Chapter 423 423. I want both!

Lloyd quickly wrote the letter and asked Hildina to help her see if it would suit her.

"There should be no problem..."

Hiltina nodded, then stretched out a slender finger and stroked it one by one along the handwriting on the letter.

The writing disappeared immediately, leaving only a clean white paper.

"Okay, Bayer should reply after a while, right?"

Hiltina said, then narrowed her eyes slightly, showed a charming smile, and whispered:

"I also want to hear more disgusting words from you..."

"Then I have to organize the language first..."

Lloyd smiled helplessly, and just chatted with Hildina again, until the blank piece of paper suddenly reacted, and new lines of writing began to appear on it.

Did the Saint of Wisdom really reply quickly?

By the way, this method of communication is so powerful. It can be done using only ordinary letter paper and ordinary ink. Is this the power of a saint?

Lloyd was slightly surprised in his heart, and then he temporarily put down Hiltina in his arms, picked up the letter and read it carefully.

The Saint of Knowledge really happily agreed to return the family heirloom, and even expressed his gratitude to Lloyd in turn?

As if it helped him solve a problem...

But at the same time, reminders and requirements were also made——

There is indeed something wrong with this heirloom pair of glasses. After wearing them, people will be invaded by forbidden knowledge from time to time.

Its nature is somewhat similar to the painting that the poor street painter gave to Lloyd before. It should be classified as some kind of special [knowledge beacon], just like a lighthouse in the dark sea, attracting taboo knowledge. .

And it's not disposable, and it doesn't necessarily have to be worn by someone. Even if it is left there without moving, it will attract some taboo knowledge from time to time, but the frequency is relatively not that high.

It is precisely because of this dangerous characteristic that it is difficult to process it. After all, no one knows what kind of dangerous knowledge will be stuffed into it during the processing, so we can only take measures to seal it and hide it in the saint's body. In the 'treasure house'.

Therefore, this thing is nothing but a troublesome thing for the Saint of Knowledge, and I wish I could get rid of it as soon as possible.

He didn't expect that someone would actually ask for this kind of thing...

When Lloyd saw this, he said with a complicated expression:

"This should have been a trivial matter that could be solved with just one sentence, but because Valdez and his family had no access to the saints, and even the higher-ups of the religious order were too far away, it was so difficult."

"This is normal."

Hiltina did not refute or explain, but said frankly:

"It's impossible for us to hear everyone's voice, and it's impossible for the cult to allow everyone to come to see you. You will definitely encounter the same situation in the future... not to mention that Bayer's previous mental state was very bad."


Lloyd nodded. It was obviously impossible to say who was right or wrong in this matter, so he continued to read the requirements at the end of the letter.

The Saint of Knowledge certainly does not want such a dangerous sealed object to wander into his territory at will, so whether it is Lloyd or Valdes, they must promise to make it safe and stable in a short period of time before releasing the family heirloom. come out.

This is obviously a reasonable request, and Lloyd has no reason to refuse.

However, according to the introduction of the wise saint, this glasses were not like this at the beginning. Its original design function was to assist craftsmen in drawing design drawings, guide and inspire design inspiration, and provide some convenience and auxiliary effects during the processing process. .

Although it is not a powerful treasure, it is still a relatively practical production tool.

It's a pity that later, I don't know whether it was due to a malfunction or incorrect use, which caused the function of this thing to change, and it became such a dangerous sealed object today, that is, an unprocessed and out-of-control sacred object.

Lloyd had seen it in Master Linde before. A craftsman's love and enthusiasm for a handy tool. It is not difficult to understand the obsession of the Valdez family.

As for how to make this thing safe and harmless, Lloyd quickly came up with an idea, and then asked Hiltina:

"Can I use this thing to complete the [Transcendence] ritual of the [Veto] system?"

The fourth [Transcendence] of the [Rejection] system requires taking the next bottle of specially prepared elixir with the assistance of rituals, and then vetoing an 'error' in the world within the duration of the effect.

It sounds like a very serious and difficult requirement. I'm afraid it would be difficult to find the 'error' for such a requirement.

But in fact it is a relative process, because various sealed objects fall into the category of 'error'.

As for these sealed objects that have not evolved into holy objects due to various reasons, there should not be too many of them in the major holy families and anomaly investigation teams, which has caused a lot of burden to them...

Among them, there are many sacred objects that were originally very useful, but later got out of control. I really hope someone can repair them.

Therefore, the fourth [Transcendence] of the [Veto] series can be said to be extremely popular. People are eager for someone to help solve the problem. Not only will they not charge money, they will open the door to convenience and even pay remuneration.

This is probably one of the reasons why the [veto] system has become the most popular system.

It just so happened that Lloyd was still waiting for the saint's reply on the [Revelation] side, so he thought of completing the fourth [Transcendence] on the [Rejection] side first.

Anyway, the materials were already in hand, and the knowledge reserves were already in place. All he needed was a 'mistake' to help him complete the ceremony, and right now one thing was delivered to his door.

It’s like trying to get an upgrade on a plane and having an older brother lend you money online.

But Hiltina did not directly agree with Lloyd's idea, but said hesitantly:

"I have already arranged the 'error' required for the ritual for you. It is an out-of-control sacred object. I hope you can reject it through the ritual, so that you can put it in your pocket..."

After all, he is his childhood sweetheart, so of course his elbows are turned towards him.

Lloyd felt warm in his heart and asked smoothly:

"What kind of sacred object is it?"

"It helps you optimize your life form. You can use it to make some preliminary preparations after you pass the fifth level."

