The huge mechanical arm directly grabbed Ultron in the air. Although he obviously wanted to avoid it, Linton was right next to him. How could he avoid it? He was frozen in place and then grabbed.

"Nephew, catch it." Linton, who was falling in the air, shouted directly to Tony next to him. Tony also flew over immediately, grabbed Linton, and then raised his right hand to aim at the huge mechanical arm in front, " Hold on tight."

A missile was fired directly from his arm and hit the front mechanical arm. At the same time, a golden laser shot from the side. It was Vision's cover attack and also hit the mechanical arm. The two attacks triggered a huge explosion in the robotic arm. Yes, this robotic arm was originally built from a large number of robots. Relying on the fuel in these robots, a series of explosions sounded, and the entire robotic arm exploded instantly, creating air. A huge explosion of sparks exploded.

At this time, Tony also brought Linton to the ground, which is on the church side, next to the center console. It seems that there are no robots around now, because when Linton rushed over, he also threw all the surroundings. All the controlled robots were sucked into the giant robot. Didn't I say that the area was cleared? It was indeed cleared very cleanly.

"Phew." Tony also opened his mask and breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's it?" Linton said.

"No, it hasn't been solved yet." Tony said, "I don't know how many robots Ultron has created. Although his programs on the Internet have been eliminated, these robots are all clones of Ultron. As long as one is left, , Ultron will not be completely eliminated. There should be his manufacturing factory on this island, and I don’t know how many clones were produced.”

"So we still have to blow up the city." Linton said.

"Even if the city continues to rise, it will not reach the atmosphere. The entire city will disintegrate before then." Tony thought for a while and said, "If it disintegrates, the situation will not be much better. We must put it before it disintegrates." It blows up, and everyone has to be evacuated before that happens, Captain, do you hear that?"

"We are working hard." The captain replied immediately, "Half of the people have boarded the ship now. It will take a few minutes. You should be careful about the center console and don't let Ultron find a chance to touch it."

"The area is safe for now." Tony looked at the radar of the aircraft and said, "Wait, there is something."

"Stark, can you get it?" Natasha's voice suddenly came over the call, "A robot snatched the Harrier fighter and drove towards the church."

"I saw it." Tony looked up and saw a Harrier fighter plane appearing in the sky, flying towards them.

"If the center console blows up, the magnetic field will be released, and this city island will also disintegrate. We can't let it come over." Tony said, although if it disintegrates in the air, at least it will not cause that much damage to the earth, unlike a direct impact. It will lead to the extinction of mankind, but the people on the island have not retreated yet, and of course they cannot let it disintegrate. So we can't let this fighter plane get closer.

"Help me," Linton said.

"So I said I'd make you a suit of armor." Tony said as he pulled Linton up and rushed toward the Harrier fighter jet in the sky. As soon as he got closer, Tony's armor immediately indicated that it had been locked. Soon, the Harrier fighter on the opposite side directly fired a missile, this time aimed at Tony.

The speed of the missile was quite fast, but Tony's reaction was also very fast. He raised his hand and aimed directly at the flying missile and fired a palm shot. However, the next second, the missile exploded. Although it was not a direct hit, a powerful impact still affected it. Toni's balance. It would have been fine if Tony was alone, but now he was taking Linton with him, and the sway just happened to knock Linton down.

Tony originally turned around to pick him up, but Linton directly summoned Susanoo in the air, grabbed his falling body, then pulled him back, and suddenly pushed himself in the direction of the Harrier fighter. Throwed over.

Covering his head with his hands, Linton prepared to crash directly into the Harrier fighter plane and deal with Ultron's clone. However, what he didn't expect was that there were people who could do it faster than him.

Just when Linton was approaching the Harrier fighter, suddenly a figure flew out from under the fighter plane, and crashed into the aircraft from below with a "dong" sound. The Harrier fighter lost the air and flipped in the air. lock up. As a result, this turn caused Linton to miss it and brushed the fuselage from the side, but he did not get in.

Looking back, I saw that the Harrier fighter turned over in the air, but still stabilized. Then a robot that was torn in half flew out of the cabin and fell downwards. The Harrier fighter here turned in one direction and flew towards the left side of the church.

While watching, Linton was suddenly pulled by someone. He looked and found that Tony came over and grabbed him, saying, "That was Banner just now?"

