I really can't control myself

Chapter 1939 Divine Sword

"..." Kaioshin and Gebit were stunned for a while before they realized, so Linton actually...can't fly? This is really hard to understand, as if a 100-meter race champion suddenly told you that he can't walk and can only run. Brother, you can kill Majin Buu instantly with your strength, but you can't do such a simple basic application?

Although the two of them didn't speak, Linton could tell what they wanted to say from their expressions: "Have you never seen anyone who can't fly? Are you saying you're not provoking me?"

"No, no, no... Generally speaking... flying is not a big problem, right? On Earth, it's called Dance of the Sky, right? It's just about controlling the breath to wrap around the body..."

"Do you think I haven't tried it?" Linton said directly, "I am directly blessed with super red-level aura. All I can do is make myself fly up. Forget it, I'm too lazy to say it. Anyway, I can't fly. It feels like there is a curse... Is it really a curse?"

"Is there such a curse?" Kaioshin and Gebit were both speechless. If there is a curse, what's wrong with it? What the hell is a curse that says you can't fly?

"What do you guys who can fly know? Only Groudon can understand me!" Linton said.

"Who...who is Groudon?" asked Kaiojin.

"Don't worry, I'm annoyed."

"Uh... what should we do now?" Jabit asked next to him, "Although the distance is not very far, but if we walk there..."

Kaioshin looked at Jabit next to him and suddenly said: "Carry him."

"What?" Jabit pointed at himself in surprise, "I'm going to carry him?"

"Get out!" Linton said directly before Jabit could protest, "You know what kind of things can carry me? Just him? My dragon has to have a Griffin to carry me, you know?"

"No..." Kaio Shen was almost confused by Lin Dun, why was such a troublesome guy able to defeat Majin Buu.

"You can just go on your own, I will follow you here." Linton said, "Anyway, when you get there, just breathe a little and give me a signal."

"I see, it's the magic of teleportation, right?" Jabit next to him immediately understood what Linton meant. Now that I think about it, it's no wonder that every time Linton appears, he appears using teleportation spells. It's true that I didn't see him flying. I really didn't expect that he couldn't fly before.

"Yes, you can use teleportation spells." Kaioshin also understood, "Even if you can't fly..."

"How many times do you want to repeat this? Do you believe I will beat you to tears if you say it again?" Linton interrupted directly.


In short, according to Linton's arrangement, several people successfully arrived at the location where the Kaio Divine Sword was sealed. This is a lake that looks very clean, and the scenery is quite beautiful, but the lake surface is a bit too calm, and it seems that there are no fish or other creatures in it. It should be the same as Kaioshin said, ordinary creatures cannot come to Kaioshin's world at all.

This sword is on the top of a huge stone pillar erected in the center of the lake. I don't know why this stone pillar is in the middle of the lake, and I don't know why this sword is here. Kaioshin's side means that this sword has been here since he became Kaioshin anyway.

He had asked the Dai Kaioshin before, but the Daikaioshin was not very clear about the origin of this sword. It seemed that it was related to the previous Kaioshin.

"As far as I know, no one can pull out this sword now." Kaioshin said, "But this sword should be very powerful. If you use it, you can probably defeat Majin Buu."

"It doesn't matter if he is defeated, it's none of his business," Linton said.

"Uh..." There seems to be no way to refute this, so what is the purpose of this sword? You wouldn't really take it home as a toy for your children.

"But no one can pull out this sword at all, even you." Jabit said next to him, "Several Kaioshins have come here and tried, but none of them succeeded. …”

"You Kaioshins are all weaklings..." Linton said directly.

"You..." JB was so angry that he almost cursed, but luckily he stopped in time. Although Linton cursed in person, Jabit was really not easy to refute. Majin Buu is a monster that all the Kaioshins cannot defeat, but he was almost killed by Linton before. How can I refute this?

"Come on, get out of the way." Linton pushed Jabit aside and walked up to Kaio Shenjian. To be honest, the shape of this sword is a bit earthy, and it's not the kind of thing studded with gems. It actually looks quite simple, but it's good as long as it's good.

As he said this, Linton also held the hilt of the sword with both hands to test the condition of this thing first. Lifting it up with both hands, Linton did not move the sword even though he had indeed exerted considerable force.

