I Really Didn’t Want to be Born Again

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Latest website: Of course Liang Meijuan was surprised, how could Chen Zipei be in the United States? Could it be that the people on the plane are always little idiots?

The moment she discovered the truth, Liang Meijuan was confused because there was too much information and she couldn't handle it.

However, when Chen Zipei saw the familiar grandma, he immediately stretched out his chubby arms to hug her. Although Liang Meijuan looked confused, she still subconsciously picked up her granddaughter and coaxed her.

These are all habits accumulated in daily life, so she still asked Chen Hansheng blankly: Where is Zijin?

In Jianye.

Chen Hansheng now has a dead pig mentality and lets the boiling water boil.

In Jianye?

Queen Mother Liang looked at the little fool and then at Chen Hansheng.

I transferred two of my daughters to you!

Chen Hansheng replied confidently: I did all this myself. If one person causes trouble, the other will be blamed. Come on together. Why should I, Chen, be afraid!


Liang Meijuan thought her son was crazy. Why did he transfer Chen Zijin and Chen Zipei to him, and also said some confusing words.

But on Xiao Rongyu's side, she combined the text messages and the phone call with her mother. When Lu Yuqing confirmed with certainty that Chen Zijin was in Jianye, Xiao Rongyu slowly woke up.

Especially the baby in Liang Meijuan's arms. Although she has the same coat, size, and even chubby and cute appearance, she is not a little fish.

Xiao Rongyu was stunned for a long time, then suddenly ran towards Chen Hansheng and snatched his coquettish little satchel.

The force was so great that not only did Chen Hansheng almost stumble, but the thin strap of the small satchel also broke with a bang sound.

Xiao Yu'er, don't be impatient.

Queen Mother Liang saw her daughter-in-law angry and quickly went over to comfort her.

After Xiao Rongyu discovered the truth, her first reaction was not to think about the meaning of Chen Hansheng's actions. At this time, she had only one thought - to return to Jianye to find her daughter!

But you need to buy a ticket to go back to Jianye.

Both his and Chen Zijin's identity information had been taken away by the flight attendant. If the flight attendant came back, she would have to give it back to Chen Hansheng.

So Xiao Rongyu wants to find those documents and go back immediately to pick up her daughter. She must hold her daughter in her hands personally this time, and no one can get involved!

However, after opening the small satchel, Xiao Rongyu felt flustered because there was no red passport at all inside. It only contained a mobile phone battery, a universal charger, a business notebook with a K printed on it, and a fruit juicer. MP4 case, and the others are some miscellaneous charging cables.

Xiao Rongyu rummaged through every corner of his bag twice, but still found nothing.


At this time, she finally raised her head and looked at Chen Hansheng, looking at this heinous man.

Chen Hansheng also looked at each other candidly. He had made all preparations and even considered whether to take off his sunglasses so that when Xiao Yuer slapped himself, he would not touch her hand.


Xiao Rongyu rubbed her flat shoes on the marble floor of the airport. She walked over with her steps and raised her wrist at the same time.

Chen Hansheng slowly closed his eyes, waiting for that crisp slap, but what surprised him was that the slap did not come, but instead there was a hand groping on his body.

It turned out that Xiao Rongyu still refused to give up. She thought that Chen Hansheng had collected the information.

Xiao Yu'er searched so carefully. Some of them were obviously small pockets and could not store identity information at all, but she still had to check them two or three times, as if they were the hope of seeing her daughter.

Chen Hansheng sighed, and he also cooperated by raising his arm for Xiao Rongyu to inspect. However, the more Chen Hansheng reacted like this, the more Xiao Yuer's heart sank.

It's too late.

Seeing the expression on Xiao Rongyu's face becoming more and more irritable, Chen Hansheng said softly: I asked Tan Ying to take all the information back home. Without my order, she will not come back.


Xiao Rongyu raised his head for the second time. This time his eyes were no longer as blank as before, but also contained anger, anxiety, sadness, and worry...

Because I don't want you to take away the little fish.

Chen Hansheng answered calmly.

This is probably what showing off the truth means. There is no lie or covering up at all. He simply said, I am the one who did this. I can't go back to China, but I have one way to save my life.


Xiao Rongyu stared at Chen Hansheng, tears kept rolling in circles: You just left her in Jianye, she is only seven months old, you know, she is your biological daughter, you know, half of her body is It’s your blood, you know?”

I know······

Chen Yingjun, who had no inhibitions, also felt guilty. He actually lowered his head and whispered: But you don't have to worry, she will be well taken care of.

You're talking nonsense!

Xiao Rongyu became even more angry after hearing what Chen Hansheng said. Who else could take good care of a seven-month-old baby besides her mother?

Anyway, you can't go back now.

Regardless of whether he was talking nonsense or playing rogue, even Chen Hansheng felt very distressed, but he had already come to this point, and it was absolutely impossible for him to regret it at this time.

