I Want To Be a Nobleman

Chapter 89 Other Functions of the Magic Lamp

After solving Sha Duoer's troubles, Harold set off again with the caravan. The route back to the country first passed through the Kingdom of Babylon and then returned directly to the country. He planned to transport the low-end equipment made by these dwarves to the Kingdom of Corondo for purchase. , I didn’t want to buy and sell goods while walking as I did when I came here.

After all, it is war equipment, and it is unreasonable to sell it in large quantities in other countries. Moreover, the war equipment sold in the Kingdom of Corondo is more expensive, and it can be a little closer to the nobles in the country. Of course, Harold has to choose to bring it to Corondo The kingdom is for sale.

After arriving in the territory of the Kingdom of Babylon, a lord warmly entertained them and even provided accommodation for free. Buying or selling goods is good for the local lord, as long as the lord is not too stupid, he will welcome Harold.

After Harold set off from the Dwarf Kingdom, he slept in a tent for a week, and the conditions were relatively average. This time, he was finally able to sleep in a comfortable room. Excitedly, he took incense and put it in the Dream Magic Lamp to light it.

Harold covered the bed, closed his eyes, and thought with great anticipation, Who is the beauty in the dream? Bias? It's a bit peaceful! Tiona? You won't be talking badly about me in your dream!

It's still that Sha Duo'er. At that time, she could wrap us with her wings. Maybe there will be a different kind of pleasure!

Let's just go three together. It's a dream anyway, so it's so cool! Harold became more and more excited as he thought about it, but he couldn't fall asleep, and finally fell asleep under the sleeping effect of the dream lamp.

Entering the dreamland, the initial scene was the same as Harold's obsessed with, Bias, Tiona, and Shadol all appeared, as well as the previous female assassins and a group of sexy and enchanting half-orc female slaves.

These beauties with their own characteristics scratched their heads and posed, and whispered Come on! and I want it! to Harold one by one, just as Harold was about to pounce on him for 300 rounds.

Those beauties turned into fully armed enemies, drew out their sharp swords and slashed at Harold. At the same time, the caravan under Harold was also attacked, and a large number of troops surrounded them.

Harold woke up suddenly, panting heavily, everything in the dream was too real, Harold was sweating, What's going on? Ramon lied to me?

No, he doesn't need to lie to me! And the first half of the dream is indeed in line with what he said! Harold was a little puzzled, and there was a lingering haze in his heart.

This dream is so real! Harold has always believed in metaphysics. Before dreaming of the horror of the archmage, he was so frightened that he would not go to the forest of elves. Now that he dreamed of this, he began to think wildly.

The goods on his trip were indeed a bit too valuable, dwarf equipment worth 100,000 gold coins, if it was urgently needed to be armed, it would be no problem to pay a lot of premium, maybe someone would really want to rob it.

It is not the first time that the nobles have robbed. Harold is not afraid of 10,000, but just in case, so he directly woke up a few close subordinates and asked six rogue knights to take a look. In the case of the night watch, he himself was personally protected by Kent.

A frightening thing happened. The soldiers Harold arranged for the night watch were all in deep sleep. They should have been drugged. Several rogue knights also told him that they noticed a large number of people nearby watching them.

Wake up all the troops and set off overnight with the goods! Harold made a decisive decision, and was even ready to leave the goods and flee with a small number of troops. This time, he was not robbed by noble knights disguised as robbers in the wild.

They are in the official territory. If someone comes to attack, it means that the nobles are completely shameless and come to grab them. In this case, they will even face the situation where the nobles personally attack with knights and a large number of soldiers.

Harold kicked over the snoring Tiona, and then shook Bias awake again, Hurry up, we are being watched, pack up and leave!

Gathering the troops, Harold left the territory with the caravan. It was just a small town without a city wall. Harold's men were also elite soldiers, and the lord did not dare to stop him.

After Harold led the caravan away for a while, there was the sound of horseshoes behind him, and a nobleman led hundreds of cavalry to catch up to Harold.

Harold ordered his subordinates to prepare for battle, and at the same time, he was a little thankful that the magic lamp gave an early warning! Otherwise, if he was attacked by this bastard in his sleep, he would have no room to resist.

The opponent's cavalry rushed to a distance of 100 meters from the caravan and did not attack immediately. Harold's troops were quite powerful, and the noble didn't want to suffer too many casualties. The hostile country of the country, I am not attacking you for personal reasons! You better not resist!

Enemy country? Damn, why did the relationship suddenly deteriorate? Isn't the kingdom busy with infighting all the time? How did you provoke the Kingdom of Babylon?

Harold stayed in the Dwarf Kingdom before, so he really didn't know much about this information. This is how fucked up in the era of underdeveloped information transmission.

I heard that you are the lord under Marcus. As long as you let your troops lay down their weapons and surrender, I can treat you like a defeated knight, and your troops will not be reduced to slaves!

The nobleman thought he had a chance to win, and the conditions he offered were very harsh, and he didn't even promise when Harold would be released. It seemed that he was going to demand another ransom.

Harold thought quickly, and finally came to the conclusion that war!

