I really can't control myself

Chapter 926 Laboratory

Not long after, there was another person next to Linton. This time it was a middle-aged man who looked less than fifty years old. He was dressed like a gentleman, with an aristocratic back hair and a very suitable black trousers. He wears glasses and looks like he is an academic person. Although Bogram next to him looked much older than this middle-aged man, he was currently bowing to him.

"Oh, has it been 100 years?" The middle-aged man here is naturally the former alchemy body Sam Dou. He who was just resurrected also briefly understood the current situation, "I didn't expect it. It’s so interesting that I would be resurrected by a necromancer.”

"Interesting?" Bogram was a little surprised when he heard Samdo's words. To be honest, he was still a little confused and nervous now because he felt evil when hearing the Necromancer. Bogram thought Linton was He wants to use them to do something, such as conquering the world, but now that his great-granddaughter is in the other party's hands, Bogram can't help but obey orders.

"Anyway, what you mean is that by letting me help you refine the rebirth potion, you can keep me 'alive' like this, right?" Samdo asked Linton.

"Yes." Linton nodded and said, "As for my necromancy spell, it will continue to work as long as I don't cancel it, and you can continue to live in this form."

"Is that so? It's really a novel necromancy spell." Samdo here said, "Looking at your situation, you probably won't deceive me, so I'll just trust you for now."

"Then you are really easy to trust people." Linton said, "But don't worry, I really didn't lie to you, but what are you going to do?"

"With a body like this, wouldn't I be able to continue researching alchemy?" Samdo smiled and said, "I have nothing to ask for, but I have too many ideas and no time to verify them. If What you said is true, so now I have unlimited time to do this. To be honest, I want to thank you, but this can only be regarded as a level exchange, right?"

"Hmm...yeah." Linton nodded. Unexpectedly, Samdo was really a little crazy about alchemy.

"If you can continue to provide me with alchemy laboratories and alchemy materials, I can provide you with various potions in the future." Samdo continued, "Of course, this is also an exchange of equal value."

It seems that Samdo likes the term equivalent exchange very much, which really fits his title of alchemist. Linton heard him reciting it several times and couldn't help but said: "Maybe I can get you a philosopher's stone in the future."

"Philosopher's Stone?" Samdo's expression suddenly changed, "Do you know that thing?"

"No way, is there really such a thing?" Linton said, holding his forehead.

"I don't know, but I have seen the name of this thing in ancient books before." Samdo said.

"I don't know yet, but I might have a chance to know in the future." Linton said, of course he was not joking.

"Haha, I believe you." Samdo nodded slightly, "Most people don't even know the name of this thing, but since you can tell it, maybe you really know how to get it.

"Master, what is that?" Bogram next to him couldn't help but ask.

"It is said that that was the ultimate pursuit of alchemists in ancient times, something that could break the principle of equivalent exchange." Samdo said, "I taught you when I started, that equivalent exchange is the first principle of our alchemists. , so I also want to know what is it that can break this rule.”

"Is there really such a thing?" Bogram here is also a little unbelievable. He is no longer the little boy who followed Samdo back then. The more he studies alchemy, the more he discovers the concept of equivalent exchange. Principles are almost impossible to break, unless this so-called Philosopher's Stone is something created by God.

"Anyway, I can't get that thing yet. I'll look at the opportunity later. It's better to go back now." Linton said.

With a few people, Linton also went directly to the capital of the Yetis Empire and found Garsain here. I briefly introduced the people around me and my future plans. Yes, the alchemy laboratory that Sam wants can be built directly here. It happens that urban reconstruction is also happening here. It should be very simple to plan an alchemy laboratory by the way. Of course, experimental materials and the like can also be provided. Sam provides more. After all, they can provide unlimited amounts of finished alchemy potions, so they always make the profit.

Of course, Garsain was shocked when he heard the names of the two people introduced by Linton. Bogram's name was better, but this was a bit exaggerated. Even a person who didn't understand alchemy at all would be surprised. I have heard of the title of this legendary master of alchemy. He is the god of alchemy and the creator of the legendary rebirth potion. Everyone in the mainland does not know the name of the strongest Dragon Lord Iglis in the mainland. When mentioning him, it is natural that You will think of the God of Alchemy. After all, this Dragon Lord can be said to have been created by the God of Alchemy.

