I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

Look 1 Look 1 Look: Discussion on recent plots and novel summary

Latest website: I haven’t summarized it for a long time. On the one hand, the update is not strong enough, so I’m afraid people will scold me. On the other hand, the plot is not outstanding enough, so I’m afraid people will criticize Lao Liushui’s word count when summarizing.

Before I start, let me make a digression. The editor asked Lao Liu to write a welfare extra for all readers. Lao Liu plans to write several scenes, such as a scene where Shen Youchu is studying, a scene between Xiao Rongyu and Chen Hansheng in high school, and Luo Xuan. A scene with Chen Hansheng.

It's probably about showing the plot that has been briefly mentioned in the article in more detail to make the characters more three-dimensional.

Originally, Lao Liu wanted to write a scene about Yanyan and Chen Hansheng having a night of love, but the editor said it had to be in line with socialist values. Good guy, I'll write it secretly after the book is finished!

Let’s talk about it next. I have never reported the results before. Now I will say that the current average subscription is 47,000. There are 2 gold leaders, 23 silver leaders, and 369 leaders. I will thank you one by one when I finish.

Just talking about average bookings, this seems to be the highest average booking for Starting City Rebirth.

Of course, there have been many wonderful urban rebirths before, but perhaps due to the times and other reasons, Chen Yingjun is still the number one in this genre for the time being.

To be able to achieve such results, Lao Liu is very grateful to the genuine readers for their love. Without your support and help, this would not be possible.

Although it is not really finished yet, Lao Liu still wants to sincerely say thank you! to those readers who have subscribed, rewarded, and sincerely written opinions.

Lao Liu has always been very grateful, and readers will always come first in my heart.

However, although you occupy the most important position in my heart, it cannot change Lao Liu's idea of ​​​​writing. We will talk about this later. For now, we will continue to talk about urban rebirth.

This once popular category has actually become desolate. This can be seen from the most authentic bestseller list. When I Really Don't Want to Be Reborn is finished, I wonder if there will be any pure and unsystematic urban rebirth. The top ten position in the overall best-selling list has kept this spark.

In addition, Lao Liu is not completely sure whether or when he will write the next book, but the only thing he can be sure of is that it will definitely not be an urban rebirth, because this genre is really very demanding on brain cells, especially when the content in the book is When it overlaps with real society, bugs can easily appear.

Lao Liu has always been serious and careful when writing books, so in order to reduce these bugs, he actually lost a lot of hair after thinking hard, and his cervical spine also hurt and he went to the hospital N times.

I won’t talk about this anymore.

Lest anyone say that I am complaining to readers, after all, I am 18 years old, and the adult society is full of ups and downs, but being able to contribute to ensuring quality to everyone, Lao Liu also has a sense of shared accomplishment in his heart.

Thank you for reading!

According to the outline, and combined with Lao Liu's coding speed, it is estimated that it will be completed in April, it may be earlier, or it may be ten days later. Of course, this will also depend on everyone's reaction and the written plot. and completeness of the entire book.

In short, it won’t be long, so in these last years, Lao Liu has two wishes. One is that the average subscription can exceed 50,000 and become a banner for urban rebirth; the other is that the monthly ticket can remain in the top ten.

Monthly tickets are actually more difficult. There are some reasons that are difficult to explain, but Lao Liu is still relatively clean. I saw a starting point columnist the other day. It was strange that my monthly tickets were in the twenties at the beginning of every month, and I was in the top ten at the end of the month, emmmm· ·····

What can I say, thank you readers!

The topic has come back again, and no matter how hard the reader works, it will never affect Lao Liu's thinking, especially the important outline.

(Mr. Li once had three silver coins, but the one that sent Tang Ping off the assembly line was not counted, because she was a supporting role and she was originally going to receive a box lunch.)

What is the important outline? It is now the subcontracting.

As for the plot of Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei's transfer, Lao Liu had already thought about it in July last year, and often used some foreshadowing to hint at it, and as time went by, the hints became more and more obvious.

So some readers said that they had guessed this plot very early, and Lao Liu was not convinced. If I hadn't deliberately hinted it, would everyone really have guessed it?

Of course, there is a reason for the hint. Lao Liu wants to see how everyone accepts it. Judging from the acceptance of previous foreshadowing reactions, it seems to be relatively tolerant.

I didn’t expect that if I actually wrote it, everyone’s comments would be so intense, and just posting it would be a “collapse”.

