I really can't control myself

Chapter 877 House Arrest

Two days later, Linton made another big news. The northern military camp of the Yetis Empire suddenly exploded that night, and the entire military camp was razed to the ground again overnight. All senior officers, including the second prince Qiao Jiaer, were dead. The soldiers suffered heavy casualties and were almost completely wiped out.

After hearing the news, the third prince Miller, who had just arrived near the imperial city, was so frightened that he fell off his horse. He wanted to control the situation before his second brother could react. It would be best to ascend the throne directly. When the time comes, Let's see what the second brother will do. Now that he heard the news, he immediately realized that he seemed to have missed one issue.

Yes, how did his father die? Wasn't he killed by Linton? It was obvious that Linton had no intention of letting go of the remaining princes and was preparing to bring down the entire royal family. Miller was really fascinated by the throne before. Seeing the throne so close at hand, he didn't even think about this issue. Now it's not a question of who will be the emperor, okay? Who should die?

The frightened Miller fell off his horse and passed out immediately. After waking up, Miller found himself in a large room with a group of people surrounding him.

"Your Majesty is awake, Your Majesty is awake!" When Miller opened his eyes, someone immediately shouted. After he shouted, not only the people in the room gathered around him, but also a large number of people came in from outside the room, almost filling the whole room.

"What are you calling me? I am not Your Majesty!" Miller was so panicked that he immediately corrected him when he heard the other party's name.

"Your Majesty, you are already the sixteenth generation emperor of the Yetis Empire. The situation is urgent now and there is no time to complete the enthronement ceremony. Please ask your Majesty to preside over state affairs immediately." said a minister next to him.

"Nonsense, I'm not the emperor, don't hurt me!" Miller yelled directly.

"Your Majesty, you are the emperor. His Royal Highness the Third Prince was killed last night. Now you are the only heir."

"I'm not the emperor, let me go, eh..." Miller was so frightened that he wanted to get up, but the injury was still quite serious, and he couldn't get up for a while.

"Your Majesty, the important responsibilities of the royal family can only fall on you. Please put the country and your family first. We can only rely on you now." The minister next to him said quickly.

"Then...well, I am the emperor now. I now order to abdicate and pass my throne to my son Sean..." Miller was still smart and said immediately. Sean is indeed his eldest son, he is 3 years old this year, and he is naturally in the mansion of his family.

"Um...Your Majesty..." After hearing Miller's words, all the ministers showed complicated expressions, as if they were hesitant and didn't know what to say. At this time, a tall man with a beard next to him suddenly pushed away the civil servant in front of the bed. Miller had seen this man. Todram, the grand duke of the Yetis Empire, did not come to the imperial city because he was in his fief. Having escaped the disaster, he is now regarded as the highest-ranking living minister in the Yetis Empire.

"Your Majesty, the main city of your fiefdom has been wiped off the map. Not long after you left the fiefdom the day before yesterday, there was a big explosion in your fiefdom. All your family members disappeared. Please express your condolences and accept the change." Todram said directly. said.

"What?" Miller was stunned. It exploded the day before yesterday? Wasn't that earlier than his second brother, who was lucky enough to bring his troops to the main city and luckily escaped? Sure enough, Linton had no intention of letting any of them go. Naturally, he couldn't be the emperor if he held it.

"In short, I don't want to be the emperor. Whoever wants to be the emperor can be the emperor. Whoever wants to be the emperor, I will surrender to you immediately." Miller said immediately.

There was no answer in the whole room. Seeing this scene, Miller here suddenly understood: "Sure enough, you all want to harm me. You have long known that the guy named Linton is going to kill everyone now." We, the royal family, still want me to be the emperor?"

"Your Majesty, the empire is in chaos now, and we need someone..." A minister here wanted to say something else, but was pushed away by Todram next to him.

"Okay, now that His Majesty has figured it out, we are too lazy to hide it." Todram said, "The current situation is that the hundreds of thousands of troops from the Holy Empire of Yilan have already moved towards the main city, and they are overwhelming all the way. , there is no force that can stop them at all. The first legion of our empire was completely destroyed by the monsters summoned by XIE cultist Marcus in the last invasion plan. The second legion was also completely wiped out last night. Now the empire has There is no power that can stop the opponent. Besides, there is no such thing as that monster Linton Mellowe. The three saints enshrined in our country have been confirmed to have been killed by him alone. The other saints have already left. Otherwise he has disappeared now, probably because he was scared away, and no one can stop him now, and the Yetis Empire is over."

