I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 419 418 Simple [Transcendence] Process

Chapter 419 418. Simple [detachment] process

According to the experience Hiltina shared before, before performing [Transcendence], the most important thing is to get rid of distracting thoughts and not to think randomly.

In this regard, Hiltina still lay next to Lloyd's ear and asked quietly:

"About this, I have heard of a very effective method. Do you want to give it a try?"

As he spoke, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were so charming that they were almost drawn, as if he was hinting to Lloyd...

But Lloyd failed to understand her intention and was still wondering. Her words sounded like she was volunteering, but why was her voice so soft? So flirtatious again?

And why is his face turning red for no reason?

It's really confusing. If you want to help yourself get rid of distracting thoughts, shouldn't you use the power of a saint? So what's there to be ashamed of?

When Hiltina saw that Lloyd didn't respond, she actually got angry for no reason. Her face became round and round. She pushed Lloyd before she got angry and prepared to leave.

Seeing this, Lloyd quickly took her little hand and said:

"And about the situation over there in the Eternal City, the ancient strongman whose map has revived..."

The topic suddenly turned to zombies, and the previous atmosphere was completely destroyed. Hiltina was helpless and dumbfounded, but she had to accommodate her lover and talk to him seriously:

"Although Astra is a fool, he is not as useless as you think. Don't forget his enthusiasm for [prophecy]. Do you think that guy can hide his prophecy?"

"Eh? That's true... But if you put it this way, wouldn't the Redeemer just sit back and watch these things happen? Isn't he afraid of causing some uncontrollable chaos? Does he really believe that the prophecy is accurate?"

"Perhaps for him, he would rather see some chaos outside the prophecies than see the prophecies come true one by one, right?"

Hiltina's answer made Lloyd slightly stunned, and then asked quickly:

"What about so many people in the Eternal City?"

Hiltina's big eyes drooped and she shook her head.

It’s not clear whether it means ‘don’t know’ or ‘helpless’?

But she immediately smiled again, reached out and touched Lloyd's face, and said:

"Don't think about this now. Working hard to become stronger is the best way to deal with this kind of thing. And don't worry too much. Astra is not that cold-blooded and won't do anything like 0-006." choose."

Lloyd felt relieved and nodded.

"Well, I understand."


After Hiltina left, Lloyd also thought about the location for [Transcendence]. After choosing it, he felt more at ease in a closed area like the dormitory. Although the scenery was not beautiful, he didn't have to worry about being disturbed.

So the final preparations left only the last but biggest distracting thoughts in my heart——

He then took out a few matches and divined his sister's condition.


The results were: 'I'm bored on the airship', 'Although I'm having a lot of fun, I still miss my brother more', 'Fortunately I can get home tomorrow', 'I wonder if my brother secretly took a girl home while I was away? ’

No, you are just having fun when you travel. Why are you still thinking about whether I will bring others home?

Lloyd also couldn't laugh or cry for a while.

But now that my sister is in good condition, the last distracting thoughts in my mind are gone, and I can start the second [Detachment] of the [Embodiment] system!

I prepared the perfect mentality, the perfect mental state, got the perfect materials, got advice from the saints, and even prepared the reference model, and this time without bringing [Distortion] with me, the final The effect should be perfect, right?

Lloyd was full of confidence, so he found the most comfortable position on the sofa and lay down, holding the robot model turned into a fire stick in his hand, and then directly stuffed a piece of sticky flesh into his mouth, wholeheartedly Swallow.

After a series of processing, this lump of flesh and blood becomes a kind of medicine in itself, and swallowing it directly can have the corresponding effect.

And thanks to Master Linde's excellent technology, this thing was processed to the most suitable level for swallowing. Basically, it melted into a tasteless warm current as soon as it entered the mouth, and entered Lloyd's stomach smoothly.

Then as the medicine took effect, a ball of white dough appeared in front of Lloyd's eyes, which was his [projection] current situation.

Next, he needs to imagine the scene of kneading the dough in his mind, use the power of consciousness to shape it into what he wants, and keep it frozen until the effect of the medicine ends.

As long as the dough is successfully shaped in the end, then [Transcendence] is considered successful; if it still looks like dough, it naturally means failure.

However, there will inevitably be some errors between imagination and reality. This lump of dough cannot be shaped into a huge robot with a handsome appearance and complex structure in one go. Instead, it will start from the basics of outline and skeleton and improve it step by step.

