I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 87 Scum NPC

Tiona just sprayed a mouthful of old blood on Sha Duo'er's face, and Sha Duo'er didn't suspect anything, mainly because she clearly remembered that her attack was merciless that day, and the elves are not dwarves or orcs, so they are not that resistant , she felt that it was normal for the other party to be seriously injured.

Sha Duoer has been bullied since she was a child, and she has no dignity at all. She knelt on the ground and kowtowed and begged Tiona to forgive her. Tiona couldn't speak when she was acting. Harold was a little confused and wanted to wait and see, Bia Si Ruanxin was really deceived by her.

Bias was hiding in the carriage and passed out after hearing the ear-piercing screams. When she woke up, she saw Sha Duoer who was seriously injured and unconscious. Apart from the sword wound on her back, Sha Duoer's arm was pierced. Being beaten by Harold's iron fist is also full of scars.

Even on the outside, Harold's attack seemed more ferocious. Sha Duo'er's delicate body was bruised and purple, and several ribs were broken. Not everyone has the same blood recovery function as Harold. The injury will not heal within a few months.

Bias didn't see Sha Duo'er's ferocious and bloodthirsty side, but only saw her pitiful state after she was injured and unconscious. Now that she was hugged by someone holding her calf to wipe her tears, she had long felt sympathetic and began to speak for Sha Duo'er.

Harlott, she apologized so much, why don't you forgive her, she knows she was wrong! Bias is really a pig teammate, and now Tiona is seriously injured in their script, you as a racially conscious How could an extremely strong elf forgive the murderer who hurt his tribe so easily?

Fortunately, Sha Duoer had no doubts, and Harold said in a stern tone: You just forgive her like this. Didn't Tiona get stabbed by her for nothing? From now on, everyone who stabs an elf will kneel down and kowtow, and the elves directly Let it be extinct!

Bias was frightened by Harold's fierce tone, as if what she said made sense, but at this moment, Sha Duoer knocked a few more times, and the blood splashed onto Bias's leg.

Bias finally couldn't help but said: She, she is just a child! Give her a chance!

Grass, you. You. Harold are so angry that you don’t know what to say. No wonder the elves in the elf home just take care of Bias and never take Bias’s suggestions seriously. You are a real waste of love ah!

Fortunately, Tiona was strong enough to spit out a big mouthful of blood again, giving Harold a chance to face off in the second round.

Let's discuss it elsewhere. It's not good for the wounded to be loud and noisy here. Bias, take care of Tiona! Harold ruled out his pig teammate and prepared to face off against the winged princess alone.

Harold's tone could not be refused, and he grabbed Sha Duo'er's neck and left.

As soon as Harold went out with Sandol, Tiona got up and grabbed Bias by the ear and cursed non-stop.

Bias could only apologize while begging Harold not to bully Sha Duoer.

Harold took Sando to another tent, and Kent and the other 6 rogue knights stood guard at the door of the tent, rushing in to the Savior whenever there was any movement.

Sha Duoer knew that the human being in front of her didn't like her. She had fought Harold to the death before.

Harold took the lead: Tell me, what price are you willing to pay for compensation? Now that Sha Duoer has accepted the softness, there is no need to worry about it.

Sha Duoer asked suspiciously: Can you speak on their behalf? Sha Duoer still wanted to obtain the elf's forgiveness first and then silence Harold.

The two of them are my women, so of course I have the final say! Harold burst into a huff, resolutely accepting the soft rice!

Sha Duo'er understood, no wonder the two elves are so obedient to him as a human being, their relationship is based on beauty, this human's little boy has a pretty good-looking face.

It's just that the two elves are really good-tempered, and they don't even mind that this guy steps on two boats. If it were for her, she would have chopped this guy down a long time ago.

That's what the Winged Empress did, and that's how Sha Duo'er's father died.

The Wing Human Race is a matrilineal society, and in Sha Duo'er's eyes, Harold is the Bichi who coquettishly seduced two elves as backers.

However, instead of underestimating Harold, Sha Duoer took Harold more seriously. She understood better than anyone else how terrible this kind of person who does anything for the sake of superiority is terrible, and she is such a person herself.

I don't have any money with me, I only have a treasure that can be used to make amends! Sha Duo'er actually didn't want to expose her cards so quickly, but now she has no other choice but this trick, and Harold won't take her tricks.

treasure? Harold was a little surprised. All the wingman's luggage and belongings were checked, and there was nothing of value.

For Sha Duoer, a well-developed winged princess, Harold personally searched her body. After searching inside and out for more than half an hour, nothing was found.

He vaguely remembered that Tiona looked at him with a vicious look at that time, so he stopped his evil actions.

What treasure? Don't tell me you have to go back to the Yiren Dynasty to get it!

