I really can't control myself

Chapter 634: Floating

At the Avengers headquarters, a group of people have boarded the plane and are preparing to head to their destination. Not long ago, Hawkeye had obtained the secretly transmitted information from Natasha and located the location where Natasha is now being held, which is of course Ultron's base, Sokovia. Although they still don't know what Ultron is planning to do, it is definitely not a good thing. Now they must solve this trouble.

The captain has begun to assign tasks, and the members are divided into several teams. First, he took Wanda and Pietro to evacuate people in the city, while Tony and Vision went to find Ultron, because Vision said that he could solve Ultron's system on the Internet by invading it and block him in a place. Banner and Hawkeye went to rescue the hostage, namely Natasha.

As for Linton, the captain originally assigned him a task to act with Tony, but Linton rejected it directly.

"I can't act now." Linton said directly.

"What?" Tony looked confused, "What are you making a fuss about?"

"I'm really not making trouble. If I take action now, the whole world may be more dangerous." Linton said.

Yes, Linton is really not joking. You must know that Ultron is still connected to the Internet. He can enter any system through the Internet. Then the question now comes. If Ultron attacks Linton, triggering If you fight automatically and this guy goes to the Internet again, what will happen?

Linton doesn't know either. There are two answers. One is that Battle Ji can't find anyone, causing him to be unable to control his body. It will last for ten days. Because he just came here, he will have to stay for at least ten days. Linton is Definitely unacceptable. Second, Linton directly destroyed everything related to the Internet. Simply put, it would regress the entire world from the Internet information age to the industrial age or earlier. That is indeed more dangerous.

"If Vision doesn't control Ultron, I really can't do anything." Linton said, "I will be responsible for flying the plane for the time being."

"Seriously?" Tony asked.

"Seriously." Linton nodded, "I'll wait until Sokovia flies into the sky before entering the battlefield."

"What?" Tony was stunned for a moment, "What does flying into the sky mean?"

"I don't like to talk in circles, I just mean it literally." Linton said, "You will see it in a moment."

Although they were a little confused, everyone felt that Linton probably had some considerations of his own when he said this. If he didn't want to help, he wouldn't have followed them here, right? There is no time to think so much now. After all, we don’t know when Ultron is going to take action. Now we must evacuate the people in the city quickly. There are too many people here. Once a war breaks out, the consequences will be disastrous.

So the captain waved his hand and everyone set off directly. Linton stayed in the Harrier, while the others split up and started taking action. Of course Linton can't fly a plane, but fortunately this plane is relatively smart. As a mature plane, it can already fly itself and does not require any operation from Linton.

Soon, Linton saw that people in the city below began to take action. People quickly came out of their homes and began to evacuate out of the city. The cars leaving the city quickly formed a line.

Ultron must have noticed such a big movement. Of course, Linton also knew Ultron's plan. The main reason why the other party did not show up at this time was that his own device had not been completely completed, and both sides were stalling for time.

Linton also brought a communicator and was paying attention to the movements of several other people. The location of the team members was also displayed in the cockpit of the plane. Linton saw that Tony here should have discovered the location of Ultron, or that Ultron specially led Tony there. After all, Ultron can be said to be created by Tony. Yes, for his creator, Ultron needs special treatment.

After waiting for a while, chaos suddenly began below. Linton looked down, and sure enough, many robots appeared around and began to attack the fleeing people. At the same time, the captain and others also began to fight with them, mainly to cover the escape of the people.

Linton still didn't take any action until Tony's contact came out of the headset: "Vision succeeded and has sealed Ultron in this place."

"Copy that." Linton nodded, "Everyone stand still."

No one understood what it meant, but the next second, suddenly the ground began to shake crazily, and soon huge cracks appeared on the ground. A strong blue light appeared underground in Sokovia City, and then with shaking, the entire city It separated from the ground and seemed to begin to float.

"OK, I understand what you mean now." Tony, who was flying in the air, couldn't help but said as he looked at the slowly rising city.

"Oh my God." At this time, Banner had just rescued Natasha. The two of them couldn't help but exclaimed as they looked at the city rising in front of them. Others were in the city now, and they also felt the whole city. is rising.

