Chapter 417 416. Pain!

Lloyd didn’t wait long before he saw five senior craftsmen coming to Master Linde’s office, each of them looking very respectable.

They gathered around the gift box containing the knife, and then passed it around like they were doing some treasure appraisal activity.

Their reactions were similar to Master Linde’s, and they were all more surprised the more they looked.

One of them looked at it, revealing an expression of love on his face, and started to meow like a cat:

“Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! This knife is really amazing. It can actually cut and modify the spirituality of the material? This is really amazing!”

He did not conduct the characteristic ‘private chat’ of the Quiet City, but let Lloyd hear it too.

Another craftsman beside him also quickly agreed:

"It looks like a sixth-level holy object, which may not have practical value, but if it is used to process materials, it is much more useful than those precious things of level 1 and level 0!"

"And this does not seem to be a holy object processed from a sealed object, but more like a man-made holy object that has been extensively processed based on a part of the sealed object?"

"I just made a preliminary estimate. If it can be used in our process, it can at least increase the average quality by 30%, increase the processing efficiency by 50%, and reduce the risk and loss by multiples."

The first four craftsmen first took turns to admire it, but when it was the last one's turn, this guy had a crooked mind and turned his head to Lloyd's "private chat":

"Is this knife yours? Can you sell it to me? I can marry my daughter to you. She is very beautiful and one of the most beautiful women in this city!"

No... Did you give birth to a daughter to sell? Aren't you afraid that she will write a short essay to hang you, the biological father?

Lloyd complained in his heart, but replied without hesitation:

"No, no, no! This is a precious gift from a friend, I have no intention of selling it."

"Alas... this is such a pity..."

The craftsman could only frown and reluctantly put the knife back into the gift box.

At this time, another craftsman started a private chat with Lloyd:

"Excuse me, is this knife yours? How did you get it?"

"A friend gave it to me..."

"Oh~ Can you bear the pain and give it up? I am willing to exchange it for a level 5 holy relic."

"Sorry, I don't have the intention to sell it."

"Alas... It's such a pity..."

When this "private chat" ended, a third person immediately started to negotiate with Lloyd:

"Young man, did those two old guys want to buy your knife? Don't listen to them, they are poor and stingy, just sell it to me, just ask for what you want."

"No... Why do you always assume that I want to sell it?"

"Ah? You are not here to sell it?"

"Of course not!"

"Alas... It's such a pity..."

Lloyd was entangled by these people and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Although he could understand their feelings, it was normal for a craftsman to be tempted when he saw a handy and useful artifact, but weren't you too direct and impatient?

Fortunately, the remaining three craftsmen, including Master Linde, were relatively calm and did not have a private chat. Instead, they discussed in front of Lloyd:

"If this thing helps with the special process tonight, it will definitely be much safer."

"Yes, yes, the special process tonight was a headache for me, but now I have this knife, I am full of confidence. It is really amazing! Is it from Mizkatok?"

"Maybe? I don't know. This was taken out by our client Lloyd tonight."

Master Linde finally answered, and looked at Lloyd again, hoping that he could introduce the specific origin of the knife.

It can be clearly seen that Master Linde and the two craftsmen behind are the "protagonists" in tonight's process. The other three should just come here to "appreciate the artifact", so their ideas and positions will show subtle differences.

Since they were going to work together again that night, Lloyd naturally did not hide it and answered truthfully:

"This is a gift from a bishop of the Eternal Order."

Master Linde was slightly stunned and replied:

"Oh? It's from the Eternal City? That's not surprising."

The other two craftsmen followed suit:

"Yes, although the Eternal City is now in decline, it was the first city of the new era and once gathered countless geniuses. The background and accumulation of all aspects are far beyond people's imagination."

"This knife is also very old, and the psychic-like things inside are The structure of the blade is relatively basic and simple, but also precise and complex enough. This is a typical early plan, proving that it should be a product of the early new era.

As for the specific time, it was probably during the period when the psychic blade was initially formed? Maybe this knife is one of the early verification models? "

"Well, I also noticed this. Compared with the current mass-produced psychic blade, the physical cutting effect of this design is not strong enough, but it has the effect of cutting spirituality and spiritual power. It is a very bold idea. Unfortunately, the material used to forge it is too unique, and there is no way to mass produce it..."

