I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 275 Why did 274 return to the original path?

Chapter 275 274. Why did you go back the same way?

"Isn't this... somewhat disrespectful to the deceased?"

Lloyd looked at this barren tomb like a mass grave, and for some reason, he felt a little scared.

Under the influence of various mysterious and extraordinary elements in this world, 'rising from the coffin' is not a joke, it will really happen!

Therefore, people in this world respect the concept of "the dead are the greatest" more than those on the other side of the earth. Mass graves like this should theoretically not appear.

Especially in a small mountain village like this, where everyone is somewhat related to each other, there is no reason for a place like the cemetery to be so abandoned.

Besides, wasn't the original cause of this incident the trouble caused by the father digging his daughter's grave?

"According to the old people in the village, the young people have gone to work in the logging field, so there is no one to take care of it. Moreover, the suspect's dangerous behavior has made people less afraid to go near the cemetery. Those who usually work I always take the path over there.”

Investigator Jaxon explained the situation to Lloyd, and then pointed to another path separated by a few fields.

"What about the suspect's daughter's grave?"

Lloyd asked again.

"Over there, it's covered by weeds."

Another investigator pointed to a corner at the edge of the cemetery.

As expected, there is a tombstone there, and the surrounding areas are kept clean and there is no grass growing. It is just because of the perspective that it is obscured by the weeds on the surrounding graves.

And the soil around that tombstone does look relatively new, unlike the soil near other tombstones, which has been completely filled with dense weeds.

But although the tombstone itself looks relatively clean, the writing on it has been scratched out. The name, birth and death, and epitaph are all blurred and cannot be distinguished at all.

If we put aside the previous rumors, the situation that Lloyd saw in front of him was more like a father who only cared about cleaning his daughter's grave and ignored other neighbors', so that caused conflicts?

"Speaking of...well...although it may not be appropriate...but have you used inspiration or spiritual vision to look down there?"

Lloyd asked again cautiously.

In this era where 'the dead are the most important' is respected even more than on the other side of the earth, this kind of behavior of using extraordinary abilities to explore other people's graves is actually very taboo, and it is even more likely to encounter various accidents and dangers.

So that's what Lloyd asked. He didn't let go of his inspiration to activate his spiritual vision.

The faces of the three members of the investigation team changed slightly. They looked unhappy, but they understood Lloyd's thoughts, so Investigator Jackson explained:

"Uh...well...it's true...it's not necessary yet, right? After all, our mission is to find and deal with the suspect."

Scholar Kandin also added:

"Generally speaking, we do not offend the deceased unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Well, I can understand that your work often involves these matters between life and death, and it is indeed a bit taboo... Of course, my usual executions and dissections are also the same, so I just asked casually."

Since no one was willing to commit a taboo, there was nothing to investigate in this mass grave. This temporary team immediately accelerated their pace and continued to rush to the lumber camp.

The four of them are very fast on their feet. Needless to say, Lloyd, who exercises every day, the three experienced investigators are even more energetic. Even though they are all in their 40s, they are not able to rush on the road at all. Slowly, the pace is almost like a trot.

After all, in their line of work, sometimes if they run too slowly, they have to open a banquet...

So the villagers had to walk an hour's mountain road, and under the feet of the four of them, they arrived at the lumber camp in just over half an hour.

During the journey, Lloyd managed to keep up with the time and performed two more fortune tellings. The [Omen] he interpreted still tended to be optimistic, and the direction still pointed towards the logging camp.

This made him more confident in his judgment. The suspect must be hiding in this direction.

My [Divination] has never been missed.

Scholar Kandin could no longer complain about his childish divination techniques, and he was too lazy to argue with Lloyd. He just muttered in a low voice:

"Today's young people really don't know how to respect the skill of divination..."

Compared with the quiet mountain village in front of me, this lumberyard is quite lively. There is the noise of mechanical work everywhere. Workers wielding axes and saws can be seen everywhere, and there is also a lot of noise in the air. It's filled with the faint fragrance of that kind of wood.

At the other end of the lumberyard, there is a flat road, and a truck is loading. Looking along this road into the distance, you can see an advanced base under construction in the distance.

It's similar to the 'No. 22 Stronghold' that Lloyd visited before, but it's much smaller in scale. It should be just a supply depot and a transfer station, right?

No wonder a logging farm is illegally operated in this place. With this location and location, I would choose this place if I were a capitalist.

Lloyd muttered to himself, raised his voice again, and asked about the three temporary teammates who were taking a break:

"Is the boss here here? Let's go and ask him first?"

"Probably not here. That guy is a decent tycoon with a lot of properties under his name. He can't stay in this damn place. This place has always been run and managed by a supervisor hired by him."

Investigator Jackson replied.

"That's okay. Have you rested? Let's go find the supervisor?"

"Haha, young man, you really need to be able to run away... Oh no, I mean your ability to run in a hurry, you are not as good as us old guys. Let's go, that guy's office is over there."

The three of them then went to the office area of ​​the lumberyard - several small wooden cabins were tightly surrounded by various piles of raw materials, scraps, sawdust, finished products, etc., which seemed a bit too simple.

Moreover, the safety risks are quite high. Once the logs piled up like a hill fall off or collapse, someone may die.

On the contrary, the supervisor here was quite warm and polite, with a smile on his face. He even prepared coffee for Lloyd and the others, and patiently answered their various questions.

But the word 'construction period' is always mentioned in a subtle way, probably to urge the investigation team to resolve the incident as soon as possible.

