I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

One thousand and twenty-two, the complete plan of

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This is the sound played by the laptop when QQ Video is waiting for the other party to connect.

Xiao Rongyu was facing the screen, and Chen Hansheng stood behind the chair, but his expressions kept changing.

Chen Hansheng felt very strange. He was obviously video chatting with Chen Zijin, so why did he add Shen Youchu's QQ number?

Generally speaking, people who have done something wrong are more suspicious. Chen Hansheng transferred the two children to work. This is not only a matter of shame, but also can be described as struck by lightning if it is serious.

So for a while, many possibilities flooded into his head, and he tried his best to find the most reasonable explanation.

I left Chen Zijin with Shen Youchu yesterday, and then sent a message to Lao Chen.

Could it be that Lao Chen didn't see it, so Chen Zijin is still with Shen Youchu?

That's not right. Just now Xiao Yu'er called, and the mother-in-law clearly said that Chen Zijin was sleeping. It seems that she has already taken him back.

Damn it, what the hell is going on!


Chen Hansheng scratched the back of his head irritably. This is what a guilty person does. He must have an answer that reassures him, otherwise he will always have no confidence.

Chen Hansheng was not a god. He had no idea what happened in Jianye last night. Chen Zhaojun didn't send a text message to explain it to his son in detail. In short, he was in a confused state now.


At this time, the other party finally connected to the video.

Chen Hansheng quickly focused his attention and stared at the small video window. At first, because the camera was not positioned correctly, he only captured the other party's shoulders and the layout of the bedroom.

My day...

Chen Hansheng's throat tightened obviously. He judged from the bedroom and clothes that this person was Shen Youchu!

Chen Hansheng shook unnaturally twice.

Are you thinking that three people will be confronted face to face so soon?

Just when he was thinking carefully about how to deal with it, he didn't expect that Shen Youchu just adjusted the camera, then stood up again, and then Lu Yuqing sat down with Chen Zijin in his arms.

During the whole process, Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu didn't say a word.

The fish hiding under the sea and blowing bubbles and Cat Lane Girl Shen Youchu, their first video conversation seems to have ended like this.

Lu Yuqing quickly greeted her daughter: Hey, Xiaoyu'er...

Chen Hansheng breathed a sigh of relief. He now gradually understood that some accidents that he did not expect must have happened, so Lu Yuqing and Chen Zijin were at Shen Youchu's house.

The scumbag's IQ is still very high, and he can figure out many things just by guessing and analyzing them.

Chen Zijin seemed to have just been woken up. He glanced at the computer listlessly and ignored his mother. He turned around and fell asleep in his grandmother's arms.

Baby, baby...

Lu Yuqing patted Chen Zijin's little butt, pointed at the computer and said, Look who that is. That's mom. Let's come over and say hello to mom.

However, a seven-month-old baby has no thinking ability. She will make noises when she is hungry, close her eyes when she is sleepy, and go downstairs when she wants to play. Everything is based on physical sensations.

So grandma slapped her little buttocks, Chen Zijin curled his lips, and her little tits groaned dissatisfiedly, and she would probably cry if she patted her again.

Okay, okay, mom, let the baby sleep first.

Xiao Rongyu said quickly that she was very satisfied to be able to see her daughter. Seeing Chen Zijin closing his eyes in the video, his chubby little face was so cute, Xiao Rongyu's expression unknowingly appeared. gentle.


Just as Lu Yuqing was about to speak, he suddenly noticed a male figure standing behind Xiao Rongyu. The only one who could stay in Xiao Rongyu's bedroom so openly was that bastard Chen Hansheng.

Let Chen Hansheng get out!

Lu Yuqing's cold voice came out clearly through the laptop's small speaker.

Xiao Rongyu turned around and glanced. Although he didn't say anything, his meaning was obvious.

Just go out, why are you so fierce...

Chen Hansheng murmured in his heart that he no longer wanted to stay here to make people uncomfortable, and was going to go out and call Lao Chen to find out what happened in Jianye.

After the annoying Chen Hansheng left, Xiao Rongyu and his mother Lu Yuqing looked at each other in the bedroom, feeling both longing for farewell and distressed pity.

Before the tears came out, Xiao Rongyu still held back. She wiped her eyes with her slender fingers and confirmed again: The baby was hungry last night. Did Shen Youchu help feed it?

This was the secret that Lu Yuqing told just outside the villa, so Xiao Rongyu was so shocked.


