Chapter 424 424. Try this?

"Okay, okay! Then when do we start?"

Lloyd became excited and asked impatiently. Seeing the extra metal box in Hildina's hand, he added:

"Is this the heirloom of Valdez's family?"

"Well, don't rush to start the ceremony. Get familiar with these two things first and build up enough understanding of them before you can continue. Otherwise, how are you going to veto them? And you have to choose a more suitable place, in the dormitory How’s that going?”

Hiltina said, and magically pulled out a metal box of similar style from her chest, handed it to Lloyd, and then started chattering to Lloyd about various precautions.

Including but not limited to the various characteristics of the two sealed objects, some coping experiences, handling of emergencies, etc., etc., he talked tirelessly.

Lloyd didn't dislike the person's verbosity. He listened attentively and wrote down the key points one by one.

"Then let's do this for now. You are almost ready. Then tell me that in order to guard against those forbidden knowledge, I will watch you from outside."

After Hiltina explained all the details, she kissed Lloyd and then went about her own business.

Lloyd was very touched to be cared about by his lover in this way. According to Hiltina's previous explanation, he began to study the two metal boxes in his hands.

Opening one of them first revealed a pair of very flamboyant glasses, made of silver-white metal, and styled a bit like the butterfly style at a masquerade, obviously not suitable for daily wear.

But what’s even more surprising is that there are some ‘mosquito legs’ attached to this thing?

[Ding~Insanity value +5]

[Ding~Insanity value +5]

It's a pity that there are not many, just a few dozen points, which is a drop in the bucket for today's Lloyd.

He then reached out and picked up the glasses. He did not rush to put them on, but carefully inspected them with inspiration.

The "Book of Reality" in my mind actually reacted and began to turn slowly, and soon a new page of records appeared.

Lloyd was a little surprised. Generally speaking, the "Book of Truth" is still very 'cold' and does not record everything. For example, the various creations in the Engineering Department are not recorded in the "Book of Truth". What a reaction.

[Code name:? ? ? ? Its name is: Contaminated Tools]

[Description: A piece of contaminated equipment was originally just an ordinary tool, but now it has become a special beacon of knowledge, attracting forbidden knowledge like a candle in the dark night. Obviously, What happened to it to cause an ordinary auxiliary tool to transform into a dangerous sealed object]

It was just such a simple description without any cause and effect, which made Lloyd a little curious. What did Valdez's ancestors do with this thing to turn it into a dangerous sealed object?

Lloyd didn't think much about it, and continued to check its internal structure with inspiration. He found that it was somewhat similar to the ancient shield generator that he had discussed before. They both had very complicated light blue circuit diagrams, which were difficult to understand. Functional construct.

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, madness value +500]

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, madness value +500]

[Ding~ Wrong knowledge fragment +1, madness value +500]

Um? There is actually some additional but not unexpected gain?

Lloyd remembered that when he ordered the ancient shield generator before, he also got the same 'wrong fragment'.

This kind of fragments will not be left in the brain, and will not even be stuffed into the 'recycle bin', but will be directly converted into insanity points.

It's just that the structure of this pair of glasses is more complete, and there are more fragments obtained. After inspection, Lloyd has gained thousands of insanity points, which can be regarded as a larger mosquito leg.

Following Hiltina's suggestion, Lloyd completely memorized the complex internal circuit diagram, even if he had some basic understanding of this thing.

In fact, this process should have been quite slow and difficult. After all, the circuit diagram is thin, dense, messy, and complicated. To change it to a third-level transcendent with a normal painting style and a knowledge of more than 30 or 40 points, just to figure it out. This will take a long time.

In the process, you may also suffer mental pollution, or even be invaded by taboo knowledge, which is quite dangerous.

Therefore, Hiltina specifically mentioned before that if Lloyd is worried, he can go to the [Thinking Realm] and tell himself, and the rational thinking part of the world outside will help look after it.

Lloyd understood this kindness and concern, but he still didn't want his 'childhood sweetheart' to 'meddle in other people's business'.

Fortunately, he has 660 points of [Cognition] and a higher level of cognition, which makes this process, which is quite troublesome for other extraordinary beings, much easier.

This is all the result of my daily hard work and hard work!

Lloyd couldn't help but praise himself in his heart.

