"Did you hear it? Did you hear it? That's the sound! It's coming again!" At this time in Daozuma City, a middle-aged man excitedly called his wife next to him and said happily.

Just before dawn, a man and a woman were sleeping at home. Suddenly, the man woke up when he heard the sound of someone talking. But when he looked around the house, it was obvious that no one was there. He suddenly panicked and thought he had seen a ghost, so he quickly pushed his sleeping wife awake next to him.

However, the problem was that when he pushed his wife to wake up, the voice suddenly disappeared. Of course he told his wife about it. The wife here was sleeping deeply and didn't hear it at all, which meant that the man heard wrongly or was dreaming or something. But the man said he heard it very clearly, so the two started arguing early in the morning.

But just when the two were arguing fiercely, the sound here sounded again, and this time it was louder than before, and of course noisier. After adding the rock BGM, the whole sound was "dong dong dong" drumming, which was so noisy that even Coral Palace Xinhai's voice reciting the lines could not be heard clearly.

"Really..." The woman here heard it this time. Of course, she looked around and then outside. She was really not sure where the sound came from. Yes, this sound is very strange. Generally, after hearing the sound, you can probably determine the direction from which the sound is coming, but this sound is different, it seems to be ringing directly in your ears.

"I'll just say yes." The man was still happy that what he said was confirmed to be true, but soon he couldn't be happy anymore, because the sound was really too noisy, and he just listened After a few minutes, the two couples here couldn't bear it any longer, and they were so noisy that they couldn't hear what they were saying.

"It's so noisy!" the woman here yelled, and then subconsciously covered her ears with her hands, but soon she realized that something was wrong, because the voice did not become softer when she covered her ears with her hands.

Even if it can't be completely isolated, covering your ears with your hands can reduce the volume, right? But the woman tried it, and the sound made by putting her hands on her ears and putting her hands down was exactly the same. This counter-intuitive situation made her suddenly panic.

"Husband, where does this sound come from?" the woman here asked in a real panic.

"Ah? What did you say?" The husband here could no longer hear the sound. The noise in his ears was really making people's scalp numb. He also tried to cover his ears with both hands, but it didn't work at all. Now the sound of "moving every time and hitting every time" was so noisy that he felt like vomiting.

"Go and see where the singing is happening. Go out and have a look!" the woman here said loudly.

Although the sound was a bit strange, the first reaction of the two people was that they didn't know who was playing there early in the morning, so they quickly asked him to stop. This was really disturbing the people.

The husband here barely heard his wife's words clearly, put on some clothes and went out immediately. But after he went out, he soon discovered that it was not just their home that was affected by the disaster. Apparently everyone was overwhelmed by the noise, and many people were now looking for the source of the sound outside.

The husband here asked several people, but no one knew exactly which direction the sound was coming from. They all said it felt like it was in their ears. Finally, as more and more people came to the street to look for the noise, and the noise was too noisy, the noisy people began to feel irritable, and suddenly the whole city began to become chaotic.

Of course, the shogunate already knew about this at this time. After all... they could hear it, right? This voice doesn't matter whether it's a commoner or a noble, it treats everyone equally and makes you upset.

"Where did this voice come from!" The person speaking at this time was Kujo Takayuki, the head of the Kujo family. As the Tenlord of the Inazuma Three Great Orders, the Kujo family's main responsibilities are military-related matters and the maintenance of public security within the territory. And now they are obviously responsible for dealing with the noisy noise.

Kujo Takayuki had already sent people out to find out who was making the noise, but soon the servants brought all kinds of bad news. On the one hand, it was completely impossible to find where the sound came from, the direction of the sound, and the person who made the sound. On the other hand, everyone in the city heard the sound and was disturbed. No, if we continue like this, it will cause trouble.

"Go and look for it immediately, send everyone to look for it!" Kujo Takayuki here has been noisy for an hour now, and he can't bear this level of noise. It is really too much torture. He yelled angrily at the guards below, not just because of anger, but mainly because everyone was so noisy now that they couldn't hear anything they whispered. This was really torture.

"Yes! Master!" The soldiers here also felt tortured. In such a noisy environment, everyone's negative emotions were amplified countless times. They could hear that Kujo Takayuki's tone sounded like he meant to scold them again. Normally, they would be scolded, but in this situation, they always felt like they couldn't hold back their anger. Feel.

"What a bunch of rubbish!" Kujo Takayuki couldn't help but curse. He was not usually so irritable, but the current situation really affected him. "Damn you guys... wait a minute, Where is Heizang? Call him here, only he can solve this matter."

Soon a red-haired boy was brought in front of Kujo Takayuki. Although he looked young, he held an important position within Tianling Engyo. The boy's name is Shikanoin Heizo, and he holds the position of Tongxin within the Tenryo Sect. His main job is actually to investigate various incidents. To put it simply, he is a detective.

"Heizo, you should also be able to hear this sound." Kujo Takayuki here frowned and said, "As you can see, the current situation is very urgent. I need you to find out what the sound is as soon as possible. Otherwise... I'm afraid of causing a civil unrest."

"Master, I have actually started an investigation here. This matter is not simple." Here, Shikanoin Heizo still maintained a calm tone and replied to Kujo Takayuki.

"Ah? What did you say?" However, the voice was too soft and Kujo Takayuki couldn't hear him clearly.

"I said……"

"Master!" At this time, a guard walked in anxiously and said to Kujo Takayuki, "Someone from the castle tower has been sent. His Highness the General wants to see you!"

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