Lu Yuqing nodded: I'm still with Shen Youchu now. I was anxious to video chat with you just now, but I didn't understand the procedures for applying for a QQ number. She took the initiative to lend me her number.


Xiao Rongyu responded, lowered his eyes and stopped talking.

The corner of Lu Yuqing's mouth moved. She seemed to want to say something, but she hesitated. Finally, she talked about another matter: As for the ID card, your dad told you not to worry. He will quickly get a replacement for you and send it to you. , and then you go to the embassy to apply for a lost passport, and you should be able to return to your country soon.

I know.

Xiao Rongyu nodded. If he waited for Chen Hansheng to take the initiative to return the certificate, it would definitely be impossible. He would have to think of a way on his own.


Lu Yuqing hesitated for a moment and then talked about something else: As for Chen Zijin's wet nurse, you don't have to worry. We have already inquired through our contacts in our hometown. I will go to the Provincial People's Hospital for consultation after 9 o'clock.

It's night here in the United States, but it's just around 8 a.m. in China.


Xiao Rongyu nodded slightly to the computer.

And that... that...

Lu Yuqing stammered, seeming to be particularly embarrassed.

Xiao Rongyu sighed. She could guess what her mother wanted to say, and took the initiative to say: Tell Shen Youchu that mother took Chen Zipei to take a bath. After the bath, I will ask her to come over to video, and...

Xiao Rongyu paused, looked at his daughter who was sleeping soundly on the computer screen, and said calmly: Since Shen Youchu fed my daughter once, I will feed her daughter once, I won't owe her anything.

Little fish...

This is something that Lu Yuqing wanted to discuss several times but stopped talking about. Unexpectedly, Xiao Rongyu took the initiative to bring it up. This is not reasonable.

The arrogant Xiao Yu'er just didn't want to owe Shen Youchu any favors, and she made it very clear:

If Shen Youchu feeds him once, he should feed him once too.

Just this once!


At this time, outside the villa, Chen Hansheng was talking on the phone with his father Chen Zhaojun.

Chen Hansheng squatted on the ground, picked up a stone and scrawled random graffiti in the yard. The evening in the United States was not lively. There were no old men walking or aunts dancing in the square. It would take a long time for a car to pass by the door of the villa.

Only now did Chen Hansheng know that Chen Zijin started crying last night, and Lao Chen and Lao Xiao were actually sent to Shen Youchu's place for breastfeeding.

You are making too much fuss.

Chen Hansheng laughed dumbly: It won't hurt if I don't drink breast milk for a night. In fact, Chen Zipei didn't drink it for a whole night and can still fall asleep.

What's all the fuss about!

Chen Zhaojun, who has always been gentle, couldn't help but raise his voice and retort: ​​One night is nothing, but many nights in the future. Are you really planning to wean your baby?


Chen Hansheng was not in a hurry and said calmly: I have been preparing to implement this plan for several months. I even bought a plane. How could I not think of the issue of breast milk? Please listen to my explanation first.

First, in addition to arranging the house, transportation, and security personnel in the United States, I also contacted two wet nurses early. They are both Chinese, but they came to the United States to give birth to children, and their health is fine.

Second, I have made such preparations in a foreign country. Naturally, I have already made arrangements at home. I am also a healthy young mother of two.

Third, the time that the Chinese nurses and I have set is 10 o'clock this morning. They will come to the door. I didn't expect you old people to be so uncertain. You actually went directly to find Shen Youchu with Chen Zijin in your arms. I didn't expect that she could actually do it. promise.

Things have changed now.

Having said this, Chen Hansheng laughed twice: So I have to make modifications immediately to adapt to the current situation.

In other words, you have never thought about using breast milk as a bargaining chip?

Chen Zhaojun asked blankly.

Because it's useless.

Chen Hansheng shrugged his shoulders: You just bumped into Shen Youchu. She is so stupid that she agreed. If you were Xiao Rongyu, see if she would pay attention to you?


Lao Chen was silent for a moment. Looking at himself and Xiao Hongwei, he seemed to be deliberately bullying Shen Youchu.

So what's your whole plan?

Chen Zhaojun asked again.

In fact, Lao Chen is quite innocent. Chen Hansheng turned off his phone after sending a text message yesterday. Compared to others, Chen Zhaojun did not know any more information.

I originally planned to conquer Xiao Yu'er's side first.

Chen Hansheng stood up and said: Shen Youchu and Xiao Rongyu have different personalities. Over time, Xiao Rongyu was able to accept Chen Zijin bit by bit. I will return to China to deepen the bond between Shen Youchu and Chen Zijin. This is the first step. It’s easy after hard times.”