"You mean... the rebirth potion?" Hearing that Linton had brought Samdo here to refine the rebirth potion for himself, Garsain was of course shocked. That didn't mean... that he would become the next dragon. Lord Iglis?

"Hey, he's my nephew after all, but you still have to be as excited as Iglis for a long time?" Linton couldn't help but said.

"What does it mean to be at the level of Iglis? He is already one of the strongest people on the continent, okay?" Gaseon said.

"Seconds have passed..." Linton spread his hands and said, "Anyway, it's not that you are too useless. You can't reach the Saint level for half a day. In the end, you still have to rely on me to get you to the Saint level."

"At my age, I'm only one step away from the Saint level. It's already unheard of, okay?" Garsain was very dissatisfied. His strength was indeed one step away from the Saint level, and he was only 24 years old. At this age, It is said that he is indeed invincible, of course, this is under the premise of excluding Linton, a pervert.

"With your talent, I'm not sure when you will break through to the Saint level if I don't help you. You'll have to rely on my uncle to help you cheat," Linton said.

There's really no way to refute this. Yes, as his strength increases, Gasan also realizes how important talent is. Before, he felt that his fighting talent should actually be quite good. However, at this stage, he gradually found that his talent could not even keep up with his own strength. At present, most of his strength is provided by fruit abilities and Linton's strange skills. As for fighting spirit, he really doesn't have the confidence to be promoted to the holy level. Even though he is already close to the Saint level at the age of 24, at this stage, he might be stuck for a lifetime.

Of course, all this has been solved now. With the rebirth potion, he has successfully broken through to the holy level. Thinking of this, Garsain is actually quite touched. After all, Linton helped him solve so many problems one after another. But he naturally couldn't express his gratitude.

Everyone has been delivered, and the rest will naturally be left to Garsain. The construction of the alchemy laboratory is quite simple. Garsain has made some arrangements and it is estimated that it will be initially completed within a month. Before that, Samdo and the others can also borrow other alchemy laboratories to start refining.

Samdo, on the other hand, said that the rebirth potion can basically be obtained within ten days. Of course, this does not require Linton to keep an eye on it. Bogram and his great-granddaughter were thrown into Samdor's alchemy laboratory together. Samdor also needed assistants. It happened that these two were both alchemists and his disciples, so the arrangement was quite convenient.

Of course, the dragon Vecna ​​stayed here for the first time. On the one hand, the rebirth potion requires its blood essence, and on the other hand, it is to protect his nephew Garsain. Even after he gets the rebirth potion, he will need it when he reaches the saint level. After a while, those who had assassinated him before this period of time did not know whether they would do it again, but if the dragon was around, it would be difficult for the other party to succeed.

If Vecna ​​is here, the You Brigade here can be replaced. After all, the You Brigade is rewarded by the system, and Linton can take it with him, but Vecna ​​is not sure. That contract Linton probably can't be taken directly across the border, so it's much more convenient for travel in this regard.

Yes, Linton is already thinking about crossing the border, because he is indeed going out again. Of course, Linton has been doing missions in recent days. After all, the current points only require 2-3 missions to level up. This is the important thing. Originally, Linton wanted to do construction tasks. After all, it was convenient, but after a few days, he didn't receive a suitable one. Instead, he found a more suitable one through exploration tasks.

After thinking about it, Linton still accepted the exploration mission. In the current situation, everything that can be arranged has been arranged, and he has nothing to do here for the time being. Just as the problem of Samdo and others here was solved, Linton was ready to set off.

The exploration mission I received this time was still a task to be taken over. I have said before that tasks that take over other people's worlds are generally relatively low-demand, and this seems to be the case this time as well. The task requirement only requires exploring and advancing 20% ​​of the progress. Compared with other tasks, it is already a very simple task.

In this world, the detection rate completed by the previous investigators is 26.4%, which is neither high nor low. It is impossible to get 5 million points from PIAO, but it should be a task that can be completed successfully and get a B-level evaluation smoothly. If so, it should be only one mission away from reaching the Saint level.

But before leaving, Linton still needs to meet with Yalan to arrange things there.

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