I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 484 484 Rapid progress?

Chapter 484 484. Rapid progress?

Watching the guy from the history department crazily explaining his findings, Lloyd recalled the previous scene of everyone dealing with the evil god's heirs together, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

In Mizkatok, there may be fools who are not smart enough, there may be many lunatics, or there may be guys who don’t even have the appearance of a human being...

But there are really no cowards who run away in the face of battle. Even girls like them, who look cute, always stand shoulder to shoulder when encountering trouble, so they have never been afraid.

Could this be Mizkatok's real admissions criteria?

The "inside story" that the two deans refused to tell clearly is that perhaps the courage and loyalty in their hearts are more important than talent?

Lloyd thought wildly for a while and waited patiently for the girl to calm down before taking the three of them to a separate small classroom nearby and held a feedback seminar.

The three girls quickly adjusted their opinions. They first gave some timely feedback and revision opinions of their own, and then promised to submit a more detailed feedback report as soon as possible, showing a very serious academic attitude.

It seemed that even though they were dressing up carefully before coming, they really took this matter as a serious academic project.

As everyone was chatting, Metis suddenly asked again:

"By the way, regarding the 'survive' scene in the first act, what exactly should we do?"

"Well... please do your own research next."

Lloyd smiled evilly and ignored the question.

After saying all the feedback, the three girls left together, while Lloyd stayed and released the 'archived silhouettes' of the three of them, and then took a closer look at the changes.

Because their performance in the first act was very poor, the three of them only received the lowest evaluation, so the attribute point bonus was not much, only 1 point of [Spiritual Power].

Even so, they were quite satisfied, especially for the two girls with average talents. After all, in normal life, improving this little [spiritual power] would require reading a lot of books and practicing. It takes several days of extraordinary abilities to acquire.

As for the taboo knowledge acquired, Lloyd didn't know if it would be of any specific use to them. Anyway, they said it was pretty good?

As for the level improvement obtained through 'reviewing history', since it is difficult to directly quantify the benefits, Lloyd previously designed a 'visualization' function based on the newly acquired piece of knowledge to examine the level changes in them. , and see how much it has improved.

Lloyd then tried it and found that Metis had the words 'Cognition Level +1', followed by 'Power Level +5%'.

The other two girls who have not yet reached the third level only have 'strength level +1%'.

Looking at it this way, the 'Cognitive Level +1' that Metis has completed should have been obtained when she completed the third [Transcendence] outside.

And her strength level has not improved significantly yet, and there is still a long way to go before she can increase her strength by 1...

As for her two roommates, since they are only at the first and second levels, they are further away from the real '+1'.

But considering their current rank, they have already been exposed to the "high-level benefits" of level improvement in advance, so they should be making a lot of money, right?

After a brief analysis and summary, Lloyd looked at his gains.

Hmm... It's pretty much what I expected before. The more people participate in the trial and the more times it occurs, the more perfect my youth version of the trial will be... Or should I say, more real?

And the more perfect the trial, the more complete and powerful the [Silhouette] I can get...

When Lloyd saw this, he gave an instruction to the [Silhouette] of the art girl through the "Book of Illusions".

[Silhouette] immediately released a force from his body, like a stream of colorful ink, drawing a classical oil painting in the air, which depicted a scene from the previous period of [History].

You can see the majestic city wall and the various people fighting on it. The brushwork is exquisite, the colors are exquisite, realistic, full of tension, and highly artistic.

I'm afraid that girl wouldn't be able to draw at such a high level even if she used a pen to draw by herself.

Unfortunately, before Lloyd could find a piece of canvas to frame the painting, it dissipated in the air on its own. Like paint dropped into water, it quickly became turbid and chaotic, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The art student's [Silhouette] was also forced back into the "Book of Illusions" and could no longer be released. She needed to enter another trial and leave another "Silhouette" before she could be released again.

"Well... there are quite a few restrictions, which means that even if I keep Hiltina's [silhouette] in the future, there is a high probability that it can only be used once...

Of course, this may be because my trial is not perfect enough. It seems that it needs to be further improved. Keep up the good work! "


Next, Lloyd spent several days peacefully in the academy, and twenty-four hours had passed in the outside world.

But he didn't have to rush home. He had made an appointment with Everol before and wouldn't go back until the next night, so he could still stay in the academy for a few more days.

In the past few days, Lloyd has been busy perfecting his youth version of the trial. The scenes have been expanded from the original four to ten; the corresponding processes, scores, rewards, etc. have also been adjusted; even the number of testers has increased from three to eight.

Some important knowledge fragments have also been obtained one after another, which helped him to improve a wave of attributes.

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: ? ? ? ]

[Madness value: 888/50000, upper limit: 3050000]

[Rationality: 3050]

[Spiritual power: 3050]

[Inspiration: 2670]

[Cognition: 3050]

[System: Distortion LV6, Denial LV6, Delusion]

I didn't get many attribute points, mainly because it now takes 50,000 Madness points to upgrade to the next level, and Lloyd has been relatively honest and low-key during this period, and he didn't do anything hard, so the attribute points didn't increase much.

But this is not important. What is important is that the youth version of the trial has achieved a fairly good degree of completion, and can be transferred from a small-scale test of a few people to a medium-scale test of dozens of people.

Now the "NPC" in the trial can not only speak, but also no longer need bubble boxes. Even the plot text is no longer the dry and "mechanical" lines written by Lloyd himself.

