I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 425 425 is broken already?

Chapter 425 425. Broken already?

Now that he had an idea, Lloyd lay down on the sofa, returned to the [Thinking Field], and then brought in the exaggerated heirloom glasses.

In order to avoid Hildyna's well-intentioned "meddling", Lloyd tiptoed all the way, fearing that he would disturb the giant flower bud, and specially chose a slightly farther grass and sat cross-legged.

Because it was not [audience with the saint], the selfless state was not needed. Instead, the panel was opened in advance and sufficient preparations were made. Lloyd put on the glasses and looked up at the four spiral towers.

The corresponding 'cad' function of the glasses was not turned on, and the spiral towers were still spiral towers, without showing any parameter angles.

On the contrary, the deepest black area, under Lloyd's gaze, began to flow and surge slowly, like a long dark river, recovering from the ice.

With these changes, Lloyd clearly felt that something wanted to drill into his brain, and the familiar mental pollution was even more overwhelming.

The panel prompt was also transmitted to his ears:

[Ding~ Knowledge Fragment +1]

[Ding~ Madness Value +10000]

[Ding~ Knowledge Fragment +1]

[Ding~ Madness Value +10000]

What a high intensity!

This just started, and it brought Lloyd a physical impact, and its intensity was the same as the last time he was on the line against the hexahedron.

And if Lloyd remembered correctly, this black area appeared after the line with that group.

But fortunately, although this mental pollution is very strong, the frequency is not fast, and it only comes every 2-3 seconds.

And with the help of level 7 [Dizziness Resistance], it is not troublesome to deal with it, and there is no danger.

Moreover, Lloyd's [Rationality] has been supported to 665 points, and the corresponding upper limit is also extremely high, resulting in this level of mental pollution. It will not even make him too uncomfortable, and can only create a slight tingling sensation.

It can be said that he is very comfortable with it now. It is not like the last time when he was on the line with the hexahedron, when he almost lost consciousness due to a headache, but he could not faint.

Haha, isn't this a pleasant upgrade? It is just like it is on.

So the past is the past, and the present is the present.

Lloyd was ecstatic and was about to enjoy the joy of this upgrade, but before he could be happy for 2 minutes, the panel prompt suddenly stopped.

"What's going on? Don't stop!"

Lloyd was talking when he suddenly felt his vision blurred and his eye sockets were a little hot.

He took off his glasses and took a look--

Why are you smoking?

Lloyd quickly used his inspiration to check the inside and found that those blue lines were completely burned, leaving only a black scorch mark, and even the surface material had some traces of melting.

Obviously, Valdez's heirloom was completely broken under the impact of a large amount of mental pollution and knowledge fragments...

Now, let alone using it to complete the transcendence ritual, it can't even be used for the masquerade, just like the female knight rescued from the goblin's nest.

In fact, in principle, Lloyd is not unfamiliar with this situation. It is a bit similar to the previous painting. After being used once, it immediately lost the beacon effect of attracting taboo knowledge and became an ordinary painting.

This pair of glasses is similar. Although it is still relatively durable, it still can't escape the fate of the female knight.

This is a bit troublesome...

Lloyd was very embarrassed and didn't care about adding anything. He quickly came out of the [Thinking Field] and began to pace back and forth in the dormitory, thinking about what to do.

He still remembered that the Sage of Intellect had clearly requested that this pair of glasses be safe and harmless. So objectively speaking, it is really safe and harmless now.

It has no impact on my own [Transcendence] ritual. There shouldn't be too many sealed objects like this that need to be dealt with. Just find another one.

So the key question now is how to explain it to Valdez?

Lloyd was a little confused about this question.

Tell the truth? I broke your female knight... oh no, it's your heirloom.

Not good, I'm afraid we won't be friends anymore in the future...

Then put the blame on the Intellectual Saint? Say he broke it?

Wouldn't that make the saint look like a goblin? Not good either...

Or use the Intellectual Saint's request to get away with it?

Valdez shouldn't be so easy to fool. He'll understand everything when he opens his inspiration...

After thinking about it, Lloyd felt that the best solution was to find a way to repair the glasses, even if the function could not be restored, at least the internal structure should not be the charred mess it is now.

But the problem is that although he remembered its internal structure, he didn't know how to restore it...

Huh? Wait! The knowledge I just gained seems...

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, put down the glasses that were harmless in his hand, and then called out the panel, and added the points he had just upgraded.

