I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 77: Remarks on the launch

Now that it’s on the shelves, I should say something.

First of all, thank you to my readers who support me.

When writing a book, the most important thing is companionship. Without you, this book would definitely not be written.

Then thank my editor, Green Bean.

Thanks to his wrong love, this book has the opportunity to be seen by everyone.

Finally, I would like to thank myself for persisting in writing it.

After it is on the shelves, I will also try my best to update it, tell this story well, and present this world completely.

I hope everyone can continue to support me and accompany me.

So, first, the three chapters are on the shelves, each chapter is 3,000 words, a total of 9,000 words.

Let’s see how much I can write later, and try to update more within the 24 hours on the 1st.

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