I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 411 410 You are not the only one who has a backer

Chapter 411 410. You are not the only one who has a backer


The tentacle grass screamed, and put on a posture of sticking out its chest and patting its head, saying ‘leave it to me’, and then it danced with joy again——




It looked like a product manager bragging to customers…

Lloyd looked at it vaguely, and tried to send the pieces of the black and white chessboard in his hand into the [Thinking Field], and then handed them to the tentacle grass, which rolled them up with its grass-like ‘hands’.

The tentacle grass twisted again, and gestured to the sprouts not far away——

Those were the sprouts of the [Twisted Seed] planted by Lloyd, and one of them represented Jenkins, and could have a weak connection with him.

But Lloyd himself could not use this connection, so he needed the help of the ‘product manager’.

He then sat cross-legged in front of the young bud representing Jenkins, and glanced at the one next door representing the consultant Eskimir.

Hmm? This hateful traitor actually secretly recovered some strength?

The progress is quite fast. At this efficiency, he may be out of danger and move freely in about 70 or 80 years, and then he should be able to return to his peak in another 20 or 30 years.

This is not friendly...

Lloyd was about to arrange for this traitor, but suddenly found that the little strength he had finally recovered was drained away again, and he returned to a dying state with his life hanging by a thread.

In front of Lloyd, the familiar "live broadcast screen" appeared, with various buttons on it, but the screen was still a little blurry, flickering for a while, and then Jenkins' figure gradually emerged.

It seems that the tentacle grass used the consultant's little power, with the help of the black and white chessboard fragments, to find Lao Zhan, and then opened a "live broadcast"?

This gameplay is very different from Lloyd's [Infiltrating] Ai Luoluo's side. As a 'spectator', Lloyd certainly can't go directly to Lao Zhan, but it seems that he can use the buttons and functions on the screen to help Lao Zhan?

Lloyd was not in a hurry. He first enlarged the screen a little and observed Lao Zhan's current situation.

He was indeed not injured, nor was he tied up by shackles or anything, but his mental state was a little bad. He was sitting on a high-backed chair with his head down, looking confused and half asleep.

In front of him was an ordinary table with water and food on it, but it was basically untouched.

This scene looked almost the same as the result of Lloyd's previous divination. Lao Zhan was indeed kidnapped, but the criminals seemed to have something to ask of him. They were still in the stage of coercion and inducement, and did not directly use violence.

But Lloyd looked carefully again, and suddenly felt a familiar 'smell' in the picture...

[Distorted] 'smell'?

It seems that the "live broadcast" created by the tentacle grass is not only a picture, but also transmits some things that are invisible to the naked eye?

Lloyd quickly touched the square ring on his finger, turned on the effect of [Eye of Wisdom], and took a closer look.

Sure enough, the power of [distortion] was seen spreading in the air, affecting Lao Zhan.

The source of these powers is the door of this prison cell. It should be a ritual engraved on the other side of the door, which is a relatively low-end one, similar to those that Lloyd had cracked before, used to affect ordinary people.

So the effect is not very strong. With Lao Zhan's fifth-level level, he can still cope with it.

But if it takes a long time, it's hard to say...

In addition to the power of [distortion], there are many suppression rituals arranged around this prison cell, which imprison and consume Jenkins' power, making it difficult for him to move and resist.

Lloyd couldn't help but frowned, wondering who imprisoned Lao Zhan?

At this moment, the door of the cell was opened from the outside, and the dissipated [distortion] power began to weaken and gradually dissipated in the air.

After a few minutes, until the [distortion] power completely dissipated, a sanctimonious old man walked into the cell, sat in front of Old James, and said:

"Jenkins, my old friend, how did you think about it today?"

Old James woke up slowly, raised his head reluctantly, and spit out a mouthful of saliva as his answer.

The old man opposite seemed to have guessed that this would be his attitude, but he was not angry. He said calmly:

"I have to admire you for being able to hold on for so long? If it were an ordinary person, in this [distortion] environment, he would have succumbed within three days, but you held on for two weeks...

This is really incredible. Is your will really so tenacious? Or is there something in you that I don't know about that is protecting you? But hasn't your chessboard been smashed?"

Jenkins still lowered his head and did not answer.

But he knew in his heart that the reason he could hold on for so long was because there was a voice deep in his mind that kept reminding him to cheer up, to cheer up!

It was with this unknown encouragement that he was able to resist the erosion of the [distortion] in the air, allowing his mind to remain basically clear, without any concessions from beginning to end.

After hearing these words, Lloyd also noticed something, and quickly reached out to touch the bud representing Lao Zhan and looked at the condition of the [distortion seed].

As expected, the power carried by [Seed of Distortion], which was the power that made Lao Zhan 'cheer up', has been worn down and weakened to a certain extent. It seems that it should be the loss caused by the collision with another power.

