"Oh, I'm a little careful." Linton looked at the holy mage behind him in surprise. There are two reasons for the surprise. One is that the current time is not even ten seconds, but the mage's skills are obviously ready, which means that the other party does not need ten seconds of chanting time at all; the second is that the other party at this time He obviously didn't take into account the middle-aged sword master in front of him when he released the magic. It was obvious that the old man was planning to fight his own people as well.

Seeing the same shocked expression on the middle-aged sword master, Linton also understood that Jiang was still too old. This old magic saint had even plotted against his own people. It was obvious that this was his plan from the beginning.

At this time, with the appearance of the giant magic circle, Linton also felt changes in his surroundings, the most obvious one being the temperature. Yes, the temperature in the hall began to drop rapidly. This Dharma Saint seemed to be an ice mage, and he was releasing the forbidden spell of the ice system.

At the same time, the outside of the palace suddenly became shrouded in dark clouds, and the power of the forbidden curse was enough to move the heaven and earth and trigger climate changes. Looking from a distance, the outer layer of the entire palace seems to be covered with a faint giant magic circle. This is because the surrounding elemental factors are also attracted by the magic power of the forbidden spell, automatically gather together, and the arrangement is also forbidden. The magical influence of the curse formed a shape similar to a magic circle.

At this time, Pope Saint Reno had already rushed out of the palace under the protection of the church knights, and was still retreating outside, because the saints there were about to release the forbidden curse, and the power of the forbidden curse affected the entire city. There are no problems, so the entire city is unsafe and must be evacuated immediately. Of course, he also noticed the change in the sky at this time. He raised his head and saw the huge magic circle in the sky.

"Heaven and earth freeze. Ice seal..." Saint Reno directly said the name of this forbidden spell. Although he already knew that the other party was going to use the forbidden spell, he still panicked when he saw it. Once this forbidden curse is released, the entire palace will become a frozen tomb, and even the releaser himself will be frozen.

Yes, the reason why forbidden curses become forbidden curses is not just those that are powerful must be banned. Generally speaking, the range of forbidden spells is astonishingly large, so even the caster himself may be affected, but generally they also have ways to protect themselves. Saint Reno estimates that even if the Dharma Saint himself is frozen, he should be able to protect himself. Can survive, but the problem is other people... A conservative estimate is that at least there will be no other living people in this palace, and there is no way to calculate other places in the city.

The Dharma Saint obviously had no intention of protecting the royal family when he released this skill. If this attack continued, not to mention the death of Emperor Arnold, the entire palace, both the royal family and the ministers, would definitely be wiped out. However, Saint Reno can also understand the choice of the Dharma Saint, because now is not the time to consider other people at all. His own saint-level life is at risk, and he has to consider the lives of other ants?

"His Majesty the Pope, I'm offended!" Just as he was thinking, a knight next to him grabbed Saint Reno's hand, suddenly accelerated his fighting spirit, and pulled Saint Reno out of the palace quickly. The forbidden spell has been activated, and now they can only run for their lives. This will not stop you from freezing to death just because you are the Pope. If you don't run now, none of them will be able to escape.

At this moment, a ray of blue light in the sky penetrated the black clouds and rushed directly into the palace. It happened to fall on the magic circle summoned by the Dharma Saint of the main hall. At this time, the forbidden spell was activated, and with the blue beam falling from the sky, everything around began to cool down rapidly. Ice began to spread from around the blue beam towards the surroundings, and everything was covered by the spreading ice. Covered instantly and frozen into ice sculptures.

In the center of this blue light are Linton and the three of them. The first is the nearest middle-aged sword master. When he sees that something is wrong, he definitely wants to run away. At this time, he also understands that the mage behind him has plotted against him, but now he has It's no time to be angry, your life is at stake. However, at this time, he couldn't use any strength at all. He was hit by a sword in the chest and his right hand was cut off. As soon as his fighting spirit moved, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

The next second, the blue light directly swept over his body, and gradually his body was directly wrapped by a wave of ice. Ian's sword master directly let out a scream, and he could only watch his body being gradually The ground was frozen, and finally the whole person was sealed in the ice, and his expression was stuck at that moment of fear and despair.

Then of course came Linton and the old French Saint opposite. At this time, Emperor Arnold, who was paralyzed with fear, got up and started to escape, stimulated by the desire to survive. However, it was obviously impossible to escape. It was already too late.