"Need a ride?" The Harrier fighter plane parked directly next to Natasha and Banner. Without saying a word, the two boarded the plane and flew towards the city flying in the sky.

"What does he want to do?" Natasha asked directly.

"These devices can create a magnetic field that brings rocks together. If the city is raised to a high altitude and then dropped, it will cause huge disasters." Tony replied in the headset, "If the height is high enough, it may even be destroyed. The whole earth.”

"Then what should we do?" Hawkeye asked.

"Anyway...save people first." The captain replied, "Tony, think of a way."

"I am thinking."

"It's almost time for us to take action." Natasha said to Linton next to her.

"You fly the plane." Linton stood up, then directly grabbed Banner next to him and walked to the cabin door.

"No, no, no..." Banner here seemed to suddenly understand what Linton wanted to do, "I think it's better for me to stay rational now..."

"Open the hatch." Linton said directly to Natasha.

"Um...Natasha...you won't..." Before Banner could finish his words, Natasha directly pressed the button to open the hatch. Banner expressed despair.

"Let's go." Linton grabbed Banner and jumped directly. Along with Banner's screams, the two fell quickly, and Natasha did not stop and drove directly to the side to prepare for help.

Just below, Wanda is fighting a large number of robots made by Ultron. Although she has killed several robots, there are too many robots here. After killing one, there will be two. This situation will never be finished. Now the civilians around have run away, but she herself But he was surrounded by a lot of robots, and he was a little overwhelmed.

Wanda's potential is actually very powerful, and she belongs to that kind of top-level mutant. However, at present, she is just a little girl. She has not grown up yet, and has not even experienced a real battlefield. To be honest, the current situation is already a little bit... It scared her, and with no teammates around, she was panicking to death.

Just when she was slowly being surrounded by robots and almost falling into despair, she suddenly heard a loud "boom" and the ground shook. Wanda clearly felt something falling in front of her, making a huge hole.

The two surrounding robots were also stunned for a moment. One of them went to check with a hand cannon. However, as soon as he got closer, a huge green arm appeared directly from the hole, pinched the robot, and then pulled it violently. Broken into debris.

Then a beast-like roar sounded, and Hulk Banner jumped out of the pit, holding a person in his hand. However, the Hulk casually threw the person in his hand, directly smashing the two robots next to him, and then jumped violently, crashing through the building next to him and flying away.

"..." Wanda looked at this inexplicable situation with a confused expression. Before she could realize what was going on, the person who had been thrown out by the Hulk suddenly sat up.

"This Battle Girl won't beat him up?" Linton touched his head. It seems that the automatic battle judged that the Hulk helped him? Just a bit rough in action? It was indeed the Hulk who brought him out of the hole he made. He was lucky enough not to trigger automatic combat.

Standing up and looking to the side, Linton also saw robots surrounded by a circle, and Wanda who seemed to be about to cry.

"Little beauty, do you need help?" Linton asked.

The original nervousness and panic was immediately eliminated by the sudden appearance of Linton. After regaining her composure, Wanda said: "YES."

"What's your father's name?" Linton asked.

"Why do you ask this?" Wanda looked confused.

"It will be easier to come to propose marriage in the future." Linton said, "I saved her daughter."

"..." Such out-of-the-box thinking made Wanda a little unable to handle it. "Can you stop talking about these useless things? We are surrounded now."

There were indeed a bunch of robot soldiers around. Although they were a little confused by Linton's appearance, they had already raised their guns and pointed them at the two. It seems that the current situation is really dangerous, but Wanda is really nervous because of Linton.

"Don't panic, we are magicians, from this kind of mechanical civilization..."

"Can you get these done first?" Wanda said directly.

"No problem." Linton suddenly spread his hands, and all the robots around him suddenly stopped. The next second, all the robots began to float towards Linton's head, gathered into a ball, and then began to move continuously. Compression, compression, and finally all the robots were directly gathered into a ball and fell into Linton's hands.

"Look, it's so easy." Linton said while holding the ball.

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