I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 418 417 [Projection] Style

Chapter 418 417. [Projection] style

Although Lloyd still gave him a few more knives, fortunately, Master Linde and the others were still very reliable, and the whole process was successfully completed without letting him do it again.

Not only were the three final pieces of materials produced extremely high quality, the time was also shortened a lot, and they were completed before three o'clock in the morning without having to stay up all night.

Lloyd took the three materials and felt the full and friendly spirituality emanating from them. They basically met his needs perfectly.

The three materials will be used for the second and third [Transcendence] of the [Embodiment] system. These two [Transcendence] are destined to be successfully completed without any hindrance.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

Lloyd thanked him sincerely.

"You're welcome. Actually, I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It's all thanks to it."

Master Linde said with a smile, then reached out and gently stroked the snake-shaped knife. His expression looked like he was holding his lover's hand.

Now that the entire processing process has been successfully completed and perfectly meets Lloyd's needs, and the other party has not mentioned compensation at all, of course Lloyd will not take the knife back, but will lend it to them for study and use as promised.

Anyway, the transcendent materials of the [Realization] system will have to come back to trouble others in the future. I can't use the maximum function of this knife for the time being, so I simply lend it to Master Linde for use until I need it.

So Lloyd's trip was considered to have come to a successful end. He was also very sleepy, so he went back to his residence to take a shower, and then went to Elolo as usual.

Elolo must have gone to bed long ago, but he still left a small cake and a letter for Lloyd on the bedside table. However, because of the fatigue during the day, the content of the letter was a little shorter, and it could even be said to be only one sentence:

"I like Lord Uther the most! I like Lord Uther the most! I like Lord Uther the most!"

She repeated this sentence a dozen times, which made Lloyd feel warm in his heart.

In this way, Lloyd played with Eloro's feet and helped her share the mental pollution until she fell into a deep sleep.

Then he waited until the next morning and went back to the [Thinking Realm] to chat with Hiltina while reporting on the experience of the trip.

Hildina in [Thinking Field] couldn't speak directly for some unknown reason, so she could only gesture with her hands, asking Lloyd to return to the academy as soon as possible.

Of course, before returning to the academy, you have to add the attribute points obtained through the two saints.

5 points [Inspiration], 5 points [Cognition], balanced development!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 19/10000, upper limit: 640000]

【Rationality: 640】

[Spiritual power: 640]

【Inspiration: 335】

[Cognition: 640]

[System: Distort LV4, reject LV3, manifest LV1]

After seeing Bartolo's method of instantly locking dozens of people, Lloyd was a little moved and began to consciously add some [inspiration].

Although a water tank with a gap is a more beautiful water tank, you can slightly increase the gap without affecting your balanced aesthetics.

After taking care of this little thing, Lloyd went to formally say goodbye to Master Linde and expressed his gratitude to him again.

"I should thank you for being willing to lend us such a valuable tool for research."

Master Linde responded very politely.

Then Lloyd found Bald Bartolo again, but the other party said that he wanted to play for two more days and signaled to Lloyd to leave first.

But just when Lloyd was about to open the portal and return to the academy, Lindsay suddenly came over and brought a letter written by Valdez.

"It seems like my friend... wants something from you?"

Lindsay said something first, then observed Lloyd's reaction and found that there was no change in his expression. He seemed to have guessed that this would happen, so he quickly explained:

"I don't know what the specific matter is, but it shouldn't be a crime, right? That guy has been very well-behaved since he was a child."

"Well, wait until I read his letter."

Lloyd didn't rush to respond and left through the portal.

After the portal disappeared, the bald Bartolo on the side smiled and reminded:

"Today's Lloyd is the pride of our Mizkatok, and I am also proud of him. He saved my life in a danger you can't imagine, so I hope that your friend would better understand Proportionate.”

After leaving this sentence which was more like a warning, he walked away and went somewhere in the city to play.

Lindsay, on the other hand, swallowed nervously and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was still a little afraid of the bald mage, especially yesterday's method of roasting people's internal organs in the air, which left a very deep impression on him.

And despite his careless appearance, his mind is actually quite sharp and delicate. He may have vaguely guessed something, which is why he left those threats and warnings...

Lindsay thought for a while, then quickly drove the steam car and ran to find Valdez.

"How? What did he say?"

As soon as the two met, Valdez asked hurriedly.

In fact, after the temporary team was disbanded last night, Valdes took the rare initiative to take Lindsay for a drink and discuss with him how to find Lloyd for help. Only then did he get the letter he had handed over earlier.

"I didn't refuse, but I didn't express my position on the spot. I just said I would read the letter before speaking."

Lindsay answered truthfully, shrugged again, and added:

"The powerful lecturer Bartolo was also present at the time, and he reminded me specifically..."

He then repeated the warning left by the bald head, causing Valdes to frown suddenly, showing an embarrassed look on his face, and remained silent for a long time.

Until Lindsay asked:

"So the big thing you plan to do, is it considered illegal or indiscipline?"

"I...don't know...but I think it is just and necessary."

"Sigh... I can only hope that they can also agree with your 'justice'."

Lindsay said, patted his shoulder again, and comforted:

"I think there should be no problem, right? At least I, a noble, can still recognize you."


As soon as Lloyd returned to the dormitory, he saw the little milk cat rolling and crawling over to greet him. When he met, he rolled on his belly in a cute way, beckoning Lloyd to come and hug him.

It seems that I haven’t slept with it for two days and it’s lonely...

