The war between the Elan Holy Empire and the Yetis Empire naturally attracted the attention of the entire continent. After all, the war between the two human empires would cause changes in the situation on the entire continent, not to mention that this was an unrestricted war. Theoretically, we should fight until one of the countries is destroyed.

Of course, most people don't believe that the war will really go to that extent. The Holy Empire of Yilan and the Yetis Empire are both very powerful. If the war really wants to continue, it will probably be a 50-50 split. If they fight desperately, the final outcome may be the demise of both empires. After all, it is not only them who are interested in the rich land of the two countries, but the surrounding countries have also coveted it for a long time.

Although they had deduced and imagined a lot, no one could predict what actually happened. Just when people from all the forces were meeting over there about what role they should play in this war and what kind of benefits they should get from it, an accident happened. Just one day after the Holy Empire of Yilan officially declared war, the entire palace of the Yetis Empire exploded the next day.

I heard that right, the entire palace was blown up, and half of the main city was blown up. Where the palace used to be there is now only a pit, not even a hair left, let alone a human being. It is said that the emperor of the Yetis Empire was holding a court meeting at that time, and he happened to be receiving the envoys from the Holy Empire of Yilan who were announcing the declaration of war, but it suddenly disappeared. Now, from the emperor down to the ministers, directly to the pot, the entire upper echelon of the Yetis Empire completely disappeared.

To be honest, when I heard the news, everyone's first reaction was that it was impossible. After all, this is the capital of a country. How could it become like this overnight? But the news was still the same after repeated confirmations. Soon everyone understood one thing, that is, unrestricted war is really terrible.

There is no doubt that this is obviously something done by the Holy Level, otherwise it would be impossible for such a thing to happen. Speaking of which, although there have been constant minor conflicts in the mainland in recent years, there have been few unrestricted wars. They have never experienced it in this generation. Only those who have experienced that level of war understand how terrible unlimited war is. As the emperor of a country, if you say no, your whole family will explode.

So the question is, which holy level did this? This matter was answered immediately, because it didn't take long for the Yilan Holy Empire to figure it out. According to the declaration of Yalan, the new queen of the Holy Empire of Elan, their country's Saint-level Linton Meloway rushed into the capital of the empire single-handedly and directly killed the opponent's emperor in order to save their assassinated former emperor Wigley. Revenge was taken.

This good news made the entire Holy Empire of Elan rejoice. They were still worried about the war, but suddenly the emperor of the other side was gone? If the other side's emperor is gone, is there still a need to fight this war? They must win. As a result, people's hearts suddenly became stable. Originally, many people were worried that the country would be unstable when the Queen came to power. But now the fact is that they will take revenge immediately, and the war will be won. Aren't they all developing in a good direction? .

Of course, Linton's reputation exploded overnight. This was really brave. He rushed into the opponent's main city palace, killed the opponent's emperor, and killed all the opponent's ministers. He was simply invincible.

Of course, there are some "intelligent people" who think this is just a fabrication made by the newly ascended queen to consolidate her position. It should be true that the palace of the Yetis Empire bombed. After all, this cannot be made up, but Linton should not have done it alone. There are several saints in the internal medicine department of the opponent's palace. It should be that several saints from their country have participated in the battle, but the credit goes to one person. Linton and Yalan are husband and wife, so as Linton's prestige increases, naturally the new queen's prestige will also rise. If the queen is not a saint and cannot join the commando team, it is estimated that Yalan is the one who destroys the other party.

The statement of this group of people has been accepted by many people from other forces. After all, it is hard to believe that one person is alone. However, the common people don’t care about these people who are sober when everyone is drunk. Anyway, Linton is awesome and the new Queen is awesome. Just push it and it’s over.

Another news is that the troops of the Holy Empire of Yilan have begun to approach the border of the Yetis Empire at this time. The troops used in this war are the troops of the First Legion of the Empire, the troops with the highest combat effectiveness in the Empire, with complete personnel and well-equipped equipment. And wasn't it necessary to resist the Yetis Empire's attack before? The troops had already been assembled and could set off immediately, so the advance was very fast.

The First Legion had already eliminated the previously rebellious northern border garrison troops. Yes, they were the same group of traitors who had given the Yetis Empire a pass. Their general had a close relationship with the Duke of Norbury, whose family was killed by Linton before, so he rebelled. However, he committed suicide before the arrival of the First Army. He also knew that he could not defeat the First Army, and there was no Yetis. Imperial help. Treason is a capital crime for the Yi clan, and he only hopes that his subordinates will not be implicated.