After all, this is only the second time [Transcendence]...

As for the final effect of this [transcendence], it depends on how far the dough is from the ideal finished product.

If the shape of the dough is only slightly changed in the end, the effect will undoubtedly be poor; but if it can be roughly shaped into a basic skeleton or rough outline, it means the effect is very good.

So the initial ‘topic selection’ is particularly important. If you start shaping in a particularly complex or even abstract direction, it will be like adding difficulty to yourself and you will not be happy.

For example, Olga, an excellent genius with ancestral heritage, was very smart to choose the image of ‘half-ancestor’, which is familiar, friendly, convenient, and extremely memorable.

In contrast, the giant robot chosen by Lloyd is undoubtedly much more complicated and troublesome.

But what does it matter?

Being handsome is a lifelong thing!

You can’t let laziness today turn into regret tomorrow!

Lloyd’s idea is still very firm, and he is very focused and serious. He has completely entered a state of no distractions, and strives to optimize and adjust the style he wants.

In this way, time passed by minute by minute, and the ‘effect’ of the material was exhausted before Lloyd knew it.

Then there was a blur in his vision, and the image he had shaped gradually became blurred, and then solidified.

Lloyd rubbed his eyes vigorously and then let out a long breath. He didn't rush to see the final effect, but listened to the panel prompts in his ears:

[Ding~ Completed [Transcendence], the level of the embodiment system has been upgraded, LV1→LV2, all attributes +20]

[The system has [Transcendence] times: 2]

[Continue to go deeper into the system to perform more [Transcendence]]

[The knowledge fragments of the embodiment system have been obtained and can be viewed]

Huh? All attributes +20?

Lloyd didn't expect that there was a little surprise hidden here?

This is a bit too much, right? Remember that when [Distortion] and [Veto] first completed [Transcendence], all attributes were only +5 points, right?

Is it because my [Transcendence] effect is very good this time? Or is it a benefit unique to the [Embodyment] system? Or compensation?

Lloyd noticed that this wave of [Transcendence] failed to obtain skill-related upgrades, and unlike the other two systems, it did not master the core abilities of [Veto Declaration] and [Distortion Realm].

This is an expected result, because the [Reality] system itself does not have any special abilities, or [Projection] is the only ability.

Of course, this is from the perspective of the panel. In fact, through the knowledge fragments he obtained in his mind, he still learned some new abilities to control and strengthen [Projection].

It's just that these abilities are too basic, and there is no upgrade. They are similar to releasing spiritual power and opening spiritual vision. The panel has always looked down on them, so they will not be included.

But there are definitely some effects, especially one of the basic abilities called [Synchronous Enhancement], which can allow [Projection] to be strengthened and improved to a certain extent according to its four attributes.

And if there are other systems on the body, [Projection] can also display the characteristics of the corresponding system.

This reminds Lloyd of the exquisite, elegant, beautiful and generous pain car in the 'Dream Theater'. The same logic applies. The stronger the attributes of the person, the faster, harder and more powerful the car he drives.

It seems that the racing gameplay was developed based on [Projection].

I just don't know what means the waiters of the Dream Theater use to let everyone have a car to play with...

Lloyd looked at his current attributes again. It is already a luxurious big tank of [Rationality: 660], [Spiritual Power: 660], [Inspiration: 355], and [Cognition: 660]. The corresponding [Projection] enhancement must not be worse than that pain car, right?

Lloyd recalled the scene when he was brushing points, driving the pain car and hitting other players to tears. It was just like the krypton gold boss in the web game killing the non-krypton newbies in seconds.

I wonder if it will be so fun in the real world?

But compared with the impact and destructive power, Lloyd actually pays more attention to the defense and speed of the car.

If there is such a level of defense and speed in the real world, I am afraid that there is no need to be afraid of bullets, right?

By the way, if I could get this [Synchronous Enhancement] when I encountered the monster tide...

Lloyd felt a little regretful in his heart, and then looked at other basic abilities.

The rest are some basic abilities that can be mastered after completing [Enlightenment], such as simple changes such as temporary enlargement and reduction, and remote control. These abilities have become a little stronger.

This is probably the harvest of [Transcendence] this time. It is relatively small. This is also determined by the characteristics of the [Realization] system. It is better to say [Polishing] than [Transcendence]

So Lloyd opened his eyes and looked at what his [Projection] had become?

"This... How could this happen?"

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