The conditions given by the other party are too bad. Generally speaking, they will be treated so harshly after they will not surrender and be captured. In this world, the people of the same race between humans have always suffered from the people at the bottom and ordinary soldiers. It is the same if the nobles lose. He can maintain his dignity, eat and drink, and then wait for the family to send a ransom to redeem him.

One is that wars between countries do not affect the personal relationships between noble families. Under the enfeoffment aristocratic system, noble lords have a relatively weak sense of belonging to the country. In addition, other races pose a great threat, such as orcs, winged people, and lizard people. Moderate.

Besides, if you don't surrender, you still have the capital to negotiate. If you put down your weapons and let others slaughter you, isn't that putting your wealth and life at the disposal of the other party?

I will not surrender, and I am not afraid to fight! Harold made those long-range shooters draw their bows, and even the servants took up weapons.

The enemy is not a powerful foreign race, and ordinary subordinate servants have the courage to resist.

Charge! The opposing nobles were bound to win Harold's large sum of goods, and without wasting any more time persuading them, they charged with their troops.

Looks like it's a war between human nations! Bias, just be honest and don't meddle in your own business! Tiona was still lying in the carriage, not intending to fight, and pulled Bias who was about to mediate Silk.

Harold didn't say anything. Although Tiona is usually a troublemaker who is not afraid of anything, she is very persistent in major matters. Other races dare not hurt the elves, and the elves never get involved in the disputes between other intelligent races. Struggle, centaurs are not considered intelligent races, and ordinary centaurs still have some beast tendencies.

The elves were caught first in that riot, and both Tiona and Alan had good reasons to do it. Usually, the elves seldom had conflicts with other races.

If it was ordinary robbers and robbers who robbed them and helped Harold fight together, it would be okay, but this battle is obviously a war conflict between the Kingdom of Corondo and other countries, so they should stop meddling, but only help a little Xiao busy is fine, if Harold loses, they can take Harold and leave safely.

Harold was lucky. This nobleman was not very strong, and his subordinates were also ordinary soldiers, who were crushed by his system soldiers. The blood power of that nobleman was not massively destructive, so it was difficult to change the situation of the battle.

After resisting the impact with a barrier of carriages and supplies, Harold's troops began to fight back bravely.

Despite being outnumbered, Harold still had the upper hand thanks to the powerful combat power of the system soldiers, and the nobleman was also shot down by Harold's crossbow.

The opponent was actively attacking, and his attitude was very bad. Harold didn't show mercy, and directly used the Hydra crossbow.

Everyone, follow me! Harold rode a warcraft horse and brandished a spear to lead the charge.

The flames under his Warcraft horse's feet have no other purpose, it is simply more eye-catching at night, so that his subordinates can see Harold's movements.

A few rogue knights and Kent were the closest, and they were unstoppable as arrows leading the team.

The spear in Harold's hand can take away an enemy's life every time he pokes it out, and the powerful power of the Warcraft horse makes him invincible.

The leader on one side took the lead in fighting the enemy bravely, while the other side fell from the horse and fell down. The morale rose and fell, and these enemies were killed and retreated without too many casualties.

Without chasing him, Harold asked his men to give him some first aid and continued on his way. The question he faced now was where to go?

Originally, Harold thought that a certain nobleman was robbing after seeing money, but it turned out that the Kingdom of Corondo and the Kingdom of Babylon were in a state of hostility. Now that he encounters any troops of the Kingdom of Babylon, there is a high probability that he will be attacked. He should turn around and withdraw first. Should the territory of the Kingdom of Babylon return home by detour, or bite the bullet and break through the blockade to return home?

Harold's subordinates are indeed very powerful. In the battle with the human race, the high attributes of the soldiers of the system are fully displayed. The higher the strength, the higher the damage, and the higher the agility, the faster the speed. Moreover, with high strength and agility, he can wear thicker armor and weapons at the same time.

More than a dozen [Corondo Iron Guards] can casually defeat hundreds of ordinary soldiers, not to mention rogue knights, who can suppress those extraordinary knights as top combat power.

This also made Harold understand that he made a mistake in adding points in his previous life. It is not important to increase his strength and agility by a total of more than ten points. Those combat skills also increase his combat power by a percentage. In terms of combat, it is also at the level of [Adventure Hero].

No, if you want to reach [Adventure Hero], you need to be at least close to level 30. If you can only reach level 20, your combat effectiveness is just like a [Rogue Knight]!

Adding the system's skill points and attribute points to the charm and intelligence department is king! The improvement of personal combat power is too small!

Harold didn't underestimate the importance of personal strength. It's just that system attributes and skills have too little effect on combat. If you can't become a nobleman or be promoted to a legend, no matter how much you add it, it's impossible to make a qualitative change.

On the contrary, if you can become a nobleman, rely on your huge wealth to buy various corpses of monsters, use precious herbs, strengthen them to the level of Marcus, or even break through to the legendary level, the improvement of combat power is far beyond what the system can match.

The improvement of personal strength mainly depends on various methods in reality, and the precious resources of the system must be used to train subordinates and build territories!

In his previous life, he was faced with a life-and-death struggle from the very beginning, and strengthening his combat power was a helpless move. In this life, he will not make mistakes again.

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