You promise me first that you will never reveal what happened today after taking the treasure, and you will help me persuade the elves together, please forgive me! I swear in the name of the sun!

Harold hesitated for a moment. After all, the treasure he got was for Tiona, and he couldn't get any benefits. But in the end, he thought that he only wanted to resolve this trouble peacefully, and didn't want to profit from it. He had to restrain his greed , agreed.

Harold in this life has never received the gift of the sun, but he also doesn't dare to break his oath. God knows how powerful the sun god is in this world. What if the sun shines all over the land of the gods?

Sha Duoer breathed a sigh of relief, a little thankful, but also a little sad. Without her subordinates and treasures, she would have to start all over again after returning to the Yiren Dynasty, and she would also be oppressed by some good sisters.

Sha Duoer lay on the ground and opened her mouth, her stomach contracted violently, vomit! A crystal clear bead spit out from her mouth.

Hoo hoo hoo. Sanduoer gasped, she didn't trust anyone, this bead was always kept in her stomach, she often ate some garbage thrown to her by the empress since she was a child, she vomited and ate it, slowly. Slowly, you can control the stomach to actively ruminate.

Some of the physiological organs of the winged humans are similar to those of birds. Rumination is not a difficult skill to master, but she is indeed the only one who can store items in the stomach. This skill is really abnormal.

Harold swallowed. Luckily, this treasure was given to Tiona. He felt a little disgusted when he saw it. It doesn't matter if it was a beautiful girl or a big man with a picky foot, the things that spit out from the stomach are equally disgusting.

This is a storage bead that can store items. You need to provide energy to activate it before you can use it. Elves can use magic power. Don't you human nobles also have various special energies? How to use them? Try it yourself! Sha Duo'er was very heartbroken, this is ancient times It is a treasure that has been passed down, and it is a rare storage item. People are willing to buy hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

This time, she was killed. She hadn't been robbed, not to mention hurting the untouchable elf, but as long as her life was still alive, she would still have a chance to make a comeback. At worst, she would throw away her dignity and face to kneel and lick those sisters.

Harold was quite interested when he heard that this thing was a storage item. Although he didn’t really need it because he had an inventory, it was a magical storage item after all. Who wouldn’t be curious?

However, the gastric juice and saliva on it are a bit pungent. Harold had a bit of flame energy in his previous life, and he is a pure ordinary person in this life, so he didn't study it carefully, but just wrapped it in a cloth.

Harold told Sha Duoer to stay still, told his subordinates to keep an eye on it, and then returned to the original tent to show Bias the bead, but Tiona clamored that it was her treasure and did not want to give it to others. look.

It's a pity that the magic power of this color pen is frighteningly low, and there was no response when I pushed the beads with all my strength. After I gave it to Bias, it activated in less than a second.

The value of this thing is still very high, and Tiona is quite satisfied. Harold thinks that this conflict can be resolved in this way, so he called Sha Duoer and told her that even if today's business is over, the elves will not Come to trouble her, they will absolutely keep this matter a secret.

The matter should have ended like this, but who knew that Sha Duoer had other ideas, she deliberately pressed her plump body against Harold, and said, Are you interested in cooperating with me, willing to come to the Yiren Dynasty trade business? There are not many teams, if you come, I can help you, this matter is a win-win for us!

Before Harold could give any response, the system suddenly gave a prompt [Ding, the Wingman Sha Duoer has requested to join your team, do you accept it? 】

Harold was a little surprised. After clicking accept, he was surprised to find that Sha Duoer was a hero template like Rand, and he could add points and upgrade.

The only difference is Rand's character: integrity and kindness.

Sha Duoer's character is: cunning and cruel.

Harold was stunned, Sha Duoer thought that her beauty trick worked and got closer, but Harold pushed her away rationally.

Tiona and Bias were watching, and it was better to be more disciplined, and replied: It can be considered, but you must keep the safety of our caravan. The goods are given to you for nothing!

Sha Duoer's invitation was carefully considered by her. Now she has nothing and is injured all over. It would be too miserable to roll back to the country like this. She must find some foreign aid so that she can turn around quickly.

Okay, no problem, you bring the caravan directly to Jersey, and I will meet you there! Sha Duoer excitedly replied, as long as she can bring a large and stable caravan, not only Yiren The empress will look at her differently, and she can make a fortune herself.

When she has money and power, her status will be much higher than those other princesses!

After discussing the plan, Sha Duoer left with his men, while Harold was thinking about npc teammates.

Why can Rand and Sandol be teammates, but Bias, Tiona, Marcus, and Kryon cannot?

status? But Sha Duoer is a princess, her status is higher than hers, Rand and her are twins, even if they call her elder brother, they have the same status!

