I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 410 409 Depressed City

Chapter 410 409. Depressive City

Before walking out of the portal, Lloyd briefly imagined what the style of the Eternal City would look like.

As the first new city built by mankind at the end of the apocalyptic era, the Eternal City has a history of more than 1,800 years, with a long history and rich heritage.

So the picture that Lloyd imagined was probably a white castle made entirely of white marble, only noble, holy, elegant, and mysterious. Every street is history, and every alley is heritage.

As a result, when the four of them, Lloyd, actually came to the Eternal City, they found that this place was really very historical and rich...

There is not even a steam car to be seen on the street, and horse-drawn carriages are still being used...

There are no telephone poles or street lights on the roadside, and it seems that oil lamps are still burning...

The various buildings you looked at were all dirty and dusty, and seemed to collapse if you knocked on them casually.

In short, this is a city that is even more dilapidated than the Silent City, making Lloyd feel as if he has traveled through time and returned to the era of the 'Strength of Fighting Stage 3'.

However, he carefully observed the surrounding buildings and found that strictly speaking, they could only be said to be old and dirty, and a little messy, but they were not really broken, and the structure was actually very well preserved?

The design style of these buildings is also really classical, obviously the style of the old era, and quite 'exotic'. If it is cleaned properly, the streets and greening are improved, it should still be a good place, unlike the one in 0-006 Vision planning is not much different.

In addition, although it is not quiet here, sound can travel through the air normally and be received by the eardrums, but Lloyd feels that there is a strange "quietness" here?

Or is it some kind of indescribable depression?

A few pedestrians could be seen on the road, but everyone had a straight face and said nothing. They were not curious when they saw Lloyd and other strangers. They just glanced at them coldly and didn't bother to come over to watch, which seemed particularly strange. indifferent.

In short, Lloyd feels that this place has not yet emerged from the apocalyptic atmosphere? There is no vitality and vitality, nor the peace and tranquility of the ancient city.

"Ha~ doesn't it feel like you've gone back to ancient times?"

The bald Bartolo on the side asked.

In fact, there was no Bartolo in last night's itinerary. It was just that this morning when Royd met with Valdez and Lindsay, he happened to bump into him, so he improvised and interfered, saying that he was there. I also know acquaintances in the Eternal City and should be able to help.

Of course, Lloyd would not refuse. When it comes to finding people, the more people the better, not to mention that this bald man is still a high-ranking and powerful man.

"Although this is not my first time here, every time I come to this place, I feel very uncomfortable... Even though travel magazines say that this place maintains its past style to the greatest extent, the atmosphere here is really... …”

Lindsay on the side was also frowning, not quite used to the situation here.

Valdes also shook his head and asked:

"Maybe it's just this area? Are other places better? Commercial streets, city centers, etc.?"

"Then you're overthinking it. This damn place is all like this, and it's always been like this."

Bald Bartolo shrugged and briefly introduced:

"The entire Eternal City is based on the shelters of previous civilizations and gradually integrated and expanded. It can be regarded as a city put together by several large shelters. Coupled with some strange ideas of the Redemption Saint, this place People seem to be living in the past... and the worst of it.

Therefore, this place has never been a tourist attraction, far inferior to the Brilliant City and the previous City of Joy. "

After hearing this, Lindsay sighed happily:

"Fortunately, we are just here to find someone..."

"Then let's go to the sect here and inquire about it first?"

Lloyd suggested.

So after some inquiries, everyone quickly found a large office of the Eternal Order, and then Lindsay took the initiative to ask for help, while the remaining few people were waiting aside.

Lloyd watched Lindsay's negotiation process from the side and could only say that this guy was a born social phobic. In just a few words, the indifferent manager nodded and agreed to help, and the result was soon obtained.

"I'm back, I'm back. First of all, the good news is that Mr. Jenkins, the gentleman you are looking for, has not been imprisoned by the cult here, which means that at least he has not committed any crime...

