I really can't control myself

Chapter 2315 Farewell

Officer Megure did ask casually, but he didn't associate the two sides together. The only person who listened seriously was probably Mao Lilan.

Linton and Miyano Shiho soon left. After all, the mission here was considered over. As I said before, Conan was still entrusted to the care of Mouri Kogoro and the others. Linton said that he had something to do and had to go back abroad, and then left in a hurry.

He didn't lie. There was indeed something going on here, and he didn't even go back to a foreign country, or to this world.

"Looking at Mao Lilan, your performance doesn't seem to be that successful." On the way back, Miyano Shiho here noticed Mao Lilan's suspicion and said to Linton.

"Whatever, I'm not very good at pretending to be someone else." Linton spread his hands and said, "By the way, aren't there any breakfast stalls here in Japan in the morning?"

It was already dawn in the morning when the two returned, and Linton was looking around as he walked. Obviously, there are not many shops in Japan that are open in the morning, and the ones you can see are basically 24-hour convenience stores. And it is true that many Japanese people actually buy their breakfast at convenience stores.

However, Linton's impression of convenience stores was very poor, mainly because of the bento he received last time. Apparently he just wanted to find an ordinary breakfast shop.

"What... do you want to eat? If it's something simple, I'll still make it." Unexpectedly, Miyano Shiho suddenly spoke.

Linton turned to look at Miyano Shiho and was stunned for a moment. He had wanted to say before that Miyano Shiho seemed to be a little too well-behaved recently. He didn't get angry in that situation just now, and now he was ready to do it for himself. meal? Linton frowned and said directly: "By the way, the main reason I came here this time is to tell you that I have to go back recently and I probably won't show up for a while."

"Go back?" Miyano Shiho was slightly stunned, "Go back to where?"

"Anyway, it's not somewhere in this world." Linton replied simply.

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho, who had been following Linton, suddenly stopped. Linton turned his head and saw the other person's eyes looking at him. I have to say that Miyano Shiho's eyes are really eyes that can speak. Even though he didn't speak, Linton seemed to suddenly understand what the other party meant.

"Why does it look like a little animal that was suddenly abandoned?" Linton said, holding his forehead, "Your expression is a bit too foul."

Miyano Shiho lowered his head and said nothing. Just as Linton was about to turn around and continue walking, Miyano Shiho suddenly spoke again: "Specific...when will you leave?"

"Ah, if nothing else, it will be tomorrow." Linton said. He had indeed decided to go back tomorrow to collect the MEGA ore and slate, and then go back directly.

"Tomorrow?" Obviously Miyano Shiho was not very satisfied with this answer, and his tone suddenly became a little anxious, "Then will you come back? Are you still like that Kaneki Ken..."

Linton didn't know what Miyano Shiho guessed, but he did say that he and Kaneki Ken were both people wandering between the worlds. The other party disappeared and never appeared again. Obviously Miyano Shiho was now worried about him. It's the same situation.

"Don't worry, I will probably come back." Linton waved his hand and said. If he didn't complete the exploration mission this time, he would have to come back to continue the mission after going to the guild headquarters to check the situation. But if it is completed, there is really no need to come back in a short time.

But after all, it is a world under his own name. There is definitely no problem in coming back to push the progress of the exploration in the future. Of course, Linton can't make any guarantees. After all, this world... is really a bit of a trap, because Linton is very bad at pushing the progress of this investigation. The progress of the world.

Miyano Shiho obviously understood the meaning of the word "probably" used by Linton. Just when Linton turned around and was about to leave, Miyano Shiho pulled Linton back again.

"Wait, you don't need to sleep anyway, go somewhere with me." Miyano Shiho said.

"Nonsense, who doesn't need to sleep? I stayed up all night, okay? I just want to have breakfast and go back to catch up on my sleep." Linton said immediately.

"But the power of my dark demon comes from you." Miyano Shiho also didn't sleep for almost the whole night, but he was very awake. Yes, she has the ability of a dark demon now. Darkness is the source of her power. It's pretty good that she can still sleep at night, okay?

"You also said it was a dark demon, right? Then look at whether it is night or day. As a dark demon, I sleep during the day and work at night. It is normal, right?" Linton pointed to the rising sun in the sky and said .

"..." I have to say that Linton's words actually make some sense at first glance, but Miyano Shiho is already familiar with Linton's tricks. This guy can always come up with some reasonable-sounding words to convince others. , but obviously this trick is at least ineffective against Miyano Shiho.

