I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 274 273 Go in that direction and take a look

Chapter 274 273. Go and have a look in that direction

Scholar Kandin waited for more than a minute, then finally became serious, changed into honorifics, and said angrily:

"Sir Lloyd, are you really not joking?"

"How can you be joking? Although my main focus is execution and anatomy, I am also quite confident about 'divination'."

Lloyd replied confidently.

I was also a little unhappy, and wanted to tell the other person that my [Divination] was already level 6. If I had enough time, I could use it to take the college entrance examination.

By the way, what level of [divination] are you at? Come to question my interpretation?

It's a pity that the person on the other side couldn't hear his voice, and he still said helplessly:

"But can divination be interpreted like you do? You look like... Oh... forget it... I just want to remind you that this incident is very serious, or that any abnormal incident needs to be very serious. Otherwise, it will easily lead to various unexpected disasters!”

At the same time, he also wanted to ask Lloyd, how many abnormal incidents have you dealt with? How could you be so flippant?

Seeing that the atmosphere in the air was starting to feel wrong, and that this temporary gang might be about to break up, the two investigators who were not involved quickly tried to persuade each other:

"Please stop arguing. Although I am not very good at divination, I also know that everyone can make their own understanding and judgment on the results. There is no right or wrong of good or bad. How about just keeping their own opinions? "

"Yes, yes, many times the results of divination cannot explain everything. There is no need to take it too seriously... As for Mr. Lloyd's interpretation, frankly speaking, although I don't really agree with it, I like it very much. Haha, what do I think about it? They all tend to be optimistic.”

"Being optimistic is not necessarily a bad thing. At least we have ruled out the worst outcome in advance. This incident will not involve those dangerous mysterious existences and forbidden knowledge... But I think the direction pointed by Mr. Lloyd is logging. Over there?"

The investigator named Jacquesson said, and pointed in the direction that Lloyd judged through those completely meaningless scorch marks, which happened to be the logging camp where the villagers worked and the corresponding forest area.

Another investigator named Jackson also looked back and added:

"It is indeed over there, and that place is indeed suitable for hiding. There is a large forest area. We were pressed for time and lacked manpower, and we did not have time to conduct a thorough search."

"Because that's impossible and unnecessary."

Scholar Kandin seemed to have calmed down, participated in the discussion, and gave his own judgment:

"The logging camp was built not long ago, and no one from the Holy Inquisition has settled there. Simply because it is in the direction of great development, our employer invested in the construction...

So although the place seems safe, we can't completely rule out the possibility of monsters. If that guy doesn't want to die, he shouldn't be hiding in such a deep place. Besides, if he wants to survive in a forest area without people, it is inherently difficult. Not an easy task. "

He also gave up arguing with Lloyd about his understanding of divination because of the tight time and manpower shortage.

Lloyd also said:

"Although what you said makes sense, don't forget that that guy can easily make people disappear in the village, and he has an alibi. I don't think he is a simple villager. I'm afraid he is still a tricky and cunning person. stuff.”

After the two investigators reconciled, and for the sake of generous remuneration, Lloyd also put aside the differences in divination.

But he also admitted that the scholar's analysis and judgment were indeed well-founded.

During this period, as the great development was in full swing, the prices of various raw materials on the market, such as stone and wood, were also rising, creating huge profit margins.

It is inevitable that there will be capitalists who dare to take desperate risks, develop industries in wild areas without the protection of the Holy Inquisition, and extract surplus value.

Therefore, if the relevant regulations in the city are strictly followed, the logging field itself is illegal, suspected of dangerous production and indifference to human life...

It's just that the boss there is not too stupid and knows to set up the lumberyard in the direction of large-scale development, so that at least no monsters can enter that forest area.

As for the monsters that may remain in the forest area, theoretically they should have been cleared away with the progress of the great development, and they are considered safe.

However, after all, there is no Holy Inquisition stationed nearby. It takes more than an hour to drive from the nearest York Town, plus the time to go to the lumber camp. If there are really monsters left in that forest area, the ordinary villagers working there will I'm afraid no one can escape...

But even so, it is worth investing for the boss. After all, all costs in such a remote place are very low, including accident pensions. Even if an accident does happen and compensation is needed, it is better than inviting the Holy Inquisition Tribunal to settle in. The overhead is much smaller.