Liang Meijuan was still in a semi-confused state, but Chen Hansheng and Xiao Rongyu were confronting each other, and no one could explain the reason to her, so Queen Mother Liang could only take care of her little granddaughter while taking out her mobile phone and calling Chen Zhaojun to ask what happened.

There is also a nanny Aunt Lin here, but she turned out to be the nanny at Xiao Rongyu's family. Chen Zipei didn't know her at all, so he didn't want Aunt Lin to hug him.

Zhu Saiwen, who took over Qin Ying's job, stood a little further away so that she could not hear the private conversation between Director Chen and Director Xiao, but could also respond to possible emergencies at any time.

Zhu Saiwen naturally knew Xiao Rongyu. In addition to being beautiful, having good grades, and having a successful career, she was also the mother of Director Chen's daughter.


Zhu Saiwen sighed. After all, she was younger and could not focus on work like Tan Ying. Although she could complete all the tasks, she still sided with Xiao Rongyu emotionally.

At this moment, Zhu Saiwen saw Director Chen and Director Xiao arguing for a few more words. Director Xiao wiped his tears and suddenly prepared to rush to the ticket gate of JFK Airport.

Zhu Saiwen was startled and quickly prepared to stop him. Although the United States is known as a freedom country, it is no joke for the police to draw their guns.

However, Chen Hansheng moved faster. As soon as Xiao Rongyu took two steps, he immediately picked her up.

Let me go, let me go, I want to go back to find my daughter, I want my daughter, wuwuwu...

When Zhu Saiwen arrived, she discovered that Xiao Rongyu had collapsed emotionally and was struggling with tears on his face.

However, Chen Hansheng was very strong, so naturally Xiao Rongyu couldn't break free. Liang Meijuan couldn't get close to her even though she was holding the baby. The little fool who never liked crying was frightened and cried. Tears like soybeans kept falling from her little peach blossom eyes. seep out.

In this chaotic situation, Xiao Rongyu suddenly grabbed one of Chen Hansheng's arms and bit it.


Chen Hansheng gasped in pain.

Of course, it hurt. He didn't retract his arm, but he judged from the pain that he must be bleeding.

Chen Hansheng was still a little strange. A few years ago at the Central Gate Airport in Jianye, he was bitten for teasing Xiao Rongyu. At that time, his skin didn't seem to be broken, there were only two rows of deep tooth marks.

Why did Xiao Yuer's strength suddenly increase after becoming a mother?

Empress Dowager Liang originally wanted to persuade her, but Chen Hansheng quietly stopped her, because with just one mouthful, Xiaoyuer could vent her anger and gradually calmed down.

The moment Xiao Rongyu bit Chen Hansheng, Zhu Saiwen also grinned and became entangled, just like when she saw an injection in the hospital, she would feel the thin needle hitting her butt.

However, she did not interfere in the past. First, Qin Ying once reminded him that Director Chen's emotional problems should be handled by himself. At that time, he could just be deaf and blind;

Secondly, this scene attracted the attention of many travelers around, and police officers came over, stroking their waists.

Therefore, Zhu Saiwen rushed to watch the melon-eating crowd, and then explained the reason to the police in English, saying that it was a small quarrel between husband and wife and would not affect the order of public places.

At the same time, she also paid attention to whether the big boss's sunglasses fell off during the entanglement. Chen Hansheng was not well-known in the United States, but he was a big shot in China. Now that information is so developed, it would be troublesome if he was photographed and sent back to China.

After these matters were properly handled, Zhu Saiwen turned her attention to the accident scene and found that Director Chen and Director Xiao had already called a truce.

Director Xiao was squatting on the ground crying sadly. Every time Director Chen tried to put his hand on her shoulder, he was violently thrown away.

Director Chen.

It was only then that Zhu Saiwen walked over to say hello. She quietly glanced at the big boss's arm and saw that it had been bitten and bleeding.

hold head high.

Chen Hansheng didn't care, waved his hand and said: You and Aunt Lin push your luggage to load the car first, and we will go to the parking lot later.

After his subordinates and the nanny left, Chen Hansheng continued to persuade Xiao Rongyu: It's not an option at the airport, and you can't buy a ticket. It's better to go back to your home in the United States first.

Do you tube!

Sure enough, after Xiao Rongyu finished biting, although she kept crying, she was conscious and unable to do the kind of behavior of rushing to the airport ticket gate.

In fact, it wasn't just her who was crying, Lu Yuqing, who never hung up the phone, was also crying.

Xiao Rongyu had never suffered such grievances since he was a child, but Lu Yuqing, who was thousands of miles away, really had no choice. If possible, she really wanted to fly to the United States immediately, but there was still Xiao Yu'er.

At this time, we saw the foresight of Chen Hansheng's layout. He left Lu Yuqing in the country, so Chen Zijin would definitely be well taken care of; he bought a private jet, except for business purposes. The possibility of being exposed on the plane is very small.

Because if it was ordinary civil aviation, Xiao Rongyu would definitely find it.

Even if he barely managed to hide it, Xiao Rongyu could immediately buy a plane ticket and fly back home. Only a private jet could cover up the matter properly.

