I really can't control myself

Chapter 2313 Loophole

"Explanation?" Mitsuo Shirai was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Officer Megure in confusion, "Officer, what are you asking me to explain?"

"Mr. Mr. Mannequin accused you of stabbing it with a dagger. Do you admit this?" Officer Megure here asked.

"..." Mitsuo Shirai looked at Officer Megure, and then couldn't help but said, "I don't want to say whether I admit it or not. Even if I really did it, did I break the law? What crime did I commit? Destroying the publicity of the hospital. Supplies? I don’t think this is something that requires the police’s involvement. At most, it’s just a criticism from within the hospital or something like that.”

"Uh..." I have to say that Mitsuo Shirai really hit the point. Obviously the biggest problem in this matter is that Mitsuo Shirai's current behavior is not a real crime. Then under what name did the JING police intervene in this matter? You don't have to answer any questions at all. You can't arrest people without any case happening.

Officer Memu, who had a slight headache, looked directly at Linton next to him, obviously not knowing what to do.

"I think this gentleman is right." However, what they didn't expect was that Linton directly supported Mitsuo Shirai in his first sentence, which made everyone stunned. Although the person who called the police this time was Maori Kogoro, Maori Kogoro also said that it was Linton who asked him to call the police, so this is not to cause trouble for them to police again. Why did you call them here?

However, Linton here took a step forward and continued: "I think what Dr. Shirai said is reasonable. How can this mannequin be called sir? He is not a person, okay? To be precise, he should be an object. Well, stabbing it with a knife is not a homicide, Dr. Shirai, you think so."

"Yes... that's right." Mitsuo Shirai here still doesn't know who Linton is. Although he is Conan's attending doctor, he has never met Linton's current identity, Mr. Edogawa. But since the other party supported him and what he said was reasonable, of course he nodded and said, "Even if it was really me who did it, so what? I didn't kill anyone, right? Is there any law that can control this?"

"No, Mr. Edogawa..." Mouri Kogoro here looked at Linton who suddenly "rebelled" and became a little anxious.

"What's wrong? There is indeed nothing wrong with what I said." Linton continued, "His behavior did only damage an item. Everyone agrees with this. At most, the hospital will ask him to pay compensation. Everyone must comply. You should abide by the law, right?"

"But it's not you..." Mouri Kogoro was about to say something, but was interrupted again by Linton.

"But on the other hand... if an item accidentally kills a person, what do we usually call this situation?" Linton suddenly said, "For example, when walking on the road, a telephone pole suddenly fell down. Yes, I killed a person. Or when I was working in a hospital, a mannequin suddenly fell down and killed a person. Do you think this is a criminal act?"

"Uh... is this... an accident?" Kudo Yusaku next to him suddenly understood what Linton meant and said.

"Yes, this is an accident. The police can't arrest the telephone pole, and of course they can't arrest the mannequin." Linton said, "The subject to which the law applies must be a natural person, right, so Dr. Shirai You're right, JING Fang really can't get involved in this matter. Do you hear me? Mr. Mannequin, JING won't care about this matter. You can just take revenge if you have any grievances."

"I understand. Could someone please give me a knife?" Taku Itakura, the mannequin here, nodded cooperatively.

"Wait a minute..." Mitsuo Shirai suddenly understood, and then said anxiously to Officer Megure and others, "You won't really watch this mannequin stabbing me to death and do nothing, right? But JING Cha."

"But... Mr. Edogawa seems to be right. We can't arrest this mannequin. As you just said, it is just an object. If it is involved in any case, it can be seized as evidence. For a moment, but you said it yourself, this is not a case, it can be handled within the hospital..."

Obviously, Officer Megure also understands the meaning of this, and is now drawing inferences.

"But...but you can't just do nothing..." Mitsuo Shirai here was a little panicked when he heard this.

"Of course I will do it." Officer Megure here said, "After all, the thing is happening in front of us now. Just like the example Mr. Edogawa just mentioned, if we really see the telephone pole falling down, , we will also save people. But if we save people, we will not cuff the telephone poles back. Dr. Shirai, didn’t you say that this is not a case..."

"Come on, come on, use this..." Linton took out a chainsaw from nowhere and handed it to the mannequin next to him.

"Oh, this is exciting..." The mannequin here also took over and said cooperatively.