Lloyd also asked a few questions, and the other party answered politely:

"He probably won't hide deep in the forest. Our operation has only been open not long ago. Currently, we are only mining the outer areas. No one is going deep into the forest. No one among the workers below has seen anyone moving inside."

"As for your second question, how did the outside world know about this incident? I think it came from the police station in Yorktown, right?

After all, we called the police first, but the police refused to arrest the guy due to lack of evidence, so our big boss had no choice but to invite a few of you strong men. "

The three-person investigation team had already asked the supervisor various questions before, so Lloyd couldn't find any more clues. He could only nod and said:

"Okay, I get it, can we take a look around here?"

"Of course, as long as you don't mind the mess here...but it's best to be careful, because we have just started production here, and many safety measures are not in place, so please be more careful."

The supervisor kindly reminded me, and then continued to sort out the pile of orders on the table.

It seems like business is really booming here...

After walking out of the office, scholar Kandin also shook his head helplessly and said:

"Then, we can only go into the forest area and take a look... As long as we are sure that the guy is not inside, it means that he took another route to escape from the village. This commission can be regarded as an explanation to the employer."

"Well, shall we act together? Or go separately?"

asked investigator Jaxon.

"Let's separate. This forest area doesn't look very big, and it's on the route of great development. It's relatively safe. Even if there are hidden monsters, they won't be very powerful, but you can't spend the night in it -

You need to make a fire to stay overnight, and making a fire in such a dense forest area is more terrifying than encountering monsters, so we must come out after dark no matter how we progress. "

Kandin said, took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and then said:

"If you don't have any objections, we will split up. It's four o'clock in the afternoon now, and we must meet back here at seven o'clock in the evening."

None of the three objected, and each nodded.

Then the four of them each chose a direction of investigation. As a newcomer, Lloyd was politely given the right of first choice.

He also took out the matches without hesitation and performed some simple divination.

"Well, it's still an optimistic result, so I'll go here."

He pointed to the northeast.

"Be careful not to get lost. Do you need me to lend you a compass? Oh, and don't play with fire again after you get in, or big trouble will happen."

Investigator Jackson kindly reminded.

"Don't worry, even if you get lost, I can use divination to find your way back. I'm quite confident in divination."

Lloyd said, walking into the forest area without looking back.

"I hope everyone is safe and well."

Scholar Kandin whispered and chose the opposite direction to Lloyd.

The remaining two people divided the remaining area, and the remaining four people formed a fan shape and began to walk deeper into the forest area.


As soon as Lloyd entered the forest area and looked at the pristine natural scenery surrounded by birds and flowers, his previously depressed mood gradually relaxed, and he felt a little comfortable returning to the embrace of nature.

Although he came in looking for someone, his eyes were mainly wandering near the roots of trees and bushes, trying to find delicious mushrooms that might appear there.

As a result, I didn't go very far when I discovered a cluster of red mushrooms with bright color, smell and full taste.

Lloyd quickly picked one off and weighed it in his hand, wondering if he could handle such a bewitching variety with his cooking skills.

It’s not that I’m worried about being poisonous. Mushrooms are not poisonous. It’s just that if you’re not a good cook, you might not cook them properly or forget to add garlic.

So he's just worried about how it tastes? Is it delicious? Does it taste tender?

"If I had known earlier, I should have brought the little kitten with me and let it have a taste, wouldn't it be nice?"

Lloyd said with some regret, and finally chose to give up on this mushroom that was difficult to control at first sight.

He continued to move deeper, trying to find the wild termite nests and the mushrooms growing on them.

He still remembered that the mushroom was the most delicious and fresh of all the mushrooms, perfectly interpreting the meaning of the word "mountain delicacy". Even though he had traveled through time for so many years, Lloyd could not forget it.

It was a pity that after walking for a long time, he could not find this delicious mushroom.

Maybe it was because it didn't rain much nearby?

Lloyd could only regretfully take out the quaint pocket watch that he rarely used and divined the location of the suspect again.

As a result, the pointer on the pocket watch turned around, and finally pointed to Lloyd himself...

This time it was really impossible to interpret, and it could only be explained as feudal superstition...

Let's continue looking for mushrooms!

Lloyd took another step, but this time he just walked a few meters and heard a panel prompt:

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

After a few seconds, the second prompt came again:

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

Hmm? Is there really a monster in here?

Lloyd tilted his head and complained in his heart:

But this is too weak, isn't it? With this strength and frequency, it's hard to deal with ordinary people, let alone extraordinary people.

Huh? Wait, something seems wrong...

He suddenly remembered that he hadn't suffered from the mental pollution emitted by low-risk monsters for a long time, and his body had long been immune to it. Only when he killed them would he be subjected to that wave of mental pollution that he couldn't escape or be immune to.

That means that this mental pollution was not emitted by the monster, but from something else.

Lloyd quickly turned on his spiritual vision and spread his inspiration out, covering the area of ​​more than ten meters around him, like a small-scale human radar.

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

When the panel prompt came for the third time, his inspiration really captured something, so he quickly turned around and looked behind him.

And this direction happened to be the direction that the pointer finally indicated when he used the pocket watch to divine.

But this should be the direction I came from? Go back again?

Could it be that I was busy looking for mushrooms all the way here and missed something?

But why didn't I suffer from mental pollution when I came here?

Lloyd was a little puzzled, but he continued to walk towards the source of mental pollution detected by his inspiration.

Every few seconds, the panel will receive 1 point of madness value to help his inspiration continue to calibrate the direction.

As a result, while walking, Lloyd found that he really returned to the lumberyard?

Just changed the area and came to a storage area for raw materials.

Thanks to Cat_ED for rewarding me 100 points

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