"Yes." Linton nodded. He could see clearly that it was indeed the Hulk who rushed directly into the Harrier fighter jet and eliminated Ultron's clone, moving faster than himself. Looking at this situation, the Hulk is not planning to come back? In the original work, he did indeed leave like this, and then went to the Sakaar planet. I don’t know how he got there. After all, the Harrier fighter cannot be used as a spaceship.

At this time, Tony didn't expect that the Hulk would just leave and never come back. Linton didn't bother to care. He thought of another thing: "By the way, Ultron's attack is so obvious. Is he prepared?" To draw our attention away?”

Tony was shocked and suddenly came to his senses. Yes, there was something wrong with the Harrier fighter jet flying over so obviously. It obviously had a stealth mode, although he could detect it, but... Anyway, he felt that what Linton said might be true.

He immediately looked towards the church, and sure enough, the next second he saw a yellow flash, which was Vision's attack. It was obvious that he was fighting something, and of course it was Ultron's robot. So it seems that the other party's purpose is to transfer them in batches as Linton said.

"Captain!" Tony said into the communicator while speeding towards the church, "How long will it take?"

"Everyone's on board except us," the captain said.

"Get on the boat right away, hurry up!" Tony had a bad premonition and shouted immediately.

The captain didn't ask any questions and quickly called everyone on board. Soon Natasha and the injured Hawkeye also boarded the ship. The captain looked at the people and said directly to Tony: "Wanda is missing. ”

"I'm stuck." Wanda's voice came from the earphones.

"Over there." Linton, who was high in the sky at this time, had already seen the light of Wanda's crimson magic not far below. He pointed downward and said, "Throw me over."

Tony didn't have time to think about it. He had to rush back to the church, so he threw Linton directly in that direction and continued to accelerate towards the church.

Linton also quickly saw the situation below clearly. As expected, Wanda was entangled by several robots and seemed to be injured. She must have been shot in the abdomen. Linton also used the magic circle to hit the ground point by point in the air, accelerated suddenly, and when he landed, he crushed one of the robots that was besieging Wanda with one kick.

Several other robots nearby noticed Linton and were about to raise their guns to attack. However, before they could take action, they shrank in size and were squeezed into a small iron ball.

"You owe me twice, little beauty." Linton said.

But this time Wanda seemed to have no energy to argue with Linton, so she just sat down holding her stomach. Seeing this situation, Linton quickly supported Wanda and said, "Is everything okay?"

Wanda seemed to be speechless in pain. Linton pushed her hand away and looked at the injury. It was indeed a bit serious. He didn't have any healing skills at all, so he would use ninjutsu healing techniques to stop the bleeding first.

With a flash of light on his hand, Linton pressed Wanda's lower abdomen. Wanda grabbed Linton directly because of the pain. Fortunately, the system did not regard this as an attack. Although the effect of the healing technique is not very good, there is still no problem with emergency treatment.

"This place is about to fall. Let's go to the boat first." Linton said.

Wanda didn't speak and simply nodded. Just as she was about to stand up against Linton, the ground suddenly sank. The rising city obviously stopped rising. Before they could react, the entire island suddenly began to fall. , the speed is getting faster and faster.

Because of the weightlessness, Linton and Wanda floated directly up.

"Linton!" Tony's voice came from the earphones at this time, "I couldn't stop that guy."

"I knew it earlier, come here quickly." Linton shouted.

Within a few seconds, Tony's figure appeared in front of Linton. Linton threw Wanda in his hand into the air: "Catch her and try to avoid the city. I'm going to blow up the city."

Tony made a spin in the air, rose directly towards Wanda's direction, and asked as he flew: "Is it okay?"

"What do you think?"

"I'm asking you, does it matter?" Tony asked. After all, Linton is the only one still in the city, and he is the most dangerous one.

"You care about me now?" Linton said, "It's okay. It's not easy to get rid of my uncle."

"Understood." Tony also caught Wanda at this time, accelerated to a high altitude, and rushed towards the sky.

"Huh." Linton exhaled, and then suddenly the god robe appeared all over his body, the Six Paths mode began, the Nine Magatama Sharingan began to rotate, his feet directly pulled the ground with chakra, and his hands were clasped together.

"Super. Shinra Tenzheng!"

With a dazzling white light, the entire city disintegrated in mid-air.

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