"Oh? It does have some quality." Linton was a little surprised. After all, he knew his power now. Even if he didn't transform into a super Saiyan, it was exaggerated enough. He couldn't actually mention it.

"Look, I'm telling you, you may not be able to pull it out." When Jabit saw this situation, he actually said with some pride, "I suspect this thing may be enchanted with some magic, and only specific people can pull it out. …”

"Drink!" Before he could finish his words, Linton suddenly had a flash of light. He maintained the posture of drawing the sword and transformed directly into Super Saiyan. With a sudden force, the sword was pulled out.

The seal that Jabit mentioned should really exist, otherwise the sword would come out just by casually smashing the stone pillar below. The Kaiōshin who drew their swords before probably tried similar methods, but it obviously didn't work. But as I said before, as long as Longzhu is strong enough, it can ignore some rules.

If I remember correctly, the person who set up this seal should be Beerus, the God of Destruction, but let alone this seal, even if Beerus himself comes, Linton, who can use the ultimate freedom skill, will not give in to him at all. Of course there is no problem in breaking a seal.

"What?" Jabit next to him was stunned for a moment, looking at Linton with wide eyes, "Did you really pull it out?"

"Wow, it's really heavy." Linton was still in the Super Saiyan state, and he could really feel the weight of the sword while holding it, which was a bit scary.

When he was at Marvel, Thor's hammer was said to be made from the core of a star. Because it had the mass of an entire star, it was impossible for others to lift it without the blessing of magic.

Linton felt that the sword in his hand was probably in the same situation. It looked small, but its mass was probably as heavy as a planet. Otherwise, why would even a Super Saiyan like himself feel heavy?

"How is it? How is it? Do you feel a strong power?" The Kaioshin next to him asked excitedly when he saw that Linton had really pulled it out. The main reason is that although he has known about the Kaio Divine Sword for a long time, no one has ever drawn it out. It was said that this thing had great power, and he wanted to see it.

"What a powerful force? This thing is just a very heavy sword." Linton said and waved it a few times.

"This is a legendary weapon. It's definitely not possible to wield it casually like you." Jabit said next to him.

"You can do it," Linton said with a smile.

"Give it to me." Jabit really wanted to try it and said directly.

"Here." Linton said and handed the sword to Jabit. The moment he let go, Jabit felt a huge weight directly pressing his whole body forward. Fortunately, he let go immediately, otherwise his hand would have been crushed. arrive.

The Kaio Shenjian hit the ground directly. With such a small height, a big hole was created, and the entire sword was buried in the ground.

Jebit went up and tried again unbelievingly, but he couldn't even buckle it out. The thing stuck in the ground and didn't move at all. Let alone holding it, JB can't even lift it.

"What the hell is this..." Jabit couldn't help but said.

"Anyway, I got the thing..." Linton picked up the sword from the ground again. To be honest, the setting of this sword is really magical. You said that this sword can sink into the ground when it is placed on the ground. But if a person holds it and stands on the ground, why doesn't it sink in? But when I think about Newton having no control over Kaioshin Realm, I feel relieved.

The gift for his son was ready, but when he was about to throw it into the package, Linton suddenly got stuck. Yes, I almost forgot about it. You can't just take this thing back with you. After all... there's a person sealed in it. Linton doesn't want to bring some weird person home. He accidentally brought it back last time. The aunt is already annoying enough. There is an old man living in this sword, and it is a real LSP. Are you planning to take it back and match it with the aunt?

Although this old man is not a bad person, he seems to have no bottom line in his lust. He could probably use a crystal ball to peek at a woman taking a shower. Linton didn't want his wife to be stolen from, so he wanted to let the old man out first.

Originally, Linton planned to break the sword directly. After all, the sword was not that strong, and he could just use the time gem to repair it later. But just when he was about to do that, he suddenly remembered that there should be something good on Kaiojin's side, because he remembered how this thing was broken in the original work.

"I want to find something to try my sword on." Linton swung the Kaio Divine Sword a few more times and said, "There's just nothing hard nearby that's worth cutting. You can't just cut a rock."

"Ah, speaking of this, I have something suitable here." The Kaioshin next to him answered the question and recited a spell to directly create a huge cube that looked like an iron block. " This is Cassin steel, the strongest metal in the universe, let’s try chopping it up.”

"The strongest metal." Linton nodded with a smile. These two people were really easy to fool.

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