"How did you do it?" Wanda looked at Linton in surprise.

"Ji Cao, don't be 6." Linton said, "You are also a magician. If you take it seriously, there should be no problem."

"Really?" Wanda said that she really couldn't do it. "Can you teach me?"

"My teaching method may not be suitable for you, but after doing this, I am going to visit another magician I know to give her a final say. If you want to learn magic-related things, I will see if I can Let her teach you," Linton said.

"Uh... is the meaning of farewell the way I understand it?" Wanda thought for a while and said.

"Probably so." Linton nodded.

"Let me tell you, you two..." At this time, the captain's voice suddenly came from the earphones, "If you have time to chat, could you consider coming here to help us? The situation here is very bad."

"Oh, I'm here." Wanda said quickly.

With a "swish" sound, as soon as Wanda finished speaking, a white figure passed by and appeared directly in front of Wanda. Naturally, it was Quicksilver Pietro: "Although I don't want to disturb you, my sister can pay me back. ?"

"What does that mean?" Wanda was a little confused, but Pietro here also pulled Wanda over, and disappeared again with a "swish".

"Fast movement is also very useful." Linton said, "But they can already teleport..."

After saying that, Linton looked around and happened to see Tony landing directly. It seemed that he came here specifically to find him. When he saw Linton, he also asked directly: "Is there any good way to solve this flying city?"

"It's not difficult to deal with this city. I've blown up more than one or two islands. It's no problem to take away a small town like this." Linton said, "But what's more troublesome now is that there are still people on it. Yours Do you mean it all exploded?"

"Can't you push it back to the ground?" Tony asked.

"What do you think?" Linton said.

Tony nodded, and then said directly in the communication: "Captain, we are in trouble. The city's anti-gravity system has a reverse thrust device. After it rises to a certain height, it will accelerate and hit the ground, which will cause a radius of several hundred kilometers. Everything inside will be destroyed, and what's even worse is that it will set off a huge wall of dust. To briefly explain, you should know how the dinosaurs became extinct."

"Then what solution do we have?" the captain asked.

"There's only one bad way to do it, blow up the whole city," Tony said, "after everyone retreats."

"I'm asking about solutions, not escape plans. There are hundreds of people here. Do you think we can send them all down?" the captain said.

"As the height of the city rises, the radius of destruction will continue to grow, and we must make a choice." Tony said.

"We must save everyone," the captain said.

"Is it everyone above or everyone below." Natasha also said on the call channel.

"As long as there are people up there, we will not leave," the captain said.

"I never said we were leaving," Natasha said. "It's worth dying like this."

"I said you are not so exaggerated." Linton held up his forehead, "I can't push back this city, but it is still very simple to send the people up there. Don't you forget that I can teleport?"

Tony looked at Linton next to him: "That's a good idea. Captain, where is he?"

"The rescued people are all near the broken bridge in the south." The captain replied.

Tony directly pulled up Linton next to him, and the two quickly took off and flew near the bridge. As expected, a large number of survivors gathered here, and of course there were many people who had not yet escaped here. This was originally the exit from the city, but now of course there is no way to leave. People can only concentrate here, and of course the captain is also here, because there are also many robots around.

Tony put Linton down directly, and of course the panicked people around him also focused their attention on Linton. Linton directly drew a circle, and a portal with yellow light appeared next to it: "Everyone lined up and walked inside."

Although I don’t know what’s going on, this group of people now has no way to go to the sky or to the earth. When they heard Linton’s voice, they hurriedly ran to the door. Although this thing looked weird, I didn’t know if it was a way out. , but it’s better than staying here and waiting to die.

"Hurry up." Linton urged, and then said directly to the communicator, "Protect my side and don't let anyone hinder me from casting spells."

"We're doing it!" The captain was indeed fighting with the robots surrounding him. Of course Linton wasn't joking when he said this. He hasn't triggered the automatic battle so far. If it were triggered, the battle girl would never stand here quietly and open the portal. Then he would have to fight against Austria. Created. And Ultron is not an individual. His program can enter all the robots it controls, so Linton can only destroy all the robots, which will be troublesome.

