I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 276 275 Battle in the Forest

Chapter 276 275. Battle in the Forest

This is called a storage area, but in fact there is no specific warehouse. It is just a pile of freshly cut logs, forming a series of tall hills.

The original ground was completely covered with scattered bark and various debris. It felt strangely soft, uneven, and ups and downs when stepped on. From time to time, there would be a crisp sound of "crackling", as if something was broken.

Lloyd just took a few steps and felt that he was standing on a pile of dark flesh and blood.

The air exuded an indescribable smell, like the stench of corruption.

There was no one around, and only the noise of sawing wood could be heard from a distance.

Lloyd walked carefully among the piles of logs, and kept thinking in his heart.

I didn't expect that after going around in circles, the problem was still at the logging site?

And it was hidden so secretly that it would not be noticed without the reminder of the panel.

Fortunately, I got involved. Otherwise, such low-intensity and low-frequency mental pollution would be hard for ordinary people to notice, let alone extraordinary people. It would be almost impossible to detect.

Lloyd was thinking while continuing to explore in the direction of his inspiration.

Suddenly, his inspiration detected some movement behind him, and he quickly hid behind a pile of logs.

Looking back, with the help of the perspective effect of inspiration, he saw two workers dragging two huge snakeskin sacks into the storage area.

The two looked serious and said nothing, as if they were expressing the hard work.

The snakeskin sacks behind them looked even heavier, and could only be dragged on the ground, making a swish swish sound.

It looked like they were just here to store things?

Lloyd thought about it, reached out and touched his chest, confirmed that he was wearing the small vest, and then activated [Enhanced Exploration] to take a look at the attribute status of the two people.

The result surprised him slightly.

He is actually in a state of [moderate insanity]?

He should be admitted to a mental hospital...

As for the attributes, [rationality], [spiritual power], and [cognition] are all very low, just in the single digits of ordinary people, but [inspiration] is around 20 points?

What kind of weird attribute is this?

Mental patients have broad thinking, so [inspiration] is high?

As for the system and threat level, they are both blank, indicating that he is still an ordinary person and there is no danger to him.

And the value of this [inspiration] is also within the coverage of the vest, and he is a complete stranger to them, which meets the condition of "staying out of the world".

So Lloyd tried to walk out from behind the pile of logs.

A worker seemed to notice something, turned his head suddenly, and looked in Lloyd's direction.

But in his field of vision, there was nothing there, not even a shadow of a person could be seen, so he scratched his head and continued to move forward into the depths of the storage area.

Lloyd nodded secretly, then touched the men's square ring on his finger a few times, activated the effect of [Eye of Wisdom], added a little color to the world, and then quietly followed.

Under the various dyes of [Eye of Wisdom], Lloyd could see that these workers were covered with a layer of dull gray, not the lively light green of ordinary people, and looked lifeless.

As for the snakeskin sacks they were dragging in their hands, they exuded a strange dark red, which looked strange and evil.

This is obviously problematic...

But I don't know what it has to do with the father who loves to dig graves?

Lloyd kept a distance from the two workers with doubts, followed quietly for a few minutes, and came to the deeper part of the storage area.

Until the two workers came to an open area surrounded by several piles of logs, then their figures shrank slightly and disappeared directly.

And the slight mental pollution that Lloyd felt came from the area where the two disappeared.

Two ordinary people just disappeared. Is there some kind of space portal hidden here?

Lloyd didn't dare to approach directly, and could only use his inspiration to repeatedly test, but apart from the slight mental pollution, he didn't notice anything.

I have to contact my three teammates quickly!

Lloyd didn't choose to take the risk alone, but chose to call for help more safely.

After all, according to the experience taught by the housekeeper in the PVP manual, the three indicators that have the greatest impact on the victory or defeat in PVP are rank, number of people, and equipment.

If you want to go against someone, either you can crush them by rank, or call for help, or you can have a "six-grid god equipment".

He never does "fair competition" or "equal duel". This kind of PVP activity involving human life is to play a crushing game.

However, Lloyd can't contact his three temporary teammates at the moment. They should still be wandering in the forest area.

We can only wait until 7 o'clock in the evening, when everyone gathers together.

Lloyd took out his pocket watch and checked it. It was almost six o'clock after his previous trip. He didn't need to wait too long.

So he used the vest's "out of the world" effect to check other areas here, as well as the entire lumberyard, and cast [Enhanced Detection] on anyone he saw.

