I really can't control myself

Chapter 2538 Messenger

The same situation also occurred in the shogunate military camp near Nashi Beach. The shogunate army here is the force responsible for encircling and suppressing the rebels. They have previously narrowed down the possible location of the rebel camp based on various clues. Currently, they have found the area around Nashii Beach, and further ahead is where the rebels are. There was no thought of Blade Hazama.

But just when they were doing their best to investigate and search for the rebels, as soon as they got up this morning, a huge noise suddenly swept through the entire camp. The noisy people couldn't bear it at all, and it also disrupted all their previous plans.

"Haven't you found it yet?" The person in charge of the shogunate army was Kujo Sora, the adopted daughter of the Kujo family and the general of the shogunate army. When she heard the sound, her first reaction was to send someone to look nearby to see who was causing trouble.

"General, we have already searched the area and there is no one else at all." The soldier here replied. They obviously tried hard to find it. After all, they couldn't handle the situation, but they really couldn't find it.

"General, could this be some special witchcraft or something?" A general from a nearby military camp said to Kujo Sora, "Look at the sound, it's extraordinary. Not only is it loud, but even if it's muffled, Even if you close your ears, you can't reduce the sound. I think this is not necessarily the sound made by someone, but a kind of witchcraft."

"Witchcraft?" Kujo Sora nodded, and she began to have some doubts.

"You listen to the voices of people talking in this music. Although it sounds a little unclear, they mention the rebels and overthrow of the shogunate. They also mention Muxiang Basama. The leaders of the rebels are now Basically, it has been confirmed that they are those people from Haiji Island. Among them, the witch in the Coral Palace may know these witchcraft that we don't know about, and this matter is very likely to have something to do with her." General Pian continued his analysis. .

"Damn it! Is it really the fault of these guys?" Kujo Sora here also began to have doubts. The words of the general were indeed similar to her guess.

"General, a decision must be made as soon as possible on this matter. Currently, some soldiers in the military camp are suffering from nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc., which are all caused by these noises. If this continues, the soldiers will not be able to hold on. Yes." The general said quickly.

"I know." Kujo Sora nodded. Not to mention a soldier, even a user of the God's Eye like her couldn't withstand the attack of this noise. It was simply a double torture of both the mind and the body. This was not an attack anymore, but It's an execution.

"Report!" A soldier entered the camp and said, "The soldiers patrolling to the west discovered the situation."

"What happened? Have you found the source of the sound?" Kujo Sora here asked immediately.

"The team over there discovered that there is a huge figure on the top of the mountain west of Muxiang Blade Hazama. It looks like the image of the supreme leader of Kaiji Island, Coral Palace Shinkai." The soldier reported.

"A huge... image?" Kujo Sora said somewhat strangely.

"It's probably another type of witchcraft, an illusion or something like that." The general here said, "In other words... the resistance camp is probably to the west of Wuxiang Blade Chasma?"

"How could it be such a coincidence? The voice here mentioned Wuxiangzazama, and now a huge figure was found there. It looks like it is telling us that the resistance camp is there. It seems very I want to lead us there." Kujo Sora said.

"The general suspects that this is a ploy to lure the enemy?" the general asked.

"First use such noise to make us anxious, and then give us clues. This is to guide us." Kujo Sora here said, "If we lead the troops directly, we will probably be ambushed by the enemy. In short, let's let go first Reconnaissance troops went to check the situation.”

"Yes, General." The general nodded, feeling that what Kujo Sora said was correct. This should be the enemy's strategy. After all, Coral Palace Xinhai was called a wise general, and he had suffered some losses from her before. , this caution is necessary.

"Sir! Report!" Another soldier walked into the military tent at this time, "There is an urgent order from the shogunate."

"Give it to me." Kujo Sora here took the order book, unsealed it, took out the order book and looked at it, then looked surprised.

"General, what are the orders from the shogunate?" asked the general next to him.

"The sounds heard here can also be heard in Inazuma Castle. The same situation happened not only in Inazuma Castle but also everywhere..." Kujo Sora said.

"Is it the whole Ina-wife?" The general here said in surprise, "I didn't expect that this was not only against our shogunate army, but the entire Ina-wife? This situation is not good, ordinary people simply don't If it cannot withstand such a noise attack, if it cannot be resolved immediately, this country may...have trouble."

