I really can't control myself

Chapter 927 New World

"Rebirth potion?" Linton briefly explained the situation to Yalan. When she heard the rebirth potion, Yalan was also slightly stunned. After all, this thing was indeed a bit unnatural.

"Do you also want a bottle?" Linton asked, "But it seems that the supply of dragon blood essence is not unlimited. I heard that taking it once can be quite harmful."

Linton had indeed asked Vecna ​​about this question before. Vecna ​​was frightened at the time, because according to Linton's intention, he was going to suck it to death. Even things like blood and essence could be drawn even once. It can make it weak for a period of time. Vecna ​​is not young even among the dragons, so she really can't afford it.

"If it works well, I'll bring back more dragons next time. I heard Vecna ​​said it seems to know the locations of several dragons." Linton said, yes, life was at stake, and Vecna ​​quickly sold her own kind. It's better than beating it to death.

"I don't care about this, but if others know about Master Samdo, your identity as a necromancer may be exposed, which may be very troublesome." Yalan said, "I'll say hello to Garsain later. Give him some attention."

"Is there any trouble?" Linton spread his hands and said, "I have never been afraid before, and now there is no need to be afraid of this situation. The Light Church has no time to care about my affairs."

"It's better to be careful." Yalan said.

"How is the situation in the Tomulian Empire?" Linton asked, "Has that prince been brought back?"

The prince Linton was talking about was of course that Adair Candela. Of course he was kept here just so he could sign the surrender document. The problem with the Tomulian Empire is that they can't find anyone to sign the surrender document. The appearance of Prince Adel has helped them solve a lot of troubles.

Yalan didn't spend much effort in bringing Adele back. After the Continental Congress, no one supported Prince Adele at all. Everyone selectively forgot about the prince because there was no one at all. No one dares to provoke Linton and the Elan Holy Empire at this time. Even Magra of the Kingdom of Mitria, who had previously supported the prince, ignored the prince because they themselves could not protect themselves.

Yes, the very old King Magra was so angry that Linton vomited blood and fell ill immediately. He lay down and was sent back to the Kingdom of Mitria. I don't know if he can survive this anger, naturally. There is no way to continue meddling in other business. Besides, the Kingdom of Mitria is only a small kingdom, and there is a big gap in national power with the Holy Empire of Elan. If they are alone, how can they dare to go against the Holy Empire of Elan.

Yadel was easily brought back by Yalan. This situation made Yadel really desperate. Of course, he also knew that he had been abandoned. It was useless to scold those who did not mean what they said. , I probably have no choice but to accept my fate.

With Adel around, matters in the Tomulian Empire will naturally be more convenient, and there may be no need to resort to Linton's side. The Tomulian Empire is still in chaos now. Whether it is an uprising or various separatist forces have begun to divide the country, but these are not important. Let them fight as they like. Wait until the Holy Empire of Elan gathers its troops. The entire kingdom can be retaken under the banner of Prince Adel. As long as the heir is controlled, it shouldn't be difficult to get the throne.

And the troops of the Holy Empire of Yilan are almost ready. Yes, since there are too few troops, the problem naturally needs to be solved. The previous recruitment order has been issued long ago, and the first new army has been created. It's almost done. Let's quickly integrate them by using veterans to lead new recruits. Although the combat effectiveness is not very good, there should be no problem just taking over the Yetis Empire to maintain law and order. By then, the more elite First Legion will naturally be formed. Can set off to conquer the Tomlian Empire.

Judging from the current situation, the countdown to the integration of the three major human empires has also begun. The current progress seems to be quite smooth. Unless something unexpected happens, Linton should be able to complete this next time he comes back. Of course, unless something unexpected happens, after all, Linton seems to like to make some mistakes every time he comes back, and Linton is almost used to it.

Obviously, there should be no problem with Yalan's arrangement. Linton naturally told Yalan that he would leave again for a while. Although she knew what Linton had to deal with, Yalan still frowned.

"How long will it take to go this time?" Yalan asked.

"Not sure." Linton said. Although the time limit for the mission was 90 cycles, which is about three months, because the world he was going to didn't know the flow of time, Linton couldn't tell.