The remaining nearly 20,000 border defenders did not resist and surrendered directly. When the First Legion arrived there, they just collected the prisoners and handed them over to the people behind to await the Queen's judgment. After peacefully dealing with these people, they went directly deep into the territory of the Yetis Empire to the north.

By the way, the three monsters have been wiped out by the Holy See's subjugation team. Although the Holy See has spent a lot of effort, they are not ten-blade level monsters after all, so they will not cause too much trouble. So now there is almost no defense in front of the First Army, and it can directly penetrate into the hinterland of the Yetis Empire.

The Yetis Empire was really in chaos. All the upper-level figures disappeared overnight, the emperor and ministers were all missing. The leadership was directly vacuumed, let alone preparing for war. Now the first problem that troubled them was Just...who do you listen to?

Emperor Arnold's body is gone. Of course, none of the other royal family members in the palace are alive. What's more important is that the crown prince is also dead. There are currently two heirs to the royal family. One is the second prince Jogar Seragaard. He served in the army, so he was not in the palace. Now he is a general in the northern army. The second one is the third prince Miller Seragad. Because he had done some things that made Emperor Arnold angry, he was directly kicked out of the imperial city and went to confinement in his own fiefdom. He somehow escaped. .

Except for these two princes, the other princes were either bombed to death in the palace before they came of age, or they died young, and the emperor's female relatives, princesses, queens, and dowagers were also bombed to death in the palace. In short, only the royal family is left. These two people are gone. But... who will be the emperor? The second prince Qiao Jiaer's succession order is obviously higher, but he is not the crown prince or the emperor's designated heir. Now that the emperor and the heir have suddenly died, it is not unreasonable for the third prince to inherit the throne.

The position of emperor is just around the corner, who wouldn't want to be that person? The second prince Qiao Jiaer was currently in the northern military camp of the Yetis Empire, which was far away from the imperial city. The third prince Miller was very politically sensitive. After hearing the news, he directly gathered all his troops and headed towards the imperial city. It's over.

At this time, in the northern military camp of the Yetis Empire, the second prince Qiao Jiaer did receive the news a little late. Of course, he immediately began to plan his way to the throne. The only princes currently alive are him and the third prince Miller. Of course he knows about Miller. This guy definitely wants to steal his throne, and he has probably started taking action now. If he goes there with a small number of people, he may be directly detained by the other party, so he must go back with his own army and become the emperor legitimately.

Without further ado, Qiao Jiaer immediately summoned all the generals in the legion and asked them to come to his main tent for a meeting immediately. First, he must get the support of these generals around him before he can get your support from the legion. Who can control the legion? Only in order to control the throne, on Miller's side, Qiao Jiaer was not very anxious.

"Soldier, come in." Qiao Jiaer shouted directly to the door.

Soon the door opened and a young man walked in. Qiao Jiaer was looking at the map on the wall with his back to the door. When he heard the sound of someone coming in, he said directly: "Call all the generals immediately and ask them to come here." Meeting.”

"You are Jogar Seragad, right?"

Hearing some strange answers from behind, Qiao Jiaer turned his head in confusion, only to see a young man he had never seen before. He was not one of his guards, and he was not wearing an army uniform. He did not look like someone in their army at all. people. Now the question is, who is this guy? How did you get in?

"Who are you?" Qiao Jiaer was shocked. As he spoke, he walked to the corner of the table next to him. Because he was in his room, his sword was hanging next to him, and he was trying to get his sword.

"Although I asked the question first, there is no problem in answering you first, Linton Melowe." Linton said calmly, "You are Qiao Jiaer, the second prince of the Yetis Empire, right."

"Linton... Sword Master?" Qiao Jiaer immediately gave up holding the sword. If this guy is really the Sword Master, it would make no difference whether he holds the sword or not. "You... do you mean you came here..."

"Why is it so difficult for you to answer a question? But it seems you are the one." Linton said, "It's easy to find you. I went to your third brother's house, but he took the soldiers to nowhere. Went. Congratulations, you guessed it right. That’s the reason why I came to you. After all, I boasted in front of your father that I would definitely kill your whole family if I said I would kill your whole family. Isn’t it nice to have a neat family? "

"You..." Qiao Jiaer was so panicked that he couldn't even say complete words. He was just preparing to become the emperor, but now he thought that he hadn't considered Linton's affairs. The other party had already rushed into the palace and killed his father. Now, it seems nothing strange to rush into the military camp and kill him, "I won't be the emperor anymore, please don't..."

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Linton said, clasping his hands together, "Let's see a big firecracker."

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