I really can't control myself

Chapter 2314 Case closed

"What?" Hearing Kudo Yusaku say this, everyone looked at Mitsuo Shirai in surprise. Several nurses here looked a little unbelievable, but Eto Shengli's expression changed, and he stepped forward and grabbed Mitsuo Shirai by the collar.

"Shirai, you guy!" Eto shouted angrily here, "You actually want to kill me? You, the guy who opens the back door, are not qualified to sit in that position!"

Hearing this, Mitsuo Shirai's expression changed and turned ferocious. He raised his right hand and punched Eto Shengli in the face. He fell to the ground with one blow and his nose was bleeding.

"It's impossible for you to understand why I do what I do. You, a guy who relied on your parents to get to the top, how can you possibly understand the hardships of doctors like us who have no background!" Mitsuo Shirai shouted angrily.

"I will kill you!" Eto Shengli, who was knocked to the ground, touched his nose and found it was bleeding. He became angry and immediately got up and started fighting with Mitsuo Shirai.

When the police officers nearby saw this situation, they could only hug the two of them quickly. But now both of them were on top of each other. Although someone stopped them, they still fought each other for a while.

The specific situation is that when the two were fighting each other, they were also exposing each other's background, and the people around them heard about it.

To put it simply, Mitsuo Shirai had paid to bribe the director of the surgical clinic of this hospital in order to enter the surgical clinic of this hospital. And the director he bribed at that time was actually Eto Shengli's father.

But now many years have passed, and Eto Seungri's father has long retired. But after all, he was once the director of the department, and he naturally helped pave the way for his son before retiring. Therefore, Eto Shengli's current position as deputy director is actually due to his father's help.

Mitsuo Shirai is really capable, and he has climbed to the position of deputy director step by step through his own efforts. The conflict broke out when the current director was retiring, and one of the two deputy directors was obviously going to take over.

In terms of ability, Mitsuo Shirai is obviously stronger, and Eto Seki also knows this. So he went to Mitsuo Shirai in private and threatened him with the previous bribery, so that he would voluntarily withdraw from the director's election.

The bribery thing is indeed true, and Shirai Mitsuo certainly cannot quibble. After being caught, Shirai Mitsuo could only surrender or be accused and be ruined, so in the end he had no choice but to choose the most extreme method, which was to kill Eto Seungri, which would trigger this series of events.

"This kind of approach that deviates from the right path from the beginning will definitely not have good results." Seeing that the two people were being pulled away by the police on both sides, Kudo Yusaku here also stepped forward. Taking a step forward, he said to Mitsuo Shirai.

"I...I just really can't stand a guy like that. He obviously has no ability, but he can still rely on the blessing of his elders to dominate..." Mitsuo Shirai gave up resistance at this time, lowered his head and said, " All I want is fairness, why would he deprive me of such a simple request!"

"Fair?" Eto Shengli, who was also pulled by JING Cha next to him, laughed out loud when he heard this. "My dad has been a doctor for 50 years and has saved thousands of patients in his life. Just one word from you, As his son, let me and you stand on the same starting line? Who cares whether this is fair or not? Besides, why should a guy who uses the back door fight with me? "

"You are a loser. Without your father's protection, you would have been expelled from the hospital long ago!" Mitsuo Shirai also yelled.

"Take them all back first." Seeing the two arguing again, Officer Megure waved his hand and said. There was really no reason before, but now there is. Let’s not talk about whether Shirai Mitsuo’s attempted murder can be established. Anyway, since the two of them are fighting each other, there is no problem in taking them both back first.

With this incident, it is estimated that Mitsuo Shirai's criminal plan will definitely not be able to continue to be implemented. The two of them are now revealing secrets to each other here. It is estimated that if they ask a little bit later, they will be able to ask some other things. It's obvious that these two guys are not good people. It is estimated that neither of them will be able to become the director this time.

The matter was relatively satisfactorily resolved, and the crime was prevented even before the murder occurred, which is already considered the best result. Although this process was somewhat...I don't know how to put it, Officer Megure here still expressed his gratitude to several people.

"Brother Kudo, brother Edogawa, I really want to thank you this time. Without you, there would probably be a case." Officer Megure said.

"Wait, Officer Megure, what about me?" Mouri Kogoro here pointed at himself and said.

"Of course...Brother Maori also...helped." Officer Megure said quickly.

"Dad, you should thank Uncle Kudo and Mr. Edogawa. If it weren't for their help, you might be charged with murder now, and you also have neurasthenia." Mao Lilan said here .

"Ah, that's... that's right. Thank you both for your help." Mouri Kogoro here was quite sincere when he expressed his thanks.

Originally, Officer Megure here was preparing to leave with Mitsuo Shirai and Eto Victory, but when he turned around, he suddenly remembered something.

"Ah, I remember why we are so familiar!" Officer Megure suddenly said, "Mr. Edogawa, are you very familiar with Mr. Linton?"

"..." Officer Megure's sudden question made everyone stunned. Kudo Yusaku suddenly became nervous when he heard this. Did Officer Megure see it? The Maori father and daughter next to him seemed to be suddenly reminded.

Yes, they also felt that Mr. Edogawa always seemed to have a sense of déjà vu in some aspects. Now after Officer Megure reminded him, everything seemed to be connected in series. Yes, the style in all aspects is really like Linton, and there is also the situation of encountering strange situations. Although the world has undergone major changes, many new trainers have appeared, and local trainers can indeed use some super powers, but the one who impressed them most is Linton. This is not... ...too much of a coincidence?

Although from their point of view, Mr. Edogawa and Linton looked completely different, once they got in touch, seeds of suspicion began to sprout, especially on Xiaolan's side.

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