I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 78 77 is really strong (please subscribe)

Chapter 78 77. Really strong (please subscribe)

"Praise the supreme Lord, and fall into the abyss with him..."

"Praise the supreme Lord, follow the footsteps, touch the truth..."

"Praise the Supreme Lord, become one, embrace madness..."

"This is...the road to immortality...this is...the road to domination...this is...the road to domination..."

"This is...the road to becoming a god..."

"Join us...Join us! Join us!!!"

Lloyd frowned as he listened to the carols that were becoming clearer and louder, but also more incoherent.

Why are you here again?

His consciousness is still clear and his memory is not biased, so he can still clearly remember that when he first completed [Enlightenment], that is, during the library attack, he saw this scene in front of him.

There were some differences in details. For example, in terms of distance, he felt that he was closer to the group of twisting and dancing figures, and he could clearly see their noodle-like body textures, which were as soft as if they had no bones. , can be twisted into various shapes at will.

What kind of knowledge is this?

Lloyd also couldn't laugh or cry for a while, closed his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

The evil and strange picture in front of him then began to twist and turn, and then split into long and thin strips like chrysanthemum petals. Finally, it shrank and gathered together, turning into a seed like a pine cone, which slowly sank into the sea. In darkness and nothingness.

Lloyd's vision returned to normal, and there was an unfamiliar ceiling in front of him again.

Another panel prompt came to my ears:

[Ding~ Enough knowledge fragments have been obtained, the skill level has been improved, and the realm of distortion is LV3 → LV4]

This 'villain'' skill has been upgraded again. Lloyd is not surprised at all. Anyway, it can be upgraded as long as it is exposed to distortion knowledge. The last upgrade was the last time, when the library attacker was executed.

"There are so many more things in my mind. It's not like I've grown a brain, it's more like I've got an extra brain..."

Lloyd said something in his mind and began to sort out the things in his mind bit by bit.

The harvests in this wave are many and rich, but also very messy. Let’s start with adding points.

The thinking monster gave him a third level, and with the big wave of knowledge from the distortion system, he was upgraded by two levels. Now he has 25 attributes to add.

The goals you have set must not be given up easily. It is still the bucket idea, keep going!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 100/3500, upper limit: 8000]

[Rationality: 80]

[Spiritual power: 75]

【Inspiration: 40】

[Cognition: 70]

[System: Distort LV2, reject LV1]

[Skills Mastered: Efficient Learning; Exploration; Divination LV3; Stun Resistance LV4; Accurate Anatomy LV4; Distortion Realm LV4; Swordsmanship LV4; Offensive Speech LV2; Ritual Control LV1; Distortion Seed LV1]

[Unanalyzed fragments: unknown fragments with unknown composition*1, current analysis progress is 6.5%]

oops? It seems that I forgot to add [Inspiration] again? Forget it, forget it, I’ll do it next time, I’ll do it next time!

Lloyd comforted himself in his heart and was busy checking the new skill he had just acquired:

[Seed of Distortion (LV1) - The basic skill of the distortion system. It consumes a consciousness seed and is planted deep in the target's consciousness. It can continuously produce distortion effects; it can only be used on targets with self-awareness. According to the target Different levels of attribute strength show different effects; you must have consciousness seeds to cast them; continue to acquire relevant knowledge to improve skill levels]

There is a line of small print below as a supplement:

"Huh? Okay! He believes it! He really believes it!"

Just looking at the simple text description made Lloyd shake his head secretly, feeling something was wrong.

I'm really going to burst into pieces. What kind of 'villain' skills are these? How could I, a righteous young man who hates evil and hates evil, acquire such a skill?

Now he is really a criminal...

Lloyd yelled twice in his mind, and then checked the detailed usage in his mind.

The power of this skill, or the 'evil' thing, is that it can attack other people's subconscious like a thinking monster, making it difficult to resist, and the damage caused is irreversible.

And there is no such thing as "effective range" or "duration". Once the [seed of distortion] is planted, it will continue to distort the victim's subconscious.

This process will be relatively slow because the skill level is still level one, but because of the characteristics of the [distortion] system, the victim can't defend himself and be completely distorted without even realizing it.

As for what will happen after the complete distortion, Lloyd doesn't know yet. He needs to try it out to know.

There are no strict standards for the [Consciousness Seed] required to perform skills. It can be a 'specialty' of the [Intellectual] system such as [Thought Imprint], or it can be a simple fragment of knowledge or memory.