So that's what it is...

Chen Zhaojun understood that this was a long-term plan. Chen Hansheng planned to wait for Xiao Rongyu to accept Chen Zipei, and then return to the country to let Shen Youchu accept Chen Zijin.

There is actually a time difference between the two sides, but what happened last night seems to have complicated the problem again.

Then you won't tell me either!

Chen Zhaojun blamed him.

Will you agree if I tell you?

Chen Hansheng asked with a smile.

Chen Zhaojun fell silent. If he knew his son's plan in advance, not only would he not agree, he might even stop it.

Chen Hansheng knew it very well, so he decided to cut it off first and then force it out, forcing Lao Chen to help him. The only thing he didn't expect was that the three middle-aged people used their abilities so efficiently that they took the lead in eliminating Shen Youchu's unfamiliarity with Chen Zijin.

That's not a bad thing.

Chen Hansheng thought about it for a while: Then I will ask the two wet nurses in China not to come to the house, and let Shen Youchu continue to feed Chen Zipei. After the first time, the second time will be easy.

Lu Yuqing has contacted the hospital in Hong Kong City.

Since Chen Zhaojun knew the whole plan, he felt confident. He shook his head and said, The wet nurse will be on duty in the next two days.


Chen Hansheng made a joke: Then I will pay double the price to let them leave.


There was some dissatisfaction in Lao Chen's tone. When did he still smile playfully!

My secretary Qin Ying has returned to China.

Chen Hansheng thought for a while and said, I asked her to keep an eye on it secretly, and don't think about re-applying for Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei's household registration books. I have my greetings from the hospital. It can take at least half a year.

Lao Xiao has already helped Xiao Yu'er apply for a new ID card.

Chen Zhaojun reminded: He is from the public security system, so he can apply for a new ID card very quickly and can send it quickly.

Don't worry, Xiao Yu'er will definitely not receive it.

Chen Hansheng said very confidently. He did not explain the reason, but it was just that the communication was cut off.


Chen Zhaojun didn't know what to say. He now hoped to solve this problem quickly. If the two sisters could really grow up together in the end, then it wouldn't be in vain to make such a fuss.

Then I'll hang up first.

Chen Hansheng looked at the bedroom and said, My mother seems to be holding Chen Zipei and is on a video call with Shen Youchu. I want to go over and have a look.


But before hanging up the phone, Chen Zhaojun suddenly asked: Have you ever thought about when Chen Zipei will return to China in your plan?

Chen Zipei's return to China actually means Xiao Rongyu's return to China, and it also means that they have accepted each other.

At least······

Chen Hansheng pondered for a long time: We have to wait until Chen Zipei and Chen Zijin can both call 'Mom'.

This sentence is not fully stated. In fact, Chen Zijin called Shen Youchu's mother, and Chen Zipei called Xiao Rongyu's mother.


After hanging up the phone and walking back to the villa, Chen Hansheng was about to open the bedroom door, but he didn't expect Liang Meijuan to come out empty-handed, with her brows furrowed tightly.

Is the video finished?

Chen Hansheng asked.

Ang, it's over.

Liang Meijuan replied blankly.

Where's the baby?

Chen Hansheng asked again.

In Xiao Yu'er's arms.

This is where Empress Dowager Liang doubted herself: She said she wanted to help Chen Zipei breastfeed once.


Chen Hansheng was stunned for a while and said decisively: That's good. Babies who don't like to cry won't have bad luck. Xiao Rongyu even likes her.

But Xiao Yu'er also said it.

Liang Meijuan was still very anxious: Because Youchu fed Chen Zijin once, she paid it back once, and we will no longer owe each other anything. What will Chen Zipei do in the future?

Empress Dowager Liang did not know Chen Hansheng's plan, nor did she know that there were two wet nurses in the United States.

Mom, you have to learn to look at this issue dialectically, and you can't follow Xiao Yu'er's thinking.

Chen Hansheng didn't tell the truth. He put his arm around Empress Dowager Liang's shoulders and said with a smile: Since Shen Youchu feeds her once, she has to return it once, so let's find a way to let Shen Youchu feed her again, and Xiao Yuer will have to return it again. This cycle continues...


Chen Hansheng clapped his hands: The two babies will not be hungry, and my plan will come true. How wonderful!


Empress Dowager Liang nodded in confusion. She felt that the logic seemed to be correct, but she still felt that something was wrong.


(Please give me a monthly pass, thank you all.)

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