In a small town called Massad in the Yetis Empire, Linton met the alchemist master. The other party lives in a very inconspicuous two-story building. This is obviously not a place where a master alchemist should live. Judging from the situation, he must be living in seclusion. When Linton and the others arrived, the alchemist master was already lying on the bed, with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Yes, it is obvious that the alchemist master named Bogram is dying. It is not for any other reason. Dane quickly explained. I mentioned before that it was a hundred years ago that Dragon Lord Iglis obtained the rebirth potion. The person who made the potion for him at that time was named Samdo. He was the strongest alchemist master currently recorded in the mainland, and the man in front of him was about to die. Bogram is a disciple of Samdo.

It's been almost a hundred years since Sam Duo died. His disciples can live to this day, which means they have indeed lived a long time. In fact, this Bogram is 114 years old this year. Unlike Dragon Lord Iglis, he really looks 114 years old. He looks like a dried firewood stick. The eyes and nose were pressed together by wrinkles. Although he was still alive, he looked more like a mummy.

Bogram didn't have any other symptoms, he was just too old and his body's organs were failing. Coincidentally, it seemed that his end was approaching in the past few days. When Dane found him, he had already seen that he was about to die. This made it difficult for him.

At this time, there was a girl who looked to be in her twenties accompanying Bogram's bedside. Dane introduced her. This was Bogram's great-granddaughter Caitlin, and she was also the only relative who stayed with him. At this time, of course, Caitlin also saw that her great-grandpa was about to die, and she knelt down beside the bed and watched over him very sadly.

"I never thought that my old age would be like that of my master." Bogram murmured in a dry voice on the bed. In fact, there were many disciples of Master Samdo at that time, and Bogram was the youngest, but in the end the master passed away. He was the only one left by his side. Samdo finally left his notes to Bogram, the only one who stayed with him. The things recorded in his notes made his life successful.

Bogram's life was very glorious, but he also experienced a lot of hardships. After the fact that he owned the master's notes was exposed, his former brothers and the master's children all came to him, naturally for the sake of those precious notes. . After experiencing all kinds of love and hatred, Bogram chose to live in seclusion. However, in the end, the only person who accompanied him was his great-granddaughter.

"You must be Lord Linton." Bogram said to Linton. He already knew about the commission from Dane. "I'm very sorry. I have wanted to be as great an alchemist as my master all my life. Master, it’s a pity that I still can’t do it in the end. If I still have time, I will definitely help you complete the rebirth potion, but... it’s too late... it’s really... such a pity..."

After speaking, Bogram looked at Caitlin beside him: "Sir Linton, I have passed that notebook to Caitlin. Caitlin has been learning from me for the past ten years, so if anyone else can complete it, As for the rebirth potion, that person is her. Please ask Lord Linton to take her away."

"Grandpa..." Caitlin beside her shouted sadly.

"Can you practice?" Linton asked Caitlin next to him.

"I...I can't do it." Caitlin here said immediately, "The things in that notebook are really difficult. I don't have such talent at all."

"No, Caitlin, you have to believe in yourself." Bogram said here, "Lord Linton, please give Caitlin a little more time. I believe she can inherit my mantle."

"How long will it take?" Linton asked.

"Within twenty years, she will become the strongest alchemist master in the continent." Bogram said.

Caitlin next to her was stunned. She didn't expect that her great-grandfather recognized her so much. When she was studying before, she was often criticized by Bogram. She thought she had no talent. Unexpectedly...

"Oh? Twenty years?" Linton said, isn't this nonsense? Wait twenty years? And it’s not necessarily possible, “Forget it, just do it yourself, the problem isn’t that big anyway.”

"Uh... Sir, what do you mean?" Dane next to him asked.

"Sir, do you have a way to save Grandpa?" Caitlin asked excitedly.

"It's hopeless. It can't be cured. Just wait for death." Linton said three times.

"Huh?" The turn was a bit too fast, and Caitlin was stunned for a moment.

"Death early, rebirth early, Dane, send him on his way." Linton waved his hand.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Caitlin said nervously.

"Really?" Dane looked at Linton strangely. There was no need to take action. The other party was already like this. He would die even if he didn't do anything.

"Speed." Linton waved his hand.

"I understand." Although he didn't know what was going on, Dane walked up directly.

