I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 486 Don't make a fuss

Chapter 486 486. Don’t make a fuss

The six-person team in the elevator are all extraordinary people with unique skills, elites who have experienced hundreds of battles, and their ranks are not low.

As a result, an "acceleration" of the elevator actually made them scream like ghosts and wolves. You can imagine what a terrible experience this would be...

And the one who shouted loudest among them was actually the eighth-level bald mage...

The person who acted the calmest, besides Lloyd, the ‘veteran driver’, was the silent ‘bounty hunter’ William.

It's just that although he didn't shout, his face was pale, showing the extreme nervousness inside.

Fortunately, this 'acceleration' was also really fast. In less than a minute, the elevator shook suddenly, and everyone in the room jumped up and hit the ceiling with their heads.

Dong dong dong dong dong~

"Oh oh oh oh oh..."


"Hiss... Okay, we're here, it's really fast, right?"

Lloyd said while rubbing the top of his head, dumbfounded.


Professor Fernand was also rubbing his forehead and asked helplessly:

"Is this the design plan you proposed? I almost thought I was falling into the abyss! It was as if I had lost control of my body!"

Lloyd spread his hands and said helplessly:

"So it doesn't meet my design expectations at this stage...but it's really fast, isn't it? It's ten times shorter than before, right? It should be even better when my design goals are fully achieved. ”

“When you say ‘better’, do you mean the ride is more comfortable?”

"That's not the case, it's just that the speed should be faster... The design plan this time was a little rushed, and the riding experience has not been taken into account for the time being."

The bald Bartolo on the side heard the conversation between the two, his face suddenly became even paler, and he quickly said:

"Damn it! Is it even faster? Damn it! The feeling just now makes me wonder if my soul has been thrown out of my body? I haven't been so scared since I was promoted to the eighth level!"

As for the two lecturers, Lear and Randy, their eyes were still covered with mosquito coils at this time, and they could not participate in the discussion for a while...

Although William, the 'bounty hunter', didn't seem to have mosquito coils in his eyes, he fell straight down like a piece of wood and fell unconscious...

Therefore, although this improved version of the elevator is ten times faster than the previous version, passengers need to spend more time adjusting and recovering after arriving at the station...

Sigh... It seems that there is no problem with my design, but that this generation of passengers is not very good and cannot enjoy the convenience brought by the highway...

Lloyd cursed in his heart, and then followed the normal procedure, adjusting the status of the elevator, preparing to go back at any time, and waiting for the three fainted guys to wake up.

"Are we...safe here?"

Professor Fernand asked with a worried look on his face while pouring medicine into the mouths of the three unconscious guys.

"Theoretically, there is no problem. The equipment department has fully learned the lessons from the last accident and added some new protective functions to the elevator. Now that it has stopped and anchored, it is equivalent to a spatial stronghold. Can you understand this concept?"

Lloyd explained.

"That means...as long as we stay inside and don't go out, we will be safe? But why do I feel that the elevator is a little shaky?"

"Well, at least that's true from the design point of view, but..."

Lloyd said, and forcefully poked the 'anchor' button a few times, but the several small 'space anchors' that were supposed to extend from around the elevator to fix the position in space showed no response at all?

"Oh... they seem to have removed the space anchor in order to satisfy the acceleration function?"


Professor Fernand felt that he was going crazy and asked quickly:

"What about the protective function you mentioned earlier?"

"It should also be to satisfy the acceleration effect. It has not been implemented yet..."

Professor Fernand: Σ_( ∠)

"Okay, okay, don't worry too much. Not having a space anchor is not necessarily a bad thing. At least we can run fast if we encounter any dangerous situations."

Lloyd quickly comforted him, then released his ferocious and curious [Projection], and then controlled it to insert the metal claws into the elevator wall, poking out several dark holes. , creating a sharp and harsh friction sound.

Then he controls [Projection] to project power around the elevator, using this to replace the effect of the spatial anchor, anchoring the elevator firmly.

In this way, the 'shaking' that Professor Fernand felt earlier disappeared, making him instantly feel more at ease from his originally frightened mood.

Only then did he have the time to look at Lloyd's [Projection]

"Hmm...your aesthetic...is quite special?"

"Ah haha, at least it can scare away some monsters..."

Bald Bartolo also turned to look at the [Projection] and said with some confusion:

"However, why do I feel that it is a little different from ordinary [projection]? It gives me a more...I don't know how to describe it, it seems more real and pure? But it seems more ethereal and illusory?"

Lloyd himself didn't quite understand the question, so he could only answer vaguely:

"Probably because this is not a projection of the [Reality] system, but of the [Illusion] system, right?"

He originally thought that he needed to explain what [illusion] was, but it turned out that both the bald man and the professor had heard of this word.

"[False]??? I remember... this was a research topic of the academy a long time ago, right? Have you already achieved results in this area?"

"And it was also a topic that the extremely powerful former dean personally presided over. It is said that the [Trial of Illusion] in our mage department is related to it. But this time I went out to play for a few days and then came back, why was it going on in that building? The tower of [Trial of Falsehood] collapsed? Was it your boy?"

"Ahaha, look! The three of them are awake, we can open the door and go out!"

Lloyd smiled awkwardly and abruptly changed the subject.

Because [False] has nothing to do with the mission goal of this trip, the bald man and the professor didn't bother to ask any more questions, and quickly helped to lift the other three guys up, poured several mouthfuls of high-strength alcohol into their mouths, and let them The color gradually returned to his face.

"Oh my God, I really thought I was dead just now. This feeling is really..."

"I suspect that I have actually died once, and then I was rescued by you guys?"


The three of them each said with lingering fears.

"Haha, it's okay. Let's hurry up."

Lloyd said, quickly opening the elevator door.