Judging from the degree of wear and tear, if it comes for another two weeks, the 'invigorating' effect of [Seed of Distortion] may be eliminated and replaced with another effect.

It's just that the effect that Lloyd set for Lao Zhan's [Seed of Distortion] is already the weakest, right?

Just like this, the opposite side can't be polished off after two weeks?

Is this old man too good? Or does he not want to hurt Lao Zhan's thinking?

So what the old man wants to coerce Lao Zhan to do is probably the kind of work that is very mentally demanding and requires patience and meticulousness?

So what exactly will it be?

Lloyd still remembers Lao Zhan's identity and job - archaeologist and prophet. Both fields require mental state, patience and meticulousness. I don't know which side is it?

Fortunately, there was no need for him to associate or speculate. The old man opposite took the initiative to ‘explain’ himself:

"Please forgive me for not understanding your insistence. In my opinion, this is obviously a huge benefit, a win-win situation for both parties. Humanity can get a new saint and build a new city. You can get unimaginable benefits." Why are you so stubborn when you have achieved wealth and fame?”

Jenkins finally spoke, but he just sneered feebly:

"Saint? Ha..."

"Do you have any room to laugh? My lord is the top expert in the [Disaster] system, only one step away from the saint. Although [Disaster] is still a taboo system in the eyes of mediocre people, you don't Forgot, the previous [veto] was the same...

As long as the Lord can successfully advance to the ninth level, then [Disaster] can become the seventh system and create a new future for all mankind!

So I really can't understand what you are insisting on? Do you want to be an enemy of all mankind? Do you want to hinder the development of all mankind? "

Seeing the other party putting a big 'hat' on himself, Jenkins still sneered disdainfully and cursed:

"Fuck you, old bastard."

"Haha, it seems you need to calm down and think about it again."

The old man opposite also sneered, then stood up and prepared to leave.

But before going out, he specifically added:

"By the way, don't expect anyone to come and save you. According to some information I've picked up, your friends have basically given up. They thought you died in an unauthorized private archaeological activity, and only your wife... ...Oh no, should I call my ex-wife?

Bishop Milly has not given up, but she can no longer protect herself. Her continued investigation of you has affected our plan, so the Lord decided to visit the Eternal City and personally take action to eliminate this hidden danger. . "

When Jenkins heard this, he suddenly became anxious. He struggled to stand up, but his limbs could not use the strength. He just staggered, then lay limply on the table in front of him, and said in a fierce voice:

"You dare to touch her? I will never let you go!"

"Haha, it seems that you still care about this marriage? Then why did you leave her in the first place? Because of a man's pride? Or was it because he felt guilty for killing his son?"

The old man opposite sneered, poking the most painful scar in Jenkins' heart, causing his eyes to widen in an instant, as if he wanted to eat the opposite person alive.

But all he has left is the power to stare...

"What a pitiful guy. Your talent in the extraordinary way was originally stronger than mine, but you have fallen so far that you are like today, with so little knowledge that you can't even protect your wife..."

Therefore, power is everything in this world, and by following the Lord, you can gain supreme power! I can look down on poor people like you from above. "

The old man mocked Jenkins again and was about to walk out of the cell.

But Jenkins seemed to have suddenly figured it out and called him out:

"Wait a minute! I changed my mind!"


The old man stopped, returned to the table where Jenkins was lying, looked down at him, and asked in a mocking tone:

"It seems that Bishop Millie is really important to you and can help you learn to be wise."

"You can do whatever you want me to do, as long as I don't hurt her."

"Okay, as long as you are willing to cooperate, she will definitely not be harmed... Then, let's sign the contract first."

As the old man spoke, he took out a shimmering golden page from his arms, placed it in front of Jenkins, and placed a quill next to it.

Jenkins did not rush to sign, but managed to sit back in the chair and read the contents of the [Contract] word for word, reading it very seriously.

This made the old man opposite a little impatient, and he urged:

"What else is there to see here? Didn't I explain it clearly enough to you before?"

"No, it's very clear, it's just... there are other people who want to see your machinations."

"What did you say?"

The old man suddenly realized that something was wrong, but before he could react, the weak and weak Jenkins across from him suddenly got angry, grabbed his neck, and then pressed his head heavily on the table.

"Ah! My neck..."

The old man let out a scream and subconsciously wanted to resist.

But just as he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of dirty blood, staining the [Contract] with a large stain.

This is...

A curse? And the rank is not low?

How is it possible?

The old man was very puzzled.

Why can this old thing suddenly use the high-level [Curse] power under the suppression of the ritual?

Jenkins sneered, panting, and whispered:

"You are not the only one who has a backer."

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