Little fish...

Lu Yuqing advised on the phone: Although this bitch Chen Hansheng has hidden his identity passport, don't be afraid. We will issue a replacement ID card and send it to you, and you will be back soon.


Xiao Rongyu put the phone to his ear with tears in his eyes, and said with sobs: Chen, why does Chen Hansheng keep bullying me? I have given birth to a daughter for him, and he still bullies me. What on earth does he want from me? ah······


Over there, Lu Yuqing couldn't bear it any longer, hugging her phone and crying.

Liang Meijuan couldn't hold it any longer either. She knelt down and hugged Xiao Rongyu, wiping her eyes and saying, My daughter, mom is here too. Don't cry. Let's go back to stabilize ourselves first, and then discuss how to return home.

Xiao Yu'er could still hear what Empress Dowager Liang was saying, but her legs were a little weak when she stood up. Chen Hansheng tried to help her, but was thrown away again.

go away!

Liang Meijuan glared at Chen Hansheng: Your father and I will be pissed to death by you sooner or later!

Chen Zhaojun had just revealed the entire situation to Liang Meijuan, including the true meaning of exchanging children.

Of course Queen Mother Liang wanted to see her two granddaughters grow up together, but she didn't want to do it this way. If someone had taken Chen Hansheng away when he was seven months old, Liang Meijuan would have fought tooth and nail.

However, the turning point in this matter is that it is grandma who takes care of Chen Zipei, and it is grandma who takes care of Chen Zijin. They are definitely people who will do their best to take care of the baby.

This is a bit like a blessing in misfortune, like a little light in the darkness. While people grit their teeth and hate it, they can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After arriving at the parking lot, Zhu Saiwen, who was also a part-time driver, had already started the car. On the way to the villa, the co-pilot Chen Hansheng remained silent. Liang Meijuan in the back seat held her little granddaughter and did not speak. Only Xiao Rongyu kept talking to her mother. say.

Chen Hansheng could faintly hear a lot of what Lu Yuqing was saying, Xiao Xiaoyu'er hasn't gotten up yet, I have to go to the hospital to find a wet nurse today, and I have to go to the mall to buy clothes for her... etc. Wait for these.

However, when he was approaching the villa, Lu Yuqing suddenly fell silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was much lower.

Although Chen Hansheng couldn't hear clearly, Xiao Rongyu's face was extremely shocked, and even his sad mood was diluted a lot.

What is going on?

Chen Hansheng frowned.


After arriving at the villa, Zhu Saiwen and Aunt Lin both helped carry the luggage. This is a house that has been tidied up. The sanitation, water, electricity, and network cables are all in place. There are also a group of villas around it.

After getting off the bus, everyone was putting away their luggage. Xiao Rongyu didn't have that much energy and sat silently in the bedroom in a daze.

Can you put a Band-Aid on it?

Liang Meijuan looked at the tooth marks on Chen Hansheng's wrist and said coldly.

Although Empress Dowager Liang's tone was very unfriendly, she was a biological mother and she definitely cared about her son.

Mom, you don't understand this.

Chen Hansheng grinned: I exposed the wound on purpose, so that every time Xiao Yuer sees it, she will hate me less and less, and she may even feel guilty in the end.

Why are you so shameless!

Liang Meijuan spat and prepared to help her granddaughter take a bath.

Chen Hansheng scratched his head and walked towards Xiao Rongyu's bedroom. According to common sense, Xiao Rongyu would never talk to Chen Hansheng, but this time she actually moved the corner of her mouth and asked proactively: Chen... Where is Chen Zipei?


Chen Hansheng blinked. He was indeed a little surprised, but he quickly said: My mother took me to take a bath, and my little butt is a little dirty.


Xiao Rongyu turned his head again.

Chen Hansheng was puzzled for a while, and then said the purpose of coming here: If you want to see my daughter, you can make a video call.


Xiao Rongyu's heart moved. Although he was in the United States and Xiao Xiaoyuer was in China, he could see his daughter through QQ video.

I was so excited just now that I never thought that technology was so advanced.

Xiao Rongyu immediately turned over and sat up, immediately took out his laptop and plugged in the Internet cable, and asked Lu Yuqing to apply for a QQ number immediately.

Chen Hansheng leaned against the wall with a smile. He planned to wait until the video ended and then call Lao Chen to ask in detail what happened last night.

The efficiency at Jianye was very slow, probably because the middle-aged people were not familiar with the procedures for applying for QQ. In short, it took Xiao Rongyu a long time to add a QQ number.

However, this QQ account was not a new one, and the avatar looked familiar. Chen Hansheng quickly got closer and took a closer look.

Damn it! ! !

Why is the QQ nickname Shen Youchu, the girl in the alley?

On the contrary, Xiao Rongyu looked calm. After clicking the video button, this message appeared on the QQ page:

The fish hiding under the sea and blowing bubbles initiated a video call request to Shen Youchu, the girl in the alley and waited for the other party to accept the invitation.


(Yu and Chu video, please vote for me, thank you all.)

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