I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 415 414 You guys are too arrogant, aren't you?

Chapter 415 414. Aren't you too arrogant?

When Jenkins was young, he followed a large archaeological team and excavated the tomb of an ancient strongman. He looted all the burial objects in the coffin. After that, he encountered a series of terrifying changes. In the end, Jenkins was the only one left alive in the entire archaeological team.

The reason why he survived was probably because he was the only one who still had awe for the dead at that time and tried to restore the opened coffin...

After listening to this story, Lloyd analyzed various signs and suspected that the ancient strongman should also be a strongman of the [Distortion] system. Today, this statement can be more rigorous. He should be a strongman who mastered the [Distortion] power.

But it is highly unlikely that it was the group of supreme beings of [Brilliant Gold]. Otherwise, the archaeological team at that time might not be able to enter other people's tombs at all, or even find them.

Considering that Lao Zhan was the only survivor of the archaeological excavation, and combined with the fact that the ‘Dawn Secret Society’ used the power of [distortion] to try to corrupt him, it was difficult for Lloyd not to connect the two things.

Only in this way can we explain why it had to be Lao Zhan.

And Lao Zhan himself did not regard this as a secret that could not be told, but rather as a profound lesson to remind others of the dangers of archaeology, and naturally the details would be noticed by people with ulterior motives.

Especially since Lao Zhan and the old man who interrogated him seemed to be old acquaintances, it was natural that he could find him easily.

In short, although Lloyd expressed his inability to eliminate the evil forces, he was still quite interested in the tomb of the ancient strongman. It was related to the ancient history that he was interested in and involved his own system, so he naturally wanted to take a look.

However, the bloody contract did not specify the specific location of the tomb and the action plan, and Lao Zhan did not know when he would wake up, so Lloyd wanted to take the initiative and go to the ‘Dawn Secret Society’ first.

Aren’t they recruiting archaeologists? They should be able to find some clues.

The above cause and effect is not difficult to guess, especially Valdez has also heard the story of Lao Zhan, so it is easy to associate Lloyd's next plan.

"Since no one objects, let's go to the black market."

Lloyd said, and then took out a detailed map of the Eternal City, and then asked Lindsay to help point out the location of the den. After some calculations, he located a nearby coordinate, opened the portal, and led his teammates in a line.

After walking out of the portal, Lloyd looked around again, and then pursed his lips.

The layout and style here look no different from other places in the city. The surrounding buildings are all gray, old and dilapidated, but not dilapidated. It is hard to tell what kind of area this is. Is it the old city or the new city? Is it a civilian area or a rich area?

If Lindsay hadn't pointed to an alley across the street and said that it was the entrance to the black market, Lloyd would never have imagined that this would be a "gray area".

It can only be said that the urban development and construction of the Eternal City is a bit too balanced...

This also made Lloyd admire Lindsay's "social phobia" attribute even more. It was his first time to come to the Eternal City, but he was able to find the gray area of ​​the black market in such a short time...

I'm afraid all his "talent points" were added to the social attribute?

"I'm familiar with this place. I'll lead the way."

Lindsay volunteered again, and then led everyone around a few bends and came to a densely populated residential area connected only by small roads. It was a bit like the high-volume residential area on Earth. The so-called black market was hidden in these seemingly ordinary houses.

The appearance of Lloyd and his group also attracted some vigilant eyes, especially the burly Bartolo, who was looked up and down by many pairs of eyes, causing him to smile disdainfully and whispered:

"It seems that we are not welcome here?"

"It doesn't matter, we are not here as guests."

Lloyd also said with a smile.

He was not being watched by anyone, as the vest's "out of the world" function was particularly useful in such situations.

However, after walking around the black market for a while, the group did not encounter any blind people looking for trouble, and soon came to a street corner. Then Lindsay pointed to a three-story building opposite and said:

"That's it. If you turn on your psychic vision, you can see the mark of the tearful eyes."

