"It's bad." The person who spoke was Kaioshin. At this time, everyone had gathered. Of course, everyone also knew that Majin Buu was still alive.

Kaioshin had been cured at this time, and the person who cured him was naturally his follower, Gebit. It's really convenient to have someone who can heal. Not only did Jabit heal Kaioshin, but he also healed the injuries of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, as well as Sun Wuten and Trunks who were injured before. It's really Saved a lot of fairy beans.

Of course, Kaioshin also guessed Majin Buu's plan, and now he anxiously explained to everyone: "The guy took Piccolo and Son Gohan not as hostages, but to absorb them. strength."

"Absorb their power?" Everyone was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, Majin Buu can absorb other people into his body and gain all that person's power and abilities. He probably wants to strengthen himself in this way, and the target should be targeted..." He said Kaioshin also looked towards Linton.

"So Gohan is not dead now, right?" Sun Wukong asked.

"It should be..." The Kaioshin was not very clear, "I only know that he has such an ability. Several of us Kaioshins have fought with him before, but failed to win. Not only that, he also Absorbing the Southern Kaiojin and the Great Kaiojin, this is the form of Majin Buu we see now. But the newly resurrected Majin Buu looks closer to the one when we first saw him It seems that his power is also returning. After absorbing the power of Piccolo and Son Gohan, he will definitely become stronger."

"Then we must find him immediately and rescue my brother." Sun Wutian here said anxiously.

"But that guy must have hidden his aura." Sun Wukong said next to him. "I can't feel his aura at all now, and I can't feel the auras of Gohan and Piccolo either..."

"He probably feels that he is not a match for Mr. Linton yet, and he probably wants to absorb more power." Kaioshin said.

"It always makes me feel a little complicated when I say this." Klin next to him said, "Obviously I was also there, but the guy just shook me away and didn't absorb my power... This makes me don't know whether I should be grateful or not. It’s uncomfortable.”

"Too weak." Linton said suddenly.

"Hey, even if it's the truth, you don't have to tell it directly." Klin said.

"I'm not targeting you, I'm talking about everyone here, they are all happy." Linton waved his hand.

"You guy..." Vegeta here clenched his fists and stood up, "Do you want to fight now?"

"What I mean is, no matter who he absorbs, as long as the target is me, he has no hope at all." Linton said, "Let him do whatever he likes, anyway, even if he comes in front of me with the divine costume, , I still can't beat him if I should. Don't worry, just wait until he comes to your door."

"Huh?" The Kaioshin here was stunned. "You mean, we just don't do anything and just wait for him to come back? He is trying to find ways to strengthen himself. And his goal is very... It’s possible that it’s just a few of you, after all, apart from you, there aren’t many other strong people on this earth who can improve him.”

"So what you mean is that he is going to attack us one by one, turn us into his own energy, and then challenge Linton?" Vegeta said and smiled instead, "That's just right. I heard that this guy is very good. Awesome, I also want to try fighting him."

"It's really a Saiyan way of answering." Linton spread his hands and said.

"I... will go back soon, to the spirit world." Sun Wukong pointed to the halo on his head and said, "I can only stay here for one day. Today is almost over, and I should not be considered a living person at the moment. He It shouldn’t be able to absorb my power. But in this way..."

"Hmph, just let me deal with that guy." Vegeta said immediately, "Since the target is us, we really don't have to do anything, just wait for him to come to us."

"No, we still need to do something." Linton here suddenly said.

Kaioshin was also about to say that he couldn't do nothing. When he heard that Linton agreed with him, he quickly said: "Mr. Linton, do you have any plans?"

"I just remembered, didn't you promise me to give me your Kaio Shenjian before? Now I just have time to get it. My children are still waiting." Linton said.

"Huh?" Kaioshin was stunned, "Now? Take the time?"

"Yeah, isn't it free now?" Linton said.

"But Majin Buu is preparing a conspiracy, and his first target is you." Kaioshin said.

"I've already said it, but I don't take him seriously. No matter what, can he be more important than my son? While I still remember this matter, I should take the things away first, otherwise I will forget them later. Trouble," Linton said.

"Oh...but...that's Majin Buu." Kaioshin said, although he always felt that there was nothing wrong with Linton's words. After all, he had personally seen Linton kill Majin instantly with a beam of light. Buu's, but he always felt that this was a bit against his common sense.

"Then what do you think we can do? We can't find his location." Linton said.

