The person who appeared in the photo obviously surprised Kujo Sora and made her lose her composure. It was indeed an important person she had never imagined.

But after being surprised, Kujo Sora here calmed down quickly. Although she was so shocked when she first saw it, she soon realized a problem, that is, the person in the photo could never be His Highness General Thunder.

Obviously if you think about it carefully, you will know how it is possible for His Highness General Raiden to be caught. In the eyes of Kujo Sora, the General is synonymous with invincibility, okay? Who are these rebels? How could they capture His Highness the General?

Taking another ten thousand steps back, the other party really captured His Highness General Thunder, and then you used her in exchange for ransom? Why don't you just kidnap the general and overthrow the shogunate?

What's more, hadn't she just received a letter from her father? As mentioned above, His Highness the General himself is in Inazuma Castle. He had just assigned a task to her father, urging them to investigate the noise matter, so in the photo The person obviously could not be the general himself.

There are only two situations. One is that the photo is fake. Although Kujo Sora didn't know how to fake the photos, after all, she wasn't that familiar with the machine imported by Fontaine, so someone probably knew how to fake it.

The other is that the person is fake, which means that the resistance army has captured a person who looks very similar to General Thunder.

Thinking of this, Kujo Sora here also snorted coldly and said directly: "This photo is fake. If you want to trick me, it's too early. Someone, arrest him."

"Huh? No, how could this be false? We really invited your general." The messenger here said immediately.

Kujo Sora was naturally also judging the authenticity of what the other person said. She found that this person might not be lying, at least she couldn't tell that the other person was lying. Of course, the messenger did not lie. He had only seen the tied up Thunderbolt General before he came out, so he told the truth.

So since it is judged that the other party is not lying, that is to say, the photo is real, the other party has really found a person who looks exactly like His Highness the General? Through intimidation, Kujo Sora immediately determined the situation and eliminated wrong answers.

"You're not lying? How could His Highness General be caught by you? If nothing else, His Highness just sent me a military order, do you know?" Kujo Sora continued.

"Huh? But... but..." The messenger here was also a little confused. After all, he was just brought in to work temporarily. He really didn't know anything.

Kujo Sora also noticed this and continued: "Then tell me, if I agree to pay the ransom, how are you going to accept it? And how are you going to exchange the hostages?"

The envoy was a little panicked at first, but when he heard Kujo Sora talking about paying the ransom, he felt relieved. It seemed that he was just scaring himself before and was almost frightened by her. So he immediately followed what the previous leader had told him and said: "The ransom will naturally be sent to our camp. After receiving the ransom, we will naturally let the people down the mountain."

"Send it to your camp? Shall we send it in person?" Kujo Sora asked.

"Yes, that's what the leader said." The messenger here was really a little suppressed by the opponent's momentum, but in order not to appear so scared, he still straightened his back and said.

"So your camp is located on the side of Tengdou Mountain, right?" Kujo Sora asked.

"Yes...yes." The messenger nodded.

"Is it really there?" Kujo Sora naturally wanted to ask this clearly. Didn't his father ask him to investigate there? He just wanted to investigate. Didn't someone come to send a message?

Although the question was asked, the information came too simply. Did the other party really tell them the location of the camp directly? This information that came too easily made Kujo Sora suspicious again. The other party asked them to send the ransom directly. Is this a trap? After suffering several small losses under Coral Palace Shinkai, Kujo Sora paid great attention to these strategic matters.

Knocking on the table next to him, Kujo Sora here thought carefully, and then suddenly said: "Okay, I understand, I can agree to this transaction and arrange for someone to send the ransom immediately."

"General!" The general next to him said anxiously when he heard Kujo Sora responded. Of course, he also sensed that there might be a scam inside and wanted to warn him, but since there was a messenger present, he didn't say much.

"That's it." But Kujo Sora here just made a gesture, which obviously meant that I knew the situation. The general felt a little relieved when he saw this. It seemed that the general had a plan.

"There are so many supplies, we need to prepare them. Come, take him down to rest first." Only now did Kujo Sora carefully look at the list given by the other party. This good guy really wants a lot, and it is obviously not enough anymore. It's too much to describe. Of course, the other party should have considered how much supplies and food they had in their camp. This amount could indeed be given, but it was obviously impossible for Kujo Sora to give it to him unless His Highness the General was really captured.

At this time, the envoy here had been "invited" away, and the general here also immediately asked: "General, there is a scam here."

"I know." Kujo Sora here nodded, "But now my father is urgently ordering me to investigate. We really need to go there to investigate. And judging from the reaction of the messenger just now, he doesn't seem to know about the noise. . If this matter has nothing to do with the rebels, the news must be reported to my father immediately."

It's not that Kujo Sora didn't know that there was a scam in it, and he also knew that it might be dangerous, but the noise issue was really troublesome at the moment. Not only was his troops unbearable, but the city was also affected. His father was clearly aware that chaos was about to occur. Therefore, she must complete the investigation in this area as soon as possible.

"The envoy just now didn't know about the noise. In other words... at least they couldn't hear the sound?" the general here also said.

"This is also the reason why I want to go there." Kujo Sora said, "I will personally lead the team this time. If the rebels dare to come out, I will also deal with them together."

"I understand, general, get ready immediately." The general here understood what Kujo Sora meant and nodded.

It didn't take long for a troop to set off from the camp, carrying a large number of boxes that seemed to contain supplies, and headed towards the Fuji Kabuto Mountain near Wuxiang Renhajian to the west.

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