Lloyd nodded, turned on his psychic vision and tried it. Sure enough, on a dirty wall, he found the pattern described by Lindsay. It was quite large and conspicuous, and he didn't seem to be afraid of being discovered.

Are the evil forces in the Eternal City so rampant? Mitzkatok is not as ostentatious as you, right?

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then heard Lindsay say:

"Wait a minute, I'll find a way to get you in?"

"No need to be so troublesome."

Lloyd and Bald Bartolo said in unison, and then quickly changed the topic:

"How about you go first?"

He hadn't seen Bartolo take action, but only heard Elolo briefly mention that the bald uncle was so powerful and fierce, and killed many monsters alone on the line of defense against monsters.

This made Lloyd want to see with his own eyes how a high-ranking ancient wizard would take action?

Bartolo nodded without hesitation, took two steps forward, released his inspiration, and with the help of his clairvoyance, instantly locked onto all the thirty or so people in the small building.

This move alone was enough to amaze Lloyd. Anyway, with his 330 [Inspiration], he couldn't lock onto so many targets at once.

Then, Bartolo stretched out his hands again, with his five fingers slightly spread out, and "wrapped" the small building with his palms up and down, as if he wanted to crush it.

With a light snap, his hands came together.

The small building was not really crushed, but the temperature inside suddenly rose by dozens of degrees, making the whole building seem to be burning, and even the surrounding air showed a wave-like twist in the heat wave.

The people hiding inside thought there was a fire, and they rushed out like crazy. Some people even jumped out of the window directly, and then jumped and rolled on the open ground, as if they were about to be roasted.

But the next second, they were motionless, all standing still, their eyes gradually becoming dazed and confused.


Bartolo also looked at Lloyd with some surprise, knowing that he was the one who made the move.

These people were obviously affected by the distortion.

Although Lloyd couldn't lock so many people at the same time like Bartolo, [Twisted Realm] has a coverage area...

He then simply observed the appearance and temperament of these people, and found that there were two or three people whose styles looked different, so he suggested:

"Among these people, some should be archaeologists deceived by them? Lindsay, can you tell them apart?"

"Haha, I'm so good at this!"

Lindsay patted his chest first, but immediately asked another question:

"But...will they just stay still? Will they suddenly attack me?"

Without Lloyd explaining more, Valdez helped answer:

"You don't have to worry about this. Their thinking consciousness seems to have fallen into a state of confusion. I'm afraid their senses have also been affected in the same way. It's very strange... uh... I mean magical..."

"Okay, let's discuss it later. Let's hurry up. Lloyd, you go in and find the clues you need. I'll help you keep an eye on them outside. These people are ready to move."

The bald man interrupted and pointed at the increasing number of eyes around him.

Obviously, he also guessed that Lloyd was interested in the archaeological excavation.

"Then I will help Lloyd too."

Valdez said, and then he went into the small building with Lloyd to look for clues.

The bald man led Lindsay to block outside while distinguishing the members of the secret society, preparing to catch the man with Lindsay in front and hand him over to the Eternal Order.

However, the "residents" nearby unexpectedly shared the same hatred and were spontaneously gathering here, with all kinds of knives, guns, sticks and clubs ready in their hands, and did not hide the hostility on their faces.

"How about... you go and deal with it?"

Bartolo said to Lindsay with a smile.

Lindsay scratched his head in some embarrassment.

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult to deal with..."

Bartolo could only sigh and said helplessly:

"Alas... I really don't like killing people."

After that, he stretched out two fingers and pointed at a "resident" who was walking in front and had the most ferocious facial expression.

The man stopped walking, his face began to twist violently, and his hands were scratching his stomach frantically, as if something was stuffed into his stomach.

He opened his mouth wide, as if he was crying and wailing, but he couldn't make any sound. Only wisps of green smoke could be seen pouring out of his mouth, accompanied by a foul smell like burnt fat, as if his internal organs were burning.

A second later, the man fell to the ground powerlessly, motionless.

