I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 485 Chapter 485 is really exciting

Chapter 485 485. It’s really exciting

Seeing that the atmosphere on the field was getting a little strange, Professor Fernand, the leader, quickly spoke to control the field:

"Okay, okay, you two, stop complaining. I've learned about that project, but it didn't actually last long? Why do you look like you've been exploited for years? You're so used to being lazy in the academy. …”

After hearing what he said, Lloyd quietly counted on his fingers. It seemed that this was indeed the case?

Although neither Professor Toledo nor the two lecturers have been researching the 0-006 project for a long time, they just made a lot of noise.

As a result, lecturer Randy listened and immediately argued:

"Professor, you can't say that! Every day we work hard in this world corresponds to ten days in the academy. We pile up ten days of work into one day to complete. Isn't this really hard work?"

Lecturer Lille also said:

"Yes, if we follow the normal rhythm, every day we spend in this world is equivalent to losing ten days of vacation in the academy. This is really too hard!"

The sophistry between the two made Professor Fernand scratch his head and said with some hesitation:

"Uh... Okay, what you said seems to make sense?"

Only Lloyd shouted loudly in his heart:

No... Professor, don't be confused by them! They are obviously trying to change their concept!

"Okay, okay, we're done chatting, let's get down to business."

Fernand said again, and then told the people present about the plan for the trip——

To put it simply, the main goal of this operation is to explore and locate the libraries, find those libraries that are "out of the water", go in to see the situation, evaluate whether further exploration is needed, etc.

Therefore, there is no need to recycle taboo knowledge for the time being. The staffing needs to be streamlined as much as possible. Basically, the acquaintances on site will go together, and there is no need to bring additional students.

The whole idea of ​​​​the action also highlights the need to go quickly and return quickly, safety first, and don’t take risks, so it is not a very urgent or dangerous journey.

It's just that this type of exploratory 'land reclamation' operation is relatively easy for people in the history department, but it has higher requirements for people in the space department.

Because no one knows what they will encounter or what accidents they will encounter after going down, so people in the space system are required to be powerful enough, experienced enough, and have the ability to fish people back in time in various chaotic and dangerous environments.

In the previous Department of Space, Professor Lawrence was the only one who had the qualifications to participate in 'opening up wasteland and exploring paths'.

But now, this kind of thing is naturally left to Lloyd.

Although Lloyd may not have enough experience, he is really strong...

"Then that's the briefing. If there are no objections, everyone will go back and get ready, and come here to gather early tomorrow morning."

After Professor Fernand finished the short meeting, he waved his hand to indicate that everyone could discuss freely.

But it was he who spoke first and started talking about another topic:

"Royd, I have read the paper that you guided students in our department to complete before, studied it carefully, and gave it a high evaluation. It is extremely constructive and valuable for us to improve the chronology of the doomsday."

Lecturer Randy on the side was stunned and quickly asked:

"What? How can Lloyd still mentor our history department students? Has he already graduated from the space department and turned to the past?"

"That's not true, just... let Lloyd explain it to you."

Professor Fernand threw the question away, and Lloyd had no choice but to spread his hands and talk about his mature version of the trial.

In fact, he hadn't even read the paper written by his Metis roommate, so it wasn't really about mentoring. He just added his name at the end and put it first among the instructors.

Objectively speaking, this is reasonable, after all, she was able to witness that period of history through Lloyd's trial.

Only then did a professional team from the History Department settle in and start further investigation.

They should have gained a lot, so when Lloyd proposed that he would leave for a few days and suspend the trial, they all breathed a sigh of relief, saying that they lacked time to sort out the summary.

"Then that's probably it."

After Lloyd briefly recounted the situation, he humbly said:

"So I didn't really give her any guidance. It was she who gained from the trial that I carefully created. I just provided her with an excellent platform to show herself."

Those words made everyone present hesitate to speak...

After the awkward silence lasted for several seconds, Lecturer Randy and Lear each said:

"Okay...this trial of yours sounds interesting? When can I come and play?"

"Yes! I want to see it too."

Even the bald Bartolo on the side joined in the fun:

"And me and me. As you know, I like to eat, drink and have fun."

"Haha, no problem. When we come back from this trip, we will invite everyone to try it."

Lloyd immediately said generously.

After these days of optimization, his mature version of the trial is no longer afraid of meeting people, and he hopes that more and stronger people will come in to try it and leave their [Silhouettes]

Especially for a powerful man like Bald Bartolo, Lloyd has long been interested in his weird magic that can roast people out of thin air.

So just like that, everyone chatted for a while and then planned to go back and prepare.

It was only when the meeting was about to end that Lloyd noticed the 'bounty hunter' William who had been sitting in the corner and remained silent throughout the whole process.

This guy's presence was even lower than when he acted before. If he hadn't stood up on his own initiative, no one would have noticed that he was still there.

However, considering that this guy's main responsibility is to serve as a temporary 'executor' in the team, specifically supervising team members, it seems reasonable to have a lower presence?

However, Lloyd still asked out of politeness:

"Uh...is your arm okay?"

"It's okay. This new one is pretty easy to use and I've gotten used to it."

William smiled faintly, raised his previously broken arm towards Lloyd, and showed him a few more gestures.

It looks very natural and flexible, and the skin is also very realistic, as if his broken arm has really grown back.

However, when making gestures, the slight sound of metal friction and gear rotation could not be completely covered up, revealing that the arm was a prosthetic arm from the engineering department.