With the help of many testers, the lines and behaviors of the "NPC" have been as humanized as possible and become more and more real. It feels like jumping from a simple pixel-style game to a krypton gold mobile game with an open world.

In terms of the plot process, more adjustments and supplements have been made, and more branch routes have been set up. It is no longer a simple road to the end.

Even the scene layout is more refined, more beautiful, and more reasonable.

In short, Lloyd's youth version of the trial is getting closer and closer to the so-called [reality]

And the reason why such great progress has been made in a short period of time is thanks to the paper submitted by the history girl.

After the previous trial, she returned to the dormitory with such enthusiasm that she worked day and night, and produced a high-level academic paper in just three days. After submitting it, it was highly valued by the history department.

So the remaining five testers, except for the three of them, were no longer students, but a professional team led by a history professor, two lecturers and two top students.

They obviously came for the final [Review of History] of the trial, and gained a lot from it.

Anyway, after the test every day, you can hear them discussing something fiercely in the classroom next to them, as if they were making a historical chronology and sorting out some major events?

Helping Lloyd to improve the previous trial can only be regarded as "doing it by chance".

In contrast, they don't care much about the attribute improvement, taboo knowledge, and level improvement. They don't need Lloyd to give them credits, and even give him credits in return.

No... it's useless for me to take your dozens of credits...

Lloyd was also embarrassed.

Fortunately, the feedback from these people was very professional and gave Lloyd a lot of help. They even helped Lloyd write the plot, lines, set the scene, and improve the art.

It was called a test, but it was more like they personally participated in the production...

By the way, their ranks were not low either. They were all high-ranking masters above level 5. The leader, Professor Deco, was a level 7 [embodiment] master, and he was the [story] path that best matched the trial.

So he could not only help Lloyd a lot, but also leave a level 7 [silhouette], which, after being released, could trap the enemy in an unknown [story].

However, Lloyd had not entered Professor Deco's [story], so he didn't know what the specific plot was. Anyway, according to him, the 'plot' he designed was quite intense, and if he wasn't careful, it would be easy to get out...

In short, with the help of this professional group, Lloyd's youth version of the trial smoothly evolved into... the middle-aged version of the trial?

Forget it, it should be said that we have entered the second test phase...

Anyway, Professor Deco of the History Department said to Lloyd responsibly:

"Lloyd, your trial is already quite complete, and more students can come to try it."

"Okay, I understand, but I still have a lot to do to enter the next stage..."

Lloyd smiled and said helplessly.

He is actually facing a small bottleneck now-

He can't host multiple trials at the same time.

The existing single-digit testers can still be arranged together and enter the same set of processes or plots.

But when the number of people expands to dozens or even hundreds, they can't all be stuffed into a plot, right?

There are more people than 'NPCs' or even 'zombies'.

So Lloyd urgently needs a way to allow multiple trials to be 'dual-line' or even 'multi-line' in parallel.

But for the time being, there is no clue, and the taboo knowledge on the [Void] side does not correspond to this aspect.

This meant that Lloyd had to put the trial aside for the time being, waiting for more forbidden knowledge, and he really needed to discuss it with the former dean.

It would be best if the Saint Zam'el could be added...

But the outrageous thing is that the fish head with chopped pepper is still teaching Dean Hazlade? And no one is allowed to disturb him?

How many days has this class been going on? Is this necessary?

It feels like they are trying to catch up on the courses that Dean Hazlade missed before.

It's really outrageous to have a class for more than ten days. No wonder you have an "ordinary" appearance, but you don't have a girlfriend in the end...

Lloyd secretly criticized the former dean.

Fortunately, he won't be idle next time. On the contrary, his schedule is still very busy.

Fernand, who is also a professor of history, that is, the professor who looks like an adventurer, finally couldn't sit still. After completing a series of preparations and procedures, he formally invited Lloyd to join the next archaeological research and development work.

This matter had actually been decided before, and it was not sudden. It was even slightly delayed by a few days than the original booking time.

With the experience of the last cooperation, many links can be omitted this time. No one will question Lloyd's ability, let alone tell him the precautions.

According to Fernande's own description, some people knew that Lloyd was the "driver" of this archaeological excavation, so they quickly turned down the project at hand and fled back overnight... Oh no, they returned to Mizkatok.

Well, he was talking about Randy and Lil, as well as the "bounty hunter" William, and the bald wizard Bartolo, who were the personnel of the last archaeological activity, and everyone gathered together again.

Except for the bounty hunter, the other three were trapped by Professor Toledo before, and they had been Palu for a long time in the 0-006 project...

That is, Lloyd has been sending "Palu" there continuously these days, so they can use the excuse of participating in more important projects to successfully get out.

So when they saw Lloyd, the two lecturers burst into tears and started to complain:

"That madman Toledo really didn't treat us as human beings! He used us like machines. If you hadn't sent more people in later, we would have been exhausted to death in there..."

"Alas... Even now, as long as I close my eyes, various readings and records will automatically appear in front of me, as well as the roar of that madman Toledo..."

"You and Mr. Bartolo are more cunning and know how to withdraw in advance... Alas~ Anyway, I will never participate in this guy's project again!"

"I think he really needs to go to a mental hospital. If he doesn't go in, someone else will have to go in..."

This tearful accusation made Lloyd secretly wipe away a cold sweat.

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