been left far behind by population development. Once food cannot be purchased from other countries, food shortages will occur.

Stop complaining, what problem can complaining solve? Other countries will attack us sooner or later, it has nothing to do with that Babylonian nobleman!

Think about a solution, you can't really compromise with those shameless robbers!

A few more rational nobles began to put aside their negative emotions and face the problem.

The problem was indeed a bit serious. The nobles never expected that the food problem would be so serious. They were all intoxicated in the joy of expanding their territory and building it.

Marcus is still assertive and responsible as always, and proposed: Stop the construction of the territory as soon as possible, stop production activities such as mining, textiles, and smelting, and free up manpower! Hurry up and arrange them to go hunting and fishing. In addition The army stops expanding its territory and comes back to drive out those raging robbers from other countries!

Another nobleman added: Attention must be paid to the reclamation of farmland, food must be imported, what's the point of us laying down such a large land?

The nobles felt a little uncomfortable. They stopped land reclamation, territory construction, and those production activities were also suspended. It was impossible to develop for a long time, but the food shortage was too great, so they had to do so.

The Kingdom of Corondo has a large number of soldiers. The population of the country is only 2 million, but there are more than 100,000 soldiers. This is not farming in normal times. The militiamen recruited in wartime are all regular soldiers recruited for war without production. In normal times, all kinds of training have to be carried out when there is no war, and the food consumption is particularly large.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers sounded like a lot, but some were allocated to various territories to maintain law and order, some followed the nobles to kill centaurs, and some were used to patrol newly reclaimed territories to prevent centaurs from invading. The number of soldiers was not even enough.

The number of this army far exceeds the current normal capacity of the Kingdom of Corondo. The Kingdom of Lucanir with a population of 4 million has only 60,000 standing troops, and the average number of soldiers per noble is less than 1,000.

The nobles feed the army by purchasing food. Since most of the civilians and slaves in the territory are busy building buildings, mining ores, and collecting resources, it is difficult for them to be self-sufficient, so they don't expect to be able to collect food.

Now that the army is busy with harassment from other countries, it must not be reduced. After the trade is stopped, the food problem will become serious.

We can't keep wasting with them like this, don't we stop developing? a nobleman mentioned.

Marcus also had a headache. The other human countries didn't intend to gather large-scale troops to attack. They just sent small-scale robbers to harass and implement a trade blockade. They just wanted to fight a war of attrition with the Kingdom of Corondo.

The Kingdom of Corondo has a population of two million and a vast land. Can it be self-sufficient without diplomacy? Sure, let alone a large country with two million people, even a small country with hundreds of thousands of people can be self-sufficient, but what about the speed of development?

Without trade circulation and allies, the country's development speed will be much slower, and it may even regress because the stalls are too large.

Many nobles are also very troubled. They are willing to open up wasteland because they have strong ambitions and desires. It is really boring to stop their expansion and fight small-scale guerrilla warfare with other countries.

At this time, a dwarf nobleman said: It's enough to trade with other races, the dwarf kingdom has a lot of food!

A halfling noble also said: That's right, there are many sub-human races, so there is no need to trade with human countries!

This is a good idea, but the human nobles are silent, even the King of Prague, who supported the demi-human nobles, did not speak. The main body of the Corondo Kingdom is human beings, and all the nobles think so.

The concept of race is not so easy to break. If these demi-human nobles have opened up business routes, their status is getting higher and higher, and the number of demi-humans in the kingdom is increasing, will it still be a human kingdom by then?

Can these human nobles still maintain absolute dominance?

We can do business with those demi-human countries, but we need to form a caravan and a chamber of commerce by ourselves!

The King of Prague gave an unquestionable answer. There has never been a precedent for large-scale trade between a human kingdom and demihumans. This is not a trivial matter.

The nobles were arguing fiercely, about the military policy against other countries, about the measures to form caravans, and the discussion took a whole day to come to a result.

Then, just as Marcus returned to the castle to rest a little tired, he suddenly thought of something.

Not good, is Harold still haunting other countries with caravans?

Corondo’s external relations with other countries have deteriorated within a month, and this matter is still a secret to people other than the nobles of other countries. Originally, it was the official forces of other countries that traded with the Kingdom of Corondo. Stopping trade would be no shock either.

Harold probably didn't know the news yet! Marcus was a little anxious. It would be fine if the caravan was detained, but Harold was not a nobleman. Maybe the lord who robbed the caravan would kill Harold easily!

Marcus immediately got up and prepared to lead troops to support him, but he was about to walk out of the room and stopped his actions. The situation in the Kingdom of Corondo was not optimistic. As the largest lord below the king of the country, he could not take the lead in making troubles.

And he doesn't know Harold's current location, how should he support him? Is it possible to lead troops to sweep the other three countries?

Marcus sighed. He could only hope that Harold would be smarter and don't be impulsive. In this era, even when wars are fought between countries, nobles pay more attention to face. Based on their positions, nobles must fight, but they seldom end up deadly.

Nobody cares about the casualties of civilians and soldiers, but nobles, knights, and their cronies are usually taken as captives in exchange for ransom. As long as Harold reports to Marcus and Cleon, his life will definitely be fine.

Regarding how many people can support a regular soldier, I checked a lot of information, and I feel that it is still relatively low in this era of underdeveloped agriculture. If you want to easily supply it, 100 to 1 should not be a problem.

During the war, it can be mentioned at most ten to one, and no amount of logistics can keep up. After all, the productivity is underdeveloped, and the farming civilization is not a nomadic civilization. All the people can be soldiers.

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