"Then... pay attention to safety anyway." Although she seemed to have a lot to say, Yalan just said it simply.

"I will come back as soon as possible." Linton nodded slightly.

Before leaving, Linton also found Asuna and asked her if she was interested in going with him, because Asuna could be put into her backpack and easily taken away. Asuna just asked Linton if he could find his master, and Linton told him truthfully that it was basically impossible. After all, the world he went to took over someone else's world, and this world happened to be the one Asuna's master was exploring. The possibility of another world is almost zero.

Hearing this, Asuna thought for a while and said that she would not go this time. At present, Asuna has been staying in the trading space. Yes, Linton tried to bring Asuna into the trading space before. It was obviously possible, but what on earth is Asuna doing inside? Linton also It's not very clear, and Linton hasn't explored that space properly. If Asuna thinks there's something worth paying attention to, let her explore it.

Since Asuna didn't want to go with her, Linton wouldn't force her deliberately. After all, she didn't have much fighting power. At most, she was just a portable computer. What's more, Linton doesn't know what kind of world he wants to explore this time. He will take a look first before talking about it for the first time. If necessary later, he can come back to take Asuna with him.

Everything was arranged, and Linton was ready to go. Click to explore and choose this new world. A white light flashed and Linton appeared in a strange place.

When he first arrived in this world, Linton's first reaction was weird. The place where Linton was now was by a lake, and next to it was a huge lake. Apart from this lake, everything next to it seemed a little strange.

Under his feet, Linton saw a piece of blue grass. Yes, the color of this grass was actually blue. This was already very strange. Then he looked at the trees next to him. Basically, the leaves were all blue. Colorful, I feel like I'm wearing the wrong filter.

What's even more weird is that the shape of these trees is completely different from what I have never seen before. It is like the tree next to me. The trunk is straight without branches, and the crown of the tree above is like an exploding firework. All exploded. Although Linton didn't know much about botany, Linton had never seen such a tree on earth.

Yes, Linton used the three words "earth" because Linton felt that he might have arrived at an alien planet this time. Raising his head, Linton could see a strange planet hanging in the sky. This planet was much closer than the moon on Earth. It felt that its orbit was very close to his planet, so it was obvious that this planet was These are not scenes on Earth. These strange plants around may be unique to this planet, and the plants on this planet may not use chlorophyll for photosynthesis, but maybe chlorophyll?

In short, this should not be the earth, Linton quickly made a judgment. But Linton needs to study carefully what kind of planet it is. Of course, it was not the first time Linton had come here. He had already been to places like Xandar when he was working on Marvel, so he was not very surprised. What he was curious about was what kind of world this was.

Worlds that can touch other planets are generally more troublesome worlds. For example, a world with a low martial arts plane like the martial arts world. Is there any need to mention things about other planets? Can't reach it at all? What do you care about other planets? So the world that can mention other planets is either a science fiction world where technology has developed to the point where it can break out of the earth, or... a perverted world like Marvel where a spell can be transmitted to other planets.

It seems that this exploration is quite troublesome. No matter what, let's walk around to see what we can encounter first and determine what kind of world it is.

Looking around, Linton saw blue trees everywhere and couldn't find any obvious target. After thinking about it, Linton decided to take a look in the air. However, just as he was about to take off, there was a loud noise from the lake next to him. Linton turned his head, and a huge black shadow rushed out of the water and rushed directly towards Linton. .

Although the opponent was very fast, Linton could still clearly see what it was. It's obvious that this is a giant fish or frog, or maybe a combination of the two. Simply put, it's an alien creature, probably preparing to prey on itself.

This alien creature was at least twenty meters long and could be considered a monster, but it was nothing to Linton. With a system prompt, the automatic battle was turned on. Linton gently raised his hand and struck upwards. With a "bang" sound, the alien monster that rushed towards him exploded into a pile of blood clots, with strange purple blood everywhere. Flying across.

"It doesn't look like it's too much trouble." After Linton said that, he suddenly looked in a direction to the side because he felt someone coming towards this side and probably heard the noise here.

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