I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 76 76 Generous Rewards

Chapter 76 76. Generous rewards

The presiding judge's judgment was naturally authoritative. With his words, the tense atmosphere at the scene finally relaxed.

It was not a good place to stay for a long time, so the four of them walked to the elevator together.

While taking the elevator, Lloyd suddenly asked:

"Uh... don't you have anything to ask me? Don't you want to know something?"

He felt that everyone could be considered colleagues and comrades-in-arms, and the previous scene was really embarrassing. Although they entered the same elevator, they didn't talk about anything, which made it even more awkward. So he thought of something to talk about, so that they could become familiar with each other and relieve the tension. ease.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the elevator suddenly became tense. The expressions of the farmer and Triangle Eyes that had just calmed down suddenly became tense and solemn again. They quickly covered their ears, closed their eyes again, and each said:

"Don't say anything! Don't tell me anything! I just got married in the first half of this year!"

"Spare me, I have an 80-year-old mother at home and a son who has just entered elementary school...

Metis sighed and asked angrily:

"Your Excellency Lloyd, who claims to be a genius and excellent person, haven't you realized what we are dealing with this time?"

Uh...is it that serious?

Lloyd could only speak in his own mind.

But after thinking about it, I can understand it.

Obviously, these three colleagues realized that they were executing a thinking monster that was famous for being dangerous, weird, and difficult to guard against.

Lloyd can regard the thinking monster as a clown and kill it instantly with one blow, but others are not so easy, and they don't want to have anything to do with this kind of thing at all.

It's no wonder that the presiding judge never mentioned the execution target from beginning to end, because he didn't want to arouse curiosity and fear in everyone.

"Sorry, I just became an executioner not long ago."

Lloyd sincerely apologized for his abruptness.

The two executors did not respond, only Metis said fiercely:

"If you continue like this, you will die by my hands one day!"


When they came out of Tower No. 3, the presiding judge was waiting with a team of people. Then he put the four people on the stretcher without refusal and carried them all the way to the eighth floor of Tower No. 9.

The room here is arranged like a special care unit. The bed is soft and comfortable and can be raised and lowered. However, typical ritual elements such as lines and lines of scented candles can be seen everywhere, making the atmosphere in the air not like a place to recuperate, but rather like a place to recuperate. The cells are somewhat similar.

Lloyd was lying on the bed. He didn't feel relaxed at all. On the contrary, he felt very uncomfortable.

Then, several priests and two holy scholars came in and looked at him for inspiration, dazzled his eyes with flashlights, or looked at his whole body with a monocle, checking him inside and out three times. Then he was willing to let him go.

Then the presiding judge floated in, stretched out his hand and spread his fingers, placed them on Lloyd's head, and performed a final inspection.

"You did a great job and grew up very quickly. As expected, you did not disappoint me. The entire Brilliant City will be grateful for your feat today."

The presiding judge's voice came into Lloyd's mind, full of appreciation and relief.

He seemed to know that the Thought Monster eventually died at the hands of Lloyd.

But he also didn't delve into it, and he didn't ask why Lloyd was three minutes behind schedule. He maintained enough respect for this high-risk monster.

Then the presiding judge changed the subject and asked inexplicably:

"Do you have a lover?"

"Huh?! No...I haven't thought about this at all."

"Then take the time to think about it. The note I gave you should have told you about the importance of marriage to extraordinary people."

The presiding judge dropped these last words and left.

This is not to say that he is bored and cares about the private lives of his subordinates, but that he is more optimistic about Lloyd's prospects.

A happy marriage is very beneficial to the mental state of extraordinary people. Family responsibilities and concerns can not only help them stabilize their minds, but also allow them to dispel all kinds of dangerous thoughts.

Therefore, for normal extraordinary people, if they want to continue to deepen the system, marriage is a must. It is even better to have more children and find more lovers.

For example, when the butler Randolph was young, with his outstanding talent and handsome appearance, he had affairs with many women. His private life was quite inappropriate, and he openly wrote such things in his notes.

Fortunately, Lloyd doesn't need to think about this at all, and he won't think about it.

He waited until no one bothered him anymore, then called up the panel, looking back at a lot of previous reminders and taking stock of his gains this time.

The thinking monster is indeed very powerful. During the period of confrontation with it, it released a large amount of mental pollution, which directly promoted Lloyd to three levels.

Then there are a lot of strange fragments, waiting for him to choose whether to interpret them.

Lloyd chose 'yes' for all of them, and a ding-ding-dong-dong started ringing in his ears.

[Ding~ Several memory fragments have been obtained and the cognitive level is being evaluated...]

[Ding~ I have obtained several skill fragments and my cognitive level is being evaluated...]

[Ding~ Several knowledge fragments have been obtained and the cognitive level is being evaluated...]

[Ding~ Evaluation successful, interpreting...]

[Memory fragments have been obtained and can be viewed. Knowledge related to the veto system can be obtained through memory fragments]

[Have obtained enough skill fragments to unlock the skill - Seed of Distortion, LV1]

[The knowledge fragments of the twisted system have been obtained and can be viewed]

[Ding~ Madness value +6000]

When Lloyd heard this last prompt, he felt a wave of mental pollution suddenly surge into his brain, like a tsunami, making him feel as if his head was smashed by a mace. He almost fainted on the spot due to the pain. Venus flashed in front of his eyes, and it was so blurry that he could not see anything.

The eardrum also cooperated with the twitching pain, as if it was pierced by a sharp knife. Suddenly, he could not hear anything, and there was only a continuous "buzzing" tinnitus in his ears.

Fortunately, his rationality was high enough to withstand the upper limit of 7000, and with the help of [Dizziness Resistance], he did not faint on the spot and remained awake.

After about a few seconds, the blurred vision began to recover and the buzzing tinnitus began to subside.

But a familiar scene appeared in front of him, a group of people who were neither human nor ghost, singing and dancing on the desolate and silent plain, their figures were still blurry, and their dancing was still ugly.

It was like the prescription written by the doctor came alive, which was particularly weird.

The tinnitus was gradually replaced by fragmented mumbling, and gradually became clearer and louder, like chanting a hymn.

It will be put on the shelves tomorrow. I have worked hard to prepare some drafts. I should update about 9,000 to 10,000 words first, and then I will try my best to see if I can write more.

I hope everyone will continue to support me.

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