I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 412 411 Are you worthy of being compared with my childhood sweetheart?

Chapter 412 411. Are you worthy of being compared to my childhood sweetheart?

"Wha... what? Did you... also take refuge in someone? Ahem..."

The sanctimonious old man was pinned down on the table by Jenkins. Blood was still flowing from the corner of his mouth. He wanted to resist, but he was afraid of triggering another high-ranking curse, so he could only continue to say harshly:

"Let me go quickly! Ahem... I am the Lord's confidant. It's not too late for you to let me go now!"

"Lord? That's ridiculous! It's just a nest of rats in the sewer. No, it's not even a rat, it's just a bunch of maggots!"

Jenkins also cursed unceremoniously.

However, the other party was just harsh words, but he was more than just swearing.

Following these offensive words, the old man's eyes suddenly widened, and he struggled so hard that Jenkins couldn't hold him down. He could only temporarily let go, stepped aside, and then looked at the other man holding his head in his hands. Writhing in pain on the ground.

Several lines of black blood were oozing out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and the capillaries all over his body were surging like worms under his skin, and he had begun to degenerate and alienate.

Although Jenkins didn't know what kind of mental shock the other party had suffered that caused him to fall into madness instantly, he knew very well that this was when the other party was at his weakest, so he quickly picked up a chair and hit the old man's head hard. Down.


After a few muffled sounds, Jenkins was able to get rid of the gangster who wanted to attack his wife before the other party degenerated into a more troublesome out-of-control person.

Then, he heard footsteps coming from above his head. Someone else must have been attracted.

So he quickly grabbed the blood-stained [Contract] and jumped into the portal that emerged from the space rift in front of him.

After another ten seconds, several people dressed like bartenders rushed into the cell. Jenkins was nowhere to be found, only a corpse on the ground whose head had turned into a rotten watermelon.

"Damn it! He escaped! The deacon was also killed by him! Shit! Bastard! The Lord will kill us!"

One of the waiters cursed and hurriedly bent down to see if the old man could save him.

As a result, just as his hand touched the body, the old man suddenly turned over and changed to a supine position facing up.

"Huh? Lord Deacon? Are you still alive?"

The waiter was happy at first, but then shuddered...

He saw an extremely weird smile on the old man's bloody face.

Then, some kind of unbelievable 'accident' happened to the corpse. It exploded like a powder keg, with plasma and residue flying everywhere, covering the faces of everyone in the cell.

"What's going on... uh... cough cough cough cough!"

Another waiter was talking when he suddenly coughed violently.

The rest of the people did the same thing, each coughing more violently than the other, followed by another burst of more violent vomiting.

They kept coughing and vomiting like this, until they vomited out all their internal organs, and then gradually became motionless.


"Hello, you can call me Lloyd, or...'Black Knight'."

Lloyd looked at Jenkins in front of him with a smile and introduced himself.

Jenkins, on the other hand, was in a trance and in shock. He turned to look at the familiar and unfamiliar bookshelves and furniture around him, and found that he had actually returned to his original home?

The tense nerves in his head relaxed all of a sudden, and he fell weakly to the ground and passed out.


Lloyd scratched his head in embarrassment, bent down and picked up the blood-stained contract in Jenkins' hand, and then walked out of the room and told the maid waiting outside to come in and help.

After a while...

Jenkins was sent to the bed to lie down, and was carefully inspected by his wife, Bishop Millie. There was nothing wrong with him, but he was overly tired and weak, and the spiritual energy in his body was completely exhausted. At his age, he was probably I have to stay in bed for a while.

"Thank you, Lord Lloyd, thank you for saving my husband, I..."

After Bishop Milly confirmed her husband's safety, she spoke to Lloyd excitedly.

She seemed to want to say a lot of thanks, but she didn't know how to express it better.

This actually shows that she is sincere in her heart and is sincerely grateful to Lloyd...

"It doesn't have to be like this. Take good care of him first."

Lloyd said indifferently,

Bishop Milly quickly put the note close to her body and then said:

"Please wait a moment, I will go get your reward right away."

After that, she trotted out of the room, trotted back, and handed a gift box into Lloyd's hand.

Although Lloyd didn't come to save people for reward, and he didn't even know what the reward was, since he took the initiative to send it to him, he didn't pretend to be noble, so he accepted it, but he didn't rush to open it and take a look at it. He took it into his arms and acted like he didn't care.

