I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 422 422 Let the Saint give me some face

Chapter 422 422. Let the Saint give me face

In his letter, Valdez gave a general introduction to the causes and consequences of the heirloom.

To put it simply, at the beginning of the establishment of the Silent City, his great-great-grandfather relied on this family heirloom to build his family's workshop, and the business was prosperous, with various 'tracks', 'pain points' and 'blue oceans' Vertical ''block'' brand.

Then by his great-grandfather's generation, the ancestral workshop reached its peak, and it was about to reach a class leap. However, the pair of heirloom glasses were confiscated by the cult for "illegal possession of high-risk contraband."

The merits and demerits, the grievances and grievances, are naturally difficult to discuss. In short, since then, the ancestral workshop has declined rapidly, and finally reduced to what Lloyd saw.

Valdez's ancestors insisted that their family had suffered unfair treatment, and the so-called "high-risk contraband" was just an excuse. It must be someone with ulterior motives who was jealous of their family's wealth and deliberately acted like this.

Their family also tried to recover the family heirloom. They put in a lot of efforts and various appeals and arbitrations, but the result was useless. In the end, they only got a cold reply that "the thing is in the hands of the saint", indicating that they should go to the saint. Want to go.

Therefore, 'recovering treasures and finding justice' has become their family's obsession and ancestral motto.

When it came to Valdez's generation, he decisively became a transcendent, hoping to find an opportunity to [see the saint].

However, the saint never looked at him from beginning to end...

He also inquired around through some of his personal connections, and among them, his "suffering brother" Lindsay was the most helpful, helping him find out that the family heirloom was sealed in the Saint's treasury.

Since he couldn't see the saint and had tried all other methods, Valdez started to have evil intentions and tried to get Lloyd to join him.

Although the experience of their family is indeed quite tragic, and it is indeed possible that someone has really been 'shady', this is only a one-sided statement after all, and it is a one-sided statement passed down from Valdez's ancestors.

Of course, Lloyd didn't believe it all, and even found two things that didn't make sense -

If someone is really jealous of their family's heirloom, why don't they keep it for themselves instead of handing it over to the Saint?

If someone was really coveting their family's property, why didn't anyone buy their workshop after the dust settled? Instead, let it decline?

And their family has been going around complaining and seeking arbitration for so many years, but they haven't found anyone to help them get justice? Society isn’t that dark, right?

These unreasonable things made Lloyd more inclined to think that there might be something wrong with their family heirloom...

In other words, the family heirloom is very important to the wise saint, and it was 'snatched and plundered' by the saint himself.

But no matter what the possibility is, running to steal the saint's things is an act that invites death.

Lloyd even felt that Valdez himself was somewhat aware of this, but was trapped by the ancestral precepts instilled by his fathers since childhood, which made him stubbornly want to persevere even if he didn't want to believe the reality.

Therefore, Lloyd's reply letter began by sternly rejecting Valdez's 'invitation' and reminding him not to try to offend the majesty of a saint.

But he immediately changed his mind and said that he had a way to communicate with the Saint of Knowledge, and he could resolve the matter through dialogue instead of stealing.

Finally, he emphasized that Valdez should not act rashly and wait for news from him first.

After writing the reply, Lloyd originally thought about finding a stamp to stick on it and send it out.

But then I thought about it, didn’t there happen to be a ‘messenger’ beside me?

So he took out the map of the Silent City, found the address Valdez left, and then calculated the spatial coordinates.

Then he called out his [Projection], controlled it to transform into claws and head, then picked up the letter, passed through the portal, and went to Valdez's workshop.

Lloyd didn't go there himself, otherwise it would look like he was delivering the letter himself, which would be very shameless.

As a progressive young man who aspired to become a saint, of course he also learned how to use a messenger to deliver messages.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is not the correct usage of 'messenger'. Whether it was the previous letter sent by the housekeeper to Lloyd or the admission notice from Mizkatok, they are all messengers that can act independently, not Lloyd. Kind of 'puppets'.