Lloyd doesn't have any knowledge in this area and has no experience with it, so he can't try it yet.

He put this skill aside for a moment, and then looked at the [Distorted Realm] that had been upgraded to level 4.

The text description and small print description have not changed much. In terms of specific functions, there is a new effect of "distorting other people's extraordinary abilities" on top of the original two functions. Different effects will be presented according to the attributes and strength differences of both parties, as well as the specific strengths and weaknesses of their abilities.

Lloyd remembered that there was also a similar ability in the high-level ability of the [Veto] system, which could directly veto a certain extraordinary ability of others, playing an offensive and defensive effect, but it must be based on sufficient understanding.

In comparison, his new ability is much simpler and cruder, but he still has to find an opportunity to try it out to see how effective it is.

"Why do I feel that the new skills are more targeted at humans? But I don't want to transform into a PVP player like the butler..."

Lloyd muttered to himself and continued to check the new things in his mind.

Hmm? The [Transcendence] method of the [Distortion] system?

There are two more?

Lloyd hurriedly looked up this part of knowledge carefully.

The first method is called "distorting the transcendence effect of other systems", which means turning the [Transcendence] of other systems into the [Transcendence] of the [Distorted] system.

That is, Lloyd had clearly completed the [Enlightenment] of the [Veto] system before, but the [Distorted] system was upgraded.

But according to the knowledge in his mind, if the [Transcendence] of other systems is distorted, then the other systems will naturally not be upgraded, just like an experience book in a krypton gold mobile game, which cannot be fed to two wives.

But Lloyd did complete the [Enlightenment] of the [Distorted] system...

Could it be the influence of the panel?

In addition, he did not remember what "Distorted Effect" operation he had performed at that time...

But the knowledge in his mind told him that this required a set of complicated processes, costly rituals, a long time, and various unpredictable dangers.

And this distorted effect is not "one to one" corresponding, and it may be necessary to [Transcend] in other systems twice, three times, or even more times to complete the [Distorted] system's transcendence.

This is simply a way of seeking the long way instead of the short way, which is not worth the loss. It is better not to choose this road, but to follow the normal way.

However, Lloyd read this so-called "normal way" over and over again, and found that there are only two words between the lines -

Seeking death

Just to carry out [enlightenment], you need to absorb a piece of twisted taboo knowledge when you are conscious and mentally normal...

And the second [transcendence] is to twist out a trace of rationality on the edge of falling into [severe insanity]...

The third time, at the extreme moment of life, you need to get a ray of life in a twisted way...

The knowledge in Lloyd's mind currently records the methods of the first five [transcendences], but he doesn't want to read the rest because it is meaningless.

Anyway, it is to jump back and forth in various extreme conditions, seeking death, and struggling madly.

Is this a way that humans can do?

I can only say that this [Distortion] system doesn't seem to be prepared for carbon-based creatures...

No wonder PVP players like the butler have fought against various systems, but only [Distortion]

Because those who dare to get involved in it have already tortured themselves to death...

In comparison, the first path of seeking the far away from the near suddenly seems much gentler and safer.

But getting involved in two, even three, or even more systems at the same time is a chronic suicide in itself, and it is impossible for human rationality to sustain it.

Many systems have the characteristics of "difficult practice", "slow progress", and "unpredictable danger", but compared with [Distortion], they at least have a way to go and have a certain amount of operating space.

But the [Distortion] system is simply a field that humans cannot reach.

"Why does such a system exist? Where does this knowledge come from?"

Lloyd couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

He felt that the existence of this system was like a bad joke played by the world.

But if... just hypothetically, if someone can really reach a high position through this path...

This kind of power honed on the edge of death and madness must be extraordinarily powerful!

It's just the third level [Distortion Realm], which can easily deal with a giant cicada of danger level 6 without any pressure, and even let the opponent have no resistance at all.

The combat power of the [Distortion] system is probably not something that other systems can touch.

After reading this piece of knowledge in his mind, Lloyd somehow suddenly didn't care so much about his misguided path.

Because this system is very strong, really strong!

This is not one of those illegal systems that the butler evaluated as "insidious rats who are not worth the money", but it is really strong.

And it is almost impossible to be discovered and detected by others. Basically, as long as you are still alive, it is enough to prove that you have never come into contact with this system. It is very concealed.

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