This made Bishop Milly nod secretly.

Young, handsome, outstanding, powerful, well-educated, and well-educated, he truly deserves to be a top student from Mizkatok, as bright and dazzling as a star.

I never thought that my wife, who is always in a muddleheaded mood, could get to know such an outstanding genius?

Bishop Millie's impression score of Lloyd is basically infinitely high.

Lloyd reminded seriously:

"You should be a senior member of the Eternal Order, right? I suggest you immediately launch a round of wanted and purge operations to deal with a group of evil forces called the 'Twilight Secret Order'. You must be quick! And it is best to let Astra Your Excellency is aware of this matter.”


Bishop Milly's face was full of surprise, as if he was wondering how Lloyd could call a saint by his first name?

But it's not that Royd doesn't respect the saint, it's just that he usually talks smoothly and didn't pay attention...

Fortunately, it's not called Yumutou...

"This group of people is very dangerous and cunning, and they are preparing a major conspiracy. Old James... Mr. Jenkins was involved in it and was persecuted."

As Lloyd spoke, he handed the blood-stained contract to Bishop Milly, then took out a note pad and wrote a long list of numbers and punctuation on it.

"This [contract] should provide some clues, and Mr. Jenkins was imprisoned here before."

Bishop Milly did not rush to look at the blood-stained contract. Instead, he looked at the note first and then showed a confused expression.

What does this long series of numbers mean?

She couldn't understand it at all, but she didn't feel comfortable asking, so she had to put the note away first, and then looked at the blood-stained contract.

As a result, the more I watched, the more frightened I became, and my expression that had just calmed down suddenly became tense again.

"This group of people...what do they want to do?"

"Maybe they want to steal a piece of 'power from the past' and turn the bandit leader of their organization into a saint, so they coerced Mr. Jenkins, an archaeologist and prophet, to join."

Lloyd speculated.

The blood-stained contract did not spell out the other party's specific plan, but only items that Lao Zhan needed to commit to and complete. Therefore, the full extent of the other party's plan could only be speculated based on the information revealed by the old man.

But just what is written on paper is enough to make a judgment.

They asked Lao Zhan to make several prophecies involving saints, and then asked him to participate in an archaeological activity to obtain the legacy of an ancient powerful man.

This is not over yet. Next, Lao Zhan needs to infiltrate the Eternal Order and use Bishop Milly's relationship to help them deploy a large-scale, complex and sophisticated ritual in the Eternal City.

Finally, we have to cooperate inside and outside to help that Lord control the entire Eternal City.

He asked for so much, but the benefits he gave Lao Zhan only ensured his safety, and promised to grant him supreme status and power, as well as countless huge wealth.

Basically, he is just painting a big pie, and the painting is neither good nor realistic. No wonder Lao Zhan would rather die than surrender.

It seems that this ‘Dawn Secret Order’ lacks talents engaged in human resources management...

And it's obvious that this rather saintly Lord is not as powerful as the old man boasted, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to pull off such a dirty trick.

So Jenkins called them a bunch of maggots in the gutter, which was quite subtle.

Just like this, are you worthy of being compared to my childhood sweetheart?

After reading the above rules, Lloyd said disdainfully in his heart on the spot.

You must know that Hiltina developed [Veto] from a taboo system to a popular system nowadays, but she did not do any dirty tricks, and she did not even rely on the help of the college and the dean. She really relied on her strength and went upright. of the saints.

According to what she told Lloyd, the other three Saints on the market at that time - Salvation, Order, and Wisdom - after learning that she was planning to ascend to the Saint, instead of stopping her, they offered all kinds of encouragement and support.

And immediately launched a round of large-scale development, taking the initiative to help Hiltina prepare her future territory and sphere of influence.

So if that Lord intends to be promoted openly and openly, there is no need to be secretive and secretive like this, just speak openly and openly. Right now, there is an urgent need for the seventh saint to step forward.

Since he doesn't dare to be honest, there must be something evil...

This simple truth doesn't need any explanation from Lloyd, Bishop Milly can definitely figure it out.

She nodded seriously and said:

"Please excuse me for a moment, I have to report this as soon as possible..."

"Well, I won't stay any longer. I have other things to deal with."

Lloyd stood up and handed over another note, which contained his 'high-end private member mailbox' at the Extraordinary Club.

It was because of this that he didn't quit the club.

"This is my mailing address, keep in touch."

After saying that, he opened a portal and left first.

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