One of his companions quickly reached out to help him up, but his hand just touched his skin and then he let go like lightning, and then he kept shaking his hands while howling.

It was as if he was not holding a person, but a piece of red-hot iron...

Lindsay was stunned by the side and couldn't help asking:

"You mages are all like this..."

For a moment, he couldn't think of a suitable adjective to describe Bartolo's methods.

Bartolo didn't mind, still smiling, explaining:

"That's not the case, it's just that I always believe in energy conservation and don't like those fancy visual effects."

After saying that, he continued to stretch out his hand and pointed to the people in another direction.

After witnessing the previous person's previous experience, this group of people suddenly disappeared in the blink of an eye like frightened birds and beasts.

And the people who surrounded from other directions took the opportunity to escape without a trace.

The encirclement that was so aggressive before was easily disintegrated, allowing Bartolo to retract his fingers, clapped his hands again, and smiled:

"This saves a lot of trouble."


I originally thought that Bartolo's ability would be fireballs and ice spikes, but it turned out to be some kind of temperature control effect?

It feels very powerful! It just lacks some visual effects, which makes it look a bit sinister...

But it is also quite accurate and does not harm the surrounding environment at all...

Lloyd in the small building took a general look at the changes outside and made a preliminary judgment on Bartolo's "magic".

He didn't think much about it, and continued to look through the pile of materials in his hand, complaining in his mind:

The gangs in the Eternal City are really too rampant!

Before coming in, Lloyd thought that the clues he needed would be difficult to find and might take a long time.

As a result, the first document I picked up was a list of members, which recorded the names, addresses and other basic information of a large number of key members of the secret order.

This was supposed to be something very confidential and important, but instead it was thrown carelessly on a desk, completely disdainful of hiding it.

It was almost as if he was plotting loudly without any fear of being checked.

It can be seen from this that the security environment of the Eternal City is probably not very good, and the Eternal Order's control and influence are probably not strong either...

Lloyd first put the list away, and then picked up a plan-like material next to it.

Just then, Valdez, who went straight to the second floor, 'privately chatted' in his mind:

"You can come and see this."

Lloyd then took the plan to the second floor and found the room where Valdez was, a place that looked like a war conference room.

On the wall here, there is a map of the boss hanging, with several eye-catching red crosses marked on it, and clear notes written next to it——

Suspected location 1, suspected location 2 and so on.

On the other wall next to it are some photos and newspaper clippings, recording some exquisite antique artifacts.

"They really had no intention of hiding anything. I almost thought I had broken into the conference room of some legal organization."

Valdes said dumbfounded, and raised a stack of paper in his hand, which was a copy of the meeting minutes.

"It's a bit too much of a mob..."

Lloyd also complained, and then asked:

"In other words, they are quite confident?"

"It's really weird, and all the behaviors are completely out of line with common sense. Even if they have an eighth-level leader, it's impossible to fight against the entire Eternal Order, right?"

Valdez echoed, adding another wave of conspiracy theory speculation:

"Could it be that they are colluding with the senior officials of the Eternal Order? They have a protective umbrella over their heads, so they are so bold and rampant?"

Lloyd also thought about this possibility, but after careful consideration, he still shook his head.

"There is a possibility, but it should be unlikely. The more such collusion there is, the less they dare to put it on the table like this. Even if they want to do this, the senior officials who collude with them will not allow it..."

As he spoke, he expressed his views again:

"On the contrary, I feel that they seem to have suffered from some kind of group thinking interference? Or...

The Lord behind them is not the eighth level we expected? "

This speculation was so bold that Valdes took two minutes to digest it before his face changed slightly and he asked:

"You mean... the Lord they are following is actually the owner of the tomb that Jenkins met? But that guy has been dead for at least 1,800 years, right?"

"The 'deaths' of these ancient powerful men may be different from what we understand now..."

Lloyd said, thinking of his cheap uncle and the skeleton director of the academy.

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