The result was naturally unexpected, but there was another surprise.

It is no surprise that, except for the place where the two workers suddenly disappeared, there is no problem in other areas.

This lumberyard must have been checked by three investigators, and none of them could find anything unusual, and Lloyd certainly couldn't find anything unusual.

But the surprising thing is that almost all the workers here are ordinary people, but their [inspiration] is particularly prominent.

And they are all in [moderate madness], and they are all lingering in that dull gray.

It looks weirder than a mental hospital...

But the weirder thing is that they can still work like normal workers. Except for not saying a word, there is no sign of mental illness in their behavior.

So the problem may not be the father who loves to dig graves, but the workers here, that is, the other residents of the small mountain village?

Lloyd suddenly had a bold guess in his mind.

Maybe the gravekeeper who suddenly disappeared and the passionate young man who tried to dissuade the father in the early stage of the incident were not killed by the father, but by these people?

It is even possible that these three people are the only three normal people left in this village...

And the descriptions of the events that I heard, could they all be rumors made up by these crazy villagers in order to eliminate dissidents?

The villagers killed two normal people, and the remaining father might have something to rely on. The villagers could not do anything to him for the time being, so they turned around and spread rumors and called the police, trying to use external forces to get rid of this last one?

Lloyd thought about it, and then thought of another development.

Of course, it is also possible that his guess is completely opposite. Maybe the father is really powerful and controls the villagers here by some means?

But this cannot explain the rumors that have been spread. If the suspect really has such ability, there is no reason to attract external forces to target him.

By the way, where is the supervisor?

He should know something, right?

But why can't I see him?

Lloyd found that after walking around the entire logging site, he couldn't find the enthusiastic and polite supervisor before.

While thinking about this person, he suddenly found that two villagers not far away from him inexplicably dropped their work, picked up the woodcutting axe and chain saw, and walked directly to the outer forest area.

But they didn't say a word, no one called them, and no one discussed what to do.

Could it be...

Lloyd hurriedly followed quietly and walked towards the direction chosen by the scholar Kangding before.

Then not far away, his inspiration detected a stirring aura in the air, which was the movement of the extraordinary releasing his ability.

There were also a few more light blues flowing in the field of vision.

After walking in that direction for a while, he heard someone saying something.

"Please give up resistance. Your friends can no longer come to help you. They are probably in trouble now, and the [Redemption] system you are in is actually not suitable for this kind of one-on-one battle. It is impossible for me to be my opponent...

Of course, I will never harm your life as I promised before."

It turned out that the supervisor Lloyd wanted to find was talking?

Then, he heard the scholar Kantine's angry curse:

"Haha, fuck you, don't think that the [Redemption] Department is easy to bully!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lloyd immediately felt that the spiritual power fluctuations in the air became turbulent and violent.

But the supervisor still said calmly:

"Oh? Are you going to [redeem] my sins with your own life? Alas... This is really regrettable, why can't you understand us? Reason is just a cage that restrains us, and cognition is just a shackle that hinders us...

This is not a [sin], but the future we should move towards, and it is also the destiny that we humans should follow.

You might as well join us, embrace madness, and follow greatness!"

Unfortunately, he was responded with a gunshot.

The scholar Kantine standing opposite him looked red and hot all over his body, as if a flame was ignited in his body, burning himself.

He held an old flintlock in his hand, and the whole gun was covered with a layer of orange-red flames. The bullets gushing out of it were also burning, and were being guided by Kangding's inspiration and flew towards the forehead of the supervisor opposite.

But the supervisor just smiled evilly, casually stretched out two fingers, and clamped the high-speed flying bullet.

"I said, your attack is no threat to me. Only by embracing madness and following greatness can you gain real power!"

As he said, he exerted a little force on his fingers, and the bullet broke into a piece of debris.

Neither the kinetic energy of the bullet itself nor the flames burning on it could cause him any harm.

Kangding's face opposite suddenly became extremely ugly...

But what was a little strange was that the supervisor who was obviously in the absolute initiative suddenly became extremely ugly...

"Uh... wait... this is..."

The supervisor felt that his vision suddenly blurred, and then he saw the figure of scholar Kangding suddenly swelled up.

Then it turned into a monster that was eight meters tall, with broad shoulders and a round waist, and its body was covered with muscular blocks?

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