But the bad news is that not only are we looking for him, but several of his own friends have also issued missing persons notices to find him, but to no avail. This was already two weeks ago. "

Lindsay shared the news and suggested:

"Should we separate temporarily and go to other places to inquire?"

Lloyd nodded and reminded:

"That's fine, but remember to gather here before six o'clock in the afternoon, otherwise I will open the portal and go back by myself, and you will have no choice but to float back in the airship."

So the four of them temporarily separated and divided their forces into four groups. Lindsay was responsible for asking "friends on the road"; Bald Bartolo went to visit his acquaintances here; Valdez and Lloyd went to Jenkins' two houses respectively. Ask everyone.

"I will go to his current residence and ask about the apprentice he mentioned to me before; this is the original home he mentioned in the seminar before, and was later fucked by his ex-wife..."

Valdes spoke directly into Lloyd's mind, and projected a line of addresses on his retina.

He is also from the [Intellectual] system, so of course he also has this ability.

Then, Valdes took out three metal cigarette cases from his arms and handed them to everyone.

He also said that this box contains a set of small rituals developed and designed by himself. It was made using the knowledge of miniaturization of rituals shared by Lloyd. It can form a certain frequency through several fixed spiritual fluctuations and be used to make some simple contacts. .

For example, frequency 1 means ‘everything is normal’; frequency 6 means ‘something has been discovered’; frequency 9 means ‘help! ’

Like some kind of portable transmitter?

Although communication can only be made on a fixed frequency, it is barely enough. As long as you agree on the meaning of each frequency before departure, it will be fine.

Moreover, this frequency can also be used for rough positioning, and the direction and location of the contact can be felt from it.

In short, it is a very practical little invention. Valdez's talent and attainments in ritual science have indeed lived up to Lloyd's long-term optimism.

As for the metal cigarette box on the outside, Valdez explained that it was just a camouflaged package to avoid being noticed. However, Lindsay immediately dismantled it, saying that he was just using waste to save costs.

So the four-person team each carried a pair of cigarette boxes and started the next phase of the operation.


"It seems that Lao Zhan has been rich before..."

Lloyd came to the address given by Valdez and saw a large and luxurious villa in a classical style. He couldn't help but feel a little envious.

When I save some more money, I will also get a set!

He said in his heart, and walked closer to the door, saying hello to the doorman, saying that he was here to inquire about Jenkins.

"Are you looking for the master? But he has been missing for more than two weeks. Madam is worried about this, and I am afraid she is not in the mood to see you."

The guard didn't seem to be very talkative, so Lloyd turned around and said:

"I know that I came from the Silent City just to find him."

The guard realized that Lloyd had actually come to help, and his attitude suddenly became much more enthusiastic, and he quickly said:

"I see. Then I'll take you to see the housekeeper first."

This made Lloyd feel his anxiety and his desire to retrieve Jenkins as soon as possible.

So Lloyd soon met a housekeeper who looked about 40 years old. She was busy sorting out various small notes and cards. There was also a large blackboard behind him with various information and clues stuck on it. .

Lloyd took a quick glance and found that they were all related to missing people.

Then I heard the housekeeper say without raising her head:

"Sorry, I'm very busy, so I'll skip the pleasantries and tell you about your system and experience first."

"[Veto] is a third-level man, from Mizkatok, and a friend of Jenkins."

Lloyd briefly introduced.


The housekeeper had obviously heard of the academy. She quickly put down her work, raised her head, and looked at Lloyd.

"Are you from Mizkatok? And you look so young?"

As she spoke, she adjusted the monocle she wore on her left eye.

But the monocle broke into pieces in the next second and scattered into glass shards all over the table, almost hurting the housekeeper's eyes.

"Uh...why did it suddenly break?"

She asked herself in surprise while rubbing her eyes carefully.