Of course, Lao Liu took a break at the end of last month, but that wasn't because his mentality was broken. Because a family member was hospitalized for examination, I was a little worried, and I really wasn't in the mood to write. (I told you not to complain, but I still complained.)

The test results are relatively good, and Lao Liu's mood has recovered again, so we have a serious talk about the topic of plot collapse.

From the beginning to the end of this plot, Lao Liu never felt that it was a failure. I will give you a few examples to show you what a real failure is:

1. Chen Hansheng accepted Nie Xiaoyu, collapsed!

2. Bian Shishi likes Chen Hansheng, collapse!

3. Shen Ningning likes Chen Hansheng, collapse!

4. If Chen Hansheng develops a relationship with any female elder, collapse!

5. Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi broke up. It’s not a collapse but it’s definitely not perfect!


There is another kind, which in Lao Liu's eyes is the most complete failure, but it is also the suggestion of the most readers. The original text is as follows:

Lao Liu, I think Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu are too independent in their portrayal. According to their characters, they should live their own lives and not force a reunion just to be together.

Many of the readers who raised this opinion are my loyal fans, such as Deacon and Helm, but let’s just discuss the matter and discuss it like friends, and the ending of Lao Yan’s double flight collapsed.

In Lao Liu's outline, it is naturally impossible to sleep under the same blanket, which is also a type of collapse. However, Lao Liu feels that it is a bit cruel if there is no contact between the old and the dead.

This cruelty is for the readers, because everyone is chasing three million words, definitely not to wait for such an ending. I don't like and will not adopt this kind of paradoxical ending.

Lao Liu is still very stubborn. When I first wrote about the days when Wang Zibo was a dog licker, an alliance leader once told me directly that he would not read it anymore because it made me feel aggrieved.

Lao Liu could only apologize and write it down.

Because Wang Zibo needed such a growth process, he went from an honest and simple boy who often quarreled with his parents, did not dare to talk to girls, but had fantasies about love, and finally turned into a down-to-earth, steady, and loyal man. He must go through depressed.

Zibo is a very real character in this book. He often reflects not only the way Lao Liu looks when he is studying (for example, he twists his butt when nervous), but also reflects the inner state of many readers.

Of course, some readers said that Zibo cannot catch up with Bian Shishi in the real society. This is indeed unknown, but Lao Liu hopes that he can catch up with Bian Shishi. I hope that honest people can be happy, and I hope that the person who has gone through thousands of sailings will still be the same when he comes back. It's the honest Wang Zibo.

When Zi Bo and Bian Shishi confessed I love you, I think everyone looked happy with aunty smiles.

So, it’s better to be more complete. Lao Liu hates tragedies. I can accept a little cruelty in the middle, but a sweeter ending. After that, my whole body and mind will feel comfortable, and I will read it a second and third time. impulse.

To give an inappropriate example, if I add the sentence Zi Bo and Shi Shi finally had to break up because of their disagreement, everyone will feel like they have eaten a cream cake with a fly in it.

The truth is true, but Lao Liu doesn't like to write!

Therefore, Lao Liu will not write the so-called in order to deliberately pursue the truth, work and swallow fly together ending.

However, how to design a plot that is relatively complete, does not ruin the character, and at the same time is as consistent with normal social understanding as possible, that is, accept the other person's child.

Using children as a link to downplay this conflict, in fact, Lao Liu Qianwen often wrote this sentence, With Xiao Rongyu's character, how could she accept Shen Youchu?

This is a hint that cannot be accepted normally, but it is okay to use children as a bond.

Lao Liu is not afraid to reveal the final outcome: the little sisters go to school together, they can go to any house to eat, sleep in any house, and even have a little follower - the daughter of Wang Zibo and Bian Shishi.

Is this ending sweet enough?

If it's sweet enough, then continue to support Lao Liu. Of course, I still support everyone's posts and discussions. When I was in the hospital last month, I read almost all your posts.

I can only say one thing: What a pity you don’t write!

Especially for those long stories, Lao Liu is super grateful. Without deep love, I wouldn’t be able to write so many words, so thank you very much!

Thank you again to all the genuine readers, and call on the big brother of pirates to come and support, help Lao Liu to make a 50,000-yuan subscription, little hu can help!

At the same time, I would like to thank my management team. You are all my good friends. I remember your group ID very clearly.

Some readers really paid a lot, and Lao Liu felt a sense of trepidation when he thought about it. Because of this book, he probably became a real book friend.

Finally, the leader of the alliance who gave rewards during this period:

Silver leader:

Chen Changshou, Brother Changshou’s True Love Talisman and Literary Talisman’s krypton gold has exceeded Bai Yin Meng’s.

