I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 416 415 The sharp blade that cuts the invisible

Chapter 416 415. A sharp blade that cuts invisible things

Lloyd's speculation made Valdez start to associate, and then he asked in a low voice with awe:

"Is it similar to the existence of the Venerable behind us? But such an existence has already surpassed the Saint, why would he still want to become a Saint?"

"He is obviously not comparable to the Respect..."

Lloyd first forced himself to brag about it, and then quickly continued to speculate:

"So he might want to complete the recovery by becoming a Saint? Or does he want to return to today's civilized society and grab a piece of land? So he is interested in the Eternal City? After all, you have also seen the decline of this city. , and..."

He originally wanted to say that the Redemption Saint was a "wooden-headed" person who had always left a bad impression on him. The Redemption system he was in charge of was not strong enough, and the key was that his mentality was particularly pessimistic and depressed...

But now he was staying on someone else's territory, so he didn't dare to really say bad things about others. In the end, he changed the subject and said:

"And as the oldest one, the Redemption Saint may have a close relationship with those ancient strongmen?"

He actually wanted to say that this saint had a stubborn worship and awe of the past glory. This was what Xildina had complained to him personally, and the dean was also involved...but he couldn't say it too directly, so he changed to a relatively euphemistic statement.

As a result, Valdez was very good at restraining his curiosity and advised:

"Let's not talk about this for now, shall we? Whether it is an ancient strongman or a saint, you and I should not discuss too much..."

"That's right, then hurry up and collect the information here."

Lloyd nodded, and then he and Valdez searched around, and finally made a simple summary of various intelligence, which roughly figured out the conspiracy of the secret society-

First, they still need to find an ancient relic and obtain the heritage in it to help their bandit leader gain power.

Considering that the bandit leader himself is likely to be an ancient person who is not dead, the real purpose of this step is probably to "release" this guy, but he didn't reveal the truth to this group of criminals?

And this ancient relic seems to be difficult to find, so Jenkins, who is somewhat related to it, must be used, which is consistent with Lloyd's previous speculation.

Then, after completing this wave of archaeology, a large ritual with unknown functions will be deployed in the Eternal City, saying that it will help the bandit leader complete his promotion, but Lloyd feels that this is more like an attack on the Eternal Saint?

In order to make this step go smoothly, this group of criminals needs to cooperate with each other inside and outside to distract attention. For this, they also need a large number of manpower and materials, and they have to go to other cities to cause chaos to prevent reinforcements.

Maybe the changes that occurred in the City of Joy are related to this plan?

Finally, when the bandit leader successfully promoted to the Saint, it was time to fulfill various promises to his subordinates, such as power, wealth, status, and women, but these things did not come out of thin air, but needed to be plundered from other places.

For example, the rich City of Brilliance, the weak City of Joy, and even the mysterious Dream Theater have become "fat sheep" on their list.

They conquered the whole world and finally established an ideal country and paradise on earth...

How should I put it...After understanding the whole picture of this plan, Lloyd was more certain of his previous speculation that this group of criminals was most likely affected in their thinking and judgment.

Otherwise, would anyone with a normal mind believe this set of things?

It would be better to believe that I can become a saint...

Lloyd complained in his heart, and he also figured out why these criminals dared to be so rampant.

I am afraid that their thinking has long been abnormal.

Even Valdez complained on the side:

"These people are really crazy..."

"Almost, hand these things over to the Eternal Cult, and then they will deal with it themselves."

Lloyd said with some disappointment.

He originally thought that there would be some good things in that ancient tomb, but it turned out to be a zongzi who wanted to rule the world...

Then let others kill the demons and exorcise the monsters, and I will continue to follow the original plan and complete the promotion.

Although he didn't want to care about the follow-up, he still paid more attention and wrote down several possible tomb locations marked on the map, plus some information and materials about the ceremony they were preparing, in case of any changes later.


"Let me go! You rude idiots! I'm not crazy! I'm going to find the greatest discovery in human archaeology! Do you know what this means? I want to go down in history! I don't want to live in a mental hospital!"

Lloyd and his group watched several priests silently, holding down an archaeologist who kept roaring and cursing, tying him up, and throwing him into a carriage.

This man was one of the archaeologists deceived by the Secret Order. After Lloyd removed the influence of the [Twisted Realm] and handed him over to the Eternal Order, he suddenly went crazy on the spot. He looked really sick...

Another archaeologist who was deceived like him was much calmer. He just kept thinking with his head in his hands, as if he had encountered a difficult puzzle, but at least he was able to sit in the carriage that came to pick people up from the mental hospital.

Then the remaining members of the Secret Order were also imprisoned one after another and taken to the carriage to the Holy Grace Court.

These people seemed to be quite tough. They didn't cry for mercy or try to resist. Instead, they looked fearless and generous. Maybe they thought the bandit leader behind them could rescue them?

They looked like the fanatics of a cult...

Finally, the people of the Eternal Order cleaned up the scene hastily, took over the information collected by Lloyd and Valdez, and said a few polite words of thanks. That was the end of the matter.

After the people of the cult walked away, Lindsay, who had been silent before, couldn't help but speak:

"Why are these people like this? They don't care about such a big thing at all? Do they have any sense of responsibility?"

It wasn't just him who felt this way. The other three members of the team also felt that the Eternal Order was perfunctory. They were too lazy to pretend.

Lloyd shook his head and said nothing more, but suggested:

"Forget it, we just do what we should and can do, it's time to go back."

Bald Bartolo pursed his lips, raised his bald eyebrows, and added in a low voice:

"Mr. Astra's mentality has affected the state of the entire city. I wonder if he can cheer up? Forget it, forget it..."