Hiltina's answer made Lloyd slightly stunned. He didn't expect that she had prepared such a heavyweight surprise for herself in advance.

Lloyd had heard a brief introduction from him when he was discussing changing life forms with the presiding judge.

Things like this that help change life forms, whether they are sacred objects, potions, equipment or materials, experiences, or clues, are all high-value items that cannot be measured in money.

Not even with the real estate certificate...

After all, this is related to the long second half of a high-ranking man's life, which is similar to the second starting line in life. The price is naturally not cheap.

Among them, the holy objects with the best and most lasting effects are the most effective.

"This must be something very expensive, right?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

"This is nothing. Changing the form of life is a very important thing, especially for the road to sainthood that you are going to take next. Of course, you must use the best...

Moreover, this out-of-control sacred object is relatively easy to repair, and its safety is relatively stable. It took me a long time to choose it. "

Hiltina explained, smiled sweetly, stretched out her hand to touch Lloyd's cheek tenderly, and added affectionately:

"Who is you who is my most precious thing?"

Lloyd felt a warmth in his heart and quickly hugged her delicate body.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, it would be great to have a saint as my girlfriend!

Is this ‘face-shou’ quite comfortable and moisturizing?

Let’s not talk about the Immortal Class for the first-year women’s college. It’s not a big problem to be in the ‘Rocket Class’…

Lloyd then nodded vigorously and said:

"Then I will definitely not let you down. Who told me that I will never disappoint you?"

"What about your friend's affairs?"

"This is easy to handle. The ceremony doesn't require you to reject only one 'mistake', right? Can't the two of us handle it together?"

Hiltina listened to Lloyd's bold idea and couldn't help but lower her head slightly and think carefully.

She didn't directly deny Lloyd's idea. Maybe she thought this bold idea had some possibility?

But generally speaking, for a [Rejection] extraordinary person with a normal style of painting to be able to successfully solve a 'mistake', it requires a lot of strength. For someone as 'greedy' as Lloyd, even Hiltina It was the first time we met.

"What a bold idea. It feels like you want to date two saints at the same time? I should have refused, but...well, let me think about it..."

Hiltina whispered, and suddenly entered the dazed mode with her head tilted, and became motionless.


At this time, the rational thinking part of Hiltina that remained in the outside world contacted the Saint of Knowledge Bayer through the special channel between saints, and asked him about the specific situation of the glasses sealed object, and also followed him by the way. He talked about Lloyd's crazy idea.

"Huh? It's really a whimsical plan. It's very creative, but also very dangerous. You didn't raise any objection?"

Although the Saint of Knowledge expressed his agreement, he still asked an additional question.

"Well, in the fourth [Transcendence] I designed, the more complex and dangerous the 'error' of rejection is, the more perfect the final effect will be. But most people are simply not qualified to pursue this kind of perfection. If they can successfully complete the ceremony, then Not bad, it’s just that Lloyd is so good that I think I can give it a try.”

Hiltina replied in a calm and rational tone.

"But since you also think it is feasible, as a layman in the [veto] department, of course I have no objection."

The Saint of Knowledge nodded and added a reminder:

"But I still hope that you and him can fully realize the risks involved. If there is any accident during the process, such as the sudden invasion of forbidden knowledge, if it is not handled properly, it may be more than just the loss of two pieces of equipment... "

"Well, I know, I will guard him well, but I still have a little question - what is the main taboo knowledge that will be attracted by this sealed artifact, or the [Knowledge Beacon]? You should Have you studied it?”

"I did research it, but I can't remember which 'I' did it in the first place. Please allow me to recall for a moment..."

The Saint of Knowledge said, and then fell into thinking for half an hour, and then came back to his senses and replied:

"It tends to the microscopic level such as material structure, which is a very dangerous and relatively rare level."

"Well, I see. Thank you, Bayer."

"You're welcome. I hope everything goes well for you."

The intellectual saint gave a blessing and said half-jokingly and half-seriously:

"If everything goes well, the young craftsman named Valdes will probably become Lloyd's first follower, right?"

"I think so. Lloyd is destined to become a saint and to have his own cult. It's just a matter of time. Now we can start to cultivate some talented and trustworthy followers. This is one of the reasons why I support him to help his friends."

"It's a good idea. In fact, I always feel that our attitude towards the cult is a bit too casual. We should have more contact and control with them, and less alienation. I have to say that Sir Astra, as our predecessor, has set a bad example in this regard..."

The intellectual saint complained casually, but he recognized Hiltina's foresight in this regard.

He then handed a small locked metal box to Hiltina through a special channel between saints.

The chat between the two saints ended like this, and Hiltina took the metal box and switched back to the soft and sweet emotional thinking.

It turned out that Lloyd took advantage of her absence to hug her and sit on the sofa, curled up her body, and then pinched her feet with one hand, browsed the student handbook with the other hand, and showed a silly smile on his face.

In the few hours I was away, he just...

Pinched my feet?

Hiltina thought about it, kicked Lloyd unhappily, and pulled her jade feet out of his hands, and asked unhappily:

"What are you grinning at?"

"Huh? You're back? I'm reading the strange stories section. The stories on it are quite interesting. I can't stop reading."

Lloyd said casually, put away the student handbook, and asked the main topic:

"How is it? What does the intellectual saint say?"

"He agrees with your idea, but also reminds you of the danger..."

Hiltina then relayed Bayer's conclusion.

When Lloyd heard that there was forbidden knowledge to be obtained, and it was the most dangerous and rare kind, he was immediately delighted.

There is such a good thing?

This kind of forbidden knowledge involving the microscopic level is too tempting!

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