He had upgraded to level 18 in the previous wave, and there were 90 attribute points waiting to be allocated. He continued to follow the water tank idea.

25 points [rationality], 30 points [spiritual power], 30 points [cognition], 5 points [inspiration], build a water tank for me!

[Ding~add points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 1951/10000, upper limit: 690000]

[Rationality: 690]

[Spiritual Power: 690]

[Inspiration: 360]

[Cognition: 690]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV3, Manifestation LV2]

Well, not bad, although it is still not satisfactory, but the shortcomings of the water tank have been effectively compensated!

Lloyd comforted himself and immediately sorted out the taboo knowledge he had just acquired in his mind.

Thanks to the "directional" or "screening" function of this pair of glasses, the taboo knowledge he acquired this time is no longer those messy fragments, but all of them are at the microscopic level of matter, which is what he is most interested in.

It also directly gave Lloyd a long-lost new skill——

[Enough knowledge fragments have been obtained, unlocking the skill——Microscopic Analysis, LV1]

[Microscopic Analysis (LV1)——Improving and optimizing the cognition of the microscopic level of matter, making it easier to understand the essence of the world, easier to touch the reality of the world, and allowing various powers and skills to take effect at a more subtle level. There is no upgrade method for the time being]

There is also a long-lost line of small words below to supplement the explanation:

“Even if there is a bottomless abyss ahead, will you still jump down without hesitation?”

This is actually a passive skill?

It can be upgraded, but there is no specific upgrade method?

Lloyd pondered in his mind, stretched out his hand again, and tried to clench his fist.

I can’t feel the clear and intuitive improvement in strength, but it seems that something has changed?

Lloyd tried to open [Distorted Realm] again, and then locked onto a teacup not far away.

Under his intentional control, the teacup was first crushed by an invisible force, turning into a pile of tiny particles, and then it floated in the air as if it had life, arranged in a spiral structure, and slowly rotated.

As it rotated, the tiny ceramics began to vaguely show the texture of plant fibers, and began to reassemble, as if to reorganize into a rose.

But just one second later, the debris scattered again, scattered all over the floor.

Lloyd's first attempt failed as expected.

Not to mention turning into a rose, even the corresponding color was not adjusted.

Not enough, not enough, far from enough, this is much more difficult than turning someone else's fireball into a rose, it is not at the same level of difficulty, I am still far from it.

Lloyd shook his head, feeling helpless and powerless.

If learning to turn a fireball into a rose before was considered to be a step into the door of a new world, then today's progress can be regarded as taking a few more steps into the door.

With the help of new skills, it will be easier to go deeper into this path than before.

But that's all. If you really want to turn a teacup into a rose, there are still too many deficiencies. The rank, knowledge, and even the spiritual power that you were proud of are all far from it.

Lloyd can even feel that his current level is not enough even if he doubles it.

It's just turning a teacup into a rose, why is it so difficult?

Lloyd is a little confused.

Although it's difficult to turn into a rose, it's not so difficult to repair Valdes' ancestral glasses.

Find some blue ink, use spiritual power to guide, and redraw the blue lines inside the glasses. It's not difficult, but it takes a little time.

Of course, this is only based on the surface being intact. As for whether the previous function can be restored, it's hard to say...

It's probably impossible...

After obtaining this new [Micro Analysis], Lloyd also has a better understanding of the lines and patterns that he was confused about before.

That is by no means a random arrangement, but an organizational structure involving the microscopic level. It can be understood as a more subtle ritual, and it is somewhat similar to the circuit board on the other side of the earth.

It is obviously impossible to completely repair it.

Let alone the knowledge reserve in this regard, the key is that the knowledge about this circuit has become wrong knowledge, and it is useless to learn it.

Although this kind of creation based on wrong knowledge can continue to be used before it breaks, it does not mean that it can be remade with wrong knowledge.

This subtle inequality made Lloyd unable to think of a way to truly repair this pair of glasses for the time being.

Of course he wanted to repair it, not only to be responsible for his friend's affairs, but also to hope that it could return to the previous sealed state and help him absorb more taboo knowledge at the microscopic level.

Hmm? Wait, maybe... can I ask about the creation of the same period?

Lloyd thought of 0-006 in the City of Joy, and he could ask it.

By the way, I can also play with Eloro. It just so happens that I only played with Hiltina today, and it is not her turn yet.

Lloyd took action, stretched out his hand and opened a portal, and went to Eloro's side.

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