Miyano Shiho didn't say anything. He just pulled Linton over and didn't say anything, just looking at him.

"Okay, okay, I'm afraid of you. Where do you want to go?" Linton said.

"Dorobiga Paradise..." Miyano Shiho had really thought of the place. When Linton asked, he said directly.

"What place? Dorobiga Paradise?" Linton really didn't expect that Miyano Shiho would say to go to this place. He does know this Dorobiga Paradise, and he is quite familiar with it, because... isn't this where this animation starts?

Yes, the entire Conan series started with Kudo Shinichi and Maori Ran going to Dorobiga Paradise, where they met Gin and were killed by a sneak attack, and then shrunk into Conan, which led to thousands of episodes later. Animated plot. So... why does Miyano Shiho suddenly want to go there by himself? Is this where he is going to check in and see where the dream begins?

To be honest, it was hard for Linton to imagine that Miyano Shiho could talk about that kind of place. No matter how he looked at it, Miyano Shiho didn't look like someone who would go to an amusement park. But thinking about it this way, it seems that Miyano Shiho has indeed been placed under house arrest by the organization since he was very young. Maybe he has never been to an amusement park?

So a place like an amusement park is Miyano Shiho's "dream place to go", and then he can fulfill his dream with himself? Although it's not incomprehensible, it gave Linton a bit of a headache.

On the one hand, looking at Miyano Shiho's attitude, I always felt that she wanted to find a place to hold something big. The big thing Linton was talking about probably meant confession, but Riben seemed to pay special attention to this, making it like a ritual. He is leaving tomorrow and obviously doesn't want to get involved in this further.

On the other hand, Linton really didn't want to go to any amusement park. For someone like me, who can hit the earth with a single blow, running over there to do a roller coaster, a pirate ship, etc. This is not embarrassing, but a joke. Can you imagine Thanos doing a merry-go-round? This scene seemed to be playing in Linton's mind right now.

However, it is obvious that the current atmosphere seems to be a direct rejection if you don't go, but looking at Miyano Shiho's expression here, it is somewhat difficult to say, so this really gives Linton a headache.

But just when Linton was having some trouble, Linton's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang, which suddenly resolved the somewhat troublesome situation.

Linton didn't even look at who the other party was and answered the phone directly: "Hello, who is this?"

"Moxi Moxi, Mr. Linton, it's me, Toru Amuro." On the other end of the phone was someone Linton didn't expect, because usually this guy wouldn't come to him if nothing happened.

"Oh oh oh, Toru Amuro, I really love you to death."

"Huh?" He said this suddenly, making Toru Amuro a little unable to react to what was going on.

"Come on, come on, why are you asking for me? I'm in a really good mood right now. If you have any requests, I'll satisfy them directly." Linton said.

"Uh... that..." This caught Toru Amuro a little off guard, because he had the impression that Linton was really difficult to deal with. Apparently when he called, he thought that the communication process would not be easy, but Linton's sudden appearance of cooperation made him a little overwhelmed.

"Come on, speak boldly, I'm listening." Linton asked again.

"Uh...that...is like this." Although he didn't know what happened over there, Toru Amuro thought about it and followed the original rhythm, "The main reason for contacting you here is that there is a good person. I want to tell you the news..."

"Good news?" Linton obviously didn't believe what Toru Amuro said. If there was really any good news, would the other party take the initiative to tell him? Obviously it must be some kind of rhetoric.

"I said, Toru Amuro, although I love you to death, I just don't like to listen to nonsense. Can you briefly explain the matter here? Can you not go around in circles a few times?" Linton said .

"Uh...Actually, to put it simply...we found something you should want." Toru Amuro didn't mince words and said directly.

"What do you need? Meteorite fragments or something like that?" Linton reacted immediately. After all, it was Toru Amuro who said it, and the last time he cooperated with this guy was to collect meteorite fragments.

"Yes, they are indeed meteorite fragments." Toru Amuro said, "Actually, we found a lot of meteorite fragments, and we collected them one after another after the last incident."

Linton had no doubts about this. After all, Linton had collected part of such a large meteorite before, as well as many other parts. What was strange to him was obviously not this: "But such a good thing... why did you tell me? "

"Because we may lose them soon." Amuro Toru said honestly.

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