Grape in the bathtub, Miss Grape is from the Mathematics Department of Peking University, the Peking University in my dream.

Miss Peach Blossom is currently studying and writing Three Thousand Years of Peach Blossoms in Dreams, and Lao Liu is also doing his best to provide some suggestions.

Arale, the goddess of flying, is also a young lady.

Purple Crescent Moon, this boss is a bit strange and doesn’t seem to pay much attention to me.

Mysterious Moon Night, the silver boss who is also relatively unfamiliar.

AVV, the silver boss who suddenly rewarded me three days after I stopped updating.


1. Sister Yitian, my wife, this is the trumpet account of CLV Orange. When I felt unwell several times, Orange came over to care about me. Such a money-making and trouble-making reader, I didn’t expect that Lao Liu would meet one!

2. Yitianwenjianv is also my manager and helps me deal with many things in the book.

3. Stand by and watch the guests c. Xiao Xiu Xiu, the Zhu Saiwen in the book is Xiu Xiu, a female college student with very high quality.

4. Ai Yu, Xiao Ai has always been my event manager, and every event comes from his idea.

5. Yu Shendu, Jin Yao, and Xiao Jin are the managers of the verification group. They also help me convey readers’ opinions and manage book reviews. It’s really hard work.

6. The trumpet account of Wuyan is also managed by me, and the large account is Wuyan.

7. Driving school principal Li Yunlong and Captain Li are also my managers. Thank you for your hard work.

8. Bai Yueguang and Xiao Rongyu are also managed by me. Thank you for your hard work.

Many of the alliance leaders below are just reading quietly or have not joined the alliance group at all, so some Lao Liu are not familiar with them, but they are still very grateful.

Because you don’t need a one-time reward of 1,000 yuan, thank you all!

9. Kill the tiger silently

10. Lao Yang Wandering Monk

11. Remembering the world of mortals

12. Altorialter

13. - A serious non-gongzi

14. Michael has ghost grains

15. Brother Runtu is looking for trouble

16. Lannister bean bag

17. Mumu Li Shuishui

18. Orange mango

19. Read with peace of mind

20. The mythical beast that commits two crimes

21. Little Peanut Man

22. Dreams of good times are empty of people’s hearts.

23. The handsome guy fucks ss

24. Always have a

25. Lao Zhao is here for Sao Liu

26. The old ashes waiting for renewal

27. The cat that can fly for 9 hours

28. Xiaopuoo

29. Yan Yizhen

30. Curly hair

31. Ye Zhiqiu’s cat

32. Happy Birthday

33. I long for you and I remember you forever.

34. The only shadow left behind is the human world.

35. Doraemon My Dream

36. Biluo Huangquan 1

37. The old witch of Beiming

38. Handsome little brother

39. Beauty from Mexico City

40. Stage name Bandit

41. Loveless online drifting

42. Lu Arong

43. Chen Gou, follow me

44. I’m here again if I don’t like reading.


46. ​​Book shortage does not exist

47. Feng Yue drunk beauty

48. It’s really annoying to have a name.

49. Under the edge

50. I am Pippi Fat

51. E dot dot W dot dot Q dot dot

52. or bloody

53. Zeze’s curly hair

54. Perfect life

55. Meng Yixiao


57. Sorrow comes

58. Lost in September

59. my Qian


61. Flying Beiming

62. The middle-class brother who loves meat


64. Golden Dream



67. Watch the sunrise from a high place

68. Long memory?

69. Xiao Huihui loves reading books

70. Twilight ssr

71. Little Dege zzz

72. I am taller than you.

73. Tianyi Operations Officer

74. Feng Xinquan’s father

75. Little Carrot 005

76. Ze Zeweiwu

77. Drizzt_Maxs

78. Summer insect whispers

79. In this life, I only think about rain.

80. Gu Xiaoxiao

81. Reasonable Tutu

82.Xu Xiansen001

83. tainialy

84. Book Friends 20190122002525549

Unexpectedly, there have been quite a few alliance leaders in the past few months. I will indeed be very happy to receive new alliance leaders, but everyone’s rewards must not affect normal life. Full subscription is already a great support.

It was almost 4 o'clock in the morning, and Lao Liu was getting ready to take a rest. It's still incredible to me that everyone stayed with this book for so long.

Lao Liu promises that this book will definitely end successfully, thank you all!

PS: The target is 50,000 yuan for the average subscription and the top ten monthly tickets, go ahead and give it to Ollie!


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