"You...why don't you try to escape?" The old mage here suddenly spoke. Yes, he was a little surprised at Linton's reaction, although he felt that it was impossible for Linton to escape from the range of his spell. You will die, but you have to try it if you try. Linton clearly had time to escape, but he actually stood there like that, with no expression on his face at all.

The reason why he can stand here is because of the robe he wears. Yes, the robe he is wearing can protect his body from being sealed by ice. Although it will be sealed in ice, his body will not freeze. After he meditates to restore his magic power, he can naturally go out, but What's going on here in Linton? He was a little worried. Did Linton have any special props that were not afraid of his forbidden spell?

"Huh?" Linton looked at the Dharma Saint in front of him in bewilderment, "Escape? You... are telling a joke."

"What did you say?" The old man, the Law Saint, looked at Linton strangely.

"I've never seen Forbidden Curse La, and I'm a little curious, but...that's it?" Linton pointed to the blue light beam in front of him, "You guys are so awesome, is this the only thing?"


"Okay, okay, I really shouldn't have too high expectations for you. After all, you're just a holy-level, combat unit. It's really my mistake to expect you to be able to show off." Linton spread his hands and said, "What's the forbidden curse? I don’t know how, so I’ll just set off a big firecracker for you.”

At this time, the ice had expanded to Linton's feet, and was about to engulf the two of them. At this time, Linton's eyes flashed purple, and he clasped his hands together: "Super. Shinra Tianzheng."

With a loud "boom", the entire palace suddenly lit up with a white light, and then the ball of light spread rapidly in all directions, and everything it came into contact with disappeared from the world in an instant.

At this time, the Papal Guards outside were pulling San Reno and rushing out of the city. Suddenly, a white light flashed from behind. Before they could react, a huge repulsive force came from behind, and everything around them seemed to They were all thrown away, and of course they were too. A group of more than a dozen people were all thrown away. The knight next to him tried his best to protect San Rino in the middle. While hugging him, he started to use all his fighting spirit to protect his body. Suddenly, a huge The force of the impact came, and they didn't know what was hitting them. Saint Reno here also lost consciousness in an instant.

I don’t know how long it took before Sanreno was woken up. Of course, it was his knight who woke him up. When he woke up, San Rino felt severe pain all over his body, but when he looked at the knight who woke him up, he was more seriously injured and his whole body was covered in blood.

"Where are the others?" Sheng Rino looked around. He had more than a dozen men, but now only one person was left beside him.

"I don't know." The knight replied. He was lucky to be able to find the Pope. The other dozen people had already flown to who knows where, and it was hard to say whether they were alive or not.

"Just now..." Saint Reno was indeed very strange. He knew that the forbidden spell used by the other party's Dharma Saint could only freeze an area at most and would not cause such a huge explosion. So what exactly was going on with this explosion? Before he could ask, the scene in front of him suddenly shocked him.

He is now lying on the ruins of a building, which is considered a high point. Looking ahead from this position, there is a flat plain ahead. Everything seems to have been suddenly flattened, especially the middle area, which is completely circular. The pit, and what made him panic was that a little further away, he saw the remains of the city wall, half collapsed, so... this is the scene inside the city?

Saint Rino was stunned for a moment, pointed forward and asked the knight next to him: "That... is the location of the palace?"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope." The knight was silent for a few seconds, then nodded.

"..." Sheng Rino was speechless for a moment. The palace of the Yetis Empire was magnificent. The inner city of the palace alone was larger than that of an ordinary city. Now suddenly, the entire palace was like this. Surface wiped? And it was the kind of complete erasure, leaving no trace at all, as if there was no palace here. Such a handwriting made even him, the spokesperson of God, feel panicked.

"Did...Linton do this?" Although Saint Reno seemed to be asking himself, the answer was definitely yes. He knew the forbidden spell released by the mage opposite, and it would not have such an effect. Since they had already released the forbidden spell, it was impossible for the mage to throw a second one, so only one person could still throw this skill. , then of course it would be Linton.

Although San Reno had already understood Linton's intensity before, he was still shocked when it was actually displayed in front of him. Directly wiping out a palace, including the entire city within his sight, would probably be destroyed. This couldn't stop him from panicking.

"Is the power of the Sealed Book..." Saint Reno calmed down a little. In his opinion, the source of Linton's power is still the Sealed Book, and as expected, the power this guy controls is much stronger than the holders of their church. If there are more, there must be something to hide. Looking at the big pit in front of him, San Rino was thoughtful.

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