A bizarre scene behind the door gradually appeared before everyone's eyes.

This should have been a magnificent library originally, and the painting style looked more gorgeous and grand than the previous one, and the decoration was more luxurious. It must have been used to store very important knowledge.

But now, this place is like a jigsaw puzzle that has been completely smashed and then thrown randomly on the ground. The entire space has been messed up in disorder. The floor, ceiling, desk, and bookshelf are all out of shape and scattered. Put together, they present a sense of fragmented absurdity.

But what’s even more absurd is that in such a place, there is no spiritual pollution in the air?

At least after opening the door, there is no mental pollution rushing towards you.

"Why is it like this? The whole space has become so fragmented? This is really..."

Professor Fernand was so shocked by the scene before him that he could not find a suitable adjective. Still trying to calm down, he continued to add:

"In many operations I have participated in, the phenomenon of spatial dislocation is not uncommon, but this is the first time I have seen such a scene..."

As he spoke, he exuded some inspiration and carefully touched the 'crystal chandelier' closest to the elevator door.

Strictly speaking, only half of the crystal chandelier was floating in the air, while the other half was caught in the corner of the table and chairs not far away.

The entire cut surface is very flat and smooth, and even Lloyd doesn't know what method was used to cut it like this.

Anyway, space storm can't do it. Although the storm can twist the space into more fine pieces, it can't be so smooth, and there will be obvious tear marks on the cut surface.

So compared to people in the history department, he is more concerned about how this effect is achieved?

Is it the space cutting mentioned in textbooks?

That is not a very cutting-edge concept. In terms of fantasy, it is actually not as good as space loops, and it is not even difficult to emerge. School districts such as Mizkatok are divided by the process of space cutting.

But it was cut so finely and neatly that even Lloyd was amazed.

He was no longer interested in what kind of forbidden knowledge there was here, and quickly focused his attention on the 'Perception Space'. He wanted to see if he could control his [Space Control] by comprehending the wonderful scene in front of him. It also has such power.

Professor Fernand, who was right next to him, touched the crystal chandelier with inspiration, quickly took it back, and then reminded:

"Be careful and collect your inspiration. These space fragments are full of high concentrations of mental pollution! It's just that they are locked in place for some unknown reason and cannot pounce on us."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Lloyd next to him, and then showed a slightly horrified expression:

"No... Why are you taking the initiative to release your inspiration, Lloyd? Uh... why do I seem to have an extra hair on my forehead?"

Of course, Lloyd was not polite to anyone when he heard that there was mental pollution. Even if he was busy 'comprehending the wonders', he couldn't miss this 'mosquito leg'.

[Ding~Insanity value +5000]

[Ding~Insanity value +233]

[Ding~Insanity value +1086]

Listen, what a sweet sound!

But Lloyd had to explain again:

"Don't be nervous. I'm fine. It's just that I need to use inspiration to carefully examine the space in front of me to determine our next progress. Please wait for me for a moment."

"I can understand it, but what about the mental pollution here?"

"It doesn't matter, what can't defeat me will only make me stronger!"

Lloyd explained casually, then stopped talking, and concentrated on studying the strange scene in front of him.

Although Professor Fernand didn't quite understand his explanation, seeing that Lloyd had already entered a state of concentration, he didn't want to disturb him anymore. He kindly took out several bottles of colorful potions from his pocket and handed them over.

Lloyd accepted them all according to the order. Although he had no chance to use them, these were high-quality potions and he could leave them with his sister just in case.

Just like that, after three hours, Lloyd slowly came back to his senses from his state of concentration, and then turned his head to look.

These five guys actually had a picnic in the elevator?

The floor was filled with drinks, snacks and desserts, and several people were enjoying themselves.

The bald Bartolo even bulged his cheeks. He noticed that Lloyd was moving, and he quickly asked vaguely:

"Would you like some?"

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, then nodded, went to sit down among them, then picked up a bottle of drink, and while drinking it, he told everyone about the situation in front of him, and said "Wang Zha" ':

“The space has been cleared of spiritual pollution.”


Professor Fernand's eyes suddenly widened.

He has personally experienced how intense those static mental pollutions are...

Several other people on the side were also stunned, staring at Lloyd with a surprised look.

Seeing that they were all so surprised by this little thing, Lloyd could only reluctantly explain:

"Oh no, this statement is not rigorous enough. Strictly speaking, the mental pollution in the library in front of us has been cleaned up."

"No...how is this possible? How could such intense mental pollution suddenly disappear?"

"Uh... don't worry about these details for now. Just think of it as some kind of magical skill of the space system. It's nothing to make a fuss about. I'll continue to talk about the main points first."

Lloyd said casually and began to explain the specific situation at hand to everyone.

It's just that he has read too many big books at the moment. When explaining these things, he couldn't help but come up with a lot of professional terms and theories. Although he explained it eloquently, basically no one present understood it... …

Seeing their confused expressions, Lloyd had no choice but to find an analogy that was easier to understand:

"Just think of it as this is a large three-dimensional puzzle. We can't enter it directly. We need to spend more time to reset these puzzle pieces."

"Oh...I see...then how can we help?"

"Save supplies. In the absence of professional equipment, I'm not sure how long it will take to put them back together."

"Then you don't have to worry about this. My storage bag is quite big. It contains enough supplies for us to eat and drink for a month."

Professor Fernand said proudly.

How come you, a dignified history professor, act like a hamster?

Lloyd cursed in his heart, thought about it again, and added:

"Then please help me arrange some more silent measures. I don't want to be disturbed in the future."

"This is easy to say, leave it to us."

Randy and Lear, two lecturers, quickly volunteered.

So just like that, everyone was prepared for a 'long-term struggle' in the elevator, waiting patiently for Lloyd to 'play the puzzle'.

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