"Wait!" Caitlin felt something was wrong and immediately stepped forward to stop her. However, it was of no use. She had no strength and was thrown aside with a gentle push from Dane.

Dane didn't want to do anything to a dying old man, but it was Linton's order after all. He looked at Bogram on the bed, said sorry, and lightly tapped the other person's throat. Bogram's body trembled and he closed his eyes.

"Grandpa... Grandpa?" Caitlin next to her was stunned for a moment, "You... what did you do?"

"Don't make any noise." Linton said, drawing a circle, and a portal appeared directly next to it, leading to the dungeon of the Imperial Capital, where many people were still imprisoned. With a casual pull, Linton pulled out a confused middle-aged man.

"Sir, what are you..." Dane also couldn't understand what this set of operations meant and couldn't help but ask.

"Stop talking and watch." After Linton finished speaking, he placed the death row prisoner directly beside the bed, pressing his head with one hand and the body of Bogram who had just died on the bed with one hand, "Ninfa. Dirty soil The art of reincarnation."

A huge coffin suddenly appeared from the ground and swallowed both of them directly. Dane and Caitlin next to them were stunned at this time and had no idea what was happening. However, soon, the coffin here opened, and an old man with a white beard walked out of it.

"What...what's going on?" The person who was resurrected was naturally Bogram. It was obvious that he couldn't figure out what was going on with him now.

"Grandpa?" Of course Caitlin was also shocked. The person in front of her was obviously her great-grandpa Bogram.

"This... what on earth is..." Dane was of course even more shocked. He killed Bogram with his own hands, and Linton resurrected him?

Linton looked at the resurrected Bogram here. He was still an old man, but he was not as weak as a dead stick before. He looked like an ordinary old man in his seventies. The reincarnation of the dirty land is actually quite strange. There is always a bug in the state of the reincarnated person. According to the original explanation, it refers to the peak state of the person's life. For example, when Madara is resurrected, it is when he was young, not when he was old. state, but the question is why the Third Hokage was in old age when he was resurrected. Didn’t the original book say that the Third Hokage was old when he was young and was the hero of the ninja world when he was young? Then the young one should be resurrected.

So it's obvious that the art of reincarnation is a Schrödinger skill. You don't know what it will be like after you emerge from the coffin. For example, the current Bogram is not resurrected in a young and strong state. He is still an old man, but he is also much younger.

"In short, the problem is solved, can we start refining the medicine quickly?" Linton said.

"Lord Linton, what on earth is this..." Bogram still didn't come back to his senses and asked Linton.

"It's too troublesome to explain. Anyway, as long as you know and help me make the potion, you can live in this form forever. If you refuse, it's not just a matter of you having to die again. After all, it's necromancy. See Everyone will be silenced, your great-granddaughter..." Linton said with a smile.

"Necromancy?" Upon hearing this, the three people present suddenly understood. Is it actually necromancy? But think about it, how else could Bogram come back from the dead?

"Please...please let Caitlin go." Bogram said immediately.

"Then it depends on whether you cooperate or not. Tell me, how many days will it take to refine the medicine?" Linton asked.

" many days?" Bogram was stunned.

"Don't tell me how many years it will take. I'll just silence you." Linton frowned.

"This...if there is a complete formula, it can be completed quickly, but..." Bogram paused slightly, "As for the formula of the rebirth potion, the notes are actually not complete."

"What?" Linton was stunned for a moment.

"But sir, please give me a little time. With just a few experiments, I can reproduce this potion." Bogram said with confidence. Yes, he has actually been studying the rebirth potion for a long time, although he has always been because he did not have the most important thing. The material, Dragon Blood Essence, has never been used in actual combat, but he already knows what the missing part is. Now that the biggest problem, Dragon Blood Essence, has been solved, he is very confident that he can complete the potion.

"I..." Linton said that he really wanted to hit someone. He didn't even plan to spend much time on this matter, so why did it become more and more troublesome? I was about to curse, but suddenly I had an idea, "Wait a minute, the formula is incomplete, why don't we just ask the people who know it?"

"Anyone who knows? But the master didn't tell anyone the formula of this potion. Even I only saw it in my notes." Bogram said.

"So I'm talking about your master. Where is your master's grave?" Linton said.

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