William noticed the slight change in Lloyd's eyes, but smiled and continued:

"Don't feel sorry for me. This arm is actually stronger than before and has many functions that were not available before."

After saying that, he used his other hand to twist the first knuckle of his little finger, and then a wisp of fire burst out from the tip of his thumb.

Then he twisted the second knuckle of his little finger, and his index finger became the thing that Lloyd was most afraid of...

Strong flashlight!

"How's it going? Is it fun?"

"Uh...as long as you're happy."

Lloyd smiled and nodded.

But I was thinking about what those lunatics in the engineering department were messing around with? Why do you just add unnecessary functions to someone else's prosthetic limb?

Would you like to add a razor and a screwdriver?

As he was cursing, he saw William's arm suddenly twitch, and then his middle finger and ring finger turned into a razor and a screwdriver respectively...

This made William quickly tap on his arm, and finally returned to his original state.

"Uh... sometimes there is a little glitch. It seems like it got damp while taking a shower yesterday?"

William explained awkwardly.

"I hope everyone is okay."

Lloyd said dumbfounded.

However, this funny prosthetic leg did give him some inspiration and inspiration. It looked quite funny. Maybe he could add the corresponding system to the next mature version of the trial?

He has currently built a preliminary equipment and item system, which can only be used in trials. It can provide various help to trialists in the scene, but it cannot be brought into reality. It is roughly equivalent to that in the game. of holy relics and relics.

But it is just a framework that has not been filled in yet. Let’s wait until this ‘land reclamation operation’ is completed.


In this way, the time soon came to set off for the next day, and Lloyd came to the conference room to gather with a little regret.

I didn’t find a single hair in the [Thinking Realm] this morning...

Even Hiltina didn't notice that she was still sleeping soundly...

We have no choice but to see if we can make up for some gains through today's archaeological activities.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

Professor Fernand looked at the five people in front of him and said.

The team then wandered into a space elevator, which looked similar to the one they used last time.

"By the way, although this elevator doesn't seem to have changed much on the surface, it seems to have been completely renovated by the space system? I wonder what changes will happen? It's really exciting."

Professor Fernand suddenly asked.

"Yes, I proposed the design, but I haven't actually started the modification. Please wait a moment and let me see how complete it is..."

Lloyd nodded, and while he was inspired, he slipped around the elevator and reached out to try a few buttons on the control panel.

Speaking of this newly renovated elevator, it was the job that researcher Dandy forcibly hired for him...

One day before, Dandy suddenly paid a visit and asked Lloyd if he was interested in participating in the space department's enrollment activities.

Lloyd was busy perfecting his trial at the time, so he naturally declined politely.

Then Dandy looked embarrassed and talked about some problems he encountered in the laboratory.

Probably, the new project he was responsible for, about space loops, caught the attention of two other professors in the space department and wanted to participate.

Dandy himself didn't care about this, but Professor Lawrence firmly said no.

It seemed that there was some considerable friction and contradiction between the three professors.

After that, it was a round of wrangling, finding faults, and making trouble, and finally the problem was thrown on Lloyd, saying that Professor Lawrence had occupied the precious wealth of the space department, and Lloyd was the Royd of the entire space department.

In short, in the end, Dandy's suggestion was that Lloyd could take some time to make some 'contributions' to the Space Equipment Department and the Basic Theory Department. This should be able to silence the two professors and let them temporarily There was a fuss.

Lloyd was also amused, but he agreed generously in the end, and then took some time to write two papers and handed them to the other two professors.

The modification plan of the space elevator was one of them.

Because it involved his next trip, Lloyd was quite serious.

The other paper for the theory department was much more frivolous, and it just talked about his views on the space storm.

As a result, it caused a little sensation in the theory department?

Anyway, three students were admitted to the mental hospital that day...

The rest were trying hard to learn how to deceive themselves...

But anyway, this little twist was still well solved by Lloyd.

I didn't expect that the efficiency of the equipment department was not slow, and they could modify a space elevator so quickly and give it to Lloyd to try it out in person.

"Well... Although it is still a little different from the design goal I expected before, it should be fine for normal use."

After checking the elevator, Lloyd made a comment.

Professor Fernande, who was standing by, asked curiously:

"Is there a gap? How big is the gap? Can you tell me?"

"Less than 20%?"

"Oh? That's not bad. It seems that our journey can be safer and more comfortable!"

Professor Fernande smiled and asked again:

"As for the remaining 20% ​​gap... I believe it won't cause any big problems, right?"

"Uh... No, I mean, it's less than 20% of what I expected in my design..."

Lloyd quickly corrected the other party's misunderstanding.


This time, not only Professor Fernande exclaimed, but the remaining four people in the team also widened their eyes and began to gasp, wanting to exclaim that it was so terrifying.

But Lloyd seemed not to see their reactions and reached out to press the button to close the door.

"No! Wait! Will this elevator really work?"

"Theoretically, it should work."

"How about we switch to a normal one? It's less than 20% of what we expected. This really makes me a little..."

"Hehe, it's too late. It's already started."

Lloyd said with a wicked smile, and reached out to press the 'accelerator' he designed...

So the elevator, which was originally still descending steadily, shook violently, and then began to shake continuously, accompanied by a group of people shouting inside, like a lump of lead thrown into the water, it sank rapidly into the alien space.

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