So Lloyd's behavior is actually just 'cosplaying' the butler's messenger.

But it doesn’t matter, Valdes couldn’t tell the difference and was startled by the ‘monster’ that suddenly appeared in his workshop.

"Wow!!! Ghost... ghost!!!"

He yelled, quickly took out a revolver and emptied the drum at the 'monster'.

As a result, the 'monster' remained motionless. He just stretched out his claws casually and gently grabbed a bullet that might have hit him. With a little more force, the hard bullet was neatly cut into two pieces.

Valdez's face suddenly turned pale...

Lloyd, who was hiding behind the portal, couldn't help but chuckle, but he didn't continue to scare Valdez. He just put the reply on the table and let [Projection] return to the portal without saying a word.

It seems that after [Projection] has gone through [Synchronized Strengthening], various attributes have become stronger than mine. With my current reaction and speed, I really can't catch bullets with my bare hands.

Lloyd nodded, and felt the power of his [projection] from the details.

He felt more and more that this thing was a bit like the ‘birth flying sword’ or ‘birth magic weapon’ in the fairy tale novels.

It was a pity that it had no intelligence at all, and could not even execute the simplest and most basic commands. Every move had to be controlled by himself frame by frame, otherwise it would just stand there stupidly.

Not as good as a kitten...

I don’t know if it can be made a little smarter in the future, at least learn daily chores such as washing clothes, cooking and sending letters?

Lloyd was looking forward to it in his heart.

Then he looked at the time again. It was quite late in the academy, and it was time to go to bed.

As a result, he had just laid down and had not fallen asleep, and he felt a soft and fragrant body in his arms, exuding a very familiar touch and smell.

Hiltina came to him again.

She should be worried that he would inexplicably enter the [deep thinking] state like last time.

But now Hiltina was invisible and couldn't speak...

Lloyd didn't mind. If a normal Hiltina threw herself into his arms like this, he might not be able to control himself and make things worse...

"Good night, Hiltina."

Lloyd whispered, rubbed Hiltina's head again, and hugged her like this, gradually falling asleep.

He didn't rush to tell Hiltina about Valdez, and planned to tell her tomorrow morning.


Valdez waited for a while after the previous 'monster' disappeared before he approached in shock and picked up the letter that the 'monster' had left on the table.

He thought it would be a threatening letter, threatening that he must join some illegal organization.

But when he opened it, he saw...

Why was it sent by Lloyd?

So the monster just now was Lloyd's messenger?

Damn, I was really scared. Why did you choose such a curious messenger?

Can you have some aesthetics? Some taste?

Valdez let out a long breath and cursed in his heart.

Then he opened the letter and read it.

When he saw Lloyd refused the invitation and reminded him not to mess around, Valdez's heart suddenly skipped a beat, and a strong sense of disappointment and frustration arose spontaneously.

But immediately looking back, he suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"He can actually contact the intellectual saint? And can he communicate with him?"


This news can be said to be extremely shocking to Valdez.

In his eyes, the saint, even the intellectual saint who occupies the heirloom, is a high and mighty existence that can only be looked up to.

In order to meet the saint, he had thought of countless ways before, but the other party was still unattainable and difficult to touch...

But Lloyd can actually contact the saint?

And it's 'contact', not 'audience'?

This... Can he already be on par with the saint?

But doesn't he look only at the third level?

Is it the influence of the venerable behind him?

Valdez was thinking about it, and the more he thought about it, the more frightened he became.

He hadn't seen the Venerable for a long time since the incident with Jenkins.

I wonder how much strength He has recovered now?

But since He was noticed by the Sage of Knowledge, He must have recovered a lot, right?

So much so that the Sage had to respect Him and let one of His followers contact Him.

Maybe the Sage couldn't contact the Venerable directly, and had to pass on the message like this?