"Yes, the alloy that makes up the blade is mixed with some unknown raw materials, which makes it have this magical effect, but I don't know what it is. I only think it should be related to some kind of seal?"

"Then should we go to the Eternal City? Try to find the manufacturing process of this knife? If it can be mass-produced, it will promote the development of all mankind."

Lloyd listened silently at the side, and felt that these people were talking more and more, and suddenly it rose to the level of all mankind?

Is this thank-you gift from Bishop Millie a bit too expensive? He was a little afraid to use it...

Fortunately, Master Linde spoke in time:

"Don't talk about such a long-term thing, let's test it in the process tonight before considering it."

As he said, he said to Lloyd:

"This knife will be of great help tonight's process. Can you lend it to us?"

"Of course, this is exactly the effect I hope for."

Master Linde nodded, and asked while the iron was hot:

"Then...if everything goes well tonight, can you lend it to us for research?"

"If it's just a loan, yes."

Lloyd replied with a smile.

The matter was settled, and Master Linde couldn't wait to pick up the gift box containing the knife and took Lloyd to the basement here, which was the workshop for processing extraordinary materials.

As they walked, he introduced the next steps to Lloyd:

"You need to interfere with the second- and third-level transcendental materials of the [materialization] system. We just made some semi-finished products before. I will select the best and most spiritual ones for you...

In the process, we will use this knife to carefully modify the spirituality of the materials to match your next steps."

"Yes, I know."

Lloyd nodded.

Master Linde then asked:

"Have you thought about what kind of personal elements you are going to add to the materials?"

Lloyd did not dare to be arrogant, and asked very humbly:

"This... do you have any suggestions?"

"Blood, the blood that carries your spiritual power and inspiration."

Oh? I have traveled through another world for twenty years, and finally encountered the plot of "recognizing the master by dripping blood"?

Lloyd smiled in his heart and nodded quickly.

Master Lind then continued to brag about the power of this knife:

"Before tonight, I really didn't dare to let you mix blood in. Although blood is the best 'element', it is too difficult to grasp and the chance of failure is extremely high! So I originally planned to let you make some weak marks, grind them and then mix them in...

Fortunately, the situation is different now. With its help, I believe we can succeed!"

"That's great!"

Lloyd said with expectation.

Soon, everyone came to the workshop. As soon as he entered, Lloyd felt a complex smell coming towards him, like a strange smell of various messy potions mixed together. It is difficult to describe specifically, but it is quite unpleasant anyway.

And then, he had to stay in this strange smell until dawn...

What's more uncomfortable is that he can neither understand nor intervene in the following processes...

He can only watch the three craftsmen holding a sticky monster organ, a piece of mineral, and a strange thing that is not sure whether it is a plant or a nerve bundle, and carry out various processing.

Grinding, baking, hammering, adding potion to boil, and occasionally using a snake-shaped knife to scratch.

Anyway, it was tedious and complicated. Without sufficient theoretical foundation, Lloyd could not understand it at all.

He could only wait by the side. When the process reached a certain stage, he would go over and cut himself with a snake-shaped knife, cut his fingers, add a drop of blood with spiritual power and inspiration to the material, and then go back to the side to continue waiting, and cut himself again after a while...

Soon ten fingers were not enough, and he had to cut the back and palm of his hand...

Lloyd had imagined that this process might be very hard, very long, and very difficult to endure, but he never thought it would be very painful...

He had fought against the descendants of the evil god, fought against [Brilliant Gold], conquered the space storm, and sealed the witch mistress, but he had never been stabbed so much...

This time, the blood was really pouring out...

Lloyd felt helpless and quickly swallowed a bottle of healing potion to speed up the healing of the wound on his hand.

Just then, Master Linde reminded him:

"We are about to enter the critical stage, be careful, otherwise if you fail, you will have to start all over again."

Although this was not said to Lloyd, but to the other two craftsmen, Lloyd felt his scalp tingling when he heard it.

Please, please don't fail!

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