This pair of glasses is actually a kind of detection equipment, which can spy on other people's general strength. This way, there is no need to shake hands with each other and then use inspiration to spy, which is more convenient and faster.

But the housekeeper used it to spy on Lloyd, and before she could come to any conclusion, the glasses suddenly exploded?

Something went wrong?

The housekeeper was very confused, but it was not the time to think about it now, so she quickly cleared the table and said a little more politely:

"I didn't expect that the master could still come into contact with a strong man from Mizkatok. Please sit down for a moment while I go ask the lady to come down."

After that, a maid took Lloyd to the living room of this big mansion, and then served tea and cakes. After a while, an old woman with a dignified temperament but a haggard expression came. In front of Lloyd.

"Hello, my name is Milly. I heard that you are from Mizkatok? Are you here to find my lover...oh no, your ex-husband?"

Lloyd noticed the other party's embarrassing change of words, and looked at the haggard appearance on her body caused by anxiety and worry, and couldn't help but have some questions in his heart.

Do you obviously care about Lao Zhan? Why did you get divorced?

But after all, it was someone else's private matter, and Lloyd didn't gossip, so he nodded and admitted:

"Yes, Sir Jenkins and I are academic partners."

Mrs. Milly did not answer in a hurry. Instead, she signaled the maid to step back, and then lowered her voice and asked:

"You are also a member of his seminar, right? I didn't expect that his house-like organization could actually attract the attention of Mizkatok? Or is it an outstanding person like you?"

As she spoke, she focused her eyes on Lloyd's golden collar pin. It seemed that she also knew something about Mizkatok.

In order to avoid some misunderstandings, Lloyd first took the initiative to explain:

"Uh... Strictly speaking, I'm not a member of the seminar, but I did come here to find him, not because I wanted anything from him."

"I believe you. There is nothing on him that is worth coveting by you Mizzkatoks. Even the ancient chessboard that he regarded as a treasure was destroyed with his disappearance."

Mrs. Millie said, and took out a small cloth bag from her arms and poured out a few black and white fragments from it.

Lloyd recognized it as the chessboard used in the seminar at a glance, but it had no spirituality at all and turned into a very ordinary metal texture.

But he felt a strange feeling on it, as if suggesting that he could have some kind of connection with it?

Lloyd thought about it and asked:

"If you don't mind..."

"Please feel free. Anyway, it's completely broken."

Lloyd picked up two fragments and rubbed them gently in his palm.

Did he really establish some kind of weak connection with it?

But it was not established by him, but by the tentacle grass in the [Thinking Field]?

"I need a quiet room and use it as a medium for divination."

"No problem, let's go to his former study. Do you need me to prepare the corresponding tools for you?"

Mrs. Millie answered without hesitation.

She seems to trust the golden signboard of Mitzkatok very much?

Of course, it may also be that anxiety destroyed the due caution...

"No need, as long as it is quiet enough."

Lloyd said, and then, under the personal guidance of Mrs. Millie, he came to a spacious and luxurious study.

Although Jenkins usually does not live here, the study is still clean and tidy, and the books inside are not disposed of casually, and they are neatly displayed.

As soon as she entered the study, the sadness on Mrs. Millie's face became stronger, and she couldn't help but say:

"I have always hoped that he can let go of the past and come back to me one day, but...I'm sorry, I shouldn't tell you this, I won't disturb you for now."

She hurriedly left the study and gave Lloyd enough quiet.

Lloyd did not touch the books of Lao Zhan. He just released the [Projection] and let it wrap around his body to protect himself. Then he sat on the sofa and went back to the [Thinking Field].

As soon as he entered, he saw the tentacle grass dancing at him through the glass cover, as if expressing something.

When he opened the glass cover, it kept calling out, just like a product manager selling and explaining to customers.

Unfortunately, Lloyd was the kind of customer who didn't understand "human language" and said directly:

"Just tell me if you can find Lao Zhan."

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