"Maybe you can ask the fortune teller." Klin next to him whispered.

"Can you... afford the divination fee?" asked Sun Wukong next to him.

"Uh... pretend I didn't say anything." Klin said immediately.

"In short, now we just have to change the initiative into a passive one, and just wait for the other party to come to us. We don't have to waste our energy playing hide and seek with the other party." Linton said, "Judging from the current situation, he wants to absorb the power of others. Strengthen yourself and then challenge me. But judging from the way he spared Krillin, there are only a few people he can like. My nephew, Sun Wukong, and probably Sun Wutian and Trunks, they are all Saiyans themselves are not afraid of fighting, so just let him do it, and if he has the ability, he will absorb them, anyway, I will be the guarantee in the end."

"Hmph, I told you to let him come." Vegeta nodded, "Trunks, you won't be afraid."

"Huh? That, I'm not afraid of." Trunks hesitated for a moment, looked at Vegeta's expression, and then said.

"Then what's the reason for the hesitation?" Vegeta was not satisfied with this answer and shouted angrily, "Sure enough, he's still too weak. Start training immediately!"

"I also want to save my brother." Sun Wutian here raised his hand proactively and said.

"Okay, nephew, take these two little ones to practice here, so that they don't get beaten up and lose too ugly. I'll go to the Kaio God Realm to get something. I hope that when I come back, you have already That Majin Buu has been solved. If not, I will finish it. There is no problem anymore."

"Hmph, when you come back I will have already dealt with that Majin Buu." Vegeta said.

"Okay, the plan is made, let's go." Linton said to Kaioshin.

"Is this the decision?" Kaioshin was still a little hesitant.

"Are you awesome or am I awesome? Do you fight Buu or do I fight? Either you follow my plan, or I just leave this guy and leave it to you, which one do you choose?" Linton said directly.

"I...listen to you." Kaioshin really didn't know what to do. Although Linton's plan seemed like nonsense, he was really strong. Since Linton can only rely on Linton to deal with Majin Buu, now he can only listen to Linton.

After the discussion, the two parties acted separately. Linton and Kaioshin went to Kaiohshin Realm to get the divine sword. For the time being, Kaioshin could only think that Linton took the weapon to deal with Majin Buu, otherwise would he really treat him as his son's toy as he said? ? Anyway, Kaioshin doesn't accept this statement.

Others went directly to the temple. After all, Majin Buu didn't know when he would attack. Time was urgent and they had to practice and improve quickly. Naturally, the reason for going to the temple is for the time and spiritual cabin there. It is estimated that by the time Linton comes back, several of them may have been practicing for several months.

When he heard about the time and spirit hut, Aizen was slightly stunned and said that he also wanted to take a look. He had just learned how to use qigong not long ago, and his current level was not enough to cope with actual combat, so he also wanted to try using the hut that was said to shorten the training time, so he said that he would stay with Vegeta and the others.

Of course, Linton didn't stop him and directly followed Kaioshin and his follower Jibit to the Kaiohshin Realm. The method used is still teleportation, but it is a more special teleportation on Kaioshin's side, and it is probably also magic.

The two of them put their hands on Linton's shoulders and shouted "Kaikayi" directly. Then with a flash of light, Linton appeared in a strange place.

Kaioshin Realm generally looks like a planet, but it is within a special barrier and cannot be reached by ordinary methods. The surrounding situation looks a bit natural, with flat land and forests everywhere, and the entire terrain looks flat. It's just that Linton couldn't see any small animals around him, nor could he hear any insects or birds.

The sky was a weird burgundy color, there was no sun or moon, and there were no stars around, but it felt like there was plenty of light, which was really strange. In other aspects, such as temperature, gravity, etc., it feels no different from the earth. Anyway, Linton has Asgardian blood and can survive even in the universe, so he doesn't have to worry about this.

"This is the realm of Kaioshin. This is a sacred realm where neither gods nor kings can come. You are the first human being to come here...or should I say a Saiyan?" Kaiohshin said.

"Whatever, where is my sword?" Linton asked.

"Okay." Kaioshin was almost used to Linton's attitude, "Follow me."

As he spoke, Kaioshin floated directly into the air, and then seemed to be preparing to fly over, but saw Linton still standing there and said, "What's wrong? Come with me, we'll be there soon."

"It's amazing that MD can fly. Are you deliberately provoking me?" Linton said with a sullen face.

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