Harold thought about the situation in the game again. Every npc teammate is in trouble or has a dream. In short, they all need the help of the player and join the team headed by the player.

Rand definitely needed help at the time, and he was willing to follow his own arrangements. Does Sha Duoer also need help? And she subconsciously thinks that her status is lower than mine and she needs to rely on me?

Why would a princess be so humble? Harold couldn't figure it out, so he simply threw it aside, anyway, he could kick this teammate away at worst, and don't add points or equip her with equipment, let's figure it out.

As for the personality of Harold, I don't mind it. They use each other. You don't care what kind of personality the other party is. In the game, there are many scum lords and scum NPCs. This is even more so in reality. Living is very difficult. Who is qualified? Be a good person!

On the other side, after Sha Duoer walked away with more than 20 wounded people who were still alive, she whispered to Harry: Harry, we have to silence all these people!

Harry's eyes widened, and he was almost stunned by Sha Duoer's crazy idea, You're crazy, we managed to survive, shouldn't we cherish the rest?

Sha Duo'er sighed, tears streaming down her face: I know you are reluctant, but think about it, there are elves among the people we attacked this time, what will happen if the Queen finds out about this?

Many people saw Sha Duoer piercing Tiona with a sword, and Harold had sworn not to reveal it. Ordinary human soldiers don't even know who Sha Duoer is, so don't worry.

But Sha Duo'er's own subordinates are a hidden danger. She doesn't believe in loyalty at all, and wants to kill all uneasy factors in the cradle.

After hearing what Sha Duoer said, Harry became more frightened as he thought about it, and slowly broke into a cold sweat, But, isn't this too cruel?

Sha Duoer grabbed Harry's face with both hands, her eyes grew wide, and she said in a crying voice: Look at me, Harry, the only thing I can rely on now is you, do you choose to kill them to protect me or choose them, kill me!

Seeing the suffering of the person he loves the most, Harry has long put aside benevolence and kindness. He is not a leader who loves the people like a son. Few of the winged humans in high positions are soft-hearted.

Harry's eyes became firmer, he nodded to Sando'er, gathered the wounded soldiers, and said that he would talk to each of them individually, one, two, three, more and more Wingmen soldiers went to talk to Harry Disappears after talking.

When there were only 10 soldiers left, they finally realized that something was wrong. Instead of running away, they fought back. They had no food, no water, and were injured. How far could they run?

Only by killing Harry and Sandle can we survive! However, Harry was the leader of the Winged Man after all, and he was only one step away from evolving into a high-level Winged Man. Coupled with the cooperation of Sha Duoer, the two of them killed all the other soldiers.

Harry was covered in blood, some of his own and others', panting and said to Sha Duoer: Honey, you don't have to worry, everyone who knows about this is dead!

There is no diplomacy between humans and the Winged Dynasty, and Harold has an oath to keep it secret. It is almost certain that this matter will not be passed on to the Winged Queen.

But Sha Duoer smiled coldly, stabbed Harry's chest with a sword, put his mouth next to Harry's ear and said, You forgot, you also know about it!

Harry's expressions of anger, resignation, and pain emerged in turn, and finally became flat, and he fell down forever.

Sha Duoer searched the valuables of these soldiers indifferently. Harold wanted to resolve the conflict peacefully, so he did not collect the belongings of the prisoners and corpses. These wounded soldiers had a total of 80 belongings on them.

Sha Duoer searched for a long time, and nodded in satisfaction. The gems, necklaces, and jewelry worth about 3,000 gold coins in total are very suitable for carrying. These properties are at least enough for her to apply for a short-term asylum from a few winged nobles. When she recovers from her injuries, she can rise again when Harold comes with the caravan!

The role of Sha Duoer was originally my idea for the protagonist, but after thinking about it later, I felt that it was too dark and cruel, so it should be used as a supporting role.

All eyes are on the human kingdom. The rule of the human aristocrats is indeed cruel, but it is still covered with a layer of hypocrisy. Those races that still rely on the law of the jungle to divide their status and emphasize the supremacy of strength are really cruel.

Except for the high-ranking races such as elves, dwarves, and orcs, any other races are living hard and hard, and there are no conditions for talking about human nature and morality. If it weren't for this cruel and selfish character, Sha Duo'er would not be able to live today.

This book is to let the protagonist witness this era, witness the dark and cruel era, and then change this era. Only the protagonist who can pass on the soul from generation to generation, and through the efforts of generation after generation, can establish the protagonist's own empire. world.

Changing the world cannot be done in one or two generations or in 40 to 50 years. It must be a little bit of persistent struggle. This is why many people say that my book is poisonous, and I insist on writing like this.

The original idea of ​​this book was that the protagonist would be reborn into offspring, so I will never change this setting.

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