Of course, the captain and the others did not know that the matter was so troublesome, but Linton was indeed rescuing people at this time. They thought it meant that the portal could not be interrupted, but they were really trying hard to prevent the enemy from approaching.

At this time, Linton also saw the red magic released by Wanda in the distance, and struck the Hulk who was jumping around further away. The battle was now a bit intense, and there were more and more robots around, although some people were sent out. , but there are still many people left.

"Although I don't want to rush it, can it be a little faster?" The captain looked at the situation and said, "These robots are gathering here, and they can't stand it if they continue like this."

"Let me think about it..." Just as Linton finished speaking, he saw a figure in the sky rushing towards him and said directly: "Tony, at my one o'clock direction, Ultron is coming, stop him."

"Copy that." Tony turned a corner in the air and saw Ultron rushing towards Linton. It seemed that Ultron also saw their retreat plan, and of course he chose to attack Linton directly. However, just as he was about to rush over, a red light flashed next to him, knocking Ultron away.

Indeed, more and more robots were gathering around him. Linton also waved his hand, and a car behind him flew up and hit the area in front where there were many robots, instantly smashing through a group of robots. The captain and the others were unable to cope with the current situation, so Linton could only open the door while covering himself, at least for the time being, so as not to be attacked.

Of course, he also thought about what to do. When he was about to try whether he could open multiple doors at the same time or open the door wider, another person's voice suddenly came from the earphones.

"It looks like you need help?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge space aircraft carrier suddenly floated next to the city, and the person who just spoke was obviously Nick Fury, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I found some old friends and dug it out. Although there was a lot of dust, it was still usable." Nick Fury continued.

"Nick Fury, you son of the beach..." the captain couldn't help but say.

"So you have learned to swear now?" Nick Fury said, "The rescue ship is ready to launch."

The hatch of the aerospace aircraft carrier opened, and several rescue ships quickly appeared and began rescue operations. This efficiency is much higher than going through the portals one by one. Linton also breathed a sigh of relief. Although Thor did not show up due to his own relationship, Nick Fury was still present. The rescue work here was naturally left to Nick Fury.

Not only the rescue, but also War Machine and Falcon came to the battlefield. They also set off from the aerospace aircraft carrier and began to cover the captain and the others, fighting with the surrounding robots. In an instant, the pressure on the battlefield was much lessened. With the combined efforts of everyone, the surrounding robots were blocked from the outside, and the evacuation troops inside could start working.

"Everyone, I have bad news to inform you." Tony said in the call channel at this time, "We now need to defend in the direction of the church. There is a main console over there. As long as Ultron operates that, the city will start Falling down.”

"He must be stopped before everyone evacuates." The captain also said.

"There are so many troublesome things," Linton said. "I'll leave the retreat to you. I'll start clearing the area."

"How to clear the place?" The captain turned around and asked, surrounded by densely packed robots.

"Let you see my new moves." After Linton said that, he jumped directly into the middle and clasped his hands together, "Six gods combined..."

The next second, all the surrounding robots seemed to be sucked by something and began to gather towards the center. Soon the number of robots gathered more and more, and then they were all twisted together by a force, and then a mechanical giant formed by the gathering of robots appeared in front of everyone.

"Well, although the name of this move is not very good, it is indeed quite powerful." The captain said.

"Hey, such a cool name..."

"Let's not discuss names for now, okay? I need help here." Tony interrupted directly.

Linton glanced to the right and found Tony fighting with the robot in the air. Next to him were Vision and Ultron. The location is near the church. It seems that Ultron is preparing to make the city start to fall. Although the current situation is not bad, as long as Ultron touches the center console, it will trigger the fall.

"Here we come." Linton operated the giant robot, grabbed his own body, and then rushed directly towards the church. Within a few steps, Linton had already arrived in front of the church and looked at Ultron in the air. , control the robot to jump directly. The giant robot suddenly disintegrated in the air, and then quickly formed into a huge mechanical arm, directly grabbing Ultron and squeezing him in his hand.

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