Lloyd quickly picked up the little kitten and kissed her hard twice, then released his [Projection], watched it gradually transform into the beautiful and lovely Hildina, and kissed her twice more.


Hiltina tilted her head, a little confused as to why there was a milky smell between Lloyd's lips and teeth.

Lloyd, on the other hand, switched to business. He first took out the three prepared materials and showed them to her, and then asked:

"Is there anything I need to pay attention to in the specific transcendence ceremony that follows?"

He had already learned about the ritual process by studying the [Representation] system, but the problem was——

Will this standard process lack a sense of ritual?

Compared with the terms and conditions of other systems, project steps, various environmental requirements, and process requirements, the [Realization] system here seems a bit arbitrary, at least before the fifth level.

Basically, it can be summarized simply as follows: Find a place with a beautiful environment that can relax your mood, make your mind active, and have no mental pollution, and then let yourself go and imagine boldly.

Even after the fifth level, the same routine is used, but the environmental requirements are higher, but the general direction remains unchanged.

It is to imagine the prototype of [Projection] from the beginning, and then complete the detailed processing step by step, making [Projection] become more real and more powerful.

It can be said that this entire road of "embodiment" is the process of shaping and polishing "projection", and each "detachment" is an important node in the process.

It's not just the [Projection] route, the [Story] route is actually similar. It's also a process of constant improvement, and the difference is not big.

It’s just that the [Projection] route does not need to be like [Story]. After reaching the seventh level, you still need to use other people’s power to supplement yourself, and you need to be relatively independent and autistic.

This process reminded Lloyd of a sentence or a theorem he learned from the Book of Truth shortly after he bought it:

[The more real it is, the more powerful it is]

There are three theorems like this, which are written on the preface of the first page of the Book of Truth.

So the promotion process of the [Reflection] department can be regarded as confirmation of this theorem?

But what about the remaining two sentences?

[The more unknown, the more powerful it is]

[The crazier you are, the more powerful you are]

What should this correspond to?

Lloyd didn't dare to think too much in this direction, because every time he thought about it, he seemed to be able to see inspiration and weird intuition taking out the drum and suona...

Let’s go back to [Revelation]. It’s because the corresponding ritual doesn’t seem very ‘ceremonial’, so Lloyd is a little unsure, so he wants to ask Hiltina what she thinks?

"This...you don't need to worry. This is the [Embodiment] system. Don't forget, this system was originally separated from [Intellect]. Of course, it pays more attention to the consciousness and thinking level. Right The requirements in reality are definitely not that high, and sometimes it’s quite convenient.”

Hiltina first explained, then reminded:

"However... it is precisely because of the lack of guidance and norms in reality and relying entirely on conscious activities that the [Embodiment] system's [Detachment] success rate is the lowest among the current major systems. Of course, [ Except for distortion...

Therefore, before you perform the ceremony, you must clear your mind and get rid of distracting thoughts; during the process, do not think randomly and must concentrate; and remember, you would rather fail than make a mistake, because you can have the opportunity to shape the [projection] Just a few times, once it is finalized, there is no possibility of modification. "

Hiltina finally shared her understanding and experience with Lloyd, and then curiously asked:

"What do you want your [projection] to be like?"

"Well... I'm more curious. If I shape the [projection], will it affect you?"

Hiltina quickly waved her hand and explained:

"No, no, don't worry.

The one in front of you is not a traditional [projection], but more like a mark attached to the [projection], which is realized with the help of the flesh and blood left by the offspring of the evil god, so I am so real in front of you, otherwise you would have been deceived by the little goblin long ago, right? "

"I see, that means, when you are not here, the [projection] will show the appearance I want to shape, and it will become your appearance after you come over?"

"Yeah! That's it! Of course, if you are willing to shape your [projection] into my appearance, I will definitely be very happy, right?"

Hiltina said, blinking her eyes quickly, looking at Lloyd with expectation.

But Lloyd did not accommodate her this time, but insisted on his choice. He took out a transformable fire stick from his arms, played with it in his hands for a while, and transformed the stick into a handsome robot model.

"I want this!"

Hiltina: "…………"

"Forget it, I can't see it anyway! Not disappointed at all! "

She pouted again.

Lloyd immediately used the scumbag's rhetoric to comfort her:

"Even if I make an identical you like that, it is not you after all, so for me, it is all a false bubble and meaningless. I still want the real you to stay with me all the time."

As a result, Hiltina actually fell for it. She laughed again on the spot, with a cute little blush on her face, and said softly:

"Bah! Who will stay with you all the time? "

But her body honestly crawled into Lloyd's arms and kept rubbing against his chest.

It can only be said that her mental state of separation between emotion and reason is quite convenient for Lloyd?

Lloyd hugged Hiltina tenderly for a while, and thought of the details Hiltina had revealed before: she couldn't see what she shaped [Projection] into?

In this case, why not...

Lloyd couldn't help but recall the "pain car" he had in the Dream Theater, with young, fragrant, soft and beautiful girls on the left and right. A yummy barefooted beauty.

It seems like it would be nice to make [Projection] like this?

But Lloyd calmed down immediately and gave up this impulse.

On the one hand, although Hildyna couldn't see it, Eloro and Weiya could see it...

On the other hand, [Projection] often does dangerous and hard work, such as breaking walls to explore the way and keep warm. It is very inappropriate to let such a petite and cute girl do these things, and it is even more unbearable.

Then let the giant robot do these things...

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