I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 414 413 I'm free anyway

Chapter 414 413. Being idle is idle anyway

Lloyd used the frequency signal returned by his teammates and after some simple calculations, he quickly captured their spatial coordinates, and then opened three portals at the same time to pick them up one by one to meet them.

The first one to come back was Valdez. As soon as he came out of the portal, he used his [Intelligence] ability to say in Lloyd's mind:

"Jenkins' student was attacked by unknown persons two days ago and is currently in the hospital..."

This is the news he just found out, but before he could finish speaking, he heard Lloyd reply first:

"It's okay, I have rescued him."

Valdez: "????"

Before Lloyd could explain in detail, he saw Bald Bartolo walking out of the portal again, holding several exquisite crafts like snow globes in his hands. Inside was a small miniature of the Eternal City, surrounded by snowflakes. falling.

"A little souvenir bought casually, come here, everyone can share it."

Bartolo said cheerfully, handing one to each of Lloyd and Valdes.

Lloyd took the souvenir and asked in surprise:

"Why were you calling for help when you weren't transmitting on the same frequency band just now?"

"Ah? Didn't I reply to channel 1?"

Bartolo was also confused and explained:

"I found an old classmate from back then, and he took me around, and I got some news by the way. It's all good. Why should I call for help?"

"Uh...please show me the communicator."

Valdez, who was next to him, said, taking back the 'cigarette case' for the bald head, opening it, checking the rituals carved inside the cigarette case, and then said slightly embarrassed:

"There is no problem with the structure. It should be that the distance is relatively far, and there is some interference along the way, such as radio signals, or the breath escaping from extraordinary people, the spirituality in the air, etc., which leads to some deviations in the final frequency. ”

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that the signal is not working?

Lloyd also couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

It seems that Valdez’s design is very creative, but there is still a lot of room for optimization and improvement...

As the three of them met, only Lindsay was left who had not come out of the portal.

And the frequency band he sent back before was a garbled code that was outside the agreement...

Could it be that he was the one who really got into trouble?

Lloyd wanted to go find him, but before he even lifted his feet, he saw Lindsay's bruised and swollen face peeking out of the portal, and then dragging a person out of the portal with great difficulty.

"Hiss~ It hurts me so much. This kid is really difficult to deal with."

Lindsay grinned as she spoke, then lightly touched the bruise at the corner of her eye, and her whole body twitched in pain.

"Why are you still fighting with others?"

The bald man asked in confusion, and handed him a bottle of potion.

Lindsay finished the entire bottle, then retracted her grin and answered:

"I thought of some ways and got into the underground black market here, and then I found out about a force called the 'Twilight Secret Order', which is recruiting archaeologists and brave adventurers at high prices...

Isn’t that Mr. Jenkins you are looking for just an archaeological expert? I suspected it might be related to it, so I went over to inquire further, but in turn I was targeted by this guy, who suddenly jumped out and attacked me..."

Lindsay said, kicked the man lying on the ground, and added angrily:

"Fortunately, I'm pretty good at fighting, and I subdued him in turn. At this moment, Mr. Lloyd's response came... Phew~ It's really dangerous. Who knows if this guy has any accomplices?"

After hearing this, Lloyd quickly gave the man on the ground a [Probing] shot in the forehead.

Uh... The four attributes are around 15 points. The system is [Disaster], but it should be the first level of [Enlightenment] that has just been completed. The threat to myself is a simple little ant.

On the other hand, Lindsay is still at the second level of the [Veto] system, with all four attributes above 20 points.

As a result, he was forced into such a mess that he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Although he won in the end, his fighting ability was too weak...

On the other hand, the guy on the ground, although he fainted, didn't seem to be injured, except for a huge swelling on his head.

But Lloyd looked at it from another angle. This guy is a good guy, but he is not a coward at all. He actually dares to go to a place like the underground black market alone. He can deal with danger by himself, which is another level. It's awesome.

At this time, the bald head briefly checked the status of the gangster on the ground with inspiration and said:

"This guy should be from the [Disaster] system. Did he follow and attack you because you asked about the 'Dawn Secret Order'?"

"Yes, look here."

Lindsay opened the man's sleeve, revealing a tattoo in the style of 'eyes bleeding and tears' on his arm, and further explained:

"This is what I found when I beat him. It's the unique emblem of the 'Twilight Secret Order'. It seems to mean 'looking directly at the dawn will make you cry', right?"