It can only be said that creatures like capitalists are more suitable to be hung on street lamps.

At this time, Investigator Jackson said:

"Actually, we have speculated before whether the guy would hide in the forest area, but the villagers working there have not seen him, nor have they seen any signs of anyone lighting a fire inside. Without a fire, it would be difficult to Spending the night in that kind of forest...

But if that guy has some kind of supernatural power, it seems possible to survive? "

Another investigator, Jacquesson, also suggested:

"Although I don't think that guy will really hide in the forest area, after all, from the perspective of criminal psychology, he has already fled for fear of crime, so there is no reason for him to put himself in danger again. He should tend to flee to a safe place, but it doesn't hurt to go over and take a look. Anyway, we have investigated the vicinity of the village."

Seeing that the two companions agreed with the direction pointed out by Lloyd, scholar Kangding also nodded and said:

"Let's go and take a look. If we can confirm that he has left the forest area, we can also determine that he has left the village. Maybe we can report to the employer?"

In this way, the temporary investigation team finally reached a consensus and headed towards the direction of the logging site predicted by Lloyd.

Because the mountain roads are not easy to walk, it takes about an hour to walk a few kilometers.

Just after walking out of the village, Lloyd found some people. At the other end of the village, he saw several farmlands with tomatoes and corn planted in them, and several elderly people taking care of the crops.

But when they saw Lloyd approaching, the old men stopped what they were doing and looked at them coldly, their eyes full of rejection and vigilance.

It made people feel that this small mountain village had nothing to do with hospitality...

Lloyd couldn't help but slow down his pace and looked at a tomato plant growing on the roadside.

It looked like it was growing well, with a few tomatoes hanging on the vines, rosy in color and plump in appearance. Judging from Lloyd's cooking skills, they should be ready to be put into the pot.

But for some reason, these old men let the tomatoes hang like this and didn't harvest them.

Maybe the young people in the village were hired to work in the lumberyard, and there was a shortage of manpower?

In order to avoid wasting tomatoes after they were ripe, Lloyd reached out and picked one.

An old man not far away immediately cast an even colder look at him, but did not stop him or ask for money, just looked at him.

As soon as Lloyd picked the tomato, he couldn't help but frowned.

It's already ripe, too soft to the touch, even my cooking skills can't save it, what a pity...

Then he exerted a little force with his fingers, and the tomato burst in his hand, bursting out a pool of smelly ketchup, the color was dark red like some kind of blood.

Lloyd shook his head with regret, shook his hands, and took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

The ketchup stained the handkerchief, quickly staining a black wet mark, probably can't be washed off.

Lloyd threw away the handkerchief directly, quickened his pace, and caught up with the three people who were already walking in front.

As soon as he left, the ketchup on the ground behind him quickly sank into the soil, as if it was quickly absorbed by the field.

Even the handkerchief that was thrown on the ground disappeared, not knowing whether it was buried by weeds or was also "eaten" by the field.

The three members of the investigation team walking in front were talking about Lloyd in a low voice:

"This executioner is a complete layman, but he just happened to match the conclusion of my previous divination..."

Scholar Kangding said in a low voice.

In fact, when the three were still in the city, he had done some divination for this trip.

The conclusion was a bit vague, mixed with many invalid keywords, and it was obviously interfered with.

But in general, it can still be judged-there may be danger, but there will also be unexpected help.

So this is the main reason why they decided to temporarily invite Lloyd to join the group and choose to tolerate his layman behavior.

The two investigators had a good impression of Lloyd. They said:

"But I think he is a good person. He came here alone to deal with this kind of thing just out of a sense of justice. Such young people are rare nowadays. I admire him very much."

"Yes, I also like his optimistic personality. It seems that I have seen my younger self, who has the potential to become an excellent investigator."

"Then I hope he is really a mature and stable person as he said."

Scholar Kandin said, noticing that Lloyd was chasing him from behind, he stopped talking and pointed to a desolate open space next to him that was simply surrounded by a wooden fence.

"This is the cemetery in the village."

Lloyd turned his head and took a look after hearing this.

It is called a cemetery, but it is full of weeds, almost completely swallowing up the tombstones. It looks seriously lacking in care. If others hadn't reminded him, it would be difficult to notice the tombstones inside.

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