After that, he was the first to walk into the portal opened by Lloyd, and the rest of them also entered and returned to Lindsay's workshop.

Although the attitude of the Eternal Order was indeed disappointing, Lloyd's main purpose of this trip was achieved. He successfully rescued Jenkins and reminded the Eternal City of a conspiracy. This temporary team should be disbanded on the spot.

At this time, there was still a while before the agreed 6 o'clock in the evening, so Lloyd returned to the luxurious guest room arranged by Lindsay and took out the gift box that Bishop Millie had sent before.

Oh my goodness, there is a check for 20 million right in front of me...

Under the check, there is a unique holy object - a crooked snake-shaped knife, only as long as a palm, too small to peel an apple.

But the "Book of Truth" reacted, began to slowly turn, and identified and recorded it.

[Code: 6-2879, its name: Sharp Blade for Cutting Invisible Things]

[Description: A man-made holy object that can be used, it can cut off the flow of spiritual power or spirituality, and remove the detection and lock of inspiration. Its unique appearance and poor feel are completely unsuitable for use in combat. It is correct to affect divination, disrupt rituals, and get rid of locks. ]

Huh? It's quite practical?

Although the evaluation on the "Book of Truth" is not very high, Lloyd's evaluation of this snake-shaped knife is not bad. It belongs to the low-level but practical type of tool.

The function of unlocking inspiration alone is already quite valuable, not to mention that it also has some other auxiliary functions. In terms of practicality, it is not inferior to his own vest and the pendant with the prefix of '5'.

It's just that it doesn't have that kind of passive effect, so it can only be regarded as a level 6 holy relic, right?

Lloyd then tried it again. He first locked a vase in the room with inspiration, and then injected some spiritual power into the snake-shaped knife like using a psychic blade, making its curved blade slightly shiny, and then gently scratched the vase twice.

Hmm... a little cool?

He felt a cold touch of inspiration feedback, mixed with some sharp feeling, as if it locked a knife.

But just scratching it two or three times is not enough to completely unlock the inspiration, and it needs a few more.

Calculating the time, it takes about 3-5 seconds.

But I didn't use too much inspiration to lock the vase. If I put all my strength and concentrate all my inspiration, it would be a bit difficult to "cut".

It doesn't seem to be particularly sharp? It is quite effective in interfering with inspiration. The cold and sharp feeling can easily make the enemy give up the lock.

So it was removed in this way?

Then this effect may not be very useful in face-to-face combat, and it is more suitable for use when others are secretly following.

The evaluation of "The Book of Truth" is quite pertinent...

Lloyd smiled, rummaged in the storage bag for a while, and then found a piece of metal sheet with a set of small temperature control instruments drawn on it for air conditioning.

These were all made when he was practicing before. Thinking that they might be useful in the future, he never threw them away, but now he turned them out to "test the knife".

Lloyd took the knife and scratched the iron sheet in the air a few times.

Hmm? Not bad, not bad, the function of disrupting the ritual is quite effective, and it will not cause damage to the ritual itself. After a few seconds, the ritual can resume normal operation.

Rather than saying it is a ‘disturbance’, it seems like an alternative ‘pause’?

This discovery not only made Lloyd more satisfied, but also a great surprise.

He currently has no shortage of means to directly destroy the ritual. Whether it is his own ritual attainments, or the power distortion effect of [Distorted Realm], plus the corrosion ritual taught by Valdes, it is not difficult to completely destroy a set of rituals.

However, he does not have the means to temporarily disrupt the operation of the ritual and then restore it. This knife can make up for his small shortcoming.

More importantly, in the next material processing link, Lloyd can just use this function, and it will help him greatly reduce the risk and increase the success rate——

In the standard process flow, the assistance of some professional rails is needed everywhere. These rails are often fragile and sensitive. Once they encounter factors outside the design process, they are likely to fail, thus affecting the quality of the materials and even Direct failure.

The reason why Lloyd's move to add personalized elements was considered crazy and unreasonable was that doing so could easily affect those delicate rituals, leading to unpredictable chain reactions.

But if you have the help of this knife, you can pause these rituals through disruption and make your 'intervention' more reliable, it will definitely improve the final success rate!

In addition, the knife's "cutting intelligence" function allows you to make some modifications and adjustments to those materials. Even if there are errors, you can make up for them, which is equivalent to increasing the error tolerance!

In short, after Lloyd figured it out like this, he immediately fell in love with this snake-shaped knife.

Bishop Milly, you really gave me a good thing that just came in handy!

It's almost like someone handed you a knife when you wanted to commit suicide...

From this, Lloyd could feel that the gratitude expressed by Bishop Milly was really sincere, and it seemed that she really cared about Lao Zhan.

However, the specific use of this knife in the next processing step is currently based on Lloyd's idea. He did not dare to rely on it, so he quickly ran to find Lindsay's father, Master Linde, and showed him the knife. Look, I want to hear his opinion.

"Huh? This sacred object...is very special?"

Master Linde sat behind his desk, holding the knife and looking at it from side to side, and then checked it with inspiration. Then he lowered his head slightly and pondered something silently.

Then he took out a pair of monocles and put them on, and observed them more carefully. The look on his face gradually became surprised, and he could not help but murmur in a low voice:

"Hiss...isn't it right? It shouldn't be..."

Lloyd overheard and couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Could it be that all my previous ideas were hallucinations?

But then, Master Linde took off his glasses again, carefully put the knife back into the gift box, and then said:

"Please wait a moment, I'll call some senior craftsmen to come over and take a look."

With that said, he left Lloyd directly in the office and ran out quickly.

The pace looked particularly exciting, as if he had found some artifact.

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