After Valdez's wild thoughts, he felt that his heirloom should be safe!

If someone could speak up and he could get the heirloom back through legal means, then he certainly didn't want to take risks, or even implicate his friends for it.

"It seems that the best decision I have made in my life is to join the Human Future Seminar and have the honor of being noticed by the Venerable."

Valdes first sighed with relief, and then muttered in a low voice:

"It would be great if I could become a favored one..."

But obviously, that was impossible, and he knew it himself, so he laughed self-deprecatingly, and then ran to the cupboard to find a bottle of wine.

He poured himself a glass, and then poured another glass into an empty glass.

"Father, I can finally fulfill the last wish of my ancestors!"

Valdes poured the extra glass of wine on the ground, and drank his own glass.

Then he rubbed his face hard and began to think about the more important question in his mind-

What should I take to thank Lloyd for his help?

What should I take out to thank the saint for his "generosity"?


On the morning of the second day of the academy, Lloyd followed the usual practice and helped Hiltina share the mental pollution in the [Thinking Field], and thus upgraded a level. He then added 5 attributes to [Rationality], increasing [Rationality] to 665 points.

Then he said in that scumbag-like tone:

"Dear Hiltina, I have something I want to ask you for help."

Hiltina tilted her head slightly, looked at him with some doubts, and then stretched out her hand to gesture, indicating that he should go outside to talk.

So Lloyd's curious [projection] turned into the beautiful and lovely Hiltina again, and then listened to him talking about Valdes.

It should have been a simple little thing, but Hiltina felt a little unhappy after listening to it.

"Hmph~ I knew it. No wonder you took the initiative to call me honey. It was really for other people's business..."

Lloyd quickly used his scumbag talking skills and explained:

"How could it be? I like Hiltina the most, but I'm just afraid that you'll think I'm stupid, so I can't keep calling her that..."

"Hmph! You idiot... I just like the disgusting things. The more disgusting you scream, the better."

So Lloyd quickly added a few words like "baby", "darling" and "sweetheart", and combined them with the sweet words of a scumbag to make it really disgusting.

Until Hiltina couldn't bear it anymore, she blushed and waved her hands.

"Okay, okay, I get it, I get it. Just write a letter to Bayer and tell me about it, and I'll take it to you."

Lloyd quickly took out paper and pen and asked one more question:

"It shouldn't embarrass you, right?"

"No, it's just a small thing. Just give it back to your friend. Bayer is very optimistic about you."

Hiltina said nonchalantly, and while Royd was immersed in writing a letter, she hugged his back from behind, gently placed her hand on his shoulder, and bit her bite after bite, as if she wanted to taste his taste. , and like a child biting a toy.

She tickled Lloyd for a while, and she couldn't write the letter anymore, so she had to think of a way to get Hildina to 'relax' first, and then she discussed with her:

"By the way, is this heirloom of glasses really valuable? That it would be put into the treasury by the Saint of Knowledge?"

"You said you put it in the treasure house, how can it be valuable? If it is really important, why don't you keep it with you at all times?"

"It seems so...Hildina, do you have such a treasure trove?"

Hiltina did not answer directly, but hugged Lloyd's waist tightly from behind and said with a sweet smile:

"Hehe, my treasure house is being held tightly in my arms."

These words tickled Lloyd's heart, and he quickly changed the topic:

"Then is there really something wrong with their family heirloom?"

"It is probably some kind of ancient creation that can spread forbidden knowledge. Your friend's ancestors relied on this to make the workshop prosperous...

What's more, as far as I know, Bayer suffered from severe schizophrenia before, so where can he find a treasure trove? There is a dangerous warehouse that stores all kinds of forbidden things. I don’t know what terrible things are stored in it...

For more details, you can ask him in the letter yourself. "

"So that's it? Phew~ Fortunately, I didn't agree to Valdez's invitation."

Lloyd couldn't help but said with some fear.

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