"Father said that this matter may have something to do with the rebels, because the words mixed in the noise seemed to be a recruitment notice, which probably meant that those who wanted to overthrow the brutal rule of the shogunate should go to Muxiang. Tokaido Mountain to the west of Basazama is where the resistance camp is. My father asked me to go there quickly to check the situation." Kujo Sora said with a frown.

Although she had just analyzed that this was a trick by the enemy to lure them, she was now ordered to go over there to check the situation. And this was not only an order from her father, but His Highness General Thunder and Lightning also asked them to solve the matter quickly.

This situation put Kujo Sanra in a bit of a dilemma. She obviously felt something was wrong about this matter. It was definitely some conspiracy of the enemy, but the problem was that orders had been issued from above, and the situation could not be delayed now. For a while, she didn't know whether to lead the troops immediately or wait for the investigation results first.

But just as she was struggling, another soldier entered the camp: "Report to the general, the resistance army sent an envoy."

"What?" Kujo Sora was stunned. The resistance army actually sent an envoy to her side? You must know that they are not an enemy country. In the eyes of the shogunate army, these people are traitors. Kujo Sanra has not conducted any negotiations from the beginning, because there is no need for negotiation. This traitor has nothing to talk about. How dare the other party come to negotiate with them now?

Kujo Sora immediately figured out what was going on. It seemed that the other party felt that they had gained an advantage by relying on these noises. It was probably because of this that they took the initiative to negotiate with them. They probably wanted to put forward some conditions or something. .

Under normal circumstances, Kujo Sanra would definitely not negotiate with the other party. But now, I have to say that the current situation is really troublesome. After thinking about it, Kujo Sanra decided to meet the other party's envoy to hear what the other party meant.

So soon, a resistance soldier was brought to Kujo Sora. The other party looked just like an ordinary soldier, so Kujo Sora didn't care. After all, the envoy probably came here with the risk of being caught.

Kujo Sora wanted to question the other party about the noise as soon as she opened her mouth. However, what she didn't expect was that the messenger's first words made her stunned.

"Why are you so noisy here? Why are there people playing music in your military camp?" The envoy here was really disturbed by the noise and couldn't help but say. Now it's so noisy that I can't even talk properly.

"Huh?" Kujo Sora was stunned. Why did the messenger of the resistance army look like he didn't know what was going on? He didn't look like he was lying. Could it be that this matter has nothing to do with the rebels? But the question is, if the other party is not talking about the noise, what is the other party here for?

The rebel soldiers really didn't know what was going on. After all, they couldn't hear any sound over there. The electromagnetic pulse was emitted on the mountain towards the east, and the people down the mountain just couldn't hear it. Obviously Coral Palace Xinhai didn’t tell the soldiers about this matter. They couldn’t hear it anyway, and they have all forgotten about it now. After all, Linton came up with an even crazier plan, which attracted people including Coral Palace. The eyes of everyone including Xinhai.

Although she was a little surprised, Kujo Sora here did not take the initiative to talk about it. She wanted to continue to see the other party's reaction, so she asked: "What is your purpose here? Your leader can't let you come. Let’s take the dead ones here.”

"Of course not." The envoy here said, "I am here to convey the words of our leader. An important figure in your shogunate army has been captured by us. If you want her to return safely, please agree to our conditions."

"Huh?" Kujo Sanluo frowned. Is this actually a kidnapping? This was really unexpected. After thinking for a while, she said, "You claim to be a righteous man, but now you actually do such a despicable thing? Forget it, in my eyes, you are just a bunch of despicable people. The important person you mentioned refers to Who is it?"

"Does this general know about the photo camera?" The envoy here did not answer directly, but asked.

"Of course I know about the photo camera. It is said to be a newly developed prop by Fontaine, right." Kujo Sora here said that she was indeed paying attention. After all, this thing is very suitable for use by the army's scouts. After detecting Anything can be explained clearly by taking a photo, which is much clearer than the previous reports such as dictation.

"I have a photo here that was left on the camera. The general will know it at a glance." The messenger also took out an envelope and said, "And there is also a list of the things we need. Please ask the general to check it. .”

"Bring it here." Kujo Sora here said to the soldier next to her, and the soldier here quickly took the envelope and handed it to her.

Kujo Sora opened the envelope and found some photos and pieces of paper inside. Kujo Sora directly picked up the photo and looked at it. He just glanced at it, and then suddenly stood up from his seat and screamed: "This is impossible! General?"

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