"So... you are already thinking about how to surrender. I am right, right?" Miller said, "You can surrender. After all, it is enough to keep your fiefdom. And I have never surrendered from the beginning. Options, right.”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Todram did not hide it anymore, "Judging from the other party's current attitude, he is not ready to let anyone from the Seragaard family go. Even if Your Majesty gives up his throne, think about Lin Will I let you go? So the only thing I can suggest to you is to die as the last emperor of the Yetis Empire. At least your name will be left in the history books."

Todram's words made Miller completely despair. Even if he was no longer the emperor, would Linton let him go? This guy even exploded in his hometown, and he had no intention of letting anyone go. At this moment, the royal bloodline he had always been proud of seemed to suddenly become his talisman. For the first time, Miller regretted that he was born into the royal family.

Seeing Miller's expression, Todram also knew that he had figured it out. Todelam waved his hand directly and said to the other ministers in the room: "Everyone, go out and leave His Majesty alone."

Soon everyone left and no one was left. The room suddenly became empty, with only two guards standing guard at the door. I guess I knew that these two guards were not protecting me, but worried that I would run away. Miller already fully understood the meaning of these so-called imperial vassals. They were no longer thinking about the country at this time, they were only thinking about their own fiefdoms, and he was the one who turned in the surrender when they were ready to surrender.

Yes, the ministers who come here are not ministers in the imperial capital. They are vassals from various parts of the Yetis Empire. Basically all the ministers in the imperial capital were blown up, and the vassals from all over the country, seeing the current situation, also understood that the Yetis Empire was gone, and their current purpose was just to protect their own fiefdoms.

The Holy Empire of Yilan is obviously preparing to take over the Yetis Empire. Otherwise, if it was just revenge, wouldn't the emperor have been killed by you now? Everyone knows that the war will not end with the death of Emperor Arnold. The ultimate goal of the Elan Holy Empire is their land and resources.

However, the Yetis Empire is so big that it is impossible for the Ilan Holy Empire to swallow it all in one go. The land still has to be enfeoffed, and it will not be difficult for their own lords to keep their fiefdoms as long as they swear allegiance to the new master. The Holy Empire of Yilan also needs to rely on their vassals from the original fiefdom to stabilize the situation, otherwise this bite will be too big to digest.

Because of seeing this, these ministers had already discussed it before Miller woke up. Miller's arrival was already a surprise to them. After all, they just lacked an opportunity to negotiate with the Holy Empire of Elan. This The new emperor Miller is just their opportunity.

In fact, what they thought was indeed correct. The Holy Empire of Yilan did not want to catch everyone in one fell swoop. As long as these feudal nobles declare their loyalty to the new emperor and then hand over hostages or other guarantees, they have no intention of touching them. These nobles are already deeply entrenched in their own fiefdoms. Getting rid of them inexplicably will only frighten other nobles in their fiefdoms, which is not conducive to the stability of the rule. Yalan has just ascended the throne and is not so stable. She will not do such reckless things.

As for whether they will restore the Yetis Empire or something like that, isn't that what Miller is for? Will the Holy Empire of Elan still be worried if this certificate of surrender is handed in? The last royal bloodline of the Yetis Empire was handed over to you. How could you have the face to restore it under the banner of the Yetis Empire in the future? So this opportunity really comes at a good time.

In short, after these ministers got Miller, they quickly found a way to contact the people in the Holy Empire of Yilan and quickly expressed their intention to surrender. At this time, Linton also returned to the main city of the empire.

Yes, Linton was indeed planning to kill the other emperor's family, but the third prince Miller actually ran away before he arrived at his house. Then Linton didn't know where the other party had gone. He never expected that this guy would actually Still have the courage to go to the main city and prepare to become the emperor himself.

"I don't know where the three princes have gone. They are probably hiding." Linton explained the situation of the past few days to Yalan. After all, he went to the Yetis Empire alone, and Yalan also I have been worried for a long time, but after all, she is my wife, so I still believe in Linton's judgment.

"Pfft." After hearing Linton's words, Princess Yalan here couldn't hold back her laughter.

"What's wrong?" Linton asked strangely.

"I just received news that the third prince ran to the main city to ascend the throne. Unfortunately, he has been arrested by his vassals. Those vassals also contacted me directly and prepared to hand him over to us." Princess Yalan said.

"Uh..." Linton was stunned, "I... really shouldn't overestimate the IQ of this family."

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