So next, it’s time to put it on and give it a try.

Just some basic understanding is obviously not enough. You definitely need to wear it for a while, but Hiltina also reminded you not to wear it for too long at a time. If you feel something is wrong, you must take it off in time.

And it would be best for her to be outside and help watch.

Sigh...Hildina still cares a little too much about me.

Lloyd sighed inwardly, then stretched out his hand to scratch the little kitten that was lying on his belly and licking its paws.

"Go play with the piglets."


The kitten shook its head. Although it didn't quite understand why its owner wanted to get rid of it, it still obeyed and ran to the dormitory opposite like rolling.

After there were no more living things around him, Lloyd picked up the exaggerated glasses and slowly brought them close to his cheek. Then he took a deep breath and whispered the lines he had wanted to say for a long time:


Then he quickly put on the glasses.


Lloyd felt that his vision had changed. When he looked at the furniture in the room, there were a few more lines and corresponding numbers, marking the various sizes and angles of the furniture, as if he had opened a three-dimensional design drawing.

If you want to use it for engineering design or something, this CAD-like function is really useful.

But where is the forbidden knowledge I want?

Lloyd waited for a long time with his glasses, but he didn't feel that any knowledge was approaching, which made him a little disappointed.

A question also popped up in his mind.

Obviously, the knowledge involved in this internal structure is wrong, but why can it still work and be used normally?

A program with a bug can still run, right?

Lloyd shook his head, and had no idea about it.

Forget it, let's take a look at the contents of the second box.

He took off his glasses and put them back in the metal box, and then opened the second box.

As a result, the contents inside were somewhat curious-

A few pieces of amethyst bones? And then strung together into a necklace with a white chain?

Not only is it not artistically beautiful, it is also creepy, and people have no desire to wear it at all...

Maybe something went wrong before the final polishing and modification was completed, and then it was just left alone?

Lloyd made a small guess, and then reached out and touched the unfinished bone necklace.

No mental pollution.

The texture is also very unique, like some kind of metal, but not so cold and hard, relatively soft, and it doesn't seem to be very hard. It feels like it can be crushed with a little more force.

Lloyd continued to use his inspiration to examine it more carefully.

[Ding~ Madness value +200]

[Ding~ Madness value +200]

This time, some Madness value was recorded, but it was still not much.

As for its internal structure, it was similar to the other holy objects on Lloyd's body, with several spiritualities entangled in a way that was difficult to explain theoretically.

Lloyd still did the same thing and forcibly memorized the entangled forms of those spiritualities.

This process is more complicated than the previous memory of the blue line diagram, because there is no specific pattern and it is more abstract.

But there is still no obstacle for Lloyd. In terms of abstraction, this level is not as good as those large books in the space department.

But for the extraordinary people with normal painting style outside, this is undoubtedly another difficult problem, and it may take a long time to study.

Sure enough, every step of the extraordinary way is not easy...

Lloyd sighed in a low voice, and noticed that the "Book of Truth" has presented a new page.

[Code: ? ? ? ? Its name is: Holy Relics that Failed to Take Effect Correctly]

[Description: Holy Relics that have not yet been processed, in an awkward state between sealed objects and holy objects. You can try to repair them, perhaps allowing them to play a role in optimizing life forms]

It was still a mediocre description, which surprised Lloyd again. Would the Book of Truth actually record this?

The glasses in front were also "unworthy" to be recorded, and this bone necklace was even more so.

You know, even the two things given by the cheap uncle were ignored by the Book of Truth.

It seems that the standard for triggering the Book of Truth is not whether the thing is high-end, but there are other standards?

But anyway, with the record of the Book of Truth, Lloyd felt that he had a good understanding of the two "transcendent tools" that would be used next. If the ceremony is to be carried out, it should be possible now, and the success rate will definitely not be low.

It's just that Hiltyna reminded me before that it's better to be patient.

Lloyd himself was thinking about whether he could get some forbidden knowledge through this pair of glasses.

He thought about it, turned the glasses out and put them on for a while.

Still no reaction...

Maybe it's the problem of the environment?

Then should we try it in another place?

But wearing this thing outside, wouldn't it seem a little... embarrassing?

Lloyd pondered for a while, and suddenly remembered the spiral tower in his [Thinking Field].

Try this?

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