Who is beating whom?

Lloyd muttered something funny, but said normally:

"Thank you for your hard work... Now I have good news here. I have rescued Jenkins. He was indeed kidnapped by the 'Dawn Secret Order'."

Baldhead and Lindsay were startled at the same time, and each asked:

"Huh? So fast?"

"Wow? Mr. Lloyd, you are so awesome, aren't you? I just found some clues and you rescued everyone?"

On the other hand, Valdes was relatively calm, he just breathed a sigh of relief and asked:

"There won't be bad news after the good news, right?"

"It's true - the bad news is that the 'Dawn Secret Order' is brewing a shocking conspiracy. It may be that they want to use some evil ritual to help their bandit leader advance to the ninth level and subvert the Eternal City..."

Lloyd briefly shared his experience with his teammates.

The three teammates immediately showed different reactions——

Lindsay frowned and seemed to be seriously thinking about countermeasures; Valdez was slightly curious, as if he was more interested in the origin and purpose of this organization; but Bald Bartolo was very calm and smiled disdainfully. said:

"Another bunch of crazy people with whimsical ideas."

"Oh? It seems they are not the first group of gangsters to want to do this?"

Lloyd asked.

The bald man replied somewhat amusingly:

"Of course not, it's just that I have heard that gangs from the three systems of [Pain], [Curse], and [Disaster] have all made similar attempts to bring out a saint. It took at least five or six attempts in the end, right?

As for the result... everyone knows it. "

After hearing this, Valdes quickly asked curiously:

"Is it because these taboo systems cannot give birth to saints?"

The bald man replied in a relatively strict tone:

"Maybe? Maybe it's because these three systems themselves have some problems and hidden dangers that cannot be solved; maybe it's because the person they selected is not good?

In short, these people's attempts failed.

But you should have heard that the [veto] system was initially a taboo system in people's eyes. It was not until the appearance of that saint that it became a legal system, and that saint did not engage in any conspiracy or dirty tricks. , they have achieved [transcendence] openly and openly. "

When Lloyd heard this, he remembered that the academy also offered subjects in these three taboo systems, but it seemed like the [Distortion] department where he was in was not very popular, and it had not produced a single saint.

It seems that it is really not easy to be a saint. You have to be someone as outstanding as yourself or Hiltina.

Lloyd was thinking secretly when he heard Bald Bartolo suggest:

"But although these people failed in the end, the chaos and trouble they caused was not small at all. Otherwise, I wouldn't have heard of it... To be cautious, let's hand this guy over to the Eternal Order, right?"

He did not advocate intervening in this matter, which was consistent with Lloyd's thoughts.

This is obviously a matter of the Eternal Order. I have no position to intervene. If I get Lao Zhan back and inform the other side of the situation, I will be doing my best.

What's more, the work of eradicating evil forces has always been troublesome and hard. It's not just like playing a game and just running over and killing the monsters. How can Lloyd have the energy and time to take care of this?

But Lloyd thought for a little more, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and suggested:

"It's probably not enough to just hand over such a little guy. Anyway, there's still some time before 6 o'clock. Let's go to the den that Lindsay discovered, right?"


Bald Bartolo was stunned for a moment, then realized something and said with a smile:

"Okay, it's just idle time anyway."

Lindsay echoed indignantly:

"Okay, okay! I was just thinking about how to retaliate against them, and I actually sent someone to sneak attack on me?"

Only Valdes, after thinking for a moment, asked Lloyd in a private chat:

"Are you interested in the archaeological activities they are going to conduct?"

"Haha...is it that obvious?"

Lloyd smiled, but did not deny it.

He has no interest in eradicating evil forces, but he is quite concerned about what kind of ruins the other party is going to dig up? So that Lao Zhan must be forced to participate?

Although I am not looking down on Lao Zhan, as a relatively weak fifth level, he is still of the [Redemption] system, and his combat power should not be very rare;

Academically speaking, he is not an irreplaceable top boss. Even though the combination of an archaeologist and a prophet is very special, it is hard for others to find one more person.

So why must Lao Zhan be forced to participate? Is he irreplaceable in any way?

Thinking about this, Lloyd recalled the archaeological experience that Lao Zhan once shared at the seminar when he was young.

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