"This...don't you care about this?" Mitsuo Shirai stepped directly behind Officer Megure and pointed at Linton and the mannequin.

"Ah...this..." Officer Megu looked at Linton and didn't know what to say. Although I know Linton is really intimidating, this is too exaggerated. And now, Officer Megure feels more and more why the current atmosphere and rhythm are so familiar, as if he has experienced it somewhere before.

"I'm talking about this police officer." Linton said, "You want to take care of this matter? In what name? Is it a crime for me to hold a chainsaw? I put my chainsaw on a human body Is there a crime committed on the model? Under what pretext are the police planning to intervene?"

"Uh..." Officer Megure looked at Linton, then turned to Mitsuo Shirai and said, "Dr. Shirai, we really can't control this matter. Why don't you inform your dean that it's Mr. Edogawa?" Placing his personal belongings on the mannequin of your hospital may be a violation of some internal hospital regulations, so let someone negotiate with Mr. Edogawa to resolve the matter."

"Here...here..." As he said this, the mannequin here had already started to pull the chainsaw.

"He...he has already started pulling the chainsaw." Mitsuo Shirai here pointed at the mannequin and said.

"But...if there is no criminal behavior, we...can't do anything, Dr. Shirai." Officer Megure here said with his hands.

"Come on, this guy just looked down on you and said you were something, hack him to death." Linton waved his hand and said.

"Um...Mr. Edogawa..." Officer Megure was speechless, which was too obvious.

"What's wrong? Can I still incite an object to commit a crime? Is this also illegal?" Linton spread his hands and said, "Mitsuo Shirai, right? Let me ask you now, what do you think it is? If it is an object, We’ll watch it chop you to death right now, if not, you’ll have to explain why you stabbed it.”

"I...I..." Mitsuo Shirai didn't know what to do. The current situation was too subversive of common sense. Who would have thought that stabbing a mannequin could cause trouble.

"I think..." At this time, Linton suddenly said to the mannequin next to him, "There are many people today, so it will be inconvenient to chop him down. What if someone really notices and acts bravely to save people. But it doesn't matter, there are so many. It's an opportunity. From now on, you follow him every day, go to work and get off work, get up and go to bed. There are many opportunities, and there will always be a chance to avenge you. For example, first find out his home address, wait for him to go to bed in the middle of the night, and rush with a chainsaw. When you go in, you'll be chopped... Well, Officer Megure, I'm going to tell a mannequin some criminal plans that I will use in writing novels in the future, so don't commit any crime."

"No crime..." Officer Memu here said with a slight twitch in his mouth. Of course, he did not commit a crime. Although the scene looked like instigation, the problem is that Linton must have instigated someone.

"You...what do you want?" Mitsuo Shirai here was really a little panicked. This was okay. How could he possibly be able to bear the mannequin squatting on his own every day from now on? Now that there are many people, he is not that afraid of this thing, but if you think about it, you are alone at home, and this thing breaks the door with a chainsaw and rushes in. Don't even say whether it is really coming, it just makes him worried. I won't be able to live well in the future if I'm scared.

"What do I think, what do you think?" Linton here said with a smile, "Did we pick this matter first or did you, Mitsuo Shirai, pick this matter first?"

"..." Mitsuo Shirai's face darkened. He was indeed the one who started the incident.

"Dr. Shirai, I also think you should explain the situation properly." Officer Megure here also said, "Why do you want to do such a thing."

"I... this..." Shirai Mitsuo couldn't explain it. He couldn't expressly say that he wanted to kill people and then take advantage of Mouri Kogoro.

"This is...a preview of killing, right?" At this time, Kudo Yusaku here naturally played his role, directly revealing Mitsuo Shirai's inner thoughts.

"What... what a murder rehearsal, you are talking nonsense!" Mitsuo Shirai here was obviously a little anxious.

"Killing rehearsal?" Eto Shengli, who was behind him, was stunned for a moment when he heard this. "Does that mean he stabbed this mannequin to practice killing? Then could the person he wanted to kill be..."

"Yes, if my guess is correct, it should be you, Mr. Eto." Kudo Yusaku here said, "I just asked other doctors. Now the chief of surgery is about to retire, and there are two senior ones. The quota for the spot happens to be you and Mr. Eto. It is precisely because of this that